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A white Police Officer pressed his knee on floyds nick the death of a black man at the hands of a white officer has caused an opera or not just in the u. S. Tens of thousands of protesters are taking to the streets in european cities like berlin london and paris they are standing up against Police Brutality and racism and they are calling for an end to Racial Discrimination especially by the police. In france of the death of george floyd has ignited a heated debate about Police Brutality in the country the frustration is particularly high among immigrant families im all been to and see is hoping that the protests will be a wake up call and that they will lead to lasting change because she has experienced firsthand what it means to have a loved one killed by the police. Amol been to see is on her way to a demonstration the french moroccan woman has been fighting against Police Violence for years ever since her brother a mean guy shot by a policeman. Ever. So mall is happy that finally people in france are protesting against racism in the police force this is the fam family and we felt alone confronted with the system most oppresses us and kill zone for those and when they kill over those they also kill post of us i dont care. I mean but in truth he grew up as a troubled youth in the suburbs of paris as a teen he was sentenced to 6 months in jail for setting a fire in a school as a young man he was jailed for robbery before violating his parole and going on the lam. 8 years ago i mean was sitting outside this bar when the police found him he ran up this street until a policeman shot him. I mean think it done that. I was very attached to him. So i have to speak up for him. Because he deserves it. Not just because hes my brother and i love him. To do so because of his tragic fate hi jean. Amol gave up her job began studying law and found in an issue of to combat Police Violence in court she proved that an officer shot her brother in the back not as initially claimed in selfdefense the police man received a 5 year suspended sentence. And all says her brothers death is not an isolated case in recent years many youths from immigrant families have been killed despite numerous requests the police werent willing to comment on the matter im all takes us along to a shoot for a video against these filings and shes already given legal advice to rapper joel if and all men. Like everyone here has had bad experiences with the cops. You did or did you see the last time i was inspected they insulted me like i was about boom. Fishy this isnt funny. Im shut up with the insults dominica do defend a victim you have had enough of feeling like a victim or largely multiple support of the i want the problem to be solved the problem so id like. Police brutality against people of color is no isolated phenomenon in france says sociologist matthew plea goosed. Because the color of a persons skin or the racial identity either opens doors or shuts them in all areas of society. Whether its looking for housing or a job dealing with the police in health care. At school or on the street. On every level the racial question is a structural problem in france so people from the former french colonies are dealt a worse hand than those whose ancestors come from france thats why the police respect them less than white citizens im all says her organisation has developed an app to help witnesses film incidents of Police Brutality the images are uploaded directly to a server so even if Police Confiscate the phone they cant delete the recording. This wont really record them succeed often its too few to report this people dont talk about it and tell themselves nothing will come of it. But thats just the opposite of what must be done will make a complaint help the victims and dont hesitate to take legal action the street right now imo hopes that demonstrations across france will lead to real change and that people of color be treated with greater respect. Discrimination and violence these are 2 things that the Roma Community in romania is also familiar with many people from this ethnic minority live in the squalid settlements with families often living very close to each other a lack of sanitary facilities adds to conditions that allow Infectious Diseases that spread rapidly like oh good 19 in fact to many romanians are now blaming the role for the spread of the corona virus we visited the small town of to morris to see how the roma are getting by in these difficult times. This is a roma neighborhood on the outskirts of target morass. It was temporarily guarded by Romanian Police apparently to stop them spreading coronavirus to the city. Maria correct works for a humanitarian organization you know shes one of the few people who come here to hand out groceries the poor roma family and. Thats the take on your home ok. From the irish clothes children are hungry to you. On leave you now with me to get the lockdown was hard we had nothing to eat and a few days ago we were allowed to collect scrap metal and to make money that now we can buy a few things but ive got 9 children and 5 grandchildren who sometimes we dont know who will get food and who wont get it like you know here. I get some eggs and. Helps maria decide which families need help most urgently she doesnt have enough for everyone. Hes roma himself so he sees the imbalance firsthand. So but among the nearly all residents in other neighborhoods were allowed to move about freely. But here the army and police imposed a total lockdown but. Maria tells us that a list of names and addresses of people infected with the coronavirus was published online. Only roman names were listed as also going to understand that they want to talk to only people with traditional roman names were on the list creates the impression that only 30 are infected and ill and this is very manipulative and discriminatory. Its unclear if this was an act of spite from someone who wanted to incite hatred but what i mean goes with that if it came from the romanian north or a tennis. Ball. Aside from containing the pandemic romanian authorities seem to neglect the roma neighborhood. Garbage is rarely collected and a sanitary situation is catastrophic all the bad wish to be goodies the city council should take responsibility you know with some locals too but its tough for them 2000 people live in this neighborhood and how many garbage comes although only for its own sake. Maria helps other roma communities in the region as well there are several others around her grammar. Tensions often flare up between roma people and other residents thats one roma man who is being accused of living in the shed for the garbage containers youre urinating in hes been doing like you. Do you see in the year and. What youre going to march and im sick of this ive had enough i live here shut up im talking yeah well thats a little god im not yeah im not you wake up the neighbors every night with your noise we always have to call the police its a disaster. Took a look at you i dont know what the problem is that i meant thank god im not affected id like to work but i cant find a job or. The Roma Community has faced even more hostility in light of the pandemic programs that are being vocal quite good anybody looking for scapegoats and then no longer willing to tolerate things they used to tolerate. Roma families have clashed with police on several occasions in recent weeks. This came after police took action against roma people who return from abroad because of the pandemic but didnt observe the lock down. Footage of this conflict made national news. 6 poverty aggravates these tensions maria correct is especially trying to help roma mothers. Some cant get diapers or yes or no do you have any for an 8 month old baby yes of the 20. This has to be marias last stop for the day. Her organization relies on donations which have dried up lately shes trying her best to support the minority roma people who situation as a con from bad to worse during the coronavirus pandemic. Romania and the would be welcome guest in the u. K. At the moment since they make up a large portion of Seasonal Workers there thats because of the corona Virus Outbreak travel between the u. K. And draw mania has been restricted so thousands of workers are missing on british farms like on the new more farm but government has called on its own people to pick for britain even Prince Charles has joined the company but its not as easy as it sounds mark starr a good is the owner of the new more farm and he doubts that working with local labor as is really the solution. From afar it looks like a pastoral scene but this is the self declared British Land Army in action during the Current Crisis its also a Training Exercise for bricks that when Eastern European workers might be in just as short supply on british firms as they are now has one of the breaks the 2 years key demands british jobs for british people borne fruit so theres no you know and ive got plenty more friends which have been furloughed from work which happy to turn up and a hard days work and say you know i dont i dont understand this we need more Eastern European workers flying in farmer Mark Thurgood sees things differently. Hes had to with his new recruits into shape they think its a bit of a holiday its a bit of a novelty but then you know. So we went with it for a week or so and i said right thats enough that now were here for a reason you know ive got a quick pick my crop if im not going to make any money out of this so im going to break even theres no point you being here since then is british helpers have gotten down to work but their illusions about idyllic farm life have been dodged Robert Hawkins a carpenter by trade was surprised that harvesting asparagus also takes real craft on the face of it you just pick in a bit of green stuff coming out of the mud but its not. And marcus had to be very patient with us so i think what we what we learn because youve got to read the asparagus youve got to decide if its long enough what grade it is if it be better left for another few hours. And thats taken a while to do not really sure to be honest its ive have a respect for the job that they do now and i know that its actually a lot harder than. A lot of people think but yeah i have a respect for the remaining that come here and work on here every year because its not an easy job to do. Foreman juggle gary and show the new recruits the ropes. He tries to be diplomatic when asked what its like working with his new squad. Its its different because. The english people are more happy. Birthday ommaney and then bulgarian people are they just more working remote through really. Talking just just be walking now we have a have a happy team and everybodys happy. Its good so having british people picked for britain isnt really a long term alternative thurgoods Eastern European workers were quicker and more motivated and no deal brags that that leaves e. U. Citizens needing a work visa would ruin him especially after this year what hope of the visioneer especially now is that. The 1st levy the u. K. Government. U. K. Public realize the need to plan Important Role is newsnight theres no doubt about it without without those but for labor then theres going to be a shortage of all of its way across the u. K. The farmers play it isnt much of a concern in london right now because of the corona crisis has hampered british negotiations Boris Johnsons government refuses to extend the transition period if you think lets be very clear about it our position is unchanged the transition period ends on the 31st of december that is ensuring to know theres no intention of changing that thats because most members of johnsons cabinet are briggs and hardliners who reject any extension david henig sat in on many of the negotiations in brussels and thinks the talks will likely fail. I think the u. K. Government weve got to try something simple why dont you just give us a simple they dont realize how complicated this is thats why we need more time but the people who so fervently supported gregs it they say this is a lot of people who never wanted to start with any extension a day is a plot by the remains you must not extend. Marks or a good knows this all too well but hopes the pandemic will provoke a change of heart. And i hope that the British Public this year and i hope the same for the german guys. They realise that we need to phone. And then to be shown a bit more respect. Make them realise that we do need to be here but you need to do provide a voice to the economy. Still if the e. U. Dont reach a deal rocks are a good may have no choice but to call in the british army again next year. Germany and france share a deep friendship and open borders but when the corona crisis hit suddenly the borders were closed the friendship between the 2 countries was put to the test because the germans started suspecting the french on the other side of the fence of spreading the virus the borders are now reopening about their relationship remains strained we visited the region to find out what this is all about. Lons used to fleece has his hands full in the Customs Museum in hob kitchen on germanys border with france the retired customs officer is a volunteer curator of the exhibition in the old border house there arent any border controls anymore and today the museum mostly serves as a symbol of good neighborliness but now the cross border friendship faces a new challenge the Coronavirus Crisis growth does not include the us i never thought id see the germans having something against the french just because the coronavirus was a bigger problem in france. Who will never have believed that this would happen again just a few go because you know. French people faced insults and were accused of spreading the virus before the borders were closed again in march like at this bridge a German Authority had declared the neighboring french region a risk area only those who worked on the other side were allowed to continue crossing the Border Police says he understands why it had to close. Plus wardens it is what can you do here with of course a virus doesnt stop at any border in the world its the people who come across with the virus who spread it. It hit. Hard hes french and commutes to work in germany then the border was closed overnight without notice he was allowed to cross the border but some german suddenly began to treat him as a threat but microsoft when you get told that we are now no longer want to really hurt. People its not our fault everyone knows it comes from china. So if we could just as easily have been the germans who got it worse. Its not our fault that hurt me but im. The mayor of the german border town of gas haim also has french roots as his name suggests misha read the reports of cross border commuters from france who were insulted on the streets by people who told them to go back to their corona country in germanys francophile state of silent of all places Franco German friendship was being put to the test. The crisis has shown that this friendship may not be as stable as we imagined and wanted it to be. And i believe that we have work to do to establish a feeling at least among the locals that this partnership is important for europe to yours to go on. Publicly criticize the behavior of his fellow silent and now faces criticism himself never seriously accused of fake news here because many didnt want what i said to be true but i think it was important to say loud and clear that we have a problem. Now that the border is finally open again the german wants to set an example by visiting his french counterpart in neighboring claiming. Like hemet is experiencing the friendship crisis from the french side he worries that the german reaction could leave scars. If you its created a climate of distrust. In a way our history has caught up with us again. Extremism suddenly comes out in one way or another it isnt the same thing war memorial testifies to the history of a border region that was fought over in the wars between the 2 countries the 2 mayors say it serves as a warning for politicians on both sides they say that careless statements made the crisis worse. That the political rhetoric also influences peoples actions and how they deal with the fear thats around them and so if you tell them for weeks that you have to protect desire landers from the french then of course people take that into consideration. That you mentioned maybe take a russian election. And thats what weve seen here. The crisis has given the old sign of the european friendship bridge and hub new meaning for lease the former customs officer would like it to be put back in its old place. And for intro your 1st well you cant break a friendship a strong as that between germany and france that has grown over decades with nonsense like this one wonders what a cop would want i cannot imagine that this has caused permanent damage absolutely not. In any case the Coronavirus Border closure will find a place in Florence Yousif least Little Museum as a new chapter of front god german border history. They say youre never too old to try something new and thats probably the model of arnold is the all the salmon man alive and when he turned 104. 00 event try out a new hobby you know he moved to a new country whole and its an interesting choice because when he was young poland was considered an enemy but today he is in love with the country its been 5 years since his left his hometown or found on the small village of stuff and there he has found friends who become like family. But polish village is now home to germanys oldest man part of life even to the surprise of the villagers here. Because its like ive never met anyone. Because i never knew someone like that lived here and stuff that he must love poland if you moved here at his age. He said that us yes. Arnold licensor is originally from the german city of hanover and recently celebrated his 109th birthday. He lived through both world wars and has a past connection to poland because of his brother. My oldest brother was 16 when he got drafted into the army. Border right away they sent him to poland. After a few weeks a polish soldier shot him in the leg. River god. Thats how it all started. Roofing tiles on one of those now im in love with poland. Arnold worked as an architect until he was 77. After he retired he turned to his passion of painting. His late son was a well known painter and a source of inspiration. Arnold was married for 75 years but after his wife gertrude passed away he decided to move to his polish carers home. You know to have a big house and i was lonely. I had a beautiful garden god. Knew what good is thats when youve lost everything. Tunnels other passion is whisky. His carer lets him have one glass per day. Im always thats enough whiskey lets see how you feel this evening and then called white the ambition of months of the of you think ill notice anything only the whiskey could trigger your brain and this medicine. I guess so. Grows you know your own chief took care of arnold and his wife for 9 years commuting back and forth between their home over homer and poland where her sister christina helped out too. When arnold asked to move in with gina she was immediately open to the idea she remembers when she 1st met arnold. So high that i was in awe of just. Arnold said to me listen your family now youre not a cleaner or some subordinate youre part of our family. And because arnold is such an easy going guy and not at all moody. We decided to take him into a complete cut see business up in this. Metaphor with master all you know all of you me. Out of not the vision of the show via the polish border remain shut amid the pandemic are not life for can happen in german friends over 1st Birthday Party still he loves being in poland the. Real world for him is real. Its lovely here one of the. Road to never leave things to it good all the glory im living the good life. What a heartwarming inodes to close on with all the doom and gloom in the world right now we were. Many more happy years the comment of maybe youll be able to celebrate with friends and family next year and with that do we have come to the end up todays show ill be back next week with the news stories from across europe thank you so much for watching and goodbye you know at. The at. The thing. Choosing that 1st job wisely. They could have an effect on your entire career. What should people starting a new profession look out for. Which mistakes and pitfalls should they avoid. My 1st day at a new job tips for a path to success. Made in germany. In 30 minutes on d w. Africa. Measure during the corona crisis. In rwanda is expensive and disinfectant are virtually unattainable. d by young businesswomen has decided to improvise. In her distillery she produces disinfectant. You know for. 90 minutes long d w. Ringback ws crime fighters are back africas most successful in radio drama series continues this season the stories focus on hate speech cholera prevention and sustainable charcoal production. All of the sos are Available Online and of course you can share and discuss on africas Facebook Page and other social media platforms for. Crime fighters tune in now. To know that 77 percent. Are younger than thanks to hot. Cuts me and me and you. And you know what external voice is. On the 77 percent we talk about. This is where. The 77 percent this weekend on d w. Cut. Cut. Cut cut. News live from berlin ministration the International Criminal court the u. S. President approved any Court Officials investigating the u. S. Troops. In afghanistan also coming up. Criminal charges in the. Oil spill more than 20000 tons of fuel leaked into waterways near the worlds most northerly city. Vieques on the valdez disaster 3 decades ago in alaska

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