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Today the future. Of mega city the melting it. Could turn. The new coronavirus has already killed hundreds of thousands of people across the world and its up and lifes changing the way we work and who we can meet problem is we can see it stars close to is an invisible deadly threat that could be lurking anywhere. But not everyone believes that. This is now at night its pure panic now i dont know anyone whos sick in march and you think people. Ski holiday makers and others. News in how it is here we go here because we believe only scientists following the guidelines of the government are being listened to. Clearly many only believe in what they can see where does that leave us when an enemy is invisible. Welcome to you could it not and special here until the news im monica jones and dylan good to have you with us now for months you have seen representations of the corona virus like this one behind me but does the bios really look like this and does it matter yes it does because the better we know the virus the better we can fight it and luckily there are people who can make the invisible this appeal. Brothers ben and had planned to be with their grandparents in england right now the corona virus pandemic made that impossible so what is the virus which is making so many people frightened actually look like. Its got lots of doing. Things on it and he looks cheeky and no way next. Here. You know very much. A scientific illustrator not a major thanks to drawings of pretty good though he finds many depictions of viruses problematic so. This Childrens Book is actually quite nice its a very simplified depiction which is totally ok but it shows the main features and song but what i sometimes get a little bit upset about is illustrations that are used for online articles for example like this one because they use the pictures that do not resemble the violence at all and they often taken from stock images sites like this one as you see all of these are supposed to be one of each and every depiction is completely different from one another and none of them resemble the actual violence. Splats just knows exactly what the virus looks like researchers email the raw data to him that includes information about almost every atom in the protein the size and number of spikes on the surface he loathes the data into a molecular viewer and then export it into his state of the are 3 d. Software which is also used by hollywood for special effects. Scientists uses illustrations for their publications in popular and scientific magazines these graphic illustrations for the Scientific Community are a valuable resource in the fight against the corona virus epidemic. These Scientific Data that they try to show can often be very confusing and hard to grasp for example here we have the structure of the poty ace in america have you and as we see its really hard to see what is going on here the white thing in the middle is the inhibitor that can potentially disable the whole potence so therefore its a good drug target but its kind of hard to see so what i do is illustrate the same data in very clear way that makes it easy to understand what exactly is going on here in this binding pocket for example. This gives other viral a just a precise idea of what their colleagues are working on lets just say as a doctor of biology during his studies he was often irritated by how many graphic illustrators had no clue what they were depicting. You decided to fill this gap and so he became a scientific graphic illustrator he loves his job largely because of the artistic freedom that exists despite the rigors of science. And. Here we have my destruction of the corner of our house and here is the illustration of another scientific illustrate and as you see we chose very different colors and slightly different styles of how to pick them even though the overall structure of the vials of a similar. Regardless of the color ben and shawn arent afraid of the virus if theyre able to see the invisible virus they know how theyd react. I would tell him to go away. Pressure off them. The 2 youngsters understand there needs to be a vaccine against coronavirus before they can Start Playing here again with all their friends and before they can finally get their grandparents in england. For more im joined by professor ross had taken director of the center for adaptive rationality of the Max Planck Institute for Human Development good to have you with us place 1st of all you and your colleagues are looking into cognitive tools and strategies that leads to us being able to to make a decision hopefully a good one how important is it for us to visualize something in order to be able to act or react good question i think i mean if you talk about wrists and a lot of our decisions are related to the risks that we proceed in the world once youre finally in research a recession is that things that we can see are actually often perceived to be more risky just a for instance of war in the dark forest and youre rustling and of course it makes you afraid that feels very different than walking through the same forest doing today and we see no its just rabbit so the things that we do not see tend to make us more anxious ok but that is very interesting because obviously weve lived with this invisible virus this new coronavirus now for for at least 8 a month and it seems to be that this fear is wearing off with some people they dont necessarily keep a distance anymore they dont wear masks anymore whys that. Well in all likelihood there are many different to more ships that come together and you can you think princes of convenience i mean some of these measures are really quite you could be unique particularly our weather and theyre certainly not the only reason there is probably also something in play it is called the prevention paradox leading that is the provisions for a Successful End a catastrophe if you will all of this as happened then one question is well maybe the risk wasnt that big to begin with that as long as the reaction in your office of course was a well actually the prevention was noting some of this is not happening that some people seem to have to question that the risk is possibly not as big as it was often sat medion. But of course we all know that the virus is still very much alive and kicking so what is necessary to revive the kind of feel all respect that people had at the beginning of the pandemic. Well as a question if i could easily hazard were you much richer. Thats your 1000000. 00 course and i think it has a lot to do with the fact that we keep talking about this as a crisis and even the framing of the crisis really means that a crisis passes i mean crisis is to believe not use law and i think whats important is that we need to possibly change our mental model of the problem you need we need to adjust our expectations that this is a problem that is not going to disappear within days weeks or months possibly save us who are. I cant wait to sort of learn something perhaps also from religion i mean every religion and the well it is based on people believing in something they cannot see they cannot tots if they believe in it if they even follow rules while others dont what is it that makes the difference in people following religion and something they cant see and others dont. Hear. Anything wrong. We were is helpful in the strongest sense the taller center data that we have and and also to try to more evidence based needs in other words there is no loss of that early mass and healing distance is really deceptive where you are stealing with a cruel virus and so i would say for me i would not know which religious year of really. The best evidence that is currently you know. Professor patty director of the center for adaptive rationality at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development thank you so much for your time. You will what. Are your questions now over to our science correspondent and thats derek williams. Does sars kovi to incorporate genetic material into your d. N. A. That remains even when the disease is passed. A number of different viruses among done for example hiv or herpes viruses use a variety of different methods to incorporate their own genetic material into that of the cells that they invade in fact a substantial portion of human d. N. A. We think around 8 percent isnt strictly speaking human in origin its Genetic Information from by wrists is that integrated into the human genome at some point in the far distant past and has been hanging around in our genetic code ever sense which is kind of freaky when you think about it i mean its thought that these sequences might be involved actually in a wide range of what we consider to be non Infectious Diseases like like cancer or or dementia but source code too isnt the kind of virus that replicates by integrating into our genome it doesnt have to invade the cell nucleus where our d. N. A. Is it can find everything that it needs to make more of itself and whats whats called the cytoplasm which is the the gel like substance thats inside the cell membrane but outside the cell nucleus. And before we go a Coronavirus Vaccine developed in russia has been registered for use russian president Vladimir Putin says the Vaccine Office lasting immunity and that medical workers teachers and other risk groups will be the 1st to be inoculated but many scientists. Skeptical the vaccine did not undergo faced 3 trials which normally last for months and involve thousands of people. Well who knows as the world is desperately waiting for a vaccine will certainly give you an update on the latest developments in our coverage 1000 show tomorrow until then for me the team thanks for watching. Our fighters want to start families to become farmers or engineers every one of them as a planet you know where you should. Send the thing is just the children who have always been the you and those that will follow are part of a new business. They could be the future of. Granting opportunities global news that matters d. W. Made from minds. Storm some people the world over information provided. The means they want to express g. W. On facebook and twitter and up to date and in touch. Follow us. As as d. W. News africa coming up on the program ask over 19 vaccine trials go into full swing get in south africa many are skeptical but we need to equaling tear to us welcome data open all. The blood so mad out of 6 french aid workers on 2 local guides and a jack is hobbit replica caution is

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