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An update from the mali in capital also coming up tonight a u. N. Tribunal convicts a hezbollah militant of murdering lebanons former Prime Minister the court in the hague says. Orchestrated the 2005 truck bombing that killed prophet career 3 other defendants in the case have been acquitted. And german chancellor Angela Merkel tells the president of fellow troops Alexander Lukashenko that his government must release Political Prisoners and ovoid using violence against Peaceful Protesters in the country was the us democrats wanting their National Convention with top talk from big name. If we had any hope of ending this chaos we have got to vote for joe biden like on lives depend on it. The 1st ever Virtual Convention or culminates thursday with bardens nomination as double trumps challenger in the november election. Im burnt off to our viewers watching on p. B. S. In the United States and all around the world welcome we begin tonight with breaking news from mali where soldiers have arrested both the president and the Prime Minister of the west african nation of this comes after shots were heard earlier today at a military base trucks carrying mutinous soldiers as were met by cheering crowds as they drove through the mall the in capital bamako now both president abraham. And Prime Minister. Are thought to have been sheltering in the president s private residence when they were detained the u. N. Security council is planning to hold an emergency session on wednesday to address the crisis in my. Journalism im going to tell him he is covering developments for us in bombay co he gave us this update from outside the president ial residence on the developments in the mali in capital. Question that to prisons has been arrested and with the Prime Minister so you can even hear like gunshots going on its just talk it. Just told you is just to calm down to population so excited. Just i mean it was around the house of the president was. Protected by just told you and i both like 100 meters from the house of the president you have the house of peace which has been destroyed i mean totally which has been. Many protesters and get inside Little People being stolen everything they can find you cite new government courts that the government is saying that the president and the Prime Minister are being held by rebel soldiers right now do we know where the president and the Prime Minister all are at the moment. The moment. We heard it said theyve been arrested in the president s house. Family when they take him up to cut. This soldier controlling because got he says this morning was went up on 5 oclock in the morning when we hear about the school so she was already blocked. And the entrance to to cut cease and get the key to peace was already blocked by the soldiers so after that he arrested him they just took them. You know and of the soldiers and got to hold their moments only with the latest from the capital bombing thank you very much. More on the story from you or me he is with africa good to see you again talk to me a little bit about what exactly is fueling the unrest that were seeing in mali. So corruption mismanagement of violence in the northern part of the country following between ethnic groups in the country so theres a theres a can of coke. Claims that have been going on in the millions society accusing president bramble buckeye k. Tel means management in the country and also poverty and so people are very they are struggling to get food and everything and theres also corruption so its been its been on since june now and theres the movement of. 5 more meant that is like the fury in these disciplines ition against the president bramble but arcade so there are lots of problem in mali right now a spokesperson for this movement said tonight that what were seeing is not a military coup but rather a political insurrection so i dont know what the big difference is there do we know who is exactly behind this coup which it. So we dont know yet who is behind it because really we are all waiting for the official statement of the people who took. Mr mr kate but what should be understood. In the leg the fact that is a political insurrection is that. Is that it seemed to be like the end of. Read so for 10 years the month of protests against president abraham but i came and these crowds the independence which is the independence preceded by michael where people are. Currently got the road and so isnt it was a hot spot of the protest against president bush so this is why the people think this is not the cool these shows they just like for them is just the restaurants and the answer. From the military to their i mean to their needs and demands and really do we know then how this the this movement expect things to move forward i mean are they wanting the president and the Prime Minister to resign what about the other lawmakers in the country. So the pro the protests the social movement they have been. Asking president. To resign but we dont know yet for the part of the military what they are actually going to do to say in the best Case Scenario he will resign they would ask him to resign and an action would be organized but in the last Case Scenario maybe troops that favoring presenting it bramble but kate really will fight for the pride for him but anyway might he still fragile states we can see that it is indeed remy malley of d. W. Africa anyway appreciate your insights tonight thank you thank you. All right lets get the french perspective now and joining me from paris is correspondent elizabeth would taste she is following the Ongoing Events in mali as well because france of course is the former colonial power in mali and it is massively engaged in west africa now against islamist militias mali of course a focal Point Elizabeth what is the french governments assessment of the situation in mali are they saying its a coup attempt. No they call it a mutiny that has been an official declaration from the foreign secretary it was all you believe your who said that france was preoccupied that it called for respect of law and order and that it would follow closely the mediation work of the city iowa which is the Economic Community of West African States which is the regional body in order to bring a satisfactory conclusion the french are not trying to intervene in that matter but they would like to see a general consensus which they are seeing now deployment diplomatically said you know have already said that this is not acceptable not to use constitutional reads and the u. N. And European Union foreign secretary have also said that this was not a constitutional change acceptable and i suspect that theres a great deal of diplomacy going on behind the scenes in order to have this come to are a peaceful conclusion france youve got france the former colonial power whats really important is that a couple of years back france actually rescued marty from your completion of the slowness but nice gnomes and this is where the modern army of the french army off i dont find those militias throughout Subsaharan Africa in the north of Subsaharan Africa and apparently the french president has promised full support to the president of mali mr coo to do we know what that support would look like exactly i mean are we talking about economic assistance or are we talking about something military once. Ministry would be possible but probably the only look i mean i think thats the sort of. Very closest way of looking at how these things are. Apparent he a leader of the mutiny had already said that this was not a coup which is encouraging so the question is do you then create a mediation by studio which is enough its been public you know that you bring things back to the cinema but the french have been very much aware of money right now as being. The elections of 2018 its had been the scene of lots of a protest against corruption and mismanagement economic problems and im pretty sure that france would also be economic aid i think the right now theres no question of the french army and. Ok journalist. With the latest from paris tonight on these a bit we appreciate it thank you. A u. N. Backed tribe you know has convicted a member of the Lebanese Militant Group hezbollah for the assassination of the countrys former Prime Minister rafik hariri according to hague said salima yosh orchestrated the 2005 operation to kill her with a massive truck bomb but the tribunal cleared 3 other defendants finding they have no links to hezbollah leadership or resets the nation ended life in lebannon setting the stage for years of unrest. A suicide truck bomb blasts ripped through beirut some valentines day 2005 an explosion so powerful it was heard and felt across the city. 22 people lost their lives that day including the targets of the attack. Lebanons former Prime Minister rafiq hariri it was an assassination that transformed lebannon removing an influential sunni muslim leader and allowing shiite forces led by the militant group hizbollah to come to dominate lebanese political life now over 15 years later a guilty verdict in connection with the killings Trial Chamber therefore finds mr guilty beyond reasonable doubt as a co perpetrator of the intentional homicide of mr rafik hariri the same evidence also establishes beyond reasonable doubt his knowledge and his intention to commit the intentional homicide of 21 other people the ruling was handed down by a un backed tribunals in the netherlands set up to try those suspected of involvement in the 2005 attack the judges found there was enough evidence to show. I asked help carry out the bombing he has never been arrested and was tried in absentia 3 other defendants were acquitted. Among those present to hear the verdict rafik hariri son sad hariri. Your role today because of the special tribunal for lebanon for the 1st time in the history of political assassinations that lebanon has witnessed the lebanese find the truth. For the 1st time in one of the tribunals delivered through justice. The. Sad hariri whos also a politician serving as lebanese Prime Minister until earlier this year said the judges supported his view that his father was assassinated for his opposition to syrian interference in lebanon on. The role of hezbollah remains murky though the tribe you know found i asked was affiliated with the group it said there was no evidence the has the leadership or did 50 carries murder. In bill roux citizens angry at long time president Alexander Lukashenko show no sign of ending their protests there calling for the leader of the former soviet republic to step down the roof has been gripped by unrest since president bush in close widely disputed election win last week of these protesters gathered outside a prison in the capital minsk where many of the people of western during the protests are thought to be held they include the husband of opposition candidate you see her there in the. Sky yet she fled the country last week after the election fearing for her safety. Today german chancellor Angela Merkel urged the government and by the roots to avoid violence and to start a National Dialogue with the political opposition here is what miracle had to say about the crisis in the country. Tomorrow the European Council will hold a Video Conference on ballerina i spoke with russian president putin today i am once again make here that there must be freedom of expression and of the freedom to protest the prisoners must be released and to have to be a National Dialogue that enables the situation to be resolved peacefully and batteries will just does not further tomorrow as the german chancellor Angela Merkel there lets take this story now to the capitol where w. Correspondent Nick Connelly is standing by good evening to you nick i mean that looks like weve got yet another evening of protests on the streets of minsk where you are and quite a challenging day that mr luker cinco has behind him. A challenging day after a challenging week or more of resistance to his 26 year on the streets of belarus im here in front of Government House in Central Square hundreds if not thousands of people were walking with their flags with their National Flags not the flag of the government earlier this evening people were honking their horns in support all across the roofs and indeed minsk i think the important thing to remember these purchases that theres so diffuse this is not just about some Central Square these approaches that are going on across the country added and aided by strikes strikes in government run factories that have historically been very loyal to the and his government so this is really a very difficult situation is funny maybe the most difficult in his 26 years at the helm of this country weve heard several things from this week and 1st he told her just as he would have to die 1st before there were new elections now he says he would be open to new elections if the constitution were changed do you see a strategy behind all of this. I think brant hes just in survival mode now i think the individual promises all the individual details of these heady days less important than the mood the mood is something that really has changed but it was a few times over the years and you really sense. Disappearance of fear people are openly challenging this Government People discussing rumors that maybe members of the regime are planning an exit plan to take money and leave the country those may all be unfounded the fact people are speaking about openly is a big change the fact that members of the police have said they will refuse to serve or rule refuse to use violence against protesters that is a sea change something that we havent seen in previous years here in belarus where this goes now what kind of deal might or might not be possible between the opposition i think that is all very difficult to tell now but you can see on the russians faces a real sense of glee at feeling that they now are in charge of a very good point today the french president the german chancellor and the Foreign Policy chief of the European Union they all phoned the russian president Vladimir Putin to talk about the a ruse how much sway do they hold over how this situation developments and how much sway do they have over one of their putin right now. Why i think its clear to everyone that this will be resolved between europe and moscow and not with Alexander Lukashenko he in a way has lost his subjectivity in all of this he has also been under sanctions countless times and survived them so europe doesnt have particularly much in the way of instruments to put pressure on him that would really hurt where the russians are going to go with this we have no idea the had being signs that russia off the crimea off the donbass was looking for recreational with western europe was looking to an end to the sanction the really have hurt russia so that is something that speaks for russia not rushing in to prop up this regime equally. Is russias closest ally a country that most russians dont really see as genuinely being a broader foreign country that they mostly see as somehow a brother state an extension their own country rooms tonight in belarus that a Russian Security service plane has landed in minsk whos on that if it really has happened we cant tell but this definitely is a crisis that is bringing russia and western europe to the table again and a result which was socalled tell you is nick hartley reporting tonight from minsk in nick as always thank you. Are now to the United States the Democratic Party convention has kicked off with a rousing speech from Michelle Obama the wife of former president barack obama this years convention is unlike any other because of the coronavirus pandemic the event is being held online without crowds without the confetti the democrats will formally nominate joe biden as their candidate for president to take on republican incumbent donald trump in the november election. Well our correspondent defines him and is following the Democratic Convention for as its easier to do it that it would have been 4 years ago stefan you just have to watch Television Like everyone else on this probably is the most i would say Unconventional Convention ever because it is online hell where the democrats how are they dealing with these new conditions. Could have said it better yeah absolutely right yeah i think the sentiment in the u. S. Across borders fairly good actually for what the democrats cooked up there yesterday as you said everything virtual tape speeches there is no confetti there wont be any balloons dropping at the end of this i think so. Oh yeah that is that was a challenge to do covert 19 and the reagan pandemic in the United States for the Democratic Party as it is for the Republican Party next week but its ice it sentiment is good i think it feels a little bit like a super sized infomercial at times thought you know take it all into account everybody is very very happy with this at least the democrats are of course not happy and of course. Going the other direction is president all trump you think this is all boring and of course he doesnt like anything what he heard yesterday said about him. And im sure he doesnt like the highlight of the 1st night and that was the speech that was given by former 1st lady Michelle Obama lets listen in to part of what she said last night when we close out the noise and the fear and truly open our hearts we know that whats going on in this country is just not right and if we want to survive weve got to find a way to live together and Work Together across our differences so if you take one thing from my words tonight it is this if you think things cannot possibly get worse trust me they can and they will if we dont make a change in this election a stiff fine she has gotten positive reviews across the board means she was reading from a teleprompter there incredible performance compelling what impact would you say that her speech had last night. Yeah i think its not to be underestimated her impact that was a big gun Michelle Obama is a back on just for context is not just Michelle Obama now days here in the United States not just the former 1st lady or wife of former president barack obama she is somewhat of a cultural celebrity here in the United States now shes really liked from all sides and all parts of the society here in the u. S. Of course theres always some who do not like her at all but overall she is somewhat of a celebrity now and she did not hold back you absolutely right she was absolutely intense that was a speech which. Where she was trying to stick it to the man sticking it to donald trump and make sure that the teller of the democrats and everybody else who was listening and watching understand that theres only one chance to change things in this country and to not want them getting any worse and that is go to the ballot boxes and vote and vote for joe biden and against donald trump now yesterdays theme was and that is proof and what we have heard from Michelle Obama is unity unity of this of of the party of the democrats and unity for this country this is the counter concept to division the democrats see in donald trump the rights to fund the months with a wrap of the 1st day of the democratic National Convention the virtual National Convention stefan thank you. Orleans renowned the Jewish Museum is getting set for a big relaunch this sunday the museum and its new director will open a new corps exhibition the show called jewish life in germany is the product of over 2 years of work it aims to give visitors a fresh take on the jewish experience here in germany also addressing previous controversies. Whats life like people in germany today what challenges do they face and what makes them happy better than is Jewish Museum has been thinking about this for the past 2 and a half years and offers up some answers in a new exhibition. A collection has been created in which jews can recognize themselves in their Living Environment its also known jewish visitors concrete unlearn a lot of the wealth of jewish and German Jewish relationships. Can a new start in the management of the museum dutchwoman haiti pared over in april sees the new exhibition as a long overdue reaction to cultural changes. First of all the audiences changed there are less in this people that have experienced the 2nd world war personally and many people came into germany they dont have a personal relation to the history of the 20th century in germany and of course many jews came to cheer many so its also a revival of jewish life how has jewish life changed in germany and where to problems still exist a video installation encourages dialogue about the ever present search for identity. Through Virtual Reality visitors can see destroyed synagogues restored to their former glory those who see what has been lost feel the loss particularly keenly. The museum has taken sick. Interstage in germanys capital for 20 years a spectacular zigzag building by daniel levy scanned from above a broken star of david insight and disconcerting path through German Jewish history in 2018 the exhibition welcome to jerusalem made headlines many thought it was too anti zionist when it a marriage that then director Peter Schaffer also supported the palestine related b. D. S Organization the scandal was spare fact schieffer resigned petie baird never accepted the challenge and is looking forward to stimulating debate the Jewish Museum in berlin stands in the interesting field of tension on the one hand it has to present the history and culture on the other hand it has to reject. All the dynamic developments in society. And show the jewish perspective on this from sunday the museum will finally be open to every one again. Heres a reminder of the top story were following for you this hour mali and soldiers have arrested the president and the Prime Minister in an apparent coup attempt thousands of protesters have taken to the streets to show their support for this attempted coup regional leaders have condemned the uprising. Youre watching d. W. News from berlin after a short break ill be back to take you through the day be right back. Been robbed of their soul thats what a people experiences when their heritage is taken from them. Childless cultural riches were stolen from africa and carted off to europe by colonialists. Each artifact has blood on it from the wounds that have yet to feel. What should. Be done with the still north from africa. This is being hotly debated on both continents. Go and soul starts september 7th on g. W. Every journey begins with the 1st step and every language with the 1st word published in the. Rico is in germany to learn german why not go with him simple online on your mobile and free south of the w e learning course nikos speak german made me. Think consciously. Carefully. Dont know those simple english you use to get going. Discover them. Subscribe to the documentary on you tube. 2 weeks ago today almost 3000 tons of Ammonium Nitrate exploded in the port of beirut the blast killed scores and left thousands homeless and it was not the boom that people had expected that came today in the form of a verdict a special tribunal convicted a hezbollah militant in the 2005 car bombing assassination of lebanese Prime Minister rafiq hariri explosive perhaps another shockwave for a shell shocked country definitely im burnt off in berlin this is the dead

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