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Even james fall cant beat the coronavirus we need a stunt man who just saddles up and rides off into the sunset because theres no work in holding. The one terry martin good to have you with us the opposition candidates in belarus this president ial election has fled to neighboring lithuania according to the foreign minister there so a lot of taken off sky ahead admitted she felt scared after president Alexander Lukashenko claimed a landslide victory germany has called on the European Union to consider imposing sanctions on bellerose u. S. Secretary of state by pompei of said the boat was not free and fair but in moscow president putin congratulated lucas hanko on his win in the bell russian capital minsk protesters have been out on the streets again. A 2nd night of protests in bellerose was the streets of minsk once again filled with thousands of people. The protesters were met by Security Forces who deployed stun grenades and rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse them demonstrators put up barricades some were injured after being beaten and others were taken away by the police. Protesters are still claiming victory in sundays election which observers and the main opposition candidate say was rigged. According to the official results incumbent Alexander Lukashenko convincingly won his 6th term in office with over 80 percent of the vote there are doubts about the election outcome of broad as well. More deeply concerned by the velour president ial election severe restrictions on Ballot Access for candidates prohibition of local independent observers at polling stations intimidation of opposition candidates in the detention of Peaceful Protesters and journalists have marred the process and we urge the bellary of Syrian Government to respect the right of peace of to peaceably assemble and to refrain from use of force lucas schenkel has defended the polices response to the protests and said those demonstrating were being controlled by foreign countries. These sheep are being directed by people in the Czech Republic the opposition understands nothing and is urging people to take to the streets in order to i quote to hold negotiations with the government so that it voluntarily hands over power whartons the last. As lucas income moved to crush Dissent Network data showed internet disruptions in much of the country with social media and news sites inaccessible but it didnt stop the opposition supporters from keeping up the pressure as protesters braved the polices violent clampdown to make their voices heard. For some analysis now were joined by bill russian journalist from enough to be a charkha thanks for being with us we just learned that spent a lot of he had not the main opposition candidate in the better was a lections has left the country and is now in lithuania do we know why shes gone there. We dont know why but definitely after yesterdays talk in the central electoral coming to she changed her mind because before she planned to support protesters from what i know and she planned to join the protest about 3 hours stuck the secret talk with the secret service or brothers made her change her mind what did they tell her i think i think they end up blackmailed her i dont know what they used for abs they threaten her with with her husband perhaps with her relatives perhaps they promise to not shoot people if she flees the country we dont know but definitely what we know they achieved what they wanted they divided wrote this theres from their leaders and the resistance now becomes leaderless so the protest has lost its figurehead it would seem tell us more about those protests in bellerose how serious are they. I never saw it before that something absolutely. Unprecedented in the country i must say that i couldnt even imagine another sense can protest so broadly they have been to not just immense but in more than 30 siddhis i think 100 self thousands of people took part though we have merit many clashes several people indict. Introduced army on the streets and special security the forces so that i for group of of k. G. B. Or was shipped in jordan the list yesterday we had him can for our colleagues report there so there is going from ation since last night of all of them i one the report on my colleague. From nash and you know was wounded with a bullet and she was in hospital but her her condition is stable so its not just the bulk protest of snow there shouldnt everyone who is on the streets and it also could mean that dorothys are going to introduce Something Like a martial law or state of emergency. Just one of those fellows reporters was detained shortly before the election took place and is still in custody i want to ask is there any sign that president lucas shank is prepared to make concessions to the protesters. Unfortunately no science and opus that hes. Put in the old breed just some fire he doesnt want the boats negotiations he continues to talk in that their opposition leaders the media and laymen everyone forbearing their revolution he and not rely on that public support anymore to rely solely on them on their own that force on the Law Enforcement on the army and he could be the worst in the prewar situation and this war was started by. His own people which is which is quite weird because he was always claiming that he is the father of the nation. From the thank you very much for talking with us that was product be a charkha an analyst on on bill roasts. Now to some of the other stories making news around the world today long lines of people have a lot of copies of the apple daily newspaper in hong kong to show support comes a day after the papers offices were raided and its prodemocracy owner arrested under a controversial new security law imposed by china in june. A security scare forced u. S. President donald trump to leave a press briefing on monday he was escorted from the room by secret Service Personnel because of a shooting outside the white house a man and a secret Service Agent were taken to hospital after the incidents. The entire government of lebanon on has resigned almost a week after the massive explosions that ripped through beirut Prime Minister said his cabinets departure would make possible the changes lebanon needs but his announcement as so far done little to placate protesters even as they are was speaking demonstrators were back on the street demanding an end to the corruption which they say set the stage for last weeks tragedy. A country in pain. On the streets of beirut clashes gained momentum protesters vented their anger at thorazine palla leaders who they say are incompetent and corrupt. 7 this scenario only reignited by last weeks disaster. Police tried to regain control turning technique after protesters howling starns. I. Dont think. They want the government gone and made mounting pressure its a demand that was granted on monday. That today we are heeding the people and their demands to hold accountable those responsible for a disaster that has been concealed for 7 years. And their desire for real change. Change from the corrupt destructive state from a state of theft to a state of law and justice and transparency to a country that respects its people. Prime minister has handed in his governments resignation to the president who has asked him to stay on until a new cabinet is formed the decision has been welcomed although many feel it doesnt are far enough its a good thing that the government has resigned because at the end of the day someone needs to take accountability and needs to take responsibility for a cop and yes it is definitely not enough. This. Might be a 1st step back to the problem is not those doing a charge for the past 18 months its those who wait and charge for the past 30 years the only it so usually its for us to get should have them and as long as they are stated they could action would only be they. Have been honest in the throes of the biggest financial crisis since the civil war making a recovery from last weeks to soft stock that much harder. One things clear the resignation has done little to quell the chaos on the streets of spain race. Is in the lebanese capital and joins us now from there reza lebanons government has resigned who will leave the country now. Terry as the government that has advised the Prime Minister has said it will continue and the caretaker capacity until a new government is formed and there are talks about. This shaping oh a new government and National Unity government and thats backed by the us france and there are countries. There are also that as a former Prime Minister said how duty and may had this new government or somebody even nominee and this government will embrace all of the Political Parties are the main Political Parties nothing on what to do and how people will react to that. Protesters are calling for more than just reforms they want to total overhaul of the way the country is run and what could that look like. And you terri and protesters are demanding the reform of the whole political establishment and to step down and that that its going. To have been running the can she since the 19757 war they want a new teacher in government going and does not is not your present and by any of the Political Parties that are taking over now and the not and they are also i think next and. With a new in it too or a no and it is to love that is nonsense and abiding by the stick with it because. That is. Not right because this is the sectarian system you are talking about which involves different religious factions and political factions as well including the iranian backed hezbollah all these factions are heavily invested in maintaining 11 on status quo how likely are they to accept a government overhaul. And along with other along with his or with some of his allies were calling for a National Unity government and since the october uprising norman has won i would do it presented in any government in that nothing on. Which probably looking crowd and who is not necessary and you direct me affiliated with him to him or is a member of the sports it and has won 6 approval and that former Prime Minister saad had and had. A National Unity government in case that thinks. President thank you very much for that update that was our correspondent us on salma in beirut. Youre watching d. W. News still to come crops in distress thousands of the giant reptiles face starvation at a crocodile park in india has thrown a virus keeps paying visitors away. Pursed his feet between the u. S. And germany over russian gas is likely to come to a head this week as u. S. Secretary of state might pump aoe embarks on a European Tour the u. S. Believes a new pipeline makes germany too dependent on russia theres already one pipeline running under the baltic sea now a new one north stream 2 is nearing completion its expected to pump some 55000000000 cubic meters of gas from russia to germany every year project has been a major bone of contention between berlin and washington just last week u. S. Senators threaten to slap sanctions on a german port where essential Building Materials for the pipeline are stored thats called rage in the port and in berlin. This ferry from the Danish Island of born home could soon be stalled by u. S. Sanctions the ship is destined for port and therefore has business ties with the port authority. On the island of reuben is a pivotal importance in the construction of the nord stream to pipeline 2 special russian ships are docked here once they have been equipped theyre supposed to live the final 160 kilometers of pipeline but if u. S. Senators have their way the harbor management all Business Associates and even local authorities would be affected by the sanctions gas market expert heiko loman feels this signals that the americans are again taking drastic measures against the project. You know im going to one side in the all the see im like kind of the new sanctions especially show that the american side is looking at this very closely and is willing to impose an obstacle with every move of the project enterprise or the russian side i believe the sanctions have the potential to at least to spawn the project for a very long time that was the only thing that site so if its. Neighboring poland also wants to hinder nord stream to it runs its own l. N. G. Terminal on its baltic coast and plans to receive liquefied natural gas from qatar or norway warsaw fears that russia will further expand its power with north stream to and ultimately use it as a political weapon and economic leverage against the e. U. The us and poland together are pressuring germany to halt the project. Kobo to skip conflicts poland and the baltic countries are fundamentally opposed to the north stream to project as it in Dangerous Energy security in Central Europe we hope that the u. S. Sanctions will halts the project and that germany will return to European Energy solidarity nord stream to damages European Energy solidarity. The new sanctions could have severe economic consequences for more crime port for example if International Insurers refuse to insure incoming ships. Didnt have Political Correspondent Emmanuel Chavez is covering this story for us remember how our political leaders in germany responding to these threats from washington. Well the spokesperson of the government saying yesterday that germany was opposed to any extra territorial sanctions and in doubt he joins what im going to america germanys chancellor was saying last month when she said that the u. S. Sanctions dont correspond with germanys understanding of International Law for any of us are high come out suze today visiting moscow visiting his counterpart Sergey Lavrov in moscow where they will certainly talk about north korea and to also express his dismay he said he talked to a secretary of state might pump a 0 about it and he said hes surprised he is this pleasure the letter written by the American Senate to this belly now with this coast with its European Partners whats would be the end so to washington and the government of the German Government is also in touch with older companies that are being threatened directly by dont sanctions this rather remarkable case because it sounds like the u. S. Is trying to tell germany how it should organize its Energy Policy how do american political leaders justify that. Well for the United States the project easer threat to the u. S. N. T. E. U. Security they say that this would endanger European Security by making germany overly dependent on russian gas and the u. S. So wants to sell more of its own natural gas to germany so the russian pipeline affects these projects now defense minister. Say that germany could be used to the u. S. That germany wouldnt become too dependent on russian gas and she also say that concerned that other interests such as those of ukraine and poland. Are not justified well imposing sanctions on the close allies or rather shocking move diplomatically what impact is this having on transatlantic relations. Well thats we only panned on the how these disputes and but of course it will have a pivotal role not only in the future u. S. And german relations but also in the relations between the u. S. And the e. U. If the pipeline east complete few dozen would be a fast entry point of russian gas to the e. U. But not the European Union you think and looking into the project because of those possible u. S. Sanctions so this wont only have faith that u. S. And german we germanys relations and those sanctions will hate European Companies much more done they would hate russian companies. What are the prospects of resolving this conflict. In salvaging what is arguably an important relationship between germany and the u. S. Well what we see right now is we do a standoff between the u. S. And germany was no country willing to change its stance at this reset and so so rather than to say that they would be crushing legal an economy sanctions against the paltry so about in the report and thats what and the polls coming out show any financial ties it will be in the u. S. So if those sanctions are implemented of course they certainly want to appease the tensions between the 2 countries. Thank you very much that was our Political Correspondent. To india now where thousands of crocodiles of the countrys biggest sanctuary are facing starvation the credit cards pandemic has forced the park to close to visitors depriving it of its most of most of its income the park near the Southern City of chennai has to has had to come up with new ways of raising funds to keep giant reptiles but ed and its conferences Conservation Program alive. Its lunch time at the crocodile park and theres a lot of the mouths to feed. But 2000 crocs at this conservation project could be going hungry. Indias biggest crocodile sanctuary is largely funded by ticket sales its a big attraction you know half a 1000000 people visit this park every year but when india locked down in mid march it had to close to visitors who wont be returning for the foreseeable future. So keeping that got him for not you in mind actually not expecting phelps timescale income from ticket i would so were back to the stock funds to make sure that we are able to see through it and diageo. The Madras Crocodile bank opened over 40 years ago and has spread some 5000 crocodile since the park is now started to crowd Funding Campaign to help the reptiles survive but its not just money thats missing. There are some colleagues here walk water in dining right now as a row and since this stuff works on the surface its kind of its men difficult because theres a lot of walk a lot and we need our full stop to be present because we have a lot of animals here. To make sure that you and reptiles dont starve and to enable the park to continue its conservation work stocks have also looked at another way of raising funds launching a huge cheap channel to turn the crux into. Say look its all the latest developments in the corona virus and demick the number of confirmed cases worldwide has passed 20000000 thats according to a tally by the Johns Hopkins university or than half of the cases are in the United States india and brazil the Us Administration is reportedly considering blocking u. S. Citizens and permanent residents from returning to the country if they are suspected of having the virus and there are signs that an outbreak of covert 19 in australia is victorias state is subsiding case numbers are falling a week after lock down restrictions were imposed. The Film Industry has been one of the sectors hardest hit by the credit by the way social distancing not only means cinemas cant function nor can movies be made especially when love scenes are fight scenes have to be shot so many hollywood movie studios have shut completely leaving more than 100000 people without work. This is the closest you get has been to action and while tainting the catalogue his ranch north of Los Angeles Gibson has been a stunt man in hollywood for 35 years but coronavirus means there is barely any filming anymore so great is the risk of onset infections bringing expensive productions to a halt. I havent been on a movie. I dont know 56 months now its been terrible all my friends are nobodys working so were very lucky to have this ranch and have a little nice side income going on gibson has recently started getting rudy lessons bring him back and also rent some stables but his future as a stunt man is uncertain hygene rules are currently being developed including a 2 week quarantine before filming begins but gibson is skeptical. Yeah as a stunt man fights are my bread and butter. Firework mostly fights or or plain. Ice specialize and save a few lines being about the idea of being a cop or whatever but yeah you know its all intimate and things are going to change. James bond him self has been thwarted by the virus no time to die is the name of his new adventure which should have had this over split in april no crimea has been postponed indefinitely. You is a war the release of tenet by star director Christopher Nolan is also on hold the blockbuster needs 80 percent of the worlds films a. To reopen to have a chance of recovering its 200000000. 00 production costs. The dream factory hollywood is in a deep sleep most of the shooting he has stopped. Her and 120000 people have lost their jobs in the american film and t. V. Industries from light can genius to meet. Sean pazin as the head of crimson studios more than 3700 square meters a current the unused normally Production Companies rent this space but they are in a di lemma explains. Its a big gamble for them its not insurable so either they hold and things fall apart in other ways or they jump in and they could be at risk financially by shutting certain productions down due to someone getting sick or a crew member getting everyone else on the crew 2nd cast included so to me were in a very big unknown that could be very very scary. Like every crisis this one has a when a animated films can be produced remotely and instead of going to the sentiment the new sponsor arriving by a steaming set of us in homes or under one. And finally 2 rare whales which spent years in a chinese aquarium have been returned to the ocean off iceland these are the 213 year old belugas named little by 10 little grey now on theyll call a conservation sanctuary south of the island home conservationists will have to keep a close eye on them as they readjust to life in the ocean after nearly a decade in confined. Youre watching d. W. News just a reminder the top story were following for you today the opposition challenger in belarus says president ial election has fled the country after accusing president look at shank of rigging the results the roots are up to it in anger after the shank of claimed a landslide victory. Youre watching news from berlin coming up next a close up look set to really struggle to switch to Renewable Energy got lots more for you course on our web site that steve w dot com im terry Martin Thanks for watching. The absurd regulations of never ending permit procedures to frequent lawsons germanys wind Power Industry is facing dodge opposition. Why is that a minister. Who has a vested interest in seeing wind energy fail. Germanys a struggling Energy Transition comes up. Next on t. W. Are they friends. Or are they now enemies who i never heard from roger. Donald trump and the flooding here proved our 2 part documentary analyzes the difficult relationship between russia and the us and between their president s how does their rivalry and their dangerous mutual admiration affect the rest of the world. Bosom bullies. In 45 minutes on d w. The time and place captured in pictures. Images of gaza. The Photo Studios are kind of documents lives in bygone era us. And leads to those living today. They are guarding gazas past in a box. A legacy in black and white. Elected memories starts of august 14th on d. W. The beginning of the end for a win for. Wind power is an important tool for protecting our climate. But as of next year thousands of blades in germany will land in the shredder. And from then on the country may be closing more wind farms than it opens every year

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