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Prime minister sacked over the economic crisis grows in a country torn apart by years of civil. Video called giantess zoom under fire after agreeing to close the account of the prominence of chinese prodemocracy Group Critics accuse the tech company of yielding to beijing. Im filled welcome to the program we begin in brazil where they shop the rising coronavirus death toll has divided Society Brazil has the worlds 2nd largest number of cases and that number still increasing despite this present job also has repeatedly downplayed the day just calling for lockdowns to be lifted to allow Economic Activity to museum protesters and im hoping against the president s handling of the crisis. The digging began before sunrise within hours these activists had transformed brazils copacabana beach into a shallow grave yard a memorial to the countrys 41000 covert 1000 victims and a call to action to get us up on the me official give me is using this pandemic a load all of our social injustices and the incompetence of the public authorities to america so we are here to ask for a change in attitude from the president of the republic and the federal government as a whole. Throughout the crisis far right president also narrow has repeatedly flouted social distancing rules at one point joining an anti lot dont rally. The group behind this protest see he has a risk to Public Health and left the country my old and death and Division Tension spelled out on the real sea front was one man knocking down the installation. Will people like look after my son died from this virus at 25 years of age and this guy is clowning around with a new sense of respect for those who are protesting that there has to be respect because the beach is public and protesters have rights to. Look at thats not true theres nobody tolerates that anymore causing terror thats terror that silliness is ok. While. The makeshift graveyard was meant to hammer home the human cost of this pandemic. In doing so its exposed the deep rests in a country polarized over its leadership. Well as the Global Health emergency takes its toll on the world he called a warning that millions of children are at risk of being pushed into underage labor with families struggling to put food on the table many children find themselves having to undertake exploitative and often dangerous work. Millions of children under the age of 17 are forced to work in countries all around the world. The International Labor Organization Says more than 150000000 children are employed against their will nearly half of them work in Hazardous Conditions boys account for more than half of child laborers its thought the number of girls could be under reported. Regional numbers vary but africa has the highest rate of child labor one in 5 children on the continent is forced to work across asia more than 7 percent of all children are employed and 5 percent in the americas by far most children work in agriculture most of the family owned farms some 12 percent work in industry including dangerous mining jobs the rest work in the Service Sector including household servants the ilo says child labor numbers have come down by some 90000000 over the past 2 decades but it warns the coronavirus pandemic threatens to reverse gains and force more children back into work we can take a closer look at this with guy who is director general of the International Labor organization joins us from geneva welcome to you connect the dots for us if you would why this pandemic induced poverty and fewer jobs lead to more children working. But i think its quite simply because. Parents send their children to work or tolerate their children working not out of any free choice i dont think anybody would inly do that because their circumstances leave them with few if any other options and as this dramatic social economic crisis is spreading around the world as a consequence of the pandemic more and more families are finding themselves in conditions of great distress indeed of poverty the 2 to stick show that their poverty goes up by 10 percent we can expect child labor to go up by 7 percent this is the elasticity of their relationship so we do face a situation and youve indicated very clearly that we progressed very well in reducing child labor in the last 2 decades a 152000000. 00 is an awful lot of people still to be in charge of labor that is nearly 95000000. 00 less than was a case 20 years ago it is a gillis runs a risk and it reversed a ok so given that the lack of options virtue outlined. If families cannot put food on the table in these extraordinary times and there is a chance of bringing in income and food and feeding the family by allowing their children to work why is that a bad thing. Well because child labor is by definition something which is harmful to the child you mentioned in your introduction that half of those that work as child laborers are working in directly hazardous or dangerous conditions that has to be stopped by any standard whatsoever more generally child labor has been demonstrated to be a. Something which renders permanent intergenerational poverty its actually Stops Development of the individual in the society and we have i think a very strong. Consensus internationally that we really have to work Better Together to stop child labor so what should parents in those situations do. But i think parents need help i think its governments in particular need to step up right now because of this relationship between child labor and poverty and hardship and this applies more generally i think in the conditions of the social economic crisis we face but we need to get money and resources to those most in need of it we need to scale up social protection we need to provide people with the means to live out this pandemic without resort to child labor we have to be very careful i think as well where children have been pushed out of school because 1600000000 children have seen their education interrupted by School Shutdowns so it is really this that has to be done its not a matter of child families making decisions its about wealth or it is protecting them good to talk to you thank you for joining us guy ryder from the International Labor organization. Well take a brief look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world Easyjet Ryanair and British Airways are taking legal action against the u. K. Governments new rule requiring people arriving in britain to quarantine for 14 days already reeling from travel bans they have lined say the move will deter travelers and threaten jobs. Meanwhile the u. K. Economy shrank by a record 28. 4 percent in april and is now in its deepest recession for decades draw with reflects the impact of the coffee 19 locked out. Protesters the stepfather lebannon central bank has the currency plunged to a new record low demonstrators took to the streets in several cities and lebanon is experiencing its worst economic turmoil for decades the crisis worsened to by the coronavirus pandemic. Syrias president Bashar Al Assad has fired his Prime Minister the move against him at economists comes against a background of a deepening economic crisis in the country taught by years of civil war thats brought protesters out onto the streets calling for president assad to go they blame him for rising prices are plummeting syrian pound and their difficulties in making ends meet. Syrians back on the streets calling for the end of Bashar Al Assads regime career site in recent years after a violent crackdown on un peu assad protests in 2011 triggered civil war so they doubt a government controlled city in southern syria hadnt seen unrest in the conflict but this week dozens of people have been demonstrating cleveland the regime for the countrys deteriorating economy and the collapse of its currency. The syrian pound has plunged dramatically since the start of the conflict reaching new lows this week. People across the country. We are reeling from the crisis. And the drop in the syrian pound is killing us we dont have any dollars we earn syrian pounds the syrian pound has fallen and the dollar is getting more expensive its killing us oil is getting expensive what used to be 500 syrian pounds is now 3500 no one can afford to live. On thursday assad removed Prime Minister iemma comus who had held the post since 2016 see media didnt give a reason for his departure but he has been the focus of criticism over the countrys economic crisis a crisis that could be exacerbated by a new u. S. Sanctions set to come into effect later this month they target any country or company that does business with the syrian regime. The aim is to erode assads power but critics fear the sanctions could cause serious battered population to suffer further. So. Welcome to you so we have reports economic sanctions against the country and of course syria is facing. Economic collapse. To be honest i think its a bit of a perfect storm bringing together on going economic pressures from the United States in the socalled seas or act crises in lebanon which has provoked prevented the flow of capital across the border from lebanon into syria ongoing conflict thats been going for for 9 years now the cost of rebuilding the state the cost of post conflict reconstruction even though the conflict still still is happening and then prior to the conflict of course there were a whole host of serious Economic Issues and Environmental Issues that had serious economic repercussions that havent probably been result as yet so theres a lot of latent structural issues that have been bubbling away erupting in violence in the civil war but have not been resolved as yet and so what was the president looking to gain from firing his Prime Minister or some really good question because it doesnt seem to be that the Prime Minister was responsible for all that much in terms of broader policy decisions we know that that president bashar assad is the one ultimately responsible so perhaps hes looking for a scapegoat perhaps hes trying to create an opportunity to to rebuild the Political Alliance around him or perhaps he felt insulted by by the actions of his Prime Minister has a whole host of possible possible reasons that we dont exactly know us yet but i would i would suggest that this is an effort to try and put kate some of the demands of the protesters to say that the president is doing something right albeit far from enough to seriously address their concerns but now we see protests back on the streets a street does appear to be repeating itself it was protests against the president that sparked the civil war 9 years ago is seen any real danger. Yeah youre right to say there is a certain symmetry to things lets not forget that the syrians are incredibly weary worn out due to the conflict but they are committed to wanting change to him wanting improvements to their lives their hungry thousands under the thousands of food in secure they need to have a better political change and that but the thing that really poses a threat to the assad regime and the thing that will be worrying him and others in is this. Is the lack of support apparently from from russia and from iran who have been felt quiet and there have been longstanding groomers about consent and in moscow will be moving away from assad and if thats the case then shuttle assad has a lot to worry about because without those external backers he would not have been able to survive for this long fascinating thank you for outlining that for us dr simon maybe from Lancaster University now u. S. President donald trump has authorized sanctions against half of the International Criminal court who are investigating possible u. S. War crimes in afghanistan United States is not a signatory to the courts charter and in the tally haitian for the kwara the Administration Says it will block of the assets of Court Employees involved and impose visa restrictions on them and their families Anti Corruption investigation into the course itself is also said to be in the works u. S. Secretary of state mike pompei poured scorn on the i. C. C. So far and issue this warning to other countries we cannot we will not stand by as our people are threatened by a Kangaroo Court and indeed i have a message to many course hours around the world your people could be next. Especially those from nato countries who fought terrorism in afghanistan right alongside the. Pope as a lead lawyer for a Nongovernmental Organization conducting criminal investigations of atrocity crimes welcome to w. What effects are these sanctions likely to have on i. C. C. Investigators. Well 1st of all thanks for having me here i think that some background is necessary and it is a very sad day for the United States and its leadership role in International Law that the Trump Administration would take these steps the u. S. Since nuremberg and through tribunals for sarah leone cambodia you dislike and wanda has been the real leader in this field and even the u. S. I. C. C. Relationship has been more or less a positive with some low points but across ministrations be it republican or democratic mistranslations the relationship has moved forward and theres been even in the lowest points of the Bush Administration there was a collaboration between the u. S. And the i. C. C. Ok so say that forgive me for interrupting but time is against us so its that weve got here what effect to these sanctions likely to have yes well and with respect to investigators and lawyers and other professions the work of the court this isnt going to change there you much the United States is not going to be allowing. I. C. C. Officials into the country or other things within its jurisdiction however this executive order does have an impact on victims rights lawyers and 9 governmental organizations that maybe have assisting the court particularly including. Investigations in taleban Islamic State crimes so what sort of alleged us war crimes in afghanistan is the i. C. C. Looking at. The alleged crimes i would put into 2 for lack of better word pockets one is detainee abuses that would have happened in u. S. Facilities in afghanistan and again they could gain a stand for your viewers is a i. C. C. State party and then the other bucket would be allegations in regards to the Rendition Program or individuals may have been taken out of afghanistan and taken to other i. C. C. State parties namely rome out of romania poland and i believe those may be correct on that ok so given that the i. C. C. Has no jurisdiction over the United States what is it hoping to achieve with this investigation. Well i would question its a slightly a little bit more nuanced because the u. S. Nationals and others were were on afghan stick and there is jurisdiction over nationals of foreign governments they were in afghanistan. Is a mention. Is a clear line of sion in terms of leverage most importantly its just a deal professional investigation and proper job and getting to the truth of the matter and the court is doing that and its quite well the average however to your point is that there are 123. 00 state parties and sort of and they have a legal obligation to cooperate with the court and that includes almost all of us alibis in europe and in south america and other places as well and majority of africa so there is some leverage the court would have good talking to you thank you for explaining that to us across the crimes lawyer. Thank you very much. Well take a brief look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world will start in the philippines sac capital manila where activists have staged protests against the proposed anti terror little that they fear could be used to cross descent 100 standouts despite Police Warnings not to violate the coronavirus restrictions and the terror act would allow authorities to detain suspects for up to 24 hours without charge. The mare of a u. S. City of seattle says it would be illegal for President Trump to send the military into the city to remove protesters from a neighborhood they are occupying amid anti racism protests the president has called on the matter immediately clear activists from an area theyve been calling an autonomous zone since police withdrew on monday. And the backlash against a Popular Video conferencing companies zoom is continuing following its decision to temporarily close the account of a prominent chinese prodemocracy group in an interview with d. W. The groups founder chinese dissident as roofing shoe accuses the u. S. Based a tech company of yielding to pressure from beijing researchers account was suspended after his Group Humanitarian china elda Virtual Meeting the 31st anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre critics say the move is another example of beijing attempting to limit free speech. D. W. Reporter and to the howard walk us through more of this welcome and say so. Outline the sequence of events for us whats very few minutes here in china they are based in the us im i felt by that qualify them for the same rights to free speech as any other group in the us i was shocked when them suspended its account after it held a virtual commemoration for what happened in Tiananmen Square in 1009 have a video were going to take a look at as well known across the world of what happened on june 4th not imagine on that avoiding conversation as to what happened in china men has been a constant battle for china internally whereas outside of china what happened there has been held up as a landmark a grim one of the evils of authoritarianism now my reference that 2 days ago in reference to where you cleared the park of protesters outside the white house and they said well now Tiananmen Square is what authoritarianism hundreds injured hundreds killed if not thousands that is what authoritarian ism is now to move this story for we spoke to the man behind the commemoration who was one of those who was in jail after tournaments where hes a prominent dissident joe from seoul now he came to america in 95 after being let out of jail he was the man behind the commemoration. We asked him about his reaction to zones move and this is what he had to say this. As. Well. So thats why hes d. Why. So answer me what is zoom saying zooms issued a statement defending the move by saying that it must comply with the laws in which it operates and this is where it gets tricky of the 250 people who were on that call many of them in china like a mother whose child was killed during the mass or a massacre hasnt been seen since not in any not and for many of those attending that Virtual Meeting they have not heard details of what happened on that day so you can understand why this event was perceived as a threat by beijing and why beijing then its a pressure on soon to come to enforce its own policy which is if youre on one of these calls you have to comply with local local local laws rather zoom is since reactivated the account that the the anger very much from locals is not the 1st time china has been accused of trying to impose censorship on a Foreign Organization now we think google and project dragonfly which was a Search Engine built for chinas view on what a Search Engine should be it went for 2 years googles efforts in the shutdown last year and then companies on top of that like Facebook Twitter and you tube are all blocked in china zune and its chinese american owner says it wants to remain in business in china but this is all to say the question is asked do you want the billions of people in the potential billions of dollars and with that you lose their right to privacy and potentially. Rather information. Thank you thanks. To football and munich can wrap up an 8 consecutive bundesliga title on saturday if results go their way 9 Straight League games out of the now also in the german cup final so Unstoppable Force or might there be a late last twist in the tale. By an munich experienced almost everything in football but winning a Blenders League title in front of empty stands would be a 1st. After last weekends frigging win at laver cruzan that is exactly what by and will achieve it rivals dortmund. Blues it does hold off and the bavarians then be mentioned glad back at home. Before to come back when it labor which featured this superbly team goal was followed by a tight german cup semifinal win over frankfurt in midweek the pie and juggernaut just keeps rolling. As it is and for soldiers it is simply a fact that we have a feeling in this group that every game we can get better that is there in the team its part of the d. N. A. Of buy in munich so duty in our state of mind you are never happy you always want to improve and fall. By a 7 points ahead with 4 games left but there is a sliver of hope for the chasing pack experienced forwards robert levy and Thomas Miller of suspended from the game against Champions League chasing glad back after bookings in leverkusen much to their annoyance. However dortmund stripped of the hold off its also not straightforward the hosts are desperate for points given they sit in the relegation playoff spot. Thought under not giving up the title yet but expect a difficult game. After missing and we must be very well prepared against such an opponent. I have watched a lot of docile golf games and recently they have been in good form the. Moment. If dortmund lose in the early game then any buy and win will do but the title celebrations might be a little strange in coronavirus times with lots of fan banners but no fans. Spains top flight or became the 2nd major European Football League to return from coronavirus hiatus last night a severe beating city rivals rail better to know in front of empty stands fans gathered outside the stadium to. 5 official calls to maintain social distancing a man is of course as i watch the game and boss to me is when has a boosted the clubs title hopes. This estate a bit more of the top of the hour around the clock on t. W. Dot com of the to. Be in good shape. Tango antichurch can be good for people with parkinsons disease. Dancing can help improve balance and coordination. Body type she is great for staying flexible. And the physical exercise gets our great matter passing. In good shape. Next w. In the global corona crisis you can find more Information Online at e. W. Dot com and on t. W. Social media channels. Our car. Didnt armstrong really walk on the moon. Isnt the earth really flies how strong. The government assumes planes to poison us or. 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