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The wreckage of bankers in the us holds newborn baby she rescued from the 40 explosions tells d. W. What happened on the border that day. Im from girl welcome to the Europe Program russian doctors looking after kremlin critic alexina valmy has said that he will be allowed to fly to germany mr in the valley has been in hospital and ome 6 and since collapsing on a plane on thursday is supposed to say he was poisoned because of his Political Activities as one of russias most visible dissidents his condition has become an International Issue with germany and france offering medical treatment russian doctors have insisted he was too weak to be transferred up at night to change their minds german medics sent by an ngo here in berlin say theyre ready to fly him out for treatment the deputy chief doctor at the hospital confirmed that he would be moved. Mung in particular we took the decision not to oppose his transfer to another hospital the one that his relatives indicated to us by. Our yacoub brazil which had founded cinema for peace again geo thats due to fly alexina family out of russia earlier he speculated about why they ducked and said change their minds it was a combination of many and several things and started obvious yes there was a great support but when Angela Merkel and mark my craw gave support saying that they would offer their treatments to france and germany and then also the speaker of the kremlin. Said yesterday that they are concerned about the well being of every russian citizen and obviously they would support the. Valiant another country if if this relatives believe that the hospital could be good for him so basically one of the things that happened today was so holds the kremlin accountable for what it promised yesterday and to make sure to convince a doctor says that hes able to fly we are working the schedule right now we want to fly as quick as possible obviously we need some permissions medical perper a sions so we know since about an hour that is actually our struggle and fight has been successful. So it will happen probably in the next 12 hours or the russian u. Turn came just hours after German Foreign minister heiko mass reaffirmed his governments offer to treat the mist in the valley the Opposition Leader will be taken to berlin charite hospital but doctors have experience of treating poisoning victims 2 years ago they successfully treated pussy riot activists got a vessel off the wall so suffered similar symptoms that looked like severe poisoning. Lets get more from d. W. Political correspondent kate brady welcome kate so as we just heard a mist in the veld is expected to be flown to berlin in the next 12 hours whats waiting for him much. Well as you say for the Charity Hospital here in berlin certainly has a history of treating both foreign leaders and also dissidents just a couple of years ago back in 2018 thats a lot of was also transferred to berlin Charity Hospital to be treated after he was poisoned so there will be certainly specialized treatment awaiting the when he if and when he arrives here in the german capital and how involved has the German Government be getting him to brother. Well the slight thats been organized that went out earlier today to on screen is hoping to bring him back as we heard there from his from the from the found of the ngo thats organizing this he should be heading here within the next 12 hours and but this was organized this flight by the ngo or not by the German Governments of course germany did put the offer on the table by the angler machall and the german foremans to say in medical assistance would be there if moscow indeed asked for it and i think that certainly did put some pressure on the kremlin as well it held them to account as well especially after the kremlin Spokes Person did say that moscow was not going to stand in the way over being transferred to germany for treatment so how is this german intervention likely to affect berlins relationship with moscow. Well it just to remind ourselves again it is the ngo bill lame based ngo that is organized this flight that could bring the violently to berlin and not the government and of course too much action from the German Government could indeed seen this medical and humanitarian situation quickly develop into a into a diplomatic challenge and that as well comes right now during the situation that we germany finds itself in with the e. U. And the situation in belo rooms and both germany and the e. U. Is very keen right now to ensure that russia doesnt deploy any kind of military in that della reese and is only involved in any potential negotiations on that path. That the e. U. Is hoping valorise is going to be able to stay itself on and what its future might look like so lots of thin diplomatic lines for germany to be treading with with russia right now. Political correspondent kate brady thank you. Forces in baton rouge have detained one of the leaders of striking factory workers and threatened demonstrators with criminal charges this latest crackdown comes on the 13th day of protests calling for president Alexander Lukashenko to step down on the recent president ial election protests have been joined by strikes at state owned factories and fueled by spies fat manager kind of scalia who lost in the election and was forced to flee the country mistress. Skier said she planned to return home when she felt safe despite the protests president look at shanghai said that he will settle belarus as political crisis in the coming days in iran in the capital minsk people have gathered to support the oppositions nearly newly formed Coordination Council after all sorts of criminal case accusing them of attempting to seize power. We can go to minsk where were joined by correspondent nick conley well nick so president bush says he can resolve this crisis in the coming days what we think he means by that. Well it does sound very much like a crackdown and standing in front of the k. G. B. Building in the center of minsk and for now the Security Service is staying largely loyal to the regime having said that you dont feel a lot of fear on the streets of the protests not just being on the main square where again thousands of people gathered for the nightly protest ahead of sundays big protest thats being called the 1000000 march of millions whether or not they get a 1000000 people together minsk is questionable but it definitely looks set to be at least as big as last weeks protests weve heard today from Opposition Leaders that they are trying to engage with those Security Services trying to convince them not to use force against the protesters we heard from the looks government said that they will also be going after ordinary protesters that even just taking part in the protests will. Be deemed a criminal offense given that they are not sanctioned there is no clear. Path forward here no one can tell where this is going there is no roadmap to the sense here is that this is not the end and this is just getting going i want us from the opposition president ial candidate. Whose. Strikes how much impact these strikes having well its a very different picture across this country here in minsk some of the strikes that got going in the past few days seem to have quieted down but in a city on the western border with poland those strikes do seem to be holding up i think its not the only thing to look for here at these protest against a quarter century valley going to have taken the most different forms on this evening. A different part of town where there was. Life changes and people across the city Holding Hands waving flags and these protests often disperses fos they come together part of that is stress just prevents the Security Services having enough time to come to tame people to identify people this is kind of a wildcat form of protest not just immense but also across the country this is unprecedented territory for this country that has largely seen. In control as i said the last quarter of a century and no one really knows how this can go but i think one thing that weve very difficult to turn back even if these protests were to end is to get people to stop voicing their opinions you get the sense that the russians are really enjoying for the 1st time being able to voice their opinion out in the open and for now they seem to think given the numbers are so big that the regime book be able to put everyone in prison and that gives them a certain safety in numbers. Thank you. Now take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world the Czech Republic has been marking the anniversary of invasion of czechoslovakia by soviet led troops soviet action ended the 968 prague spring break period of liberalization in the that communist country more than 100 People Killed more than 500 injured but the troops went to. The European Unions chief brets it negotiated Michel Barnier says it looks unlikely the bloc will reach a deal with britain before the deadline at the end of this year is british counterpart david frost blamed brussels for the lack of progress on post trade talks saying the e. U. Is making things unnecessarily difficult. Maybe as the u. N. Suppose it government in tripoli on the rival parliament in the east of the country have announced a ceasefire both of ministration say they want to end an oil blockade thats been crippling the country since the start of the. In the u. S. Joe biden has accepted the democratic partys nomination for the presidency in his speech on the final night of the Virtual Democratic National Convention he promised to unite the country and what he called the darkness Donald Trumps presidency. Was beirut continues to clear the rubble from the deadly explosions that devastated the 11 lebanese capital this month were hearing remarkable stories of heroism now behind me you can see a nurse pamela as they noon outside a Hospital Holding 3 newborn baby she rescued after rushing into that ward amid the confusion a d. W. Has been talking with. This is the inside of beirut St Georges Hospital now it seems miraculous its Still Standing at all. But the blast happened and it was a very normal day. About to finish i would shift at 7 so at 630. 00 we heard the. Very loud noise and just. And everything came crumbling down. I was able to remove myself from underneath. To see the babies i saw. Bleeding they had guts everywhere they wouldnt respond to me i was screaming at them. I couldnt find the babies they had misplaced and everything was on the fluid. On the floor from the ceiling glass everywhere so i had to move. And pick up the babies hold them the city of them and get back to safety. Tamela kept her cool during a harrowing scene. I was really afraid i was holding the babies and the babies when thats make it i might slip and there the babies with my hands i found myself alone holding these 3 babies. Screaming everywhere also patients on the floor getting sutured with no anesthesia and it was no electricity finally she made her way outside but her journey was far from over. As i was walking people started asking me how can we help you. I started telling them please give me something to cover the babies they started to take off and giving it to me so i could get up to bibis and get them from getting. I looked at around 5 kilometers. The babies made it and pamela has become a social media hero and an inspiration. When i see this big to. Hope and im happy these kids to divide. I hope this gets just have a better future. As reminder of our top story at this hour dumps in russia have given up the mission to take Opposition Leader lets say to the family to germany for medical treatment system of ali is currently in a coma and this is your homes were taken to be at home in the next few hours. Says the news live from boca dont forget you can always get the latest news on the website thats the government dot com we follow us on twitter and instagram. Its possible for you at the top. Good. Luck. Combating the corona pandemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning. Background information and news. Hour carona update. Covert 19 special and next on deep

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