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Department of commerce has announced it will further restrict ways access to American Technology clude ing chips its the latest blow for the Chinese Tech Company who was acquitted and is being blacklisted by governments around the world amid fears it could be used by the Chinese Government for espionage last year washingtons cut off always access to use components and techno. For more on this lets bring in our man on wall street of course it always dato hostilities the u. S. President lashing out again and huawei the department of commerce imposing new sanctions while ways a company that has already been sanctioned was behind this latest move. World traffic ministration to build on top of previous restrictions against the way and it is accusing the chinese a company of being evasive and going through 3rd parties to have access to 2 chips thats why also now the number of always up to date in the us the department of commerce of black police tops 152 up deriving 38 more entities and disputes a lot of pressure on a cheneys company at present since he did so ready facing a critical shortage of a smartphone and chips in will happen to a stop make commute devices probably rightly to temporary thats not getting american suppliers is also a long term effect of the Current Situation could also of force applied toward white to split their operations one for American Intellectual property users and not the for the rest of the world that thats not obeyed by the us system and its who chooses to join to spot oh and hostilities were not only talking about far way here the us president wants to exert pressure on other Chinese Companies as well. Definitely agrees that lets not forget to check of all theres a reason we signed by trump that will ban the use of tic toc owned by by dense and also part of a 10 cent here in the us in the coming weeks on top of that trungpa suggested over the weekend that hes administration its at looking into other chinese say companies such as the tech giant. But also lets a not forget that his administration supported by both parties legislators has it recommended to see the us a financial regulator to ban any chinese a Company Listed not us exchange it by 2022 such companies that dont comply with usa accounting standards so at this moment it seems that any truth is a still way ahead of us chris was always there a new york thank you. U. S. Drug maker novaks is set to begin a staged Clinical Trial of a Coronavirus Vaccine in south africa study be conducted on around 2600. 00 the company says africa was chosen because it was currently experiencing a winter surge in covert 19 cases and therefore provide early indications of sees no effective july of the Us Government awarded nova facts 1600000000. 00 to help produce a vaccine. As south africa has strict covered 1000 locked on batteries africas most developed economy the countrys Informal Sector is driven to find new ways to survive in some way to a one of south africas biggest informal settlements a digital boom is underway at. Lunchtime in seoul west so usually macone kitchen would be packed with hungry customers. But covert 19 has his her business heart. Caught on what you call way of business and also a room affected our business because we had fewer customers visiting us so we started doing mobile phone deliveries to get more business. In march the shark restaurant partnered with white fox a mobile app that offers to deliveries in town ships something almost unheard of in south africa. The platform allez businesses to reconnect with people who are still confined to their homes due to south africas strict lockdown. As a customer you basically can order whatever your local food is and we basically white folks take you from the store to your doorstep. In a nearby neighborhood a carwash is also being forced to do things differently unable to accept drive through customers eco valid car wash now operates door to door work. Using Green Technology to save time water and money. Come about as it hit us hard wired to we have a solution for our customers we are now using whats on those chemicals which now weve gone straight to our customers where they are we provide them the mobile car wash which is uses less electricity less water and its also for and for our environment. Up to now additional transformation has been a slow process in south africa only 56 percent of the population is online lack of Internet Access is especially prevalent in the Informal Sector which employs over 2 and a half 1000000 people. And while the coronavirus has caused a lot of hardship the crisis may actually provide opportunities for digital advancement especially in areas of the economy that have been previously left behind. These people have been able to use mobile telephony to start developing services of their own that can add a lot of value and actually enrich them to progress to extend them has been the case. For some of this may mean not just surviving but thriving. Its never been so busy moving from one place of inmates this is the growth of ecommerce within the township. With the current digital boom being fueled by a crisis many are hoping the same amental can be sustained in a post pandemic wild. Dreams come true and now to some of the other Global Business stories making news the German Economy is said to rebound from the recession caused by covert 19 with robust growth of the summer the countrys central bank the bundesbank says the broadly based recovery that began shortly after the low point in april is likely continue in the 3rd quarter irish low cost carrier ryanair is planning to cut 20 percent of its flights in september and october after several European Countries reimposed coronavirus quarantine rules for people arriving most of the cuts will focus on spain france sweden and ireland the airline is seeing weaker than expected demand due to try. British airways is starting the retirement of its jumbo jet fleet the 1st of its 31. 00 remaining 747. 00 aircraft is heading from london to spain on tuesday where it will be scrapped be a broad for the retirement of the 737. 00 after demand tumble during the korea fires and. Walk past restaurants in britain and youll likely see diners out enjoying discounted food its all thanks to a Government Subsidy Program eat out to help out it is called and its designed to revitalize britains restaurant sector for many brits its too good a deal to pass up but others are finding the scheme hard to swallow. Seafood sizzles in the kitchen its lunch time in chow bella. Maybe its a full day mobile. People are going to be somebody going up its a bit by cal things were before the pandemic here in london plates full of a talian classics set in front of plenty of diners the difference now its all for half price but its not the restaurant serving up the bargain its the British Government Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his finance minister and she soon that different the different parts cannot stay within your feet high and have a restaurant anything we can do to support like the brits are indeed eating and drinking courtesy of the government mondays through wednesdays for the whole month of august up to about 11 eurosport person that includes drinks but not alcoholic ones the goal full restaurants. Coffee. He was a big kick back in practical so its Good Discount i strongly believe hes good at the city of the book this is my day. This is true. This is a wednesday. And you can see now face slice of the city 50 percent off where ever food can be found to help out the struggling restaurant sector and stimulate the economy the government does shelling out a half a 1000000000 euros for the scheme but critics worry that spending time in restaurants is not without its risks and doctors like jenny vonn say its downright dangerous. Personally i havent done it to help simply because i am worried about a 2nd wave and senior doctors have a base basically been warning about it i think its wrong to encourage people where you know they could be in a very tolerant enclosed spaces and they cant observe social distancing and they wont necessarily be Wearing Masks criticism notwithstanding child bell is already fully booked for the evening thats not usually the case then again the government doesnt normally foot half the bill and finally tourists looking for a special getaway might be interested in an unusual spot to spend the night in la via a small glasshouse hanging over the modern river in the National Park is the latest attraction for those seeking a place close to nature the mirror cabin hangs on cables and can move across the river by Remote Control you mention recommendation starts at 160 euros for night but it is already fully booked for the sole 6. Thats a show thanks. Beethoven janis did to did he do. It is it is about a 60 mile. Trip. Many rubber bands of stolen beethoven. And of course the subconscious always one thing is clear the beat is popular. And she is sure. The sound just composer this time i cant even begin to imagine a world class one player sent on a musical journey of discovery. With all. Sorts of timber 16. Whats it going all the knowledge of the bird that you know what got to fight it. The shot. Microscope would have been but the knowledge it would come better and better and better over the years we would understand for example of the by would in fact about the Molecular Depot and therefore you a lot of it bought before the fight much more even if i were to speculate about whats going on the 25th the i cant imagine that you will admit that the cause of got much better and then be used the number of cancer cases there is the opportunity to believe how much for putting life because many people see these shortcomings all the faith can be counteracted to a large degree at people but they held for a long a period in their life. Its hard to imagine a world any more without photoshop in the last 30 years the software has changed not just photos themselves but how much we can trust what we see will look at the impact of digital manipulation coming up on arts and culture and billionaire heiress yuliya star sheykh once you to check out her video Art Collection online and for free and the photographer who hangs out of planes and helicopters tom hagans aerial shots show a world changed by the corona virus and by global warming. Welcome to arts and culture 30 years ago in 1990 s. A Computer Program called photoshop 1. 0 at the market the software made it possible for the 1st time for large numbers of people to digitally improve or manipulate photographs of course photographers had already retouched and altered photos by hand since the 19th century but now fake is the norm we ask photographers how they see it. Ever since the advent of digital photography. Has been using photoshop to brighten or emphasize. Does

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