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This time to do it everything could go. Of course the u. S. Remains the world leader in the pandemic. Goes without saying so were very much going to put pressure on governors and everybody else to open the schools the only person ive heard played politics with this is done term and we know this point if any should be seen. Also coming up tonight can the world fight 2 viruses at once a disturbing prediction from the United Nations the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on in china the aim we are getting reports of cities being closed supply chains being disrupted board as closing knocked down michels their most vulnerable and so will radio but. These should it. To blow us even more off track. Until our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and all around the world welcome we begin the day with the push to go back to school on time even if the coronavirus is in the classroom next month is when schools in america normally begin a new year but nothing is normal this year in a country where face masks are partisan accessories plans for reopening schools have become the stuff of political arm wrestling and u. S. President donald trump he is flexing his executive muscle pressuring state governors not to delay the start of the school year trump is offering no concrete plans on how to make schools safe in the middle of a raging pandemic today he publicly rejected recommendations from the centers for Disease Control on opening schools on the day that corona virus infections surpassed 3000000 in the u. S. President trump is telling parents and School Principals not to follow the advice of Public Health experts this is not sitting well with teachers in fact many say kids in the classroom will accelerate a 2nd wave of the pandemic they say lives could be put at risk including their own and that schools will most likely be forced to close their doors again. We dont want people to make political statements or do it for political reasons i think its going to be good for them politically so they keep the schools closed no way so were very much going to put pressure on governors and everybody else to open the schools to get them open and its very important its very important for our country its very important for the well being of the student in the parents i want donald trump to sit in the back of my class of 39 and breathe their air i want him to sit there for 7 hours. 5 days a week and help those kids cough and sneeze im happy you dont get this right if there isnt hoops here it probably means somebody died. But when that starts to happen theyll close schools down again that will impact the economy that will impact the funding for Public School it will be a vicious mischief cycle strong words there the debate over reopening schools in the u. S. Is not just about kindergarten through 12th grade and its not only about americans returning to a story that we told you about last night foreign students at u. S. Colleges universities maybe may not be allowed to stay in the country they could face deportation if their universities offer only online classes many including harvard are planning no in class instructions this fall in order to slow the spread of the coronavirus tonight Harvard University and mit are suing the trumpet biggest ration to block in forced mint of this new visa route the schools say that the order came without notice and they say it is simply cruel and reckless the students who may have to pick up and leave they agree. The 1st thing you got to happen as soon as this was announced i was just trying i cant go back to minnesota there are no flights there and its a very very unsafe situation when you can get like in your twentys you start to get in so that is where. Your plan and your plan. For chasing is and something you you know you want to put in our students have to make a choice between their health or leaving the country is ridiculous and i think it kind of feeds into. Kind of their idea about just trying to push schools open without really coming up with a good plan well we are joined tonight by one of those foreign students facing an uncertain future. Is from germany and she is a ph d. Student in religion at Harvard University on kids good to have you on the day what have you been told by the university or what have u. S. Immigration officials what do they told you about your visa yeah thank you so much for having me and i havent really gotten much information besides the ice order that youve all read and hard it is definitely a firm that they are fighting for us that theyre fighting this lawsuit but i havent really gotten any information about or not this is actually going to affect me and how it would affect me how long i would have to pack up my things and go home so at this point that nobody has actually bitched out to me and in person well me you would have a lot of time with would you go on to the semester begins next month i mean this is incredibly short notice yes absolutely and so i at this point im very anxious about what that would mean for me how to just say clay i would have to figure out how to get back home and set up have a workspace there for myself and pay for flights back home and what it would mean for my Health Insurance my financial situation all of those things well ill go but would you do i mean do you do you have a plan if you have to reject out of the United States. At this point im assuming i would go back to my parents house and tricep set up camp there i would have to leave my car my partner my pets my space behind and figure out what to do but thats what i do i do have a plan but at this point its still kind of up in the air and then i would have to take classes in the middle of the night at my parents basement most likely so you would be in your parents basement doing online classes and in the middle of the night because a lot of that is the time change right by right so my seminar for my stop feel for example meets at 6 pm. And so therefore at like until 8 am so i would have to sit at home and in germany between like midnight and 2 am in the morning after also i wouldnt have access to my library i would have access to my books i dont even know how would be able to do coursework and my research. Yeah you know there are some support. This visa rules and they say that you do not need to be in the United States if all the courses or online you can take the courses anywhere in the world what do you say to those people. Yes so we only had a few colleagues who had to take courses on line last semester because they were unable to go back in to get back into the country and they have all told us how incredibly. Bad the situation was for them and how they werent really able to follow up with courts work they some of them didnt have the level Internet Connection some of them didnt really have a space to get back to over in a very you know and then environment that in them allowed them to prosper probably to those who really think that that is an option i think they have never really taken a course at harvard and what that entails and what you need in order to successfully do that yeah exactly i mean and what it takes to get swept good at harvard i mean we certainly have to take our have all to you for that im going to many years have you been in the United States yeah ive been nice is for 4 years now so i came as an Exchange Student and then after one year i started my masters at yale for 2 years and after that my ph d. Program for one year so its been 4 years its been 4 years and whats your relationship and a German International student to the United States now. Yeah it definitely has to change right i came here in the summer of 2016 i felt very welcomed and i felt like i could prosper here people wanted music come here and over the course of the last few years the situation has changed i feel threatened is this constant you know threat in the back of my thinking that they could be in bands like this one coming to effect at any moment and if you list both will i feel like im here as long as im good for something and as soon as the concentration gets complicated im just being sent home and at this point i think after after this you know after all of this is hopefully over one day. Professionals and International Professionals are going to have to be evaluate better not they think taking that risk is worth it taking that risk to go to the United States and invest their talent there is worth it yeah what youre seeing here is what we been hearing from a lot of people before this visa rule was announced is it is it safe to say that your experience in the United States had made you more proamerican i mean its been a positive experience for you. I dont i dont like im im im im pro at it like a pro i dont think im kind of go to say im proamerican and it definitely has offered me a particular to use that i wouldnt have had in germany especially in my specific set fields and i think the american. Education system for what i want to do is a wonderful place to prosper. I i dont know if i could say im probably more proamerican yeah well or maybe its given you a better understanding of whats going on in the United States if you could speak to the people in power in the United States tonight and you know give them a message what would you say to them. Yeah i would say in one hand i am im incredibly talented ive given this country a lot i wrote before undergraduate students here who i had bias and i think ive made a positive impact on this university but also im human and i have a life here it is just incredibly unkind to uproot me from that im an adult woman i know it is a temporary home but it is for now it is a home because that my program yes for 5 to 7 years so im just appealing to them to be due to human thing but also to think it is on the long term better for that country economically and. For the state of Higher Education in this country yeah yeah you are youre a human being and should be treated that way. I mean we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with this tonight we will be following you and we wish you all the best the end of this story has not been written yet thank you thank you so much for having me. Yet another book about u. S. President donald trump yet another scathing assessment of the man in the oval Office Next Week the much anticipated book by Donald Trumps niece goes on sale in too much and never enough how my family created the worlds most dangerous man mary truong a clinical psychologist accuses her uncle of being a sociopath with no regard for human life this blistering book comes just weeks after the publication of a tell all book about the Trump White House written by john bolton the former u. S. National security advisor is tim sebastians guest this week on conflict zone bolton big said clear he does not want trump to serve a 2nd term. Were 4 months away from the next of those elections what if trump loses by a small margin do you expect him to go quietly or organize some going of bizarre National Emergency to try and stay way well maybe you would tell me what evidence you have that hes planning to to create a bizarre National Emergency you know its reporters in arizona didnt say that the vote will be the most corrupt election in the history of our country and we cannot let this happen so youre making the same mistake as many trump critics youre exaggerating without adequate evidence and i know youre question and i know from your questions you obviously despise truck thats fine i understand that but but the way youre approaching it makes it difficult for those of us who are opposed to him getting another term to make the case to americans who want to know what the facts are that thats something that you know the people will decide here in 4 months and well see what the outcome is before you get hyperthyroid about it lets see what happens. Here europe german chancellor Angela Merkel is calling on the European Union to unite if it wants to emerge from the coronavirus pandemic stronger merkel was in brussels today to mark the beginning of germanys 6 month presidency of the European Council and the European Union it is in crisis. Masks hand gestures and rather awkward head nodding have taken the place of handshakes german chancellor Angela Merkels 1st trip abroad since the corona Virus Outbreak was marked by new pandemic etiquette as europe confronts an unprecedented threat already over 100000 european lives have been lost to the virus and alongside growing debt and unemployment the continent to seeing a marked rise in populism. This in for the pandemic cant be fought with lies and dissent from ation beneath him nor with hatred and agitation in fact in 9 populism is being shown its limits. He says that the top priority of the german presidency is to ensure that europe emerges from the crisis united by just short term stabilisation of europe will not be enough we also want to europe that offers hope and of hope but us hope. Merkel supports the e. U. Commissions proposed joint Recovery Fund of 750000000000 euros to provide financial help especially to the southern European Countries that have been hardest hit the Commission President formally the longest serving member of merkels cabinet feels that such radical steps are necessary we have entered the worst recession since almost 100 years but she faces opposition from the frugal for austria denmark the netherlands and sweden they are reluctant to give away money without Strings Attached merkel insisted that a compromise was necessary and sooner rather than later the mines are mysterious is our common goal is to find an agreement as soon as possible because the depths of the canonic slump urges us to hurry there is no time to lose otherwise the weakest will suffer. I very much hope that we can reach an agreement this summer along the negotiate. Beginning in the coming weeks will determine the Economic Future oh youre joining me now from brussels is our correspondent barbara very good evening to you barbara european leaders they have been calling for Greater Unity among members states as long as you know i can remember can the german chancellor can she conjure up vet marigold magic that we have seen in action before and this shes given her about something we know referee we know her style when she talks and when im going to america does passion and i believe in europe afterwards what we most least say is nice try however i mean this on this at this point in time whats on her side is necessity it is the absolute urgent necessity to do something everybody realizes that in the depths of the recession that the European Union is sliding into at the moment they just have to come up with condom measures so the question is not if how money is going to distribute it and this is what the big fight is going to be about america is the most experienced of all the heads of state and government in the European Union. A lot of the people there personally and she knows how to deal with them and so it is europes best chance that she just packs and is now heading the presidency and she will give every best to sort of get to that compromise that we heard her asking for sometimes you do need luck to have success what about this Recovery Fund for europe what do you see is the biggest impediments to that becoming a reality. The biggest obstacle is that this is some sort of cultural war because northern countries the socalled frugal forward in brussels. Also called this stingy for. The south because the northern people say why are we supposed to give away our good money to those southerners who havent really gotten their house in order when the time was good when the sun was shining they should have done reforms years ago they should have saved money they shouldnt have those huge mountains of debt that italy is sitting on for instance and so they because the they fear for their electoral bases they say basically ok were ready to give the loans but were not ready to give money away as grants that is more or less what the big 5. 00 turns around but its much more complicated than that of course as usual because the next european budget is also sort of thrown into the mix and then this this battle about who gets what and how much of of which sort of pot of money and will there be grants and at all will there only be loans and so on and so forth that is such a mix of difficult difficult conditions that im going to medical bill really have to do her best to sort of sort this out how does she do this she sort of gives a good reason sweeties to some she threatens other she blackmail its the sword and she uses just the whole instrument area im off a political leader with a lot of experiences in long nights in brussels in order to get to the point where everybody will say yes exhausted and sort of going help what is on her side is that she can do this for longer than anybody else 3 oclock in the morning 5 oclock in the morning shes still up there everybody dead tired and then thats the point where they might finally give in thats part of the miracle magic i suppose. Brosnans barbours always thank you. The corona virus crunches could become deadly for millions of patients nearly 40000000 people across the world are living with each i. V. Antiretroviral medications help to manage and control the condition but the coded 1000 pandemic is interrupting supply chains which deliver life saving each i. V. Medications now that is just one of the dangers w. s adrian krege reports there. To be would have preferred not to come to the clinic today because of the corona virus and to avoid questions from neighbors to me is not her real name she prefers to remain anonymous i know she is hiv positive and wants to make sure her one year old daughter does not become infected. My family no friends. Know. Because they like to go for a little bit build they judge you its our own snow pride because you dont know your future lives would have been too often. So you dont need to charge for. One in 5 mothers in khayelitsha township is age i be positive a few years ago 2 out of every 5 children also had the virus but now the chances of a chevy being passed on that group are less than 5 percent south africa has made significant progress in the fight against hiv the government pays for the medicines and aid agencies like Doctors Without Borders with Education Programs in normal times a group of mothers with h i. V. Meteo once a month to go in a crisis means the meetings have been cancelled all of my best again and not from the groups a chance of discussing with p. Is and giving also time to discuss the difference and he doesnt the internet that so know that the group. Anymore if it is he afraid to post it. Thats the medics now counsel the mothers on a one to one basis hiv is still a serious problem. The hospital is much empty of unusual because of covert 19 many patients avoid hospitals and therefore dont have access to their medication experts believe this could have a Strong Negative impact on hiv aids but also in the book you lose those patients in the future. Tim she knows her medication significantly increases her own Life Expectancy the hope is that in the future h i. V. In corona will no longer be a danger to her daughter. And untreated each of the infection is far more deadly than the night we asked each of the researcher here in germany why well the difference basically between 19 and age is that many hiv patients do not get their medication its a deadly disease and almost 100 percent can die from a chevy van they are infected now we were at the state where we can control the infection bad well that people can make it happen normal Life Expectancy but now lacking those medication in some countries just due to. Transportation chains this is a very serious problem that the issue is but they should be that you have to take the medication every day and if you do not have medication for example poor months or even a week you might develop resistance against the medication and then it wont work anymore that w h o n u n h s and its about half a 1000000 additional aids that weve all face this year because of the call that 9000. 00 prices. Well finally if there is one place in the us that is intimately acquainted with history making tragedy it is new york city in our lifetime alone the big apple has been home to the dot com bubble bursting the financial crisis and ground 0 on 911 most of us remember that fateful day in 2001 you probably recognize this photo was well one of the most famous images taken just moments after the collapse of the World Trade Center people fleeing in terror the gentleman you see on the far left wearing glasses and a black shirt his name was Stephen Cooper mr cooper died earlier this year his family say that mr cooper carried this picture in his wallet and showed people he met proud that he had survived a terror attack his family says the cause of death was coded 19 Stephen Cooper was 78 years old the day is almost done the conversation continues online join us on twitter. News you can follow me and. Whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day well see you than ever. Coronavirus summer 20 twentieths following lock downs and working from home people surely want to get outside and travel dont think. The tourist industry is waiting for them with bated breath but probably stations are still in place and many potential holiday makers are feeling too uncertain to plan they cations made in germany. On t. W. Entering the conflict zone and fronting the powerful 4 months to go to the president ial elections in america so no trump is sinking in the polls and those for the National Security advisor says he isnt fit to be president anyway jumbos a good my guest this week from washington how much damage trump has also done to america and the rest of the world. Conflicts. In 60 minutes of. Cancelling. Carefully i dont know those soon to be true need to do a good. Deal. To discover who will. Play. Subscribe to the documentary on youtube. We all crave those few weeks every year the chance to get away from the home and relax far from the daily mountains last year someone

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