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Authorities have to face and this basically includes getting these 12500. 00 people into secure as shelters it also has to deal has to do with dealing with a Health Crisis it was an outbreak there was a covert 19 outbreak within the facilities and we understand that one of the reasons that these protests and fires kind of sparked were because they were in response to the isolation procedures that were about to be invoked upon so what were seeing right now is that authorities while the fire has been extinguished theyre trying to find it open area that tense will be set up for these people to find immediate shelter in the meantime 500 unaccompanied children minors have been sent to other locations the Prime Minister has also contacted brussels raising a bigger issue which is basically he was saying that greece can no longer shoulder the entire migration crisis and fend for these situations. That was and the current in athens speaking to us a little bit earlier as we heard her say greece is calling on the new parliament to take action i asked her brussels correspondent and record about the role of the e. U. Parliament and what it can actually do. Protesting is the only thing the parliamentarians can do. Right now and then we did the 20 of them have stuff have spontaneously gathered here in front of the building of the European Parliament the European Parliament is only a colead just late and the whole migration policy process and so far the Member States refuse to accept any changes in migration or asylum laws and they refuse of course to take migrants from greece and to distribute them to relocate them all over europe and this is the main problem right now well a lot of aid organizations that have criticized you today for not having acted sooner on this question despite a various warnings about the conditions on last fall so what reactions have you seen there to the fire today. The many people in brussels shocked actually about these pictures but i think that cannot do much because the Member States the the governments of the Member States refuse to engage in a serious process to solve the problem the e. U. Commissioner for migration johansson said today we will take the e. U. Will take 400. 00 on the company minus from the island but this is of course only a drop in the ocean and at the end of the month the commission to table a new proposal is how to solve the migration crisis but it is still up in the if the Member States will actually take this and gauge in a meaningful discussion. Has been very good reporting from brussels thank you. Now to some other stories making news around the world at least 10 people have been killed and dozens wounded in a bombing in the Afghan Capital Kabul Officials say the attack targeted the countrys Vice President who sustained minor injuries no group has claimed responsibility and the taliban denied involvement the u. S. Is set to reduce its troops in iraq from just over 50023000 this month President Donald Trump is trying to make good on his Campaign Promise to get his country out of the endless wars the withdrawal comes as trump faces heavy criticism for allegedly denigrating american war dead. The oscars association has unveiled new diversity rules starting in 2024 films buying for the top prize best picture need to include people from minority backgrounds both on and off screen they cademy awards have often been criticized for mainly nominating white filmmakers and actors. In belarus the government crackdown on opposition figures appears to be ramping up the latest of a targeted was lawyer maxines not who was taken into custody by masked men on wednesday according to an associate an identified people also try to enter the apartment of Nobel Prize Winning writer. Diplomats from Different European Union countries went to her apartment to show support. Is now the only high profile opposition figure still sri. Correspondent nic connelly is in the capital minsk for us hi nick what is the latest you can tell us on the detained opposition figures. Well as you mentioned serious the 72 year old Nobel Prize Winning writer the only major of this if you can still free and in her home country not been thrown out yet it was extraordinary scene of people out side who building today waiting for news off she had reported on it in fact people tried to call her door get into her apartment she been receiving calls from unidentified numbers but the real news big news of today is meticulously you remember she disappeared off the streets of monday and there was extraordinary story of the attempted deportation by the regime to them yesterday. Today weve heard that she is now to be charged with trying to seize power here in belarus it seems not one of your colleagues someone we interviewed just the other day and money because these are all 3 of them now facing that charge which carries a prison sentence if you would succumb to conviction. To seems to be a concerted effort to really crack down on leading figures of this protest movement i mean how do you see this playing out. On how the road map theres no one has any idea where this is going that will thats what makes it so exciting because its so scary for the people here who basically havent had a political. In this country for a quarter century a quarter century during which one man called all the big shots but now it seems like the government is making good on its promise to crackdown on dissent and is really willing to use sentences if people are not willing to be pushed abroad as has been the case with lots of leading figures including. His main challenger about last election here and now arrests and Violence Police getting harder with forces on the streets but people still tell you that they are willing to come out time and time again and that they believe the government wont be able to arrest all of them. And what about external factors you see russia playing in the situation in belarus and where do you see a europe in this. Was a difficult situation and one hand russia coming out in very strong support. Expect to go to moscow next week putin has already said that hes willing to provide Police Special forces an extra support if the protests were to get more violent and that hasnt been looking like its going to happen here but what is going to happen is the russians are going to support the regime here financially maybe write off some debt and also there are russian specialists and and advisors here working on the ground that are supporting the regime in terms of propaganda state that is already fact on the other hand the european hand is a lot weaker apart from sanctions that have been introduced time and time again that dont really achieve very much theyre all pretty able to hurt the regime too much its more about symbolic gesture support allowing a better sense of. Vilnius and to not recognize the result of this election here but beyond that its very difficult to see what the European Union what the western world can do for these protests right now. Diddys nikolay reporting for us there in minsk thank you very much. Now the International Olympic committee is under pressure to sanction iran and its knitting today after a wrestler was sentenced to death. Is accused of killing a security guard. 2018 a global Athletes Union is calling on iran to be thrown out of world sports his lawyer says there is no proof of the charge and the 27 year old was tortured into confessing u. S. President trump has become involved telling iran in a tweet last week that he would greatly appreciate them sparing his life. Twice a year storks follow a 12000 kilometer migration route between Southern Africa and europe and one of the best viewing spots for bird watchers to see this wonder of nature is a garbage dump in the middle east. Time for break for flocks of white storks in the Jordan Valley and the occupied west bank at dawn on you thought of just yossi leshem is up early to observe the birds at this huge garbage dump twice a year distorts navigate their way thousands of kilometers from europe to Southern Africa and back israel and the palestinian territories are like a bottleneck theyre one of the main micro tory routes for millions of birds. Because they avoid to fly over there. So we are like. So we are lucky to have. All of. The World Population of word strokes about how the 50. 6. So we are lucky to be the best of the job and still. Rather than taking a route over the mediterranean like smaller birds stalks fly over to catch up board streams of warm pockets their right to conserve energy. The landfill is like a pit stop for the storks they just stay for the night to rest to feed and got the strength before setting off on the next. In the last 10 years they will know to look for. Net you are places where you catch a fish but for garbage that of course they have plastic bags and stuff like that which is of course dangerous but they go where they have the easy food although bird migration happens twice every year it still amazes he oscillation was studies to birds for decades unlike most humans to storks dont need g. P. S. To arrive at their destination we had one stalk that was amazing for 15 years she was going every you for the same nest in your book new 1000000000 to this same 3 new kept a year after year. If they have strong winds she can compensate and she knows how to go but said they got exactly where she wants to go because theyre doing it for billions of years. Its time for this truck to take off every day they fly between 302500 kilometers next stop the egyptian sinai before they continue their exhausting Journey Towards their winter home in Southern Africa. Thats our news update at this hour thank you for watching to get mean. To. Combating the pandemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning. Background information and. Our corona. 19 special and next on d w. In the eye of climate change. This is. What teachers do they help their future. Dot com make a city. Click. India is on its way to becoming the Worlds Largest covered 19 hotspot with 4300000 cases india has surpassed brazil as the country with the 2nd tightest number of infections Public Health experts warn its inevitable india will soon claim the record its not surprising that the numbers that are coming in and. Reading in. India would be. There by end of september. India has ramped up coronavirus testing and is now conducting more than a 1000000 a day for the virus shows no sign of slowing. That hasnt stopped the gradual reopening of the economy and schools. Quite a lot of what they got we have to open up the economy but what we have to lift restrictions otherwise work isnt possible. To protect peoples livelihoods while also protecting their lives its the high stakes decision being faced around the world. Indias battle with corona virus is unparalleled around the world and subjects to one of the worlds strictest lockdowns introducing tougher measures back in march when they were just 500 cases in the country but that didnt stop the spread interest posting record numbers of new cases on an almost daily basis with nothing to suggest the curve is nearing its peak over the past couple of months indias average number of cases per day as risen from below 30000 to over 80000 even the us at its worst wasnt posting figures that high meanwhile hundreds of thousands of Young Indians desperate to get into top level universities have been taking part in highly Competitive Exams Safety Measures are in place but many students are worries that a few days after the college tests theyll need covered 19 tests to. Examinations during a pandemic remember that white schools and colleges remain closed as India Records the highest daily rise in pieces of the world these students are appealing for a crucial test. And its testing like never before. Mosques assigned at the exam center constant sanitization and repeated calls for social distancing questions on this issue can i use no parents im students here are reassured by these measures these see they cannot afford to lose any more time to the pandemic. Trying hard. Because as all the measures were taken so that it was going to get theirs and before the pandemic. They could have conducted this exam and. They push it to july and now they become deport any more delays yet not everyone has been listened to about that many of the competitive advantage every year in india have for your default position this time students have protested online against the risk they favor being forced to take and have even approached the Supreme Court all of the students took to social media to trend the hashtags rise against exams and quit while the Supreme Court has rejected their demands didnt say forcing them to appeal for the exams is cruel its probably a good while an aspiring doctor is expected to travel 150 kilometers next week to the test center she hasnt stepped out in 5 months and istead a fight to do so she will do most all the social media that another exam led to dozens of 19 deaths. And i know many students whose parents are asking them to skip exams this year it is far too risky to go for them nothing is decided for me either my family is scared they dont know whether i should go for the 6 im not. Opposition parties have taken up the cause as well as the if you. The more the government of these and i student protesters insist they didnt want the exam stances but simply postponed until it to say fall back on the. Control of the students of the country. And the. Government all of the going to the. Examination for time being. These students however intend to get on with their parents they see their career will have to be formed within this new normal. We can now speak to do we used delhi bureau chief richie methinks for joining us so interesting this seemingly constant very steep rise in cases whats behind it you know people are describing india as a new epicenter of this crew in a virus in the past 24 hours almost 90000 new infections were reported as for reasons there are several if you ask the government they say we are testing more that testing the carrying out kind of 1000000 tests a day and that said to increase so they say the more we test them all cases were likely to find but of course we also have to keep in mind that india is easing restrictions throughout the country they Just Announced this week the face number for life is coming close to normal theyve also allowed metro rail stations to operate with some districts ins and then once must also admit that people are becoming a bit casual about these restrictions and about their lifestyle theyre not taking the kind of bitter because shiens that theyve been advised to take the simply they are fed up you mention about the large number of tests that are being done and the death rate would seem to bat out india does have quite a low death rate about 1. 7 percent compared with 3 percent in the u. S. Is that a fair defense that for where the government is taking consolation from these figures they say a fatality rate is low in india and they also see a recovery rate is very high but when you took some of the economists they say these numbers are misleading it is true that indias fatality rates much lower than in europe and in north america but theyre not that low compared to other Asian Countries especially in south asia as the government and the experts but how are our regular indians feeling today feel is out of control i think there was a sense of panic when this. Pandemic 1st started in march a pretty vague stream divided but i do think that people. So less than extra can simply because they believe that these numbers do reflect to some extent that india is doing quite well and its all anecdotal evidence there is no science to prove that is the death rate low but people also then again and go to kelly talk about a lot of missing death cases that these numbers are not as reliable as the government would have us believe people are always talking but i know so and so do and i know so and so who died and they feel maybe these numbers are not quite so reliable as the government would have have them believe and you broke it brought in a strict lock down pretty early on whats being done to try and get on top of this rising number of cases they have implemented a lot of measures but it must be said as the locked on that it was 1st implemented on the 25th of march was 1 of the strictest in the blood and india came up with this locked on fairly in the early stages of the pandemic but what critics are saying they didnt make the most of the time that it was not managed very well it was ineffective the implemented the locked on with 4 hours notice there was panic among people and big did not use this time to build resilience within the Health System so they lost crucial time there and now theyve implemented several measures of course which are testing cams they have. A Corporate App that theyve asked everybody to download and you know theyve strengthened kind of capacity in hospitals and things that they are taking measures now but a bit late many people mention the Health Care System and how is the Health Care System coping the Health Care System in big cities was under great strain in the initial stages and you could really kind of die of stories about people dying in cars waiting to get into hospitals but now they have improved the situation in hospitals a lot but theres a big difference between who can afford health care and who cant the private Health Care System in india is very good but its expensive so not everyone has access to that and now the big worry is that this virus is spreading into. Yes and then the Health System is very weak to some extent in just pinning his hopes on a vaccine that is trying to develop itself it is then india is not the leading countries flicking on a vaccine this m a promising trials going on Clinical Trials but theres no sign of a breakthrough at the moment and even if they want to be a breakthrough and then the distribution how do you distribute a vaccine to 1300000000 people the vast numbers is as always with india the issue thank you so much for he was up to date delhi bureau tree chief im researching. Now its time for one of your questions to ask science correspondent john aquariums. What are your thoughts on rapid kovan 1000 tests for daily use in the population. For this answer you need some quick background right now the Gold Standard in testing for coke at 19 is a method told p. C. R. Or the polymerase Chain Reaction methanol now its very accurate but its also kind of slow and that has to be carried out in a lab by by professionals which is why in some countries like india theyve turned to what are called rapid anti gentiles switch dont test for the viral genetic code but that just from one of the proteins that that it expresses there are a lot cheaper and theyre faster and they could be potentially self administered but then theyre also a lot less accurate still proponents of widespread testing with them say the upsides of the technology outweigh the accuracy issues because they could play a key role as a frontline surveillance tool which which p. C. R. At the moment cant really do because of its complexity now on the surface everyone testing themselves all the time but it sounds like a good idea but a lot of researchers remain pretty skeptical that it will actually work out i mean youd have to produce a huge number of tests for europe alone were talking about about billions of them every week so so a major production challenge when facilities are already stretched and and with most commercial antigen test significant accuracy problems could really a road how much trust people eventually place in the results that they get of discouraging their uptake so id say that yeah the idea of more testing through rapid antigen tests is a great one in principle but most of the experts i read say we shouldnt expect to turn the tide on coke at 19. Science correspondent Derrick Williams that now pope francis has made a plea to the catholic faithful to look out for each Others Health during the pandemic speaking to a mostly socially distanced crowd of worshippers half the vatican the pontiff encouraged nations to work towards the common good during the pandemic rather than seeking economic or political advantage he said a virus that does not recognize borders must be faced with a love without borders during the speech the pope did caution the audience themselves to keep distance between each other and not to crowd together. Thats ash out thanks a lot for joining us. Beethoven. It is it is about a 60. No. True roger. So many wrong grounds of stolen beethoven. And of course the subconscious always one thing is clear the brain tumor is one of the popular. And she assured. The child with the words sound like the biggest composer of charmed i cant even begin to imagine a world class one player several years on the musical journey of discovery. Along with alfred. Stuart september 16th i want to tell you. This is g. W. News africa coming up on this program the challenge. Of the ask me defiant voices that was going to drive with egypt have gone ahead with parliamentary elections that Prime Minister asked me if government has deemed illegal so how will i just abandon responded. And we speak south africas ruling party after donald trump allegedly said the lady

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