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Lockdown. Hello im christine one girl welcome to news africa its good to have your company in a number of countries in africa cases off men raping and assaults in women have increased since we walked on mishas were imposed this year experts have suggested this trace triggered by the corona virus struck downs and the resulting Economic Uncertainty is exacerbating the violence in a moment ill be talking to a woman leading efforts to rescue abused women in nigeria but 1st to kenya where the problem has been made worse by the fact that they are not enough shelters to house women who fee from violence each of kimani visited a privately run say false in the capital nairobi. When we arrive at my should girl say passing nairobi where method games and laughter. And the playful soundtrack can be had been in every corner of this 3 bedroom family house its not much space but founders florence care and yvonne one g 4 have managed to squeeze in 29 people. To be. On of them survivors of Sexual Violence. It was just like existed in the house you have 4 children 5 children thats what we need me in asia so you. And i think its its even a limited space because we are denying girls entry here which also hotspots even more. Kenya has only one government run safe house which makes such privately run shelters essential for survivors. Survivors like 16 year old maria not her real name she came here after she was raped at gunpoint by a soldier who had hired has a maid. After he raped me when i got off the bed and found a metal thing to loosen the 2 shirt he had used to tie me. I removed him out gog and then continued to work because my mom asked for then my life he also threatened to kill my wife and i will have one part and. Marias daughter was born after the rape and she has spent her entire 10 month life here she is one of 7 in france at the shelter. Of my show a 2nd safe house nearby we meet the youngest resident who also not her real name has been here since the pandemic. She was assaulted and brought here by caseworkers after her mother was caught trying to negotiate her attackers release hope is just 5 years old. I asked edith morag or from the center for domestic training and development an ngo rescuing girls from abuse why parents in the country often cover up for the abusers you know in the african setup who are more used to the situation whereby if your abuse even by your husband youre supposed to run off to his relatives in for example to your mother in law saw that is where we are coming from so theres a lot of stigma when women go to seek for shelter outside it looks it to paint them in bad light but florence and yvonne are determined to break the stigma they rely on supporters to help finance the shelter and when the shelters cash strapped they do dips into their personal savings its a huge commitment but they tell me seeing the girls 3 and being normal teenagers makes it all worthwhile. My guest today is to to lower the level i did me she is a coordinator for the lagos based on mistaken Sexual Violence response she bochum to d. W. News africa you know that weve just heard from some victims in kenya what is the situation in nigeria. Good afternoon thank you what happened. Weve seen an increase in reports in all cases cases in 2 form to match the clown and deception phones and as you know the sense in that the silence has time to settle pandemic and we have. A 25 to 30 percent increase of reporting of cases especially during the period where there was a total lockdown in the construct and so we have more people less retune on social media quality in those lines of what you see they couldnt come into the office at that time and you know people will believe me because of the site some people actually experience im falling for that time some people say they needed to speak with a clinical psychologist some people said you have to be rescued in the right to say no lets talk about what is causing men to violently attacked women in this way why is a coronavirus pandemic making it worse. Well i wouldnt say the pandemic is making me what i think what the pandemic cuz we need dont is to expose the issue is that you should that has all the food that it has just basically amplify them. To percival had the next grant to commence the fallen before the pandemic fab was as they dont go into the office doing school wrong but just basically be able to go out of the house but the pandemic off in nigeria there was the complete total lockdown the 1st time if you will so people with expected to stay at home and stay 6. However for some people the houses looking pay for 50 years will be when the chinese to be as few as that on the score that necessitated and thats. In people reaching out during this period so i do not think that the banking pandemic that that caused that the london that the silence of the life of the i think it goes with the fight for polarizing makes sense right as it always tells us about how you are reaching women who need to skate they are p. S. S. Yes so we still what was open working politically at the moment but all the seventys because the people are seventys online during the peak periods after you have to expect them but scuse me show me we have to go in and lets see some reason we was developing new strength for 2001 fortunately we had issues because 90 because we couldnt place people into homes that we needed they had to have because of one thing to do that was because the problem for both you know it was if they say if its not going on is to condemn it does nobody was really prepared for life so we just have to continue to merion us evil but at the end of the day people dont really care that they think and then people need to be nice to sit on that just very briefly has there been an acknowledgement from the authorities in nigeria about this problem have they acted. Oh yes you know weve had people problem the president has but in general the police really want me with the men up there. The about them that you know its because god that gonna look at men come be like young go on the poor he said the. Issues and the emergency of the measure the they get the bill and then that the governor does what the book about the issue and what were doing but really address that issue with when you leave the unproven done so we have being going to demonstration of political will to address the issue the question is do we feel its all right thats to to know one of evil i didnt eat talking to us from lagos thank you to. Thank you for having me a South African churches honoring the countrys car owner virus victims by putting up white ribbons to mock each and every day from the disease the fence outside st jamess Presbyterian Church in johannesburg is a reminder off the suffering caused by the disease because it has become a worn off white satin ribbon representing each of the almost 8000. 00 People Killed by the virus so far the churches can take his tie the ribbons to the fans every morning. The Economic Impact off the coronavirus pandemic has also been severe and particularly for musicians whose way of making money is not all threats to Public Health with concerts and gates back and because of markdowns theyve had to find new ways to reach their fans in uganda autists have partnered with t. V. Stations to do that. She disliked t. V. Show ugandan pop star by staying in the forms for funds across the country. She misses the big stage but she remains happy that she kind of the least keep the funds virtually. Every funded spice that now has been watching me that i know. So such a show. Just buys that it makes them feel like. We together. Somewhere. I. Choose will even number. She enjoys the short. From home. I think the next few weeks looks to go wild and win. All. Another must show i just couldnt i can guys then. Paul is a watch. When shes not on t. V. Spy stand is mostly. Media. She sees that the local activity to keep her following engaged i think things are going to be more diggy tour now because you know maybe has really helped us see the value of social media and the value of you know. Maybe. In the following because now back up to do some companies have reached out to me because of my following. Despite. The income has shocked me during the pandemic just like for most artists. Online platforms like you tube. Bringing something coming but she sings thats doesnt with my stick it serves for Live Audiences especially in her country where funds granted by records. Like twin come are as well but does not seem to stopes by staying and from giving up based on the funds not all dutch to well it is time to dance. And thats it for now be sure to check out some of the stories on. Africa on facebook and twitter today will leave you with pictures of the had a festival which ended on sunday so next time if i find out. What secrets lie behind this one. Discover new adventures in the 360 degree. And explore fascinating World Heritage sites to. Double your World Heritage 360 getting up now. In the art of climate change. Or served 6. Years today how for future. Because they go cities the multimedia is close to her. Welcome to arts and culture weve been away for a few months but were very glad to be back on air and today were going to sulzberger for an experiment of operatic proportions the salzburg festival is 100th edition got underway this weekend despite the pandemic so can it be done the culture world is on the edge of its seat. And also coming up on arts and culture artists and some key for a symbolic poetic approach to confronting the dark chapters of german history. And when high fashion doesnt sell designer duran line take puts the clothing industrys cast offs back on the runway. First though what last year might have been artistically daring is this year actually potentially dangerous operas plays and concerts performed in front of a Live Audience for a month in the middle of a pandemic well in its 100 year history the salzburg festival in austria has only had to cancel one time and that was during world war 2 this year organizers are determined to stay open. Stage if we see

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