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Digestion. Well be looking at these topics and more on this edition of tomorrow today. To begin with we go on a fantastic voyage it recalls the 1966 film of the same name in which a miniature suddenly shrunken human proof sets off on a Perilous Mission within the body of a sick man to save him in the nick of time. Well tiny nano subs are now a full real they can navigate the eyeballs of dead pigs and one day they will deliver meds to humans our eyes if all goes according to plan. With modern technology taking a look at the retina on the back wall of an eye its easy and routine but actually going in there to treat disease is much harder i dropped. Arent enough to tackle serious issues. Corkscrew shaped nano robots might be the solution theyre 200. 00 times smaller than the diameter of a human hair this is a computer animation. The idea is to send such nano propellers through the vitreous humor of the eye to deliver medicine to the retina professor perry fisher at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in stuttgart is among the scientists who are developing these nano robots. By the invicta not in developing the nano propeller we found inspiration in bacteria if we recreate a screw like structure that enables bacteria to move because when you rotate a corkscrew it moves forward all thats what makes. The nano propellers are made by a pariahs in silicon dioxide and other materials including iron onto a copper or silicon wafer under high vacuum while it rotates. The way for is already coated with tiny polymer particles. Each one of his local nano propeller is born out of the vapor. This way for is covered in billions of these nano propellers. You need a microscope to see them. So they are very small and they fit to the mesh of the vitreous. Only 500. 00 out of either endeavor there and to white hall so they can easily sneak through the mesh of the vitreous. The propellers have to be harvested from the way for. Bits of the way for broken off and put into water. An ultrasonic bath to spurn. Says the particles. Each truck contains a large number of them. For a nano propeller to move through a body without getting stuck it has to be both tiny and slippery. So the team developed an anti stick coating. The chemical for the coating is called fluorocarbon so its a long chain carbon that doesnt want to stick to anything so its like. Similar to the coating of your. 4 cooking. At tubing in university i hospital nano propellers have been tested in the eyeballs of dead pigs and shown to work. The nano robots are magnetic so they can be steered by electromagnets outside the ai. Their movement can be observed in real time with the help of an imaging technique known as optical coherence tomography. Which is maybe we could just monitor live how the particles move through the eye and we were able to steer them to be exact spot they were meant to go in order to establish that the nano propeller had really reached the retina the pigs eyes were frozen and then cut into thin slices. The microscope revealed that the propellers shown here in red had indeed arrived at the retina here lou. Before such nano Drug Delivery vehicles can be used in clinical practice several problems need to be solved. How can they be removed from the i. And how can they be made to carry and release a cargo of medicine. To load a nano propeller we can make use of the chemical actor buttes of its surface to attach certain molecules so by means of a chemical process we can also make the helical body porous and theyve going molecules to be transported within more to create. If and when all the obstacles are overcome this new technology could revolutionize the treatment of diseases of the retina but not only the retina. Many parts of the human body are hard to access in a minimally invasive manner. Tiny slippery steerable submarines likelihoods might be able to reach parts other methods can. Submarines explore the deepest reaches of the oceans and the bizarre life forms that thrive. But theyre all mysterious realms to be explored much closer to home. One prime candidates is our guts our gastrointestinal tract all 9 me sense of it its teeming with wildlife we cant do without. Them so lets go exploring. Introducing louisa. The german name for the common european pair grown by the shores of lake constance. Its about to go on a journey through the human digestive system. And its a pretty rough ride from the get go our teeth take care of the basic mechanical side of breaking down the fruit next the ground up food passed through be a softer guess on into the stomach. The reason the parrot. Then spends an hour or 2 drenched in the nuts and bought in preparation for the next stage and that takes place in the small intestine. For an insiders view scientists that this german Medical Research Center have a cutting edge swallow bill camera at their disposal but for all the gotcha tree precious little is known about the inner workings of our intestines. Foliage the micro biome is largely still an unknown entity within our body even more so than much of the surface of the moon its something weve only been able to start examining very recently in that respect its like a black hole. The 1st part of the small intestine has no microorganisms and is remarkably smooth louisas trekked through this part of our body takes about 3 to 7 hours. The surface area for digestion is greatly increased by countless little projections called villa this is where the body extracts most of the nutrients which are broken down with the help of enzymes but as the parent tells deeper it encounters more and more microorganisms. Argos is home to over a 1000 different species of viruses and bacteria which make up over 90 percent of our intestinal flora as well as helping us on the digestive front they also play a vital role for our immune system they even provide us with nourishment from the products of their metabolism in the form of visions for example. Moving around stimulates our digestion what remains of the pair has not reached the large intestine or colon where it will now spend the longest period of its journey between 25 and 30 hours. Once in the cold the ease of the pair is set upon by legions of microorganisms extracting everything the body has not yet been able to digest. Their prime target is louisas dietary fiber on the polysaccharides it contains. Once broken down they use short chain fatty acids beauty rate for example is used by cells in the gut lining as an Energy Source this is why a healthy diet includes plenty of fiber from vegetables. Major shift in the balance of bacteria can lead to dangerous complications. Because i know. We know for sure that one particular bacteria are killed by prescribing antibiotics other bacteria overrun the gut flora. That can lead to a serious inflammation of the colon which is called pseudo membrane the. Good bacteria are more or less wiped out there are harmful bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics and can now multiply unchecked such as close tritium deficiency of. These pathogenic bacteria produce a toxin that attacks the god lining and compromises its ability to protect our body from infections. To the end of its journey to paris been almost completely decomposed what our body ends up excrete is largely dead intestinal cells and bacteria practically no residual food. And in the case of louisa the pear its the fiber that makes the journey so worthwhile for the benefit of our micro biome. Several kinds of fruit give us plenty of that good diet because of the pectin found in them. Some kinds of pectin might even help. So benign as for example are a great food for many people. Here in the us since in an interesting question about how big. Do bananas grow from seeds. Wild bananas do have seeds stonie black seeds that can germinate. Normally with flowering plants pollen from one flower is carried to another where it travels to the ovary and fertilize egg cells to make scenes. The seeds containing the Genetic Information to produce a new plant the commercial bananas we buy in supermarkets dont contain any seeds theyre specially bred to be seedless to make them tasty or. Is are in fact the result of a genetic accident that gave their cells 3 copies of each chromosome instead of the usual 2. That made them seedless much tastier but also. The most common banana is the cavendish theyre all genetically identical each one is a clone of the other. New banana plants are bred from off shoots of a mother plant. Worldwide most bananas are bred by taking cuttings and growing new trees. The advantage of this cloning system is that those have the same thick skin and the same speed and can be transported at the same time. The disadvantage is that this genetically fragile fruit is vulnerable to diseases the fungal disease tropical race for is currently ravaging the global banana industry from asia to black in america. Researchers are currently looking to save the worlds most popular fruit from extinction by crossbreeding the cavendish banana and the more robust wild banana. Weed things have a huge fan base among as you. Claim we are programmed to crave them. It is a quick source of energy for our body something our stone age ancestors should evaluate. Now adays need is much energy to hunt and forage for ourselves. But that doesnt stop us from craving sweet stuff which come from a number of sources. Cakes and candy sweets and should get us. Thats the mission of researches here at brain biotech in central gemini theyre looking for a sweetener thats not also official. And theres one crucial qualification for that natural ingredients. Is we want to find a sweetener the tastes just like sugar or enhances sugar to a degree where you need less of it but with an identical taste of the old products its. A requirement that most sweetness today to fail to meet which is why a lot of people arent keen on them. And research is a still not sure about how exactly artificial sweeteners work in the body aspartame has been comprehensively tested and widely approved but critics say its linked to a range of side effects such as headaches and impaired vision. Researchers have also discovered that unlike sugar sweetness do not release the time at sea hormones so people who consume them feel less full they also fail to activate the reward center in the brain the results could be eating more and even gaining more weight despite sweetness having next to no count of rains almost all sweetness approved by the e. U. Are artificial the sole exception is stevia approved by the e. U. In 2011. Its actual use is however a limited. Doctored if there are products that dont work very well in conjunction with stevia hardly any Dairy Products are sweetened with it for example due to the off labors being too pronounced were looking for a superior sweetener superior version of stevia as it was. A super version that also meets taste expectations and that involves breaking down the Building Blocks of nature these researches have a deep freeze. Story of cells and natural substances from countless amounts and funky and to so far analyzed 20000 samples the vital substances can be hidden away in edible or inedible components in tiny molecular compounds that contain mia traces of that all important sweetness among todays test subjects is red meat one single plant can contain hundreds if not thousands of compounds which all need to be tested in a complex and costly process. But they have help in the shape of an artificial tongue. The same says that this is the most vital element in our research these artificial cells enable us to quickly test the properties of thousands of substances and how sweet or bitter they are each of these tiny vials contains taste cells extracted from the human tongue they react to the samples tested once the cells receive a sweet signal they release messages that in turn become visible the plethora of light signals show that the red meat has plenty of potential. But it takes a real human being to tell the difference the researches have subjects compared to samples number 2 is the natural variety taken from the read. The 1st sample tasted sweeter the 2nd had a slightly metallic have to distinguish. Which doesnt bode well for the red meat some plants that fail at this stage are of no interest to the researchers. Another candidate gets top marks in the taste front a sweet protein from the pen to do plan on their fruit native to Central Africa but taste is not the only factor the suitability of substances varies depending on the project. There are sweeteners that are great for drinks because they dissolve so well whereas some sweeteners have an excellent test but arent so soluble theyre better suited for candy bars or chewing out. Of any. Kind while taste is important so with the short and long term effects of sweetness. It will take some time until a sweetener is found that is both effective old products and of course natural. Not always bad for us it depends on what kind and how much. Polysaccharides found in complex carbohydrates and grains for example dont cause blood glucose levels to spike theyre also considered beneficial dietary fiber. Simple carbs which break down fast into sugar found in candy they usually dont make you feel full and do make blood glucose levels so which is bad contributing to obesity and disease losing weight can be difficult and hard work can science help us to cut corners. Imagine a safe and effective pill that will really make your fact go away thats what t. Mo miller and his colleagues are working on and they say theyre getting close. To god and it came as a surprise but we were delighted for it. The breakthrough involves using 2 substances one that burns fat and one that suppresses the appetite to create an effective combination therapy. There have been countless attempts to find ways to help people lose weight many pills are talented as the real thing. Online you can buy any number of products that claim to do wonders without you having to do more exercise or eat less most of these claims have been shown to be bogus some products are downright dangerous. The researchers at the home holds Diabetes Center in munich aim to harness a certain capability of the human body but was only discovered a few years ago brown adipose tissue or brown fat doesnt store energy but uses energy to generate heat quite unlike regular white fat. There are deposits under the collar bone in the neck and along the spine cold temperatures stimulate brown fat we only have a few grams of it but it plays an Important Role in maintaining body temperature and burning fat the idea was to develop a substance that mimics cold in activating our Energy Metabolism. When participants in an experiment spend hours in a room left at 16 degrees celsius the volume of their brown fat growth can the same effect be generated without the chill factor t. Mo miller says the way to do it is to deploy a substance called isolate. Is an agent that activates signaling mechanisms in the brain which in turn activated brown fat fit. The upshot is that the Energy Metabolism speeds up and body weight declines. In tests with it works but the amount of weight loss is modest so Something Else is needed another component to the fact that. There are so many nonprescription weight loss pills out there and many are entirely useless some are worse than useless. Theyre harmful even if they claim to be all natural. Works at the German Institute of Human Nutrition in pottstown. Of times there are various substances that bind fat in food but the effects are variable and mostly minimal it and almost always come with side effects when large amounts of dietary fat dont get absorbed into the body but remain in the gut its broken down by bacteria that causes intestinal problems diarrhea or gas it can be very uncomfortable i cant recommend it. So in theory. It gets really dangerous when diet pills include banned substances that are toxic. Tremaine in particular has been associated with serious cardiovascular events and thats why its not licensed for use in the European Market but products containing it can still be found in purchased online d. M. P. Is also known to be extremely dangerous its very toxic one gram can kill you as it burns fat and carbs the metabolism speeds up and the body gets hotter and hotter. At the helm holtz Diabetes Center theyre looking for an agent with negative side effects. Iceland does indeed stimulate the Energy Metabolism and released in mice but the effect is small so what 2nd substance could compliment or boost the effect and here comes the breakthrough discovery. Of the 2nd agent is also a synthetic molecule the m. P. P. Is a small tax very much like nicotine and that it reduces our Food Consumption but without the negative effects that nicotine has on our brain. It suppresses appetite. But not enough to be effective by itself the trick is combining iceland and d. M. P. P. Together the effect is impressive. If you prescribe the 2 together the combination therapy results in much greater weight loss than the to take it separately. And so. You can say that this is a case of one plus one equals 3. The results in mice have been excellent but theres still a lot of work to do before we humans can benefit from the breakthrough so for now the prescription in many cases but not all continues to be moved more eat less and eat healthy. Because it is red white object but on the face they. Do you have a science question. Sending if we answer it on the show well send you a Little Something as a thank you you can send your question as a video text oh voicemail come on just ask. Youll find us on our website dot com slash science or get in touch via twitter facebook. Thats all for now from tomorrow today next time well be diving deep into other fascinating realms see you then for most scintillating science. In good shape isnt that how wed all like to be neat. But how do you meet the truly fit. And kokanee a state truly healthy. Right up into your golden years. And truly have fun while doing it in good shape. 30 minutes on. My smile is most. Likely. To defeat she painted me. Am. I a fascination of those who look at me. The secret of mona lisa starts july 3rd on t. W. How does the virus spread. Why do we panic and when will all this. Just 3 of the topics covered in the weekly radio show is called spectrum if you would like any information on the coronavirus or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast you can get it wherever you get your podcasts you can also find us and dot com and slash science. Were all set. To go beyond yes. Marine live. As we take on the world. Were all about the stories that matter to your country. What ever it takes. To run a touch of. D. W. Made from minds. This is deja vu news live from Berlin Germany scrambles to stem a massive outbreak of the corona virus that has more than 1300 workers test positive at a slaughterhouse calls grow for the owners of that plant to be held responsible for failing to protect workers also coming up. The city of baghdad know in italy was the kappa center of europes outbreak people there asking if incompetence was the blame for the tragedy

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