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As well come to the program tensions are rising over hong kong with china threatening reprisals if britain goes ahead and grants residency rights to 3000000 eligible hong kong as china has faced a groundswell of criticism from many western nations over its decision to impose a sweeping new security law banning acts of subversion on kong police have arrested hundreds of prodemocracy protesters rallying against the new law. Or critics fear the new security law will be used to crush any dissent against chinese rule among those critics is acclaimed hong kong artist casey wall who in the past has produced politically charged thats openly critical of beijing wong warns that whats happening in the city is only a glimpse of what lies in store. I feel like i was caught one morning and then suddenly it is 2047 i thats the year until western style rule of law and Civil Liberties for hong kong was supposed to be guaranteed according to a treaty signed by britain and china ahead of hong kongs handover. But its the 1st of july 2020 and hong kongs protesters are fighting a lost battle for freedom and the right to gather and against beijings new security law every protester risks arrest. For those. Who has the guts to come out today you know i salute them because they already oh. Expect. The worst nobody wants to get some like trying to wrap my. Best celebrating the 1st of july in 1907 the day that hong kong officially reverted to chinese suffer n. T. After 156 years of british rule also toasting the new security law. Everything is peaceful here in this Chinese State t. V. Broadcast. Co his is also new we see that the Central Government is determined to protect the vast majority of law abiding hong kong citizens from a minority thats trying to undermine National Security saw hoyt. But it wasnt a minority that took to the streets it was millions. Singing glory to hong kong they protested for weeks and months and issued 5 demands such as a retraction of the new classification of protesters as rioters and an inquiry into alleged Police Brutality case the one protester to without. And april last year this performance artwork off a dock premonition of what was to come locked into a cage the performance chant i will not go to china and whatever happened here at the start of like. For shadow of what is to come to the west so thats why Western State western countries should close their eyes on the 4th call. Today there are far fewer protesters demanding freedom for hong kong because they are in breach of beijing socalled security will. This police ban a states that every protester who violates the law will be a respite and everyone on the street knows the risk of taking. K. C. One dusting. He says he wanted to give this interview because he refuses to give up his right to freedom of expression and stands by the 5 demands sistar. People in taiwan are also closely watching developments and hong kong officially known as the republic of china its been independent since 950. 00 a year after the Chinese Revolution brought the communist party to power in beijing china considers taiwan a renegade province while taiwan has been lobbying for International Sanctions against beijing i asked the taiwanese representative in germany janeway cheer if that was realistic. Look what the american has done they have sinks and they get put strain on the sections and they are trying to is confront it was a big problem and if the European Countries do have the sense in together we say not only we see the trump but also with us where you depend on us right here in short we say the word of freedom then surely the Chinese Government there ought be confined it would be scared own thats the only way only talking and warning wont help and i was on the other stories making news around the world in myanmar at least 123 people have been killed in a landslide at a jade mine that happened after heavy rain and is the worst in a series of accidents of such sites but its blamed a lack of Government Action on safety. Germanys foreign minister has met his turkish counterpart meved covers oklo in the berlin discussing topics including bringing an end to the syrian war germany has a special weight in International Diplomacy right now as it holds the presidency of both the e. U. Council and the u. N. Security council. Accordant turkey has been deciding today whether one of its stumbles most iconic buildings should become a mosque again the centuries old high as a fear is a unesco World Heritage site as the church a mosque and is now a museum with nationalist groups demanding it be open for Islamic Press critics say that it has become a political instrument for president out of one. Of the empires have fallen religions have been replaced the city itself has changed names but the dome of the higher sophia has restored his old bill to the 6th century as a byzantine church it was for centuries the Worlds Largest christian cathedral. Almost a millennium later it was converted into an islamic mosque during the autumn an empire but in the 1930 s. It was turned into a museum under the founder of the modern turkish republic ataturk a symbol of the new secular state inclusive of all religions since then it has been a Meeting Point of many faiths but held by none a place where popes and president s have come to pay their respects and marvel at the architecture. The religion is a tool for president richard type of on he has overseen prayers in the museum and raised its status at local election rallies. I also feel he says over the edge of a new sort of as you know they converted the higher sophia from a mosque to a museum a while ago. Now we hope to be able to call it a mosque again after the election. With. Islamic groups have fought to pray at the highest the fia angering neighboring greece which says the building is part of its author docs christian history unesco has warned turkey its conversion to a mosque could violate the world Cultural Heritage convention. A flashpoint of religious and National Struggle whatever its future the highest of fear will remain an icon of istanbul. And standing by in front of the high as a fear itself is on the. Tell us about the importance of this building and whats at stake today with the courts decision. Well just standing here right in front of the iosif ia looking at it it really is an architectural monster piece with an incredibly interesting history a cultural landmark for both christians and muslims and it attracted a nearly 4000000 visit is last year and these are probably reasons why there is always so much attention especially from abroad whenever there is a debate here in turkey about this buildings future and there have been many such debates in the past now today turkeys top administrators cord reviewed another challenge to the i. S. O. Fias museum state as it was brought forward by a Turkish Association that claims there is a problem with the legality of the 934 document by which it was turned into a museum by turkey state found a most if i came they say there is something wrong with that document it needs to be ruled invalid now as we learned from turkish media reports the Court Earlier in the morning had a short session and came up with a verdict but they wont announce the verdict today but say they will publish a written statement sometime within the next 15 days now there is a lot of speculation why they dont make their decision public but what i can tell you is for sure this debate surrounding the obvious afia will continue it will go on but lets talk with more about the politics of this president is a conservative muslim himself he supports plans to change the status to a mosque why is that important. Well you could also argue that already has more than 3000. 00 mosques including many representative one so the city doesnt need another mosque but its not about this the i. S. O. Fear is the ultimate symbol of the muslim autumn and conquests of christian constantinople and ad one knows that he is known as a politician who uses religious and nationalist symbolism to draw support from his conservative voters why is this issue coming out now many critics say hes trying to divert attention from other pressing issues the Coronavirus Crisis has hit the turkish economy hard his Approval Ratings including those of his parties have dropped so the highest sophia from that perspective says its a somewhat like a political joke a cod add on plays from time to time well if they change the status into international reaction. Well that would be hugely controversial its safe to expect a lot of criticism from the Orthodox Church from greece or russia yesterday u. S. Secretary of state mike compare who has urged turkey to maintain the Museum Status here of the fia he called it a place that is considered a bridge between cultures and religion so a transformation of the museum into a mosque would certainly come with a lot of risks especially on the International Level it might held help out on domestically for a certain time it might be somewhat like a triumph you domestically but internationally this could turn into a problem for him. Thank you. To sporting history now on a name that is largely forgotten ject leslie only a 100 years ago he should have been englands 1st black footballer on the National Squad until recently very few had ever heard of him but heightened awareness of Racial Injustice has forced Many Organizations including english football to stay closer and more critical look at its history. A campaign to honor what would have been englands 1st black player jackie as he was caught up to the National Team in 1925 but its believed that when members of the f. 18 English Football Association saw that he was black the invitation was dropped for his family the exposure is non overdue and i just hope that a lot more stories of people you know and how they were treated also come out as a feeling that synonymous with f one of the black community and anyone whos mixed race stuff you know being left out or not picked for example hes the it was a great football of upon the father they picked in the. England it was a bit too much for some lesbian went on to have a successful career with English Football Club plymouth argyle in the 1920 s. And thirtys now the club and its fans want to honor his legacy if theyre set up a crowd fund to raise around 100000 euros in order to build a statue of him. This recognition not just at one of the greatest players you know to see jerk later the shorter term straight the truck to the credit 137. 00 girls but its much more a statement of scripts attitude to his racism. An attitude that in football isnt moving fast enough for some it would take another 53 years until good anderson became englands 1st black player in 1978 making the story of jack leslie the unhrc black trainee blazer all the more important in the fight against racism. And thats it from me and the news team Chrissy Manuel will have an update for you at the top of the until then dont forget you can always get the latest news on our web site at steve youve got to follow us on twitter at instagram if you dont seem to be watching do you stay tuned now for rob walks he has the latest edition of our special coverage of the. Combating the corona pandemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning. Background information and news. Our corona. Covert 19 special next on d w. How does a virus spread. Why do we panic and when well. Just through the tactics

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