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Do years do they have their future. The only dot com for can make a city the multimedia. Could turn. The covert 900. 00 pandemic isnt slowing down and there is only one hope to end it at that scene. But news of russia granting Regulatory Approval to a covert 19 vaccine has been received with skepticism. I hope that the russians have actually definitively proven that the vaccine is safe and effective i seriously doubt that theyve done that. And what about the other scientists across the world whats their Research Showing and when they be ready. Welcome to you covered not in special news i want to get johnsonville and as always good to have you with us now normally it takes years to develop a new vaccine but in times of this pandemic it can go fast enough not only in russia is a quick look at where were at. A little pinprick but it brings high hopes with it inside the syringe of vaccine from the cure of a company its designed to imitate the corona virus in the body to provoke an immune response about 200 people have volunteered to take part in the trial. So this way i can do my bit to help defeat the virus 10 companies in germany are currently working to defeat the virus by developing vaccines to our already testing their vaccines on humans trials generally consist of 3 clinical phases. Phase one is mainly focused on whether the human body can tolerate the vaccine and the reaction of the immune system phase 2 looks at how high the dosage has to be and phase 3 tests effectiveness whether the vaccine offers protection in everyday life. Normally approval takes about 8 to 10 years but now the process is supposed to go much faster here at the university of to begin hospital phase one is nearing its end. From the data so far we can see that the vaccine is well tolerated and safe and we also hope that the 1st signals of the immune defense which are becoming apparent are also positive she opposed gifts and another German Company is already testing its vaccine on humans beyond tech based in the german city of mines is partnering with the u. S. Pharmaceutical Company Pfizer theyre already combining phases 2. 00 and 3. 00 testing whether the vaccine actually protects against coronaviruses in everyday life beyond tech has around 30000 volunteer test subjects worldwide it hopes to have an approved vaccine before the end of the year the head of germanys medical regulatory body thinks germany is on the right track the. German Vaccine Developers are well advanced they are in a global premier league. These are modern platform technologies for vaccines i expect that even 2 vaccines could possibly come from germany if there are more so much the better. A vaccine for everyone by early next year thats an ambitious goal that will require a lot more pinpricks. Well other countries are even more ambitious in india even the government is pushing hard for quick results the threat of another seeders lock down has people avoid it but India Researchers are hard at work trying to find an answer in the form of a vaccine. Should improve its. It should it would also give us consolation on many fronts its reassuring things would be better at least. You would be that walking out in public and maybe you wont have to made the mask or the time in july to indian vaccine candidates initiated fees one human trials. This will be administering to bridge over a dozen sites the Indian Government says it feels it has a moral imperative to develop the vaccine and many major indian pharmaceutical brands are eager to oblige. 60 percent of the vaccine supply in the world whether it be Africa Europe or. Anywhere of Indian Origin india is. Perceived and is an important player in the vaccines for supply for the word this pressure however took a political turn india stop medical Research Body in a letter to trial sites said that the trial should be expedited to have the vaccine ready to launch by mid of this raised serious concerns on whether these extraordinarily expedited trials will be safe and ethical the move was seen by critics as the indian Prime Minister to make a dramatic announcement in his Independence Day speech on aug 15th out of rallying on a cry that india can be selfreliant. But after pressure from medical community the government body clarified that no compromises would be made. And that the deadline was simply to expedite the trials and. In reality the researchers say that it could take close to a year for the 1st 2 phases of the indian vaccine trials to be completed and so far theres been no works the richest one percent are not been psyco. Least any recs mistake them as if you if you are so. Many vaccines. Which promises. Are to be. Ready for public use. But with close to a 5th of the worlds population india is seen as crucial to test the efficacy of any covert baxi the rapidly rising burden of the disease and the intent to be selfreliant raises the stakes even further. For more im joined by doctors he told my manager of Research Development and innovation of the v f a thats the German Association of Research Based pharmaceutical companies the tally with us so weve just seen india is rushing to get a vaccine but russia has actually Just Announced that its approved the worlds 1st kovi 1000 vaccine itll start in ocular the countrys teachers and medical staff what do you make of that is that the big breakthrough weve been waiting for i dont think so this is a big break so because. Of how high settings and stray sheep in the e. U. Do not. Develop the end of the russian basing. Marketing or soros ation here for the certainly whats missing whats whats missing. Been all says up to now no data faceplate violence is a requirement an absolute requirement you. See what is so important about the face 3 trial. We try as. Necessary to assess osi ficus tree and the safety of the maids so this is a big trial because maybe thousands of participants of different age for the son is different almost all the detainees should be people in who are already ahead of it infection and of course all not enough and you need many thousands of people to show us that you are back since its really safe and effective. And thats why it normally takes 8 to 10 years to develop a new vaccine as weve heard and the other reports but now the scope of 92 recently see that research has across the world in china and india and Even Companies here in europe that they say that they might have a vaccine by the end of this year thats very fast hows that possible. Yes it is very fast as there are several reasons by this development resolve its 1st front is we have experience this is a preset up of of tool set is this is us of. It said so had been some bases in development and subsidies vixens that once ruled to face trial as so sad. Might actually experience for getting airbags in for us all tool just so recent is. Move technologies which i. Didnt see it all deflation and Development Techniques and the last thing is always Indian Companies and this in their i call the torah bodies highest priority have such developments and theres a rare collaborations. Between cerebrally and in a sleepy dude who gets a development. That possible so dr tom just very briefly based on the fact that we might get a vaccine sooner than normally when are you ready to get vaccinated i am ready to get back soon and it is gone as are our regular tory agency in your absence is the mining im so down as even as a green light to such a big sing i know we lie in our agencies if seeing is in the past years its they are doing a gravel truck and they have fish words so thats a really the only. If a poor little big since the char really saved and a few questions that got to him thank you so much. Well time now for your questions and that means its over to our science correspondent williams. How can a cytokine storm be stopped if it is started. Cytokines or are signaling molecules that are released by immune cells and theyre involved in inflammation which is is part of the bodys immune response to the invasion of a pathogen but in coated 19 patients who deteriorate the checks and balances in the immune system can stop working correctly and the immune cells continue to churn outside the kinds on mass even when theyre no longer needed then this this huge wave of cytokines begins attacking the bodys healthy tissues as well as infected tissue in this sort of feedback loop called called a cytokine storm which in many cases can be the primary cause of mortality there are drugs out there for toning down the immune system response that could be effective at preventing an impending cytokine storm in a patients life the corticosteroid methodism but its a fairly blunt instrument that affects the immune response as a whole several much more specific cytokine inhibitors that have been approved for other conditions like arthritis are currently in testing to see whether they are also effective in corona virus induced cytokine storms theres also a machine that actively filter cytokines out of the patients blood many times in the course of a day but its still in clinical testing. Thats it from me in the team thanks for watching. But you are now when the people of. The length of. Exposing and justice global news that matters w. Me for minds. A duel with words. Where i come from you dont want a way from a confrontation. When i was 5 years old my father took me to his friends and i was hooked on the spokes of. A sports i. Q. Learned sold a pen to seal sold. Fencing as a language a good sword fight is a conversation. Must leave your opponents and understand the thinking middle of the men to get close otherwise you cant score a hit. Its not unlike a tough interview really when interviewing politicians all whole produce c. E. O. s you have to wait for the right moment just to get around that defensiveness then make you feel. You have to take risks to get results. Ive got alphas and i walk a d w. Tough it is for me it. Is for. Beethoven is for. Me. And beethoven is for. Beethoven is for covering on. Beethoven 2022 the 50th anniversary here on d w. This is d. W. News africa coming up on the program fears of escalation in mali just as for potential streets to be mounted that the president resigns but hes refusing so what is the we also be in. That we need an ex convict incomers now who is treating prison as to make feast must protect themselves against a cruel enough virus

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