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A 100 new to how are you today i dont know that i am just fine thank you very much and i want ill come to you odd to viewers out there we have a lot in store for you on todays program so lets take a quick look at whats lined up today. In senegal we visit some students who i think with the new solar car. In germany we hear about a push to make textiles some locally sourced through. And can you know we learn once again how crucial it is to protect our Water Resources. First we had to the south of the continent south africas energy comes almost exclusively from coal fired power plants which is a major factor behind rising up pollution in an alias the government has announced plans to significantly increase the use of renewable sources within 10 yes being solar wind or hi joe pa they mischa to his being spat at by green cape a Nonprofit Organization that provides assistance to innovate young green startups. One year ago the protests Heights Academy school and kept town went without paying for the installation the system was financed by code funding platform their idea small investors by ponies and on an income from setting the electricity to the school that is using them so far from cambridge is crowdfunding platform equipped over 30 schools and companies within 5 years they plan to have more than 200. 00 additional assistance. Install it so if you want to put money in solar panels for an environmental reason put them in south africa youre offsetting 8 times the Carbon Emissions by the side of an hour here its africa than it would do in germany for example and youre getting twice as much electricity out of it so it just makes more sense to put a solar power away you create more social environmental and Economic Impact and for that school the solar energy is cheaper than power from the grid with investment as little as 4 euros sun extant is also open to people with less income in fact many of the pupils that patel how its invested in the solar cells themselves when the horn is the schools former principal she says that aside from clint cheap energy the project also brings another benefit its really always that yeah kids are so excited allen is to actually get evolved into neuro thing and x. T. By still sells him sows and see how the money would increase or decrease or whatever i mean it was it created a huge interest in nearly excitement and then he says what do you want to teach our children for the future you seem to be near your skills innovative models to fund and produce green energy gently need in south africa the government aims to produce a quote off on a cruise city from renewables by 2030. General jones works for green care a Nonprofit Organization committed to expanding the green sector together with other lobby groups they are made sure that and i just heard taps gained an Important Role in government plans to transition south africa to its renewables go to space. And theyve said this this road to 20 cities in the road. It states it would be 20. 00 gigawatts of Renewable Energy being procured and comprises technologies within the Renewable Energy space but for the 1st time what is very interesting is that. They have. Designated gigawatts of small scale embedded generation in the. To the inside of the Police Document i r. P. Integrated Resource Plan aims to have smallest kind of Solar Power Solutions account for some 10 percent of south africas top 2 energy mix then they are in effect as who are looking to the question for have some on one big company developed an underwater pump powered by the oceans waves it turns salt water into Drinking Water while at the same time producing a constant source of energy that could power up to 10 european austell its all year around its always energy. If we said were looking at a whole range of waves that come from different areas theres a lot of stuff thats produced locally by the local winds but theres enormous amount of energy thats come from storms that could be thousands of miles away. There with pump is tied to a boy that leads with each wave that Level Movement pressure rises water to purify it and generator 2 cities at the same time for years the prototype unit was tested under water and is now back in the workshop for some Maintenance Work so far the unit has proven that the concept works the team says despite the challenges. They confident that these systems are going to. Be a big part of the solution and future is not really outside or when but working in conjunction with them the challenges with the ocean is that its an expensive system to develop when there is very little funding available with sufficient funding the company could start the pumps next year that would feed into the power grid the sun extant card funding platform meanwhile has just received an additional 3000000. 00 euros from one major investor powering on south africas green energy translation. Now its off because of us you know weve all. From feature reports on research for the environment from electric cars to doing it yourself Wind Turbines and recycling old lots of batteries they are the creations of inventive young minds on various countries hoping to make their visions reality that is right near to and this week we have an innovation from cynical a group of Young Research is a university in dhaka have been walking on a solar powered they call for everyday use hes this weeks doing give me. It was built by University Students in dakar. Its powered by the sun. The idea was developed by students in canada. The technical drawings come from italy. The students in senegal put the pieces together. It has a range of 60 kilometers. They can negotiate bumpy surfaces. And carry 2 people or goods weighing up to 250 kilograms. More than half the population of senegal has no electricity. The majority live in rural areas. Provide power people need for their various endeavors in the field or for any other activity that requires electricity before. The kid is the answer to the problem. I said to the. Battery can be used to charge mobile phones. Or to run a 500. 00 watt water pump for a full 12 hours. And how about you if youll also do it tell us about it visit our website oh set us a tweet. Hash tag. We share your story. Well roaming the countryside. For sheep or goats to graze. All over the was. There days its gonna be a hard life but for Different Reasons in different places in germany is now privately owned and livestock shipping has become increasingly rare another problem the prize award is so little its not even selling but people would like to see the various not sure textile put to good use. Shepherd Florian Heise has brought his animals to rest in a green patch between warehouses and factories in the industrial ruhr area in western germany hes one of the few shepherds left in the country. There are around a 1000 professional shepherds left in germany thats not so many really i dont know many young people who want to do this job and continue to do it with passion until i have to step down its certainly a dying profession that nobody wants to deal with you dont make much money. For. The sheep are eventually sold for their meat but municipalities also pay shepherds to have their flocks graze on public land. But wool has become a losing business these days sales dont even cover the costs of having the sheep sheared so that some of you before merino wool. Have merino sheep they still have the best quality wool i get over a euro per kilo. One colleagues of mine who have other breeds get a lot less they get 45. 00 to 0. 65 per kilo. Some of them dont sell it any more choosing to burn the roll or toss it instead. Theyre going to dip. His wool goes to china where its processed and ends up in bedding upholstery carpets and other textile products some of these end up back on the European Market where theyre sold at high prices that make split get a pap and furious as to talent its totally absurd buyers here purchase the wall and send it all the way to china for washing and it sent to paris where its packaged and suddenly Everyone Wants it. Gives it half it is a selftaught tailor. She initially trained to be a dental assistant now shes a businesswoman with a passion for wool she calls her product mosel tweed habbush mr mcmullan i wondered whether the wall from the sheep in our region was also suitable for fabric and it turns out that its very suitable for cloth and at that point i told myself that i do my best to save local wool one. The cloth is made in germany soley from will out of the region she already has about 100. 00 metres in stock the company produces vests caps and sport coats from the material. So most assigns. Have to receive support from the viking fan Spinning Wheel. In a globalised textile market producing fabric regionally is difficult the production costs are too high the quantities too low. For wool is processed here died and spun into yarn the viking felt Spinning Wheel wants to promote local wool but has no illusions about the future of wool from germany have always wanted to sadly consumers today are not willing to pay higher prices at the retail level theyre more interested in getting new products faster they want to see trends in changes in fashion so the cost has to be low it would be nice if people could change their priorities until. We get a proper remains enthusiastic about her will in fabric it may be expensive but demand from high quality sustainable fashion is growing her mission is to eventually produce quantities approaching 10000 meters of her muzzle tweet. The next away had to go born which is home to africas largest a stable forest in a fine population but sunday the numbers have increased dramatically in recent decades thats right sandra for farmers who lose their crops to roaming elephants that may seem like good news but in fact the large animals are important for maintaining that because logical bottoms so why why have authorities in no pretty National Parks i working to protect the elephant was helping the locals to protect their fields and their villages. For the and his antipoaching team this is the easy part of the job not far from their station in low pay National Park theyre gathering data on flora and fauna. From. A family of elephants passed through here they ate here. And then they moved here and left their traces. Thanks to the rangers the nature reserve has experienced no major Wildlife Crime in the last 2 years. Low pay is one of 13 National Parks established in kabul in 2002 its a you know asco World Heritage site and home to elephants panthers gorillas buffalo and over 400 bird species these days the elephants pose more of a problem than the poachers do. An important part of the work of the park manager and his team is communicating with the residents of the villages on the edges of the National Park. This is the 1st we realized that the elephants were more or less fleeing the interior of the forest because of growing pressure from poachers from the solve unsolved west. Thanks to fences that the park officials have set up around the villages the elephants are slowly retreating back into the forest. In 3 of the villages electric fences protect the plantations do that with us and weve been going hungry for 2 years people were losing weight there wasnt enough to eat but this year we have enough again we have vegetables weve been able to harvest what we planted to get. The cooperation between the Park Management and local residents is proving successful for the way in dong the fences in these communities have also come as a relief. If it was costing a lot of money it takes 46. 00 people to chase away 3 elephants and elephants not a dog its not a sheep that you can push away with elephants you have to be very strategic and vigilant wolf would have visuals and grew up here like many of the rangers hes confident that humans and wildlife can coexist peacefully. And we do this so that our children can see what we are seeing today today we only read about dinosaurs and books. We can just drive animals to extinction kill them without a 2nd thought. That would be a big problem so if you say. Tomorrow well be back at work in low pay National Park and the rangers and villagers will continue to maintain the fences that can help to ensure their future. Securing food is essential for all living creatures it takes up much of the day for some im the more we humans encroach on the Wildlife Habitat the more we have to assume that i mean most will come on me from our gardens are serious issues like water shortages getting gold gardens to grove is becoming harder and harder in the south of frogs farmers are having to drill deep wells to obtain water for their food trees and vegetable prides but devising a precint ways to use the water also helps to preserve it. These nectarines are growing plump even though there has been little or no rain here recently theyve been on grosss fruit and 120 hectors in the coal a region of southeastern france each tree needs about 8 meters of water and day on average during the summer there have been long periods of drought in recent years and they exact a price then now has installed a sophisticated irrigation system with a water pump and sensors on all the trees and an app that lets them see how each tree is doing thats almost 40 if the leaves are too wet they can rot and attract pests with this system i can treat them with pesticides directly and only when its absolutely necessary. So its a very economical what they can to support but this is. No need this is in charge of the equipment and the programming of the irrigation system. It is spend from a well that taps ground water at a depth of 80 metres the water is filtered and carefully dispensed with the help of a computer. The orchard is divided into 72 smaller plants. That also going to come up and this is what we used to run the system all create the program the watering schedule i select which plots to water and at what time of day and for how long. It lets us steer the entire irrigation process very accurately of course the summers in europe are getting hotter and drier water is becoming scarce the summer of 2018 was the hottest on record in europe drought in the north and center of the continent. Plunge as much as 50 percent water rationing was introduced in some countries. And france to the funny sector is under mounting pressure so its important to optimize irrigation and not waste water the local chamber of agriculture is interested in pioneering work in the field. Hes letting it conduct experiments on 3 of his 72 plants. Monitors how much water there is in the soil and the trees. The dam dromedary lets you see if the branch of a peach tree is growing or shrinking. If its shrinking the tree needs water i guess. The project will track tree growth and yield for 3 years the aim is to study the economic and Environmental Impact of a shortage of water growing fruit is an important part of the economy in this area. Want to model future scenarios just like if one day 1020. 00 or 30 percent less water is available will the Fruit Growers be able to respond appropriately. For. The project will help him fine tune his irrigation program. Now careful use of what size the crucial issue here to me in africa only swamp is a work line in Campbell County and also the head of water over nairobi river tributary the white line these are the important source of water awful farming and of ice it is. And the reason more to the new to the swamp also helps to reduce the impact of floods during the rainy season and helps improve Water Quality the area has suffered a major degree as a result of the Illegal Discharge of west and in question meant by local people that want to vetted members of the community to find a course of action project to protect the vital ecosystem. They used to be lots of great credit cranes here but not in a bowl on daily wetland was once home to all kinds of birds the duck and herring populations of also declined. C o 2 and store rainwater on daily is a key source of water for the nearby town of kikuyu as well as the kenyan capital Nairobi Kenya is growing and getting ever closer. The wetland greenhouses and fields now reach right up to the edge of the swamp which covers 3. 3 square kilometers the equivalent of 450. 00 football pitches found is used to harvest large amounts of grass from the wetland to feed their cattle which meant birds had less room to build their nest but that is no longer the case thanks to david work ok and his colleagues who make up the friends of on t. V. Wetland group when we started a walk there are so many afford to harvest harvest in florida and advent of they are. Just after they got by on display is. This. How the whole biodiversity destroyed the group purse 300. 00 members. They are in the process of planting 8000 young trees around the wetland to help prevent soil from the fields washing into the wetland when it rains and to hinder cattle from going there to graze. David kyras farm is next to the wetland hes keen to make sure that the trees here can thrive. Since the trees were planted the place looks good in the past there was grazing and sometimes cows would get into the swamp and sink in the bog. And now theres no more grass harvesting either. Another problem is that waste water from the greenhouse pollutes the area with toxins including heavy metals that serious because the wetland is the source of a tributary of the nairobi river on whose waters the capital depends. The friends of the on daily wetland have persuaded some farmers to give up this kind of intensive cultivation. And theyre helping to undo the damage. We are planting trees along this wetland there are very good. Trees when it comes to. Sippin in the meadows that are coming out of the greenhouse farming for a long time the local authorities did little to protect the swamp but back to changing. Were walking dead through their farmlands because. Part of the allowed so were. Getting them and creating awareness but. To do all the next funding because. Then. Thanks in particular to the efforts of the friends of on dairy the wetland has started to recover. The next project is to build a trail for that watches. The bugs that are found here. Be very important. To this area because one. Those areas that have been marked. Area i would be is. Blunt is not one of them and that is one of the things that friends of mine didnt want to achieve if things go well on t. V. Will once again become a paradise for birds a recent survey found the wetland now supports more than 70 different species as conditions here slowly improve. I hope. The importance of caring for our environment and maybe also inspired you to rethink the precious Water Resources and i hope you found a mixture of topics as interesting as a deed for now it is a good bye for me sandra to nobody here in kampala uganda. And from mean now its when lagos is good bye i hope you join us again next week in the meantime do be sure to check in with us on Instagram Facebook twitter oh i websites so long for now stay safe and bye bye. The a. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Its one of natures wonders. One of its mysteries the law of the feet lapsley zombies the sunken National Park. Every year the return to scotland so why. Researchers from germany are trying to find out with. Beijing of the food plants. Coming up on d w. Possibly the most famous face in the world. Queen elizabeth. d her portrait has been painted countless times. Is there anything else to. Millie im in still fact takes up the challenge. As a. Its difficult. In the army of climate change. Minister. Much sense to people. What ideas do they have no further future. D. W. Dot com africa americas cities the melting you. Could tell. How the virus spread. Why do we panic and when well all miss. Just 3 of the topics covered and the weekly radio show is called spectrum if you like and information on the crown of virus or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast you can get it wherever you get your podcast you can also find us at delhi dot com forward slash science. Theyve been robbed of their soul thats what a people experiences when their heritage is taken from them the. Countless cultural riches were brutally stolen from africa and carted off to europe by colonialists. Each artifact has blood on it from the ones that have yet to heal. What should be done with the stone or from africa. This is being hotly debated on both continents. Stolen and sold for september 7th on g. W. This is d. W. News and these are our top stories thousands of people have gathered in bellerose for another day of protests following last weekends disputed president ial elections they rallied at the spot in the capital minsk where a demonstrator died in clashes with police earlier this week theyre calling on authoritarian president Alexander Lukashenko to resign after 26 years in power luka schenker has called on russia to support him

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