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Groups say the kremlin is using illegal tactics to influence this weekends local elections meets one politician challenging partys grip on power. But im terry march and welcome to the program governments all racing against the clock and the weather to find shelter for thousands of displaced migrants from greeces morea camp a massive fire destroyed the camp on tuesday night leaving some 12000 people homeless greece has provided a ferry to house thousands of refugees to more ships will be sent in the coming days for the past 3 nights most have slept in the open and are struggling to get enough food and water. There. 3rd night in the open in the parking lot of a supermarket people who thought they had nothing left to lose have lost what little remained some bear the injuries sustained in trying to rescue their meager possessions from the flames and now autumn is coming and the nights are getting colder. That it was that night that was that it was fair that there was a night there but he was right it was. As bad as conditions were inside the cramped refugee compound the situation for the 13000 former residents of moria is now even worse. This cannot be all in this one lake we cannot be sleeping under this bill is like this. 400 miners have been evacuated to the mainland. Some of them may find a new home in germany. Later the harbor think his name is that the same time i asked the greek Prime Minister how we can help and if so and his request is that we in particular will take the miners and who have now been brought to the greek the mainland we have contacted france and we will Work Together on this i hope that some other either you states will do this also. I need to unlimited south of the passenger ferry has been pressed into service says temporary accommodation while the United Nations rushes tents and sleeping bags to the island the emergency aid should arrive later on friday. To ws of xander from naaman is on the island of lesbos near the site about moria refugee camp i was on what is the situation there now. While the situation hasnt changed much i have to say people thousands of them are still stranded here just look around among them many families to kids are crying vanished spend a 3rd night here on the roadside many of them seem to be traumatized tired irritated i spoke with a pregnant woman who told me that she is about to have for a baby any time now and of course shes terrified that that could happen here on the street i also spoke to her mother her child its just its we weeks old and shes sleeping and attend that was given to her by an ngo so you see the situation is just unbearable for those families stranded still stranded here many of them told me that they dont understand why its taking so long to resettle done they told me we are here in the European Union the all the start that the you work peon union shows solidarity it is a rich region and we just dont understand what its taking so long what are local authorities doing there to try to house and feed the people. So what we mainly so here were n. G. O. S distributing water and food but there is one set day foods distribution by local authorities i also saw policemen giving sandwiches away to children the greek authorities promise to people here to provide them with housing as quickly as possible but we also know that any plans to to build any temporary settlements are met. A lot of resistance and opposition from local authorities and from local residents here who also say this is unbearable this refugees these refugees from their perspective needs to to leave the island so this is a very tough very difficult situation for the refugees and of course for the local residents as well do you see any assistance being given there from authorities a brawl. Well we just heard that france and germany have agreed to resettle 400 refugee children that neverlands also pledged to take in 100 minors or Vulnerable People but what about the oliver thousands stranded here and even the german chancellor. Acknowledged that the European Union is still struggling to to speak with one voice and that more steps needs to follow xander thank you very much for that update there was a double use of xander from naaman on the greek island of lesbos. To talk more about situational lesbos and the e. U. Use migration challenge in general im joined by. Johansson in brussels she is the European Unions commissioner for home Affairs Thank you very much for taking time to talk with us this morning 1st of all conditions at the morea camp on lesbos were deplorable and have been for years why has europe tolerated that situation there for so long. We cant talk or write that were not to call face and the last days and and last year we started this and we have been able to take out more than haul off of the then migrants in these overcrowded camps so in moria for example huffy ago there were 25000 migrants not what it was 12000 this still to many and still on except of the Living Condition but im really happy that we already manage to get out so many people and also especially the most vulnerable bonce but of course this is not a sustainable solution for migration in europe so progress has been made but know that the more a camp has finally burned some unaccompanied children teenagers there have been moved mainly by the fortys or only know beginning to think about what to do with the other 12000 who are no utterly dispossessed people had warned that this can burn down why is it taken a disaster to get things moving. No it didnt take a disaster to get things moving started already that this is important to stress but now as you are just shown here we have a lot of people in a very difficult situation now we need acute shelter and support for these people that were going to be in commission with pay for fairest that was arrived today that some people can leave on were also sending a lot of the quick comments that will also arrive there but in my view this is not a sustainable solution in my view are constantly that these people can they have i think they need to be evacuated from the island so you countries have taken in virtually no Asylum Seekers whereas others like germany and sweden have taken in large numbers and countries like greece and italy and spain have been left to deal with the situation was by themselves why does the e. U. Fail to agree on at least a call and humanitarian approach to migration. I cant answer why but i can say that this is my overall tosk to present in a few weeks new compact on migration and asylum and i spend a lot of time to go shopping in talking with a Member States impala meant and other stakeholders and i do think that we can present holistic. Proposal that can get acceptance from all Member States because its really necessary both for the solidarity between member state that we have a solid solidarity mechanism but also with the solidarity with these individuals that are now as you just saw so here living on the streets and of course that its not sustainable that the context of that they say its not sustainable what is happening on lesbos and the and also the european policy on migration in general this new cut on migration that youre developing how is that going to help the people who are on lesbos right now out on the streets desperate. The acute situation we have to handle right now but thats why we are active together with the greek authorities together with members say sound very happy that we have many Member States also showing stepping up saying theyre not ready ready to help and the commission of course is ready to help greece as we have done for many years but im also responsible for setting up a new legislative proposal so that we will have a better and more system a more sort of darity and morrison indians and a better share of responsibility when it comes to migration in European Union and im going to do that as you heard some thank you very much for talking with us that was johansson the e. U. Commissioner for home affairs. Lets take a look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world today rio tinto has announced the resignation of its c. E. O. Over the mining giants destruction of sacred aboriginal sites in Western Australia the firm triggered an outcry from shareholders and the public after blowing up 2 ancient caves for its expansion of an iron ore mine. India and china have agreed their troops should pull back from a standoff at their disputed border in the western himalayas the countrys Foreign Ministers issued a joint statement after a meeting in moscow tensions have been high since a clash in june left 20 indian soldiers dead. At least 9 people died in 2 nights of protests in the colombian capital bogota hundreds of people were injured the demonstrations were sparked by a viral video of Police Tasing a man who later died in hospital. Now to the United States where more than 14000 firefighters are battling dozens of major blazes across the u. S. State of california high winds high speed winds have whipped up wildfires that are consuming homes in a Mountain Community the wildfires have no respect for state lines of course as they rage up and down the west coast burning through oregon and washington all the way to the Canadian Border hundreds of thousands of people have been evacuated in the region casualties have been reported in all 3 states and some areas still impossible to reach officials expect the death toll could rise. California firefighter ryan weddle has relentlessly been battling blazes and saving lives in the Angeles National forest for more than a week now he spoke to d. W. News about his experiences with this worst wildfire in modern history 3 its been. More fires than there are resources here. Right now but. Gov. To get more resources from other states. And what we have done a lot of us were up and down the state in the last couple weeks we just came back from. 2 weeks ago. In this. Area and weve been here since the beginning. Here watching the news still to come we take a look at the painstaking restoration for the. Terrorist with crucial efforts being made on the roof to reestablish the buildings and delicate architectural this is. The 1st opposition activists in russia say they faced increasing intimidation ahead of Regional Elections this weekend the week this week police in moscow raided the office of the open russia Opposition Group and an intruder smashed a bottle containing a chemical substance in the siberian office of the opposition candidate sergei boyko hes an ally Alexei Navalny the kremlin critic who germany says was poisoned with a nerve agent to Office Volunteers were taken to the hospital before the attack on itself is emily short when caught up with sergey boyko to hear about his campaign and his hopes that this vote could shake up the status quo. Yes. Sergei boyko prides himself on being alive and edited social media is the main way the politician is reaching out to voters in novosibirsk hes up for a seat in the siberian cities parliament on his you tube channel the politician promises to clean up his hometown and sweep out corrupt politicians who are in we have a mafia here boyko is leading a coalition of 31 opposition candidates their goal is to push united russia the ruling party out together boyko says the kremlin is watching the Regional Election campaign closely. Of course and they are frayed united russia has the majority here if we can break the majority in the us if there is convened example for the rest of the country if you consolidate forces and go to the ballot box you can change the situation and destroy their monopoly. Boy goes Campaign Recently got a boost when he appeared alongside his close ally opposition politician i like saying. You know video that has gotten millions of views now via news team expose the alleged corruption schemes they say helped united russia politicians in novosibirsk get rich and buy Luxury Properties now he was poisoned shortly after filming this video he uses it to call on russians to support the candidate most likely to be united russia in the poll a strategy he calls smart voting. We can use russias the 3rd the biggest city as an example of how to take down the insatiable told that these united russia. Novosibirsk is siberias main Industrial Hub more than one and a half 1000000 people live here. United russia current li has the majority in the city council and the Regional Assembly and theyre campaigning to keep it that way. You do know united russia is the party of the president of the government the party of respect. And can we work in the interest of the citizens of the russian federation. But not everyone in the city feels cared for by the russian government. People even fear of what the future holds its not clear whos shops could be closed to be fired. The situation is a far cry from the ninetys and early 2000 i think a lot of things i know but isnt. It. We pay taxes like good citizens but who knows where those taxes go. Wants to drive the city in a new direction he hopes that if his Coalition Wins a majority they can turn novosibirsk into a city for its people. People from united russia are not interested in developing the city or talking to voters instead of running the place they are just defending their own personal interests i believe that despite the extreme weather here and the fact that it isnt of the richest planes in the us a beer can be a modern european city i think it says the main challenge is to convince people their decision and the polling station can break through the status quo and that smart voting against the ruling party here can set an example for change across russia. Who filed that report showing just. How important are these Regional Elections. Well on the one hand these are Regional Elections but theyre widely seen as a litmus test both for the opposition in campaigns likes it a gay boy goes who we just saw in that report and also for the kremlin after all there are duma elections elections to the Russian Parliament happening next year and it almost seems as if the author already is are a bit concerned ahead of these Regional Elections weve seen searches taking place in opposition media offices and opposition organizations across the country weve seen opposition figures even being beat up and perhaps its worth pointing out the timing of these elections also when there are big protests in neighboring bella reuss and there have also been protests in several regions across russia thats unusual use it usually people just take to the streets here in russia in moscow and St Petersburg thats where the opposition is traditionally strong but weve seen in recent months and weeks of protests for example ongoing protests in hot askin the in the far east weve seen environmental protests and brush court the stand in the southern youre all regions so it seems that the kremlin should be kind of concerned about you know Regional Support now as well and thats why these elections matter to them. We saw in your report there with a look so that nobody and surrogate boyko they calling for smart voting in these elections to oust the governments United Russia Party does this tactical strategy pose a serious threat to the kremlin. Smart voting is really in these kind of baby his project that hes been advocating for months now and city gate boyko told me that its enough of a threat to the kremlin to have actually gotten alexina viney poisoned he directly connected those 2 things when i was speaking to him there in novosibirsk after all not violent he was in siberia filming various reports ahead of these elections just before he got poisoned and these elections are really being seen not only as a tester on the head of the duma elections but also as a test run for this smart voting project which has in the past been successful here in moscow last year in Moscow City Council elections. Smart voting cost the United Russia Party a 3rd of its seats and more opposition candidates were voted into the council well have to wait and see how successful it is in these Upcoming Elections and we thank you very much for your the analysis and your reporting of course really sure when there in moscow. Has seen people power has posed the biggest challenge to the government and better reuss in decades could well gary be next for 2 months now protests have been holding protesters have been Holding Daily demonstrations pressing for a resignation of a government they say is rife with corruption d. W. Met a young student who returned from her studies in scotland at the beginning of the summer and joined them. Neela is back and this time shes ready to fight for 64 days shes been protesting for a future in bulgaria a future without corruption she says. Years to realize might. Not have been exactly a choice but you know something that you do out of necessity for me i had planned to enjoy the summer at her home country but when she arrived from scotland the anticorruption protests started she and her friends decided not to go back they take to the streets every day fighting against the soviet era influences that remain in their country one of the main problems is that we still havent shaken off. Our past and the remnants of the police are in regime our Prime Minister is a bodyguard who was used to be the bodyguard of the last 3 leaders. The protests kicked off at the beginning of july the demonstrators main demand for the Prime Minister and the chief prosecutor to step down they accused them of corruption the ruling party has presented a change the constitution as a diesel lucia into the conflict welcome to i think that the reform of the judiciary is clearly necessary in the i repeat it requires constitutional changes because we declared our support a month ago because. Crystal even off the former minister of justice has been protesting since day one like most people here he disagrees with the bear making the perfect general even less accountable for their doing exactly the opposite of what people are asking for this is part of your reporting very good expect the expect elections that accountability of the public of general and the government is going the opposite and then the thing why there is no gallop well there is no go. Because youre doing exactly the opposite and because. About 60 percent of bulgarian support the demonstrations according to surveys for me look this is good news but even if support were to drop she says she would keep on fighting. I think you and some of my close friends. Are to leave you might not give me. Gradually the easier you know. After 2 months people hope the protest will drive out corruption. Its more than that its a quest for a long lost home. Of paris and few people will forget the images of a fever all being by flames in april last year is archaeological crypt has only just reopened but meanwhile painstaking work continues on the rest of the building with restoration workers meeting challenges at every. Restoration work on the roofs of saddam at dizzying heights climb as saw through the 200. 00 tons of melted scaffolding piece by piece for months they feared the walls of the cathedral would collapse under its weight but the huge crane the parts a carefully lifted out and lowered to the ground its precision work. When we have a wind speed of 20 to 30 Kilometers Per Hour then you can see that the containers sways 5 meters in both directions so we have to be careful not to hit the scaffolding. The fire broke out almost a year and a half ago when i pull 152019. Not only discomforting but also toxic lead dust has posed a constant threat to the cleanup crew with the entire structure in danger of come. And precious artifacts needing to be salvaged countless sculptures and stones were removed. And taken outside of paris to geologist john d. M. s because the stones are still contaminated with lead he needs to wear protective clothing these angel heads fell 33 meters to the ground when the vault dome collapsed only their wings are broken the stones are in Critical Condition badly damaged by the intense heat of the fire some are as fragile as glass and ultrasound scan determines how porous they are and whether or not they can be used again in the restoration at the same time researchers want to know more about the cathedrals construction the research is making the best of the situation. Similar to yours we would never have been able to take these kinds of samples had the fire never happened or we never could have isolated such big pieces it would have been impossible to see back at the building site the workers are forging ahead the scaffolding needs to be removed by the end of september the cathedral will be reconstructed exactly as it was before the fire and that hopefully before 2024. This is g. W. News up to the point coming up next to the pocket of the debates the danger posed by conspiracy theories im terry Martin Thanks for watching. Little. Bit. More. To the point sean obtaining a clear position in some International Perspective such. This information is going viral undamaged has given a boost to conspiracy theories like those of q one on how dangerous are conspiracy theories thats our topic on to the point of joining us. Now to the point of the book the next makati doubling of. Print temperature is the consequence of. Russias vasana frost use or announcing. Faster and faster. Motion on the prognosis. On how do people on location size up the situation. Global 3000. And 60 minutes on d w. 5. How does a virus spread. Why do we panic and when well all miss them just through the topics covered and we couldnt read your blog show is called spectrum if you would like any information on the krona marash or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast you can get it wherever you can get your podcast you can also find us dot com one slash science in. This information is going viral the pandemic has given a boost to conspiracy theories like those propagated by q one on its claim that satan worshipping pedophile elites are running our lives launched 3 years ago in the us she went on is spreading to germany as well its that here and joined forces with kobe deniers and right wing extremists at recent protests in front of the right stark some q. And on supporters on both sides of the atlantic have been linked to violence our title today she went on how do you

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