A heat wave hits siberia but its not all fun and games the higher temperatures in the Arctic Circle also causing forest fires and other disasters. As welcome to the program we start with some breaking news germany has ordered a district of almost 400000 people back into lockdown the middle widening corona Virus Outbreak this after germanys Top Health Experts warned that the new cluster of cases has the potential to spread quickly word of the new restrictions came from it is the premiere of the countrys most populous state north rhinewestphalia the new outbreak is centered on a massive 10 years Meat Processing plant near the city of meters for more than 1500 workers that have tested positive for corona virus. Police deployments will be used to ensure the home quarantines of thousands of 10 years employees with force if necessary. In the district of good is low we know dealing with the biggest individual infection or break in north rhinewestphalia and in germany. This specific situation with the geographical spread of locations and also the International Nature of the news workforce mean that this outbreak is a potentially enormous pandemic risk. Mechanism agreed between the federal and local governments does not require widespread measures in the case of clearly localized infections. Were we well known for the 1st time in germany returned a whole region to the lockdown measures that were in place a few weeks ago. Thats been our correspondent whos following this story for us you know what exactly does that mean for the people in that region. It means that in that district thats affected cinemas will be closed again pubs will be closed again swimming pools concert halls museums galleries people can essentially only mingle with members of their own household schools and kindergartens were already closed last week of course that Meat Processing plant is also closed some 7000 people workers there are and quarantine and said who we just saw has asked the population of that district to stay at home and not travel for fear of the risk of the virus spreading. You know our reporter is in the affected region lets hear how people there are reacting to the lock down news now that the lockdown has been once again announced here in the region around good to low because of the outbreak at the 2 news factory the mood here has really sunken people tell us that theyre worried that theyre going to go have to go back into lockdown after being free to go about their business for a while and they put the blame on 10 years they said that this should have been handled better so that they didnt have to give up their freedoms and really dont know whats going to happen in the next weeks and maybe even months. Reporting back to you nina we heard at the state premier earlier speaking and using quite robust language how will the authorities in force the stricter measures. Well the stricter measures will be in place until next week for now i mean russia said that it was vital to collect more information to see whether the virus has indeed spread to other regions and he has said that he has deployed hundreds of Police Officers to offices to make sure that the new restrictions are a tier 2 in particular when particular when it comes to those people in quarantine under quarantine the workers from that need Processing Plant so that they can be tested for the virus not everybody has been tested there only under quarantine but not everybody has been tested so he sent in Police Officers but hes also sending interprete says because of course loss of these workers dont speak any german and the translator is you know germanys Public Health agency the whole because instance you gave a press conference earlier today what are they thinking is there a danger of a 2nd pandemic wave in germany now. There is a risk said the president of the robert carr institute the leading Public Health agency here in germany all of a 2nd wave he says that this own break in ghouta slow is not the only one there are 2 or 3 places in germany where weve seen numbers shoot up again last week but he says that hes optimistic that the wave that 2nd wave can be prevented if people still its here to those measures to keeping their distance and tearing to hygiene measures its a trial and wearing a mask when they travel on public transport etc but of course that will be the big challenge for the authorities on the local regional and federal level in the months to come to keep the numbers down and still maintain a sense of urgency for the population that the virus is still here and it does need to be taken seriously our Political Correspondent reporting there thank you nina. Now here are some other developments in the covert 19 pandemic the World Health Organization says the number of global Coronavirus Infections has topped 9000000 north and south america account for more than half of the new cases indias Hospital System has started to buckle under the weight of new covert 19 cases the country reports of more infections per day than any country besides the United States and brazil authorities in spain have reimposed locked down measures and some northeastern cities after new clusters of infections emerged is within days of spain lifting a nationwide state of emergency and for the 1st time in 75 years World Leaders will not be coming to new york for the annual United Nations General Assembly september meeting will instead be conducted virtually with mostly prebook corded speeches. Phone call now where leader kerry lam has tried to reassure residents over a controversial new security law set to be passed next week saying she will not pick judges to preside over cases critics are concerned the law being imposed by china will be used to target dissent and erode democracy in hong kong they say the suspension of a popular comedy show is a sign that the Political Climate is already changing the w. C. Becalmed reports for. Dressing up as and then proceed to knock home codes leader kerry lead in attendance of flattering pelosi. Played a unique hope one of the host of headliner the oldest satirical show in the city today the team is framing the final episode of the 31 Year Old Program produced by affianced k. Hong kongs public broadcaster has always been bowed in its criticism of the toto as top leader but now its been suspended due to allegation of insulting the police. To someone so high headliner is an indicator of hong kongs liberties if it exists it means the authorities are tolerant enough to accept dissent within public institutions. Otherwise it makes clear how the climate has changed on my car. Its closure has intensified concerned overhung hans remaining freedoms especially when beijing is pushing for a new security law for the city the law what empower home cos chief executive to designate judges to hear relevant cases state security agencies in hong kong what also exercise trisection over a small number of special cases but as to how the law will criminalize suppression inclusion where Foreign Forces know the intel has been made public so far. Never the was my call to him a member of chinas Top Legislature dismisses fear office space crimes i was assured by the beijing leadership. I would be drawn in the way that is balanced so in other words if an individual would just make a comment and wont constitute an offense if they repeat the same thing in a manner that would cause others to follow. Gauging. Beliefs then thats a different matter. Basically its a bit United States and britain we. Have to wait. So see how also publishes tom and tories on the various platforms as well the media workers will be among the 1st to fall victim to the new law. The biggest threat is that beijing can draw the line arbitrarily it will send a Chilling Effect and exacerbate censorship the press will only be able to follow the official narrative as an antigovernment movement. Its problematic to have a security law without democracy because there are no checks and balances to the authorities power. What a headliner will return to the screen will be subject to a review authorized by the government but as chinas new security law looms over the city does she however many others are not optimistic. But all the time now for a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world north korea has reinstalled huge loudspeakers designed to blast propaganda cross the border into south korea the sound systems were taken down after the 2 sides signed an accord in 2018 but tensions have risen dramatically in recent weeks. China has successfully put the final satellite of its new Navigation Network into orbit the chinese bedo system is designed to route rival the us own to g. P. S. As well as europes galileo system the 10000000000 dollar project has been in Development Since the 1990 s. The former c. E. O. Of german financial platform why a card mark was blown has been arrested that after the company said it believed accounts thought to contain nearly 2000000000 euros probably did not even exist shares have dropped more than 80 percent in recent days for. A town in siberia and has recorded a record High Temperature as a heat wave hit the region many locals of welcome to development but the unusual weather is also bringing serious problems. Beach vibes inside bierria very young and the Arctic Circle is known for having the worlds widest temperature range used to some of the coldest winters on the planet locals welcomed the current heat wave. The temperature is climbing up to 38. 00 degrees celsius every day our family comes here to swim and they don a river. Through it everything is great its exactly what we need for summer though its been years in the us we didnt expect this at all we usually dont have heat until july. But to experts siberias unseasonably High Temperatures are cause for concern rising heat across the arctic has led to widespread wildfires in the soccer republic where bare her young is located local Authorities Say more than 275000 hectares are burning. The heat wave is also causing permafrost or permanently frozen soil to fall at a faster pace in late may the arctic saw one of its worst environmental disasters in decades when a fuel reservoir collapsed near nor lisc spilling 21000 tons of diesel into local rivers and accident blamed in part on melting permafrost. Temperature records are being broken all around the world but scientists warn the arctic is warming much faster than anywhere else. A famous opera house in spain as it reopened after being closed for months with a special concert for plants us alone us elysee a concert hall celebrated the end of spains state of emergency with a piece called the cresent from ups the event was the idea of a conceptual artist who said he had used the lockdown to get in touch with nature. A capacity crowd of more than 2000 plants was not required to observe physical distances. In the polls though either this is that of your news heres a reminder of all the top story out of this hour nearly 400000 people are being forced into a new lockdown in the german state of north rhinewestphalia it comes after more than 1500 people tested positive for the corona virus a slaughterhouse near the city of hooters will. Be watching the news i have an update for you at the top of the oh in the meantime do check out our web site d. W. Dot com stay with us for. Combating the corona pandemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning

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