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Investigating the incident as an islamist motivated attack. Plus the Democratic Party confirms joe biden as its choice to challenge donald trump in the u. S. Election in her address his wife jill biden says chose the man who can unite the nation. Im subi so much going to thank you for joining Us European Union leaders are discussing possible sanctions against valorous in an emergency Video Conference today earlier opposition politicians. Issued her own video message calling on the e. U. Council not to recognize what she called fraudulent elections that saw president lukashenko return to power for a 6th term the e. U. Emergency talks come as the faces and increasingly bold wave of resistance. Their work has joined the walkout in the past president Alexander Lukashenko could count. On state employees to support him but he had to order managers to threaten them with disciplinary action if they joined the nationwide strike. Some ignored those threats. Even with a president ial challenger svetlana chicken of sky a still in exile the opposition is growing more confident they set up a Coordination Council in bellerose to organize a peaceful transfer of power. With the Commission Im up were only beginning to rebuild mechanisms to feel like a strong and independent nation yes of course it will be very difficult but we have taken a step and we are setting an example for all to see how we can unite how we can Work Together and speak with one voice. But belarus is authoritarian leader is not ready to talk about ending his 26 year rule yet at a meeting with his Security Council he branded the oppositions actions a coup but. What cuba would do they went to the countries that are behind these protests toss this other side to toss and demand no less them to hand them power we consider it a clear attempt to seize power with all the consequences of the protesters have already experienced brutal consequences and opposition activists shows photos of injured demonstrators he says were beaten by riot police 2 people have been killed during the mass protests and thousands jailed the violent crackdown has drawn criticism from some of bellary says neighbors. But not from one important one. The bit of russian president Vladimir Putin received phone calls from german chancellor Angela Merkel and of the e. U. Leaders on tuesday. Merkel said Political Prisoners in belarus must be released and there must be a National Dialogue to settle things peacefully. But according to the kremlin putins reply was to tell them to stop meddling in belarus where the powerful neighbors get involved do not the bellary see an opposition is planning the next step to bring Lukas Shanker is rule 2 in and. Lets go right to minsk for more our correspondent nick conley is standing by for us hi nick good to see you so another day of unrest in belarus or strikes around the country more protests expected this evening is there the sense that the opposition and the demonstrators are gaining ground. The fact that this square in front of Government House in minsk is empty now in the rain is no indication that these protests are losing their dynamism their momentum from the beginning this has been very diffuse protests spread across minsk critical to the whole country and people have been coming out for events in the evenings going back to work and theyve really made a conscious decision not to set up a central protest camp of the government then surround and clear arresting people even from where im standing now i can see people walking with flags on the side of the road drivers beeping their horns in support of those protesters so its a very fast moving very diffuse situation here but things looking good for president. You get a sense of people theyve lost their fear of challenging the government out in the open i think thats when it will be very difficult for the regime here to dial back even if these protests works die out their stories of policemen who are just refusing to arrest the justice of resigning their jobs as you mentioned entire factories going on strike so this is a very very fascinating situation one in which it seems to be playing catch up right now and not very effectively and if we mention that the e. U. Is holding an emergency Video Conference today to discuss do e. U. Leaders have any leverage in this situation. Its very difficult to see what they can do presently has been in and out of sanctions from the west since basically beginning of his rule 26 years ago none of them have done much to dent the stability of his regime i think that was all factored in on his part what the west will be seeing what europe will be trying to do is to support the. There are big communities in neighboring if you in you know where the present. Is in exile right now in poland where some of the main opposition media are based so that support is crucial and you really hear from here that they disappointed there hasnt been more helpful coming for their protests from europe but how exactly thats going to work is very difficult to see right now and what about the other player in all of this russia is russia openly supporting. Well thats the 1000000. 00 question obviously. Allies russia sees but it was as its closest ally they have even been pushes from the russians to somehow integrate further some kind of federation turning the 2 into one country obviously right now more open Political Support could be toxic could anger the protests this even further because that would be a sign that maybe they would be willing to give up in return for support of his rule but it seems very difficult to see a scenario in which putin would. Somehow drift out of russias obit to somehow grow closer to europe so it seems now like the scene is set for another conflict between europe and russia as there was over ukraine and its western european aspirations back in 2014 and no real clear path out of a situation that doesnt involve some kind of standoff. Only reporting on the ground there thank you for that update. Now here in germany prosecutors have announced that they are treating a series of road crashes in the capital berlin as an islamist terrorist attack police say 6 people were injured 3 of them seriously when a man crashed his car intentionally into their vehicles on tuesday the incidents happened during rush hour traffic on a busy city highway forcing the road to be closed for hours at a News Conference within the last hour police spoke about the alleged attackers motivation. Because of the general circumstances is. What the man said that theres a religious islamist motive behind this series of deeds. And youre talking also. Today he will face the magistrate or attempt to several cases. We still dont know yet just how many cases there are at least 3 and. For more on the story we can speak to julia south delhi shes following the latest developments for us hi julia what else of the police have to say about this incident. What they said was basically a confirmation of what had emerged even before the press conference it was a man a driver in an opel car driving on berlins a 100 highway which is a very important route around the city and this man crashed into other drivers he seemed to be deliberately pointing at motorcyclists and he hit the motorcyclist and then crashed with his car they said that because of his behavior and because of their investigations it pointed towards religious islamist background action and what they also described is that the man emerged from his car put a box on top of his car and said it was full of Ammunition Police later discovered it was just tools but they were very cautious and saw the man as a real threat at the moment julia are there any more details at this point about the alleged attacker what the prosecution said was that the man is a 30 year old iraqi born in baghdad there were no more details about his his past given at the time the man has been arrested and what the prosecutor prosecution said is that there are indications that there might be also a psychological factors at play in the situation and that is also being investigated and investigations are ongoing into whether the man was connected to a network of religious extremists or whether he had any assistance from other people and to what about the victims or the people who were attacked what we know so far is that 6 people were injured 3 seriously 3 less seriously and one person is in life threatening condition and hospital and that this person suffered severe injuries to the head and to the back and the prognosis is unclear. Julia so delhi reporting for us with the latest developments thank you so much. Lets check in now on some other stories making news around the world israeli Fighter Pilots have held their 1st ever training exercises over germany with the German Air Force planes that flew past the site where members of israels 1972 olympic team were killed in a hostage standoff with Palestinian Militants they also flew over the side of a former nazi concentration camp where tens of thousands of jews were murdered a special u. N. Tribunal in the netherlands has convicted a man of killing former lebanese Prime Minister rafiq hariri 3 other defendants were acquitted the 4 members of the hizbullah militant group were tried in their absence for the 2005 bombing in beirut that killed her at 21 others. And firefighters in california are battling some 30 blazes across the state the fires have forced evacuations north and east of San Francisco some Napa Valley Vineyards have been threatened by the flames californias governor has declared a state of emergency. U. S. Democrats have officially nominated former Vice President joe biden as their partys candidate to challenge President Donald Trump in the november election this year the convention has gone online as social distancing makes the old style rallies impossible biden supporters indorsed and largely as the man who can unite a divided america and they include some heavyweights from the rival party. The Democratic Party convention 4 years ago. And this is now the Convention Center in milwaukee is little more than a facility receiving and pumping out video content. The democrats have now formally named joe biden as their president ial candidate with their votes came in remotely or new homes or eyes oh yes yes anyone or. Every 163 votes for our next president. On line celebrations had a message for all its members were social distancing the Democratic Party was very much united. By this nomination was accompanied by a slew of endorsements his wife jill was one of many to emphasize bidens ability to unite the country after President Donald Trumps turbulent tenure. We just need leadership worthy of our nation worthy of you honest leadership to bring us back together to recover from this pandemic and prepare for what ever else is the next leadership to re imagine what our nation will be. You know how did the former president bill clinton lead the charge of attacking the incumbent well we are at a time like this the oval office should be a command center instead its a storm center theres only chaos just one thing never changes is the term of the nation didnt our responsibility and shift the boy. Former secretary of state colin powell became a further prominent republican to throw his weight behind biden at the convention he will restore americas leadership in the world and restore the alliances we need to address the dangers that threaten our nation from Climate Change to nuclear proliferation. Trump for his part was trying to steal the limelight as the democrats embrace diversity and inclusiveness the president was in the border state of arizona. And he was railing against immigration the biden plan would only see a flood of illegal immigration like the world has never seen its greatest biters plan is the most radical extreme reckless dangerous and deadly immigration led ever put forward by a bake your party. The democrats are continuing to cast trump as a divisive figure but the president is sticking to his tried and true playbook regardless of what the polls are saying. They have used peter dollars been following the convention for us hes with us in our studio hi peter so joe biden is now officially the democratic nominee what stood out to you after 2 days of this convention well it seems the Democratic Party has finally settled on a new strategy to beat down and tumble at least what they think will be donald trump though the main thing is one thats not entirely unlike the one the barack obama ran on which was you know theres not a red america is not a blue america does a United States of america and that message of unity is. Absolutely central to the message that the Democratic Party has been really trying to hammer home over the past couple of days weve seen you know video after video testimony after testimony really showing how broad. You know of the big tent is that the Democratic Party is trying to paint so fast that there is more that unites americans that device and thats a very central message that i think a lot of people are going for at the moment the United States the 2nd part is obviously going after trump. Painting him as unfit for office weve had several republicans testifying to that in the course of the past few days. And also someone who just really care about anyone but himself you know were going through this pandemic and and someone who has not taken that seriously whos not shown himself being able to relate to the pain that a lot of people are going through and that leaves it with point 3 which is but even as he empathizing chief the man who understands struggle hunger stance pain someone who can relate and they think that combination of what theyre really trying to to really push coming out of this convention coming back to that message of unity is it working because we know there were real risks that opened up of the Democratic Party that we really saw come out especially in the primaries yeah i mean in terms of messaging theyve theyve done a very good job but we are actually still we are seeing some of those rifts still. You know there are signs of tension within the party we have kind of this old guard versus new guard you saw someone like bill clinton the former president who got a 5 minute speaking slot now hes not very popular among young voters and more progressive voters who see him as kind of a disgraced president who got it welfare who will represent everything that they meet to error has been speaking out against or the Media Movement has been speaking out against with his affair with Monica Lewinsky and at the same time you had someone like alexander akasha cortez aoe see the kind of the firebrand the star of the Progressive Left who got 90 seconds speaking slot so i think that really speaks to this tough balancing act but it is also facing going out of this convention right he needs to win over voters from maybe the broadest political spectrum that the democratic parties are had to. You know cater to. From aggressive left wings to to even disenchanted republicans so its. Very tough balancing act and just quickly on those dozen chance republicans because we saw some of those speakers as well so how the dems really trying to distinguish themselves from the Republican Party right now well i think that is one of the main points that they are trying to exact same that they are the party of inclusive the party where everyone is welcome whether actually youre republican but or or democrat as long as youre not you know trump all right our reporter peter looking at the convention for us thank you so much for bringing in that. That leaders of a military coup in the west african nation of mali say they will bring about a political transition and hold new elections within reasonable time mollies president Ibrahim Boubacar kato announced his resignation just hours after being detained by armed soldiers his ousting follows months of protests over corruption and economic mismanagement and while the events have been met by jubilation inside mali theyve sparked alarm among international observers. Gunshots that on meant to kill but to celebrate this con navigates the geron crowd sitting inside is believed to be the detained president Abraham Boubacar Kato and other officials and later in the day where were looking president k to appeared on state t. V. So you will know. If some elements of our armed forces concluded that my presidency should end with their intervention whose job it is going to be once you. Do i really have a choice. I accept the decision because not a single drop of blood should be shed to keep me in power. The coup leaders also appeared on state television vowing a transition that would lead to fresh elections. Descends into chaos day by day anneke and insecurity because of the people in charge of its destiny. Real democracy doesnt go with complacency no weakness of the state authority which must guarantee freedom and security of the people in a secluded situation. Their power grab started as a mutiny among soldiers at an army base near the capital bamako after seizing weapons and taking high ranking officials prisoner they then moved to the president s house surrounding it and firing gunshots into the air. Crowds of antigovernment protesters cheered on as the democratically elected leader was arrested and driven away. Very happy because this is the liberation of the people of mali all molly and were waiting for this day and we were waiting for the president and his men to allow us to breathe. Molly has been gripped by months of antigovernment protests with many accusing caters administration of corruption and incompetence especially when it came to preventing a jihad this insurgency from the north. While the president s resignation was celebrated by those in the streets the takeover was roundly condemned by the International Community echo was the west African Regional bloc pledged to close land and enabled us to mali as a result it must feel like deja vu for some a military coup was launched from the same army base in 2012 right toppling that then president and sending the country into a period of chaos this time around the people of mali will be hoping for a smoother transition of power but it is still unclear just who that power will be handed to. Lets get some analysis on the story now we have told me or not people from africa with us hi tony thanks for joining us it was saw those images of jubilation on the streets how does the rest of the country though see whats happened yeah i think its important for us to be clear that this is bamako the capital thats in the south of the country this is not a picture of the whole country so while we it appears as if the whole country seems to be supporting this they have been groups that have been at odds with the government for years and those some some of those have been you know trying to maintain control of certain territories in the in the country they were part of a Peace Agreement and so if they see that the government they signed this Peace Agreement with is shaky they might want to sort of take advantage of this of the situation and back off a want to regain the sort of lawless control they had over that area so i think its it wouldnt be 100 percent accurate to say this is. A mass Popular Uprising in the sense that the whole country supporting the president toppling but at the same time as weve seen when the soldiers came into into obama go to take over they were they received quite a lot of support on the streets lets talk about what led to this moment because as we mentioned there have been months of protests in mali so could you say that this really was a popular insurrection. Lets difficult because there are other protests going on and we see the military taking advantage of that situation so we have to ask 1st of all how long has the military been this element of the military been planning this. You know was it inspired particularly by the protests or did they have their own military related grievances that theyre trying to push forward theyre saying that theyre going to bring about a civilian Transitional Government we have to wait and see who makes up that government as well because that would be key for understanding where the military is coming from but also how long this whole transitional period takes as well what about president cater because when he came to power in 2013 he was really celebrated in a lot of people are excited about him as a leader he was reelected 2 years ago why did people in mali become so disenchanted with. Those issues they raised in the in the mass protests the corruption is the nepotism seeing him bring up his own people including his son into key positions weak Public Services failing to deal with security when talk about the jihadist situation but also with Ethnic Violence as well failure to fully implement the peace accord as i mentioned of relating to some of these. Movements around the country so theres a long list of people just saying you know hes incompetent and hes governments incompetence of that has angered people and our reporter told me a lot of africa thank you so much for joining us. Fire lets move on to sports now in football byron you know the last german club still left in the Champions League after light 60 to paris and her mom byron face francis lee on the 2nd semifinal in lisbon tonight theyre chasing a 3rd trophy this season for the 1st time since their last Champions League triumph in 2030 years down the side towards required munich last won the Champions League in 2013 in an all german final against bruce you dont and theyve won the League Every Year since in an historic st it stands at 8 aces clearly great for what the varians crazy busy return to european glory. Has always been relaxed says guns im relaxed about the whole thing because i know the team is very focused because its got big goals but we all know that its a game starting at mill mill and we have to play with the same level of intensity as we did against barcelona for 90 minutes. This game but. Having dismantled limo messi in barcelona in the quarter final goodbye and machine now faces a relative minnow in french side leon. You are fully enough to intriguing bust you for iraq after the barcelona game is of course very very big both on the day and the day after it was a very nice feeling to start the tournament here in lisbon with a win like that but now we know we have to switch the focus to live on to prepare for them it will be a different kind of opponent a different kind of game under the spear. Just by him can add a 6 Champions League title on sunday and become europes 3rd most Successful Club side. Lets get a recap of our top stories here on d w e u leaders are preparing to impose sanctions on valorous as a Popular Movement demanding president the question resign shows little sign of letting up from exile in lithuania opposition politicians did not. Appeal to the e. U. Not to recognize what she called the fraudulent elections that gave a 6th term in office. And german prosecutors are treating a series of crashes on a berlin highway as an islamist motivated attack at least 6 people were injured when a man rammed his car into several other vehicles during rush hour on tuesday. Coming up on the w. R. Environment show eco africa is looking at how South African startups are making the Energy Sector go green. Africa. South africa bolstered Energy Initiative case the force john environmentally friendly. Generate free energy from fuller and hydro power. Is always energy on. Africa. A meal from good goalkeeper the 2nd season on the fence its more about the environment its still about society its still about us but all climates on the brink he spoke to several leading experts in the fish only chance. To get just only the sense that. We know this is a scary time for the coronavirus is changing the world changing our life so please take care of yourself a good distance wash your hands if you can stay at how we do w. For here for you we are working hard listening to keep you informed on all of our platforms were all in this sphere and together and when they can fit in stay safe everybody in the Stacey Stacey will stay safe for you and stay safe. Hello and welcome to the environment magazine coproduced by m. T. V. Here in uganda channel steve the in nigeria and in germany i am son go to nokia and with me today

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