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Added difficulty we visit a special needs student india our School System has left behind in the pandemic. Ibish by the welcome to news asia glad you could join us south korea says north korean dictator kim jong un sr is now effectively the 2nd most powerful person in the country south Korean Defense minister junk to set and all amount that came in your jong had been appointed to an important post in the communist party and was now in charge of north koreas relations with the u. S. And south korea the move if true wouldnt be entirely unexpected given the increasingly visible role she has been playing over the last few years more on the woman who might determine how countrys future relations with the world. How much power does kindo junk really have. Mostly in the background the sister of north koreas leader kim jong own appears on the present always by his side she seems to be his most trusted aide and envoy she was the 1st member of the kim family to visit south korea attended meetings with a south korean president mungy in met chinas leader xi jinping and u. S. President donald trump yet like so much in north korea shes a shroud it in mystery. South koreas Intelligence Service believes the kim youre john is serving as north koreas number 2 leader. Kim. Kim jong un still holds absolute power but has turned over a bit more of his authority compared to the past the spy agency also things that kim jong is taking care of state affairs focusing on relations with south korea and the u. S. When kim jong un disappeared from view earlier this year she acted as a Spokes Person with speculation over his health swirling so was talk about her taking the reins of law and the you know full to the 1st reason kim jong un passed over some of his powers is that the stress of managing state of fast over the past 9 years of his rule that has heightened so distributing powers helps reduce the stress the 2nd reason is for the leader to avoid responsibility in case his policy feels that he can shift the responsibility to those he passed on powerless to north koreas power mechanisms opaque and hard to interpret and where is there can be certainty about the findings of south korea spies this much is clear to me or john as making a career as part of what could be a simple in governance. Dr sue jin nim is a senior lecturer at the university of central lancashire in england she joins me now for more dr lim a lot of what were hearing about kenya or johns elevation in north korea is based on an assessment by south koreas National Intelligence agency how reliable is information from there. Regarding to north korea to say that nothing can be clear on less its been published in north korean newspaper what if we think about when the media or other coverage or talked about conjunctions its disappearance some time ago and this is where the mission or a Security Agency in korea they were the one. Who emphasize that. Was a has been alive so this time the news came out from them or so could be quite reliable in a way. Right to the assessment is also all that keen your drunk is now in charge of south korea and u. S. Affairs im wondering how that influence north koreas relations with both of these countries. But south korea i dont think there will be much difference before and then because north koreas politician is more relieved us United States that with the south korea because they want to show their stance in International Relations that they are directory attack talking to the number one or 2 in their words so that was why i dont see there will be much difference. In the relationship the way the south korea even though Community Takes over their power or in terms of the u. S. It could have a little bit different because its also about who will be the leader in the states after the election in november so is it of we can watch policy that north korea is going to adopt to just to see who eventually come top after the november election yes if thats really still tromp there and maybe north korea or do you think about to continue the current stance forward at the same time with korea had their religion that jumps approach is more about thier term politics or a gesture politics which like to show like a celebrity on t. V. Reality show so it will not be something 10 job war but if it will that the trump than a lot korea will see a new approach maybe they already think about what they did or when obama was there so that will be important factor for north korea to decide how they take the approach towards or against u. S. Doxology in limerick and well have to leave it there for the time being but thank you so much for joining us. In Hong Kong Police have arrested 2 prodemocracy lawmakers in connection with antigovernment protests has last year at least a dozen other people have also been arrested legislators and lunch opting of the Opposition Democratic Party were arrested for alleged involvement in protests in july both were arrested from their homes in Early Morning raids the arrests come as beijing tightens its grip on the city through a new security law that forbids most forms of protest now lanter trying has been accused of involvement in an incident that saw more than 100 government loyalists attack prodemocracy protesters with wooden and metal poles data because bonded phoebe kong explains the significance of that incident on hong kongs prodemocracy movement. So call me because im just saying and text her outspoken critics of Police Brutality in hong kong the incidents related to the latest arrests of lamb chest pain was a watershed in the protests from last year which seriously undermined public trust in the Law Enforcement and thats not nice lamb was among those assaulted a police has been heavily criticized as some officers walked away from the crime scene and were suspected of committing with the attackers has faced the accusations denied by the police force meanwhile his colleagues attacked her house in the state and private prosecution against a pole this man who fired a life around at protests last year so thats the reason why the opposition can same basis of revenge on the pretext trying to intimidate the public and this race a narrative this is yes and others around us high profile operation in the months following the arrest on media tycoon cimino and the leading actors is not only it will take at its contents im told has says but also a turning point to try to weaken the credibility of the police force in hong kong. To have a grasp on figures kong in india perhaps the most visible impact of the coronavirus pandemic schools that has exposed in its policies in indias Education Sector classes have moved online but many arent able to access lessons due to poor Internet Connectivity but for children with disabilities the struggle is much harder some surveys indicate many could drop out of the Education System completely continues manjunath children reports from delhi. Kartik you like to look closely at the colors of the Story Building blocks before he starts playing with them. He can only see to some extent large objects and colors. He was born with only logical disorder visual impairment and have troubles with fine motor skills. The 9 year old studies in the 2nd grade of a Government School along with children without disabilities. The school does not provide him with a special educator all the crucial resources he needs to study. As a result he is almost entirely dependent on his mother for his education. That is challenging enough now the shutting down of schools during the cold lockdown has put him at risk of missing out on formal education and. Mucking about talking about impaired to other children disabled children are lagging behind in studies now even more than before they are facing many problems he cannot see properly what can you understand from a small i phone screen and sometimes there are Network Issues too because of which he cannot attend the classes there the lack of inclusion in the Education System for children with disabilities has never been more pronounced than now. According to some recent surveys majority of students with disabilities are finding it difficult to cope with Online Education at the same time many nongovernmental organizations which address the needs of these children and provide them with academic support are also reeling under the impact of college 19 and the Lockdown National association for the blind in delhi is one such organization that helps children with visual impairment and multiple disabilities to build a foundation in learning so that b. Can lead to join mainstream schools 101 were not receiving many donations now. So were not able to pay our staff or provide the facilities for the differently abled children. Weve also not been receiving the funds we normally get from the government from reform who are experts feel that during this pandemic the special needs of students with disabilities have been completely left out from education policies which anyway kept them on the sidelines. And systematically nor should it be to cater to them you go who knows would visit particularly those who was in the accessibility of unbending gender Information Communication Technology use it all and learn those were disabilities not ready developed and ive been seeing that there are also issues all nonavailability up internet devices. Despite all the hardships he faces particularly like me and happy and like other children he has one deed to be a doctor another be a single. The Education System all that to him to be more inclusive. Thats it for a very small number of started off with. More of the same time so that might. Come about in the corona pandemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning. Background information and news. Hour carona update. Covert 19 special next on d w. Ws crime fighters are back africas most successful radio drama series continues this season the stories focus on hate speech cholera prevention and sustainable charcoal production all of a sows are Available Online and of course you can share and discuss on africas Facebook Page and other social media platforms. Crime fighters to mindanao. Bearing Digital Technology but today far less women they call themselves long holist or long tail as some have been sick almost as long as the new coronavirus has been around. Covert 19 is causing more long term damage than thought. As a bit of comfort to the. Pub was diagnosed with some blood clots small a blood clot seen or if my lungs then i got a lot of or spirit tree problems and the doctors just do not understand why ive still got blood clots but i want them to find out whats going on yes and its only a small opportunity. After kevin 19 i lost almost half my hair. We hope for us and we hope the majority of the lesser symptoms will disappear after a time as with the 1st sas pandemic will almost certainly witness Permanent Health issues but to what extent hes annoyed they call themselves long haul is or long tail is some of being sick almost as long as the new coronavirus has been around. Covered 19 is causing more long term damage than thought. It was a bit of comfort to the brewpub pub was diagnosed with some blood clots smaller blood clots you know if my lungs then i got a lot of are spiritual problems and the doctors just do not understand why ive still got blood clots but i want them to find out whats going on yet and as i want to leave them all up putting it. After kevin 19 i lost almost half my hair. We hope for us and we hope the majority of the less the symptoms will disappear after a time but as with the 1st sas pandemic will almost certainly witness Permanent Health issues but to what extent is unknown they call themselves long holist or long tailless some of being sick over. As long as the new coronavirus has been around. Covered 19 is causing more long term damage than thought. It was a. Pub was diagnosed with some blood clots small a blood clot called difficulties there today our topic is not about blood clots its about a symptomatic patients and alarm bells are ringing among some experts the u. S. C. D. C. Has changed its testing regime saying that its no longer totally necessary for people without symptoms to be tested model suggest how awful transmissions can be traced back to people before they get sick if they get sick at all so its no wonder that people are worried about this change. Well lets talk about this with Health Care Expert John Campbell or tied nurse and academic or joins us from england john is this change in c. D. C. Guidelines dangerous. Well the New York Times certainly seems to think so the New York Times says this was done quietly and he said it was done to exclude people who had been in contact with symptomatic individuals but if you actually go to the centers for Disease Control website its slightly more nuanced than that its to advise in people with mild symptoms to be tested and of course its still advise and testing for people that are in care facilities or work in were working in hospitals for example what is actually saying is people who have been in close contact and the find close contact is 6 feet which of course we would call 2 meters or less for more than 50 minutes what its actually saying is they do not necessarily need to be tested now they can still be tested at the discretion of their nurses or their doctors or their clinicians or according to local guidelines so its actually is a change of saying its not necessarily that they need to be tested so its a bit of a new wants to change that but i still think its a problem because this means we could have people that are in contact with known cases who could then be developing the disease and we know that a large proportion of people are asymptomatic initially now about half of those people that are asymptomatic initially will go on to become symptomatic eventually but its interesting that late is day 2 a showing that people are most infectious and immediately before they become symptomatic in the 1st day after they become symptomatic and of course the symptoms can start off as being fairly mild so what this means is you could have a lot of people going around who are shedding large amounts of the virus that we dont know about if we dont test them just in case the been exposed trying to talk about that i think that it isnt if i can just when they go talk about a large amount of people ive read studies that show up to huff those infected with cover 19 show no or hardly any symptoms doesnt that make this fight almost impossible. Yeah well that makes it more difficult youre absolutely right that i just met her Analysis Shows about 40 percent 47 percent of people might not develop symptoms but about half of those will go on to develop symptoms over time many will have a mild disease but it is youre right its very difficult its very hard to fight an invisible enemy and the only way we can make this enemy visible is by reporting symptoms or by testing we need to test people and as well as that we now know as well as testing those various other things we can test for in the blood to screen people as well that it will be a good idea to do anything we can do to make this virus more visible is going to help then we can target our isolation we can target quarantine its and then we can be much more specific and targeted in the way were attacking this virus trying to tell me how to how do we even know how many a thing to magic people there are out there if they havent seen a doctor if we dont have that medical data if there are even enough tests to do the math testing and talking about it is remarkably difficult you can sometimes you can tell it to an extent by the amount of people that become symptomatic in the future and the amount of people that become hospitalized and even the amount of people die but the main way that we do this is with anti gen surveys now Different Countries do this in different ways but in the u. K. The office for National Statistics will test about a 1000 random households throughout the country for the antigen and because the testing randomly in random areas they can extrapolate that up to the whole population so it is quite possible to give fairly accurate estimates so all we need very accurate estimates of how many people in the community are infected at any one time and thankfully in the u. K. In germany at the moment thats relatively low in spain its much higher and its also climbing quite rapidly in france as well john what about age does it play a role when it comes to being a symptomatic. It does its about 27 percent of children are genuinely asymptomatic and only about 16 percent of adults remain asymptomatic now many more has to be stressed many more are asymptomatic for a period of time and then become symptomatic but it remains the case that more children remain completely asymptomatic than adults 27 percent of children and about 60 percent of adults just because theyre asymptomatic doesnt mean things are going on in the body if you do x. Rays and c. T. Scans you can actually see changes that are going on you can see changes in the blood so even low people arent feeling symptoms there can still be physiological change but the proportion of people who are completely asymptomatic is smaller than we did think at one time john great to get you on the show today John Campbell Health Care Expert coming to us i dont have an england thank you for spending. Some blame young people for the resurgence of the coronavirus in germany they say theyre not taking to social distancing roles is this a vita. We are in the center of a possible corona hotspot but lim central this neighborhood popular for its bozza nightlife is now seeing a rise in infections we are still around but most young people didnt seem to be worried some agreed to talk to us but want to stay anonymous i dont understand you scared to get infected. Well no not at all i would not go. We dont think about it at all we just want to go out they said that a 2nd wave would come and so why would it be triggered by people going out we dont know how long time has come around us and the last so you can just keep being scared like. Yeah all the time so infections and down many are rising and theyre rising fast parties on the street problem but bars and restaurants are in the spotlight on the check out this iconic buy here in berlin before we go in im going to put on my mask. Inside we see that germanys strict hygiene measures are being upheld people keep their distance and just like. Everyone wears a face mask when moving around inside the customers are allowed to take it off one seated at a table. But that seems to scare people off tonight only a few guests are out when coming in their guests to say next door i didnt have to wear a mosque i hear then they turn around and leave so my feeling is that as a bar you are punished when you stick to the regulations another rule customers are required to fill in these contact forms with then name and telephone number but thats also a problem. Well business doesnt have i cant believe that mr donald duck with this weird address came to the spa but look for yourself so. You have all. The district of the limiter ones to fight the quran. Virus by making more random inspections now but their resources are limited explains them they know. We can only do so much that we have just under 50 employees they walk in shifts 7 days a week but we cant do more than just surprised checks. On the inspectors come check everybody but their presence might remind people of just how serious the situation has become in the end things can only improve if guess show more responsibility. And probably a mile and a warning from the c. D. C. With winter coming in many parts of the world his director robert redfield. A bird flu season can really put certain hospitals in to. Medical stress situation kogut obviously has their potential were so important with flu and programming at the same time there we really try to take flu off the table as much as possible embracing the flu vaccine is one of the most important things we can do and finally an example of how this crisis has bringing has been bringing out the best in a lot of us including Fund Raising Efforts in japan for example paralympians have been taking to the catwalk to raise funds for medical workers to col orci has organized the amputee venus show before but says shes brought it back to show how people can overcome the coronavirus. The Paralympic Games are set to start this week in tokyo that is until the virus hit. So you next on. The be. Hunting for the next c. E. O. Searching for the newest cribs a few excess and fists but that was before a moment now consuming this clown to a halt and businesses are fighting to survive. What will happen if the crisis finds luxury. Insurance. A meal. The 2nd season on the face. Of the planet on the brink of disaster for me as long as the energy. Experts about one question how to change such a good mood from. What secrets lie behind these walls. Discover new adventures in 360 degree. And explore fascinating World Heritage sites. G. W. World heritage 360 get the maps now. In the us of climate change. As soon as. It seems people. Want to do they have their future. G. W. Dot com for their grocery bill making it. Clear cut answer. What do you think what do you get for 0. 50. For 50 sat up. To the it. Is. Just a big stinking pile belles lot a lot of stuff did you know it cost 0. 50 to feed one hungry child for one full day. Going to feed one big. Game oh no horse at all with the sheridan you share your most children with just 50 cells and a tap on your smartphone together we can gloat a hunger please dumb of the hour. This is d. W. News live from berlin 2 dead in the 3rd night of protests in commercial wisconsin shots fired apparently by civilians as demonstrators protest against Sundays Police shooting of jacob blake a 29 year old black man also on the Program Americas 1st lady makes a bad public speech at the Republican National convention declaring that the American People deserve total honesty from the president. Doesnt spin a dad after torrential rain causes floods in afghanistan destroying thousands

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