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Been told not to leave the city and india says 20 of its soldiers have been killed in clashes with chinese troops at the disputed border saw in the himalayas. Im burnt off its good to have you with us we begin tonight with a potential breakthrough in the fight against the coronavirus researchers in the u. K. Say theyve identified the 1st drug proven to significantly reduce the risk of death in patients with severe cases of coded 19 in a major trial the low cost steroids decks have methods was found to cut deaths by a 3rd in patients on ventilators and by a 5th in patients receiving oxygen doctors are expected to begin treating people with the drug immediately and one of the trials chief investigators is hailing the findings as a potential game changer in the fight to save the lives of people with advanced covert 19. It really sharing going to significant things and its really important because the drug itself is very widely available its on every pharmacy shelf in every hospital its available throughout the world and its extremely cheap so weve looked at the numbers and if we treat patients in intensive care with a stroke. We save one life and the total cost of treating patients is only about 40. 00 pounds so this is really really remarkable extremely pleased with this result and positive news indeed our 1st guest tonight is jason kindreds with a professor in biology at the university of manitoba he joins us now from canada jason its good to have you on the show so i want to be clear this steroids it helps people who have severe cases of good night seen what about patients whose cases are not so its of the thats such a great question right so were trying to learn about this and in real time do we know that some of the initial data that come out at the very start of this pandemic it suggested that steroids actually made for bait disease in in those that are in the early stages so i think one of the concerns right now with with dex about the zone is that there are you know would there be the potential that if you treated patients too early they might actually end up increasing the potential severity of disease because it actually acts as an anti inflammatory so i think that we have to look at this as a potential game changer for those patients that are actually in severe disease distress but we are still lacking for some sort of a therapeutic that will ultimately help reduce infections in the very early stages of disease so when its and sounds like if im understanding you correctly then it really matters here the time in the course of the disease when you administer this drug because if you administer it too early you could actually exhilarate could have not seen is that correct. There is that potential right and thats the the problem in the end of the trickiness with these types of diseases is the unfortunate side is we dont necessarily see cure alls outside of vaccines so now we get into an issue of thinking about exactly that the timing of when the administrations are done and maybe if you can explain to his genes you know weve been told that the corona virus attacks mostly mostly the lungs of the patients and now were talking about a steroids being used to treat it and what do we know about the steroids and how does the steroids actually work against the corona virus yet its such a great question right so one of the things that we tend to look at with these different types of emerging viruses is the fact that they tend to basically increase the immune response so hes actually getting over stimulation of of the immune response which in most cases actually is protective for us but in many cases can actually increase disease verity so the hope with Something Like dexter methods own is that rather than acting directly on the virus and trying to reduce the ability of the virus to create more copies of itself what the drugs are trying to do is essentially reduce all that damage that is part and parcel of an open overactive immune system and an overactive immune system would that be the case in younger patients than older patients i mean is this drug or the steroids better for older patients. Oh so its such a good question right and i think ill say right up front i think bill that im for all interested a lot of physician at this point because i can i could simply say i dont think we know yet were getting a better picture of what the disease looks like across patients of all age groups. So really what were seeing is that you know in many patients with severe disease theres socially and over stimulation of the immune system how that kind of factors out across different age groups and how dex about his own potential he offers some protective effect or decreased damage effect i dont think we quite know yet so were still in the early stages of understanding that ok well excellent answers there jason kidd the chick professor of biology of the university of manitoba in canada jason we appreciate your insights and your time tonight thank you great thank you well the Chinese Capital beijing is reimposing coronavirus restrictions after a cluster of new cases the city has ordered all schools to close and its banned people from high risk areas from leaving the new outbreak has been traced to a large wholesale food market there have been over 100 cases over the course of 5 days stoking fears of a 2nd wave of coded 19 beijing residents thought theyd put this behind them that they are lining up in the hot sun for mass coronavirus testing after nearly 2 months a new break is causing a lot dozens of cases have been traced to base spawning wholesale food market its more than 20 times larger than the went to market in ruhani whether the virus was 1st identified. Pictures from state Television Show me the response in the surrounding neighborhood residents here not to live to leave say they are in wartime mode as they aim to contain the spread. Theres anxiety has already made its way to other parts of the city. Im very worried for now i dont know what the situation will be in the future because we are getting much information we dont know if the virus will spread again if it does we should worry. Im in shock that it was supposed to be nearly over and then we suddenly get another wave of cases in which they. Have closed schools as one of the sports and Entertainment Venues only residents who have recently tested negative are allowed to leave the city and only if travel is essential the measures fall short of a full lockdown but the World Health Organization says beijing is doing enough. The cluster like this is a concern and it needs to be investigated that controlled and thats exactly what the chinese authorities are doing but other provinces are concerned many have imposed quarantine requirements on visitors from beijing and a country that had declared victory over the coronavirus is forced to confront the ever present risk of a fresh outbreak. The army in india at least 20 of its soldiers have been killed in a clash with Chinese Forces that happened along the disputed border in the himalayan melt china has accused india of the kids and Chinese Media are reporting that chinese soldiers also suffered casualties although tensions between the 2 sides have been building over the last month this is the 1st incident with a tell all these in more than 40 years. High in the himalayas trouble has been brewing for weeks these satellite images show indian and chinese troops gathering in a disputed border region now for the 1st time in decades india says 20 soldiers were killed the 2 sides fought with fists and rocks no shots were fired beijing said it was defending its territorial integrity and. Shockingly on june 15th indian troops seriously violated the bilateral consensus and crossed the border line twice in gauging illegal activities on provoking and attacking chinese personnel resulting in serious physical confrontation between Border Forces on the 2 sides. To. This yellow line marks the boundary between these 2 superpowers known as the line of actual control its not a hard buda since china and india have never agreed on where it should lie in 2017 the 2 sides confronted each other for 73 days after indian troops blocked chinese construction of a road flare ups a vexed chinese and indian leaders for years with the last thing solution seemingly out of reach this latest escalation suggests a difficult path ahead for these 2 nuclear arms nations. And for more tonight im joined by. A senior lecturer in International Studies at Kings College london its good to have you on the program you know we have seen more than 4 decades of tense standoff here but no fatalities and of course no war how worried should we be after these fatalities that were seeing tonight. I would be very very worried i mean i think that there are going to be dynamics in which the in beijing are going to try and deescalate now but. The standoff is. Much more assertive than what seen in even in the last few years let alone over the last 30 or 40 and what will you do we know why is that why why are we seeing a more assertive if not aggressive stance by both countries. Well theres there are 2 answers to that i mean the 1st one obviously is that there are ongoing problems in terms of. Very disputed line of actual control or l. A. City in which both sides dispute the nature of the line and both countries have been very recently and very aggressively building roads in a way that makes the other field more insecure that it has to be added to the Coronavirus Crisis in which china has taken the opportunity as a sort of an early success case at least up until i think a couple of days ago in terms of a disease to sort of well while there are still a lot of distraction and india kind of assert their own authority in the region. Using the pandemic as a way to provoke india we know that this is decades old dispute is about the border between india and china talk to me a little bit about why it has been so difficult to resolve this dispute. Well the border and there are more than more than a 1000 miles worth of border between between india and china and there to parts there are specifically disputed this is the western side not disappeared which is between. Now Indian Union Territory and my dock which was part of the Princely State of kashmir and. Chinese chinese to bat for the tibet parts national as a special region and china has never accepted the authority of borders that word grid there were drawn by the British Empire and by the British Empire client states like the. Like of the state of. The prince the state of cut john mccrea smear and what china has been trying to do with the search its own authority. For war both sort of geo political purposes but also ideological ones and there was a big challenge in the last time there was a big war between india and china was 962 which followed number. 3 in a confrontation and miscommunications. Mitzna similar unfortunately were out of time but we appreciate your insights tonight adnan a stimulant at the department of war studies at kenai College London thank you. Thank you very much. Well to the u. S. Now where president obama truong has signed an executive order to encourage changes in policing the order provides incentives to be increased training in places restrictions on the use of police choke opens but critics say that the order will have little Immediate Impact and they say it does not address charges of systemic racism in Police Departments the move to reform policing is being fueled by the death of george floyd an africanamerican who died in Police Custody after a white officer kneeled on his neck for almost 9 minutes. The head of Americas National Football League the n. F. L. Has encouraged it seems to sign quarterback calling capering it he hasnt played since the 2016th season when he started taking a need to protest Police Brutality against africanamericans earlier this month the n. F. L. Reversed its stance on banning players from making such gestures n. F. L. Head Roger Goodell said that he would welcome capering it back into the leak which. Youre watching news from berlin ill be back at the top of the hour with more of the news followed by the day i think to see you then. Combating the corona pandemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning. Background information. Our corona. 19 special next on d

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