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Sumi so much god its good to have you with us calls for Police Reform are gaining momentum as a wave of anti racism protests continues across the u. S. Several cities saw mass rallies over the weekend sparked by the killing of george floyd in Police Custody 2 weeks ago demonstrators are demanding an end to bias and Excessive Force among the police ranks that has all too often turned deadly. To rejoin from George Floyds killing they still come to grieve not just for him but for the searing injustices that plagued their nation. Chain. 6 6 has not quelled their anger and minneapolis on sunday lawmakers promised to dismantle the Police Department and start again. Our commitment is to end our citys toxic relationship with the Media Outlets to Police Departments to answer Police Things as we know it. Elsewhere in the city the magnitude of the moment laid bare when a protester confronted mayor jacob frye. The crowd unloaded on the mayor when he disagreed with the move. I. Mentioned were running high in cities across north america and boston protesters pleaded with police. Line up behind every night. As well as all dark please try to restore public trust i. Elite sports stars entered the protest the arena and be a players from the Milwaukee Bucks joined a march right. Under Denver Broncos took to the streets to after years of being told to shut up american Football Player is finally free to speak out against racism. In seattle there was panic when a car drove into a black lives matter damage on the coach feared the washed and the driver a marriage holding a gun. He was arrested one man was injured. In North Carolina George Floyds family gathered to commemorate the man whose killing convulsed their country and perhaps to hope that his legacy may be one that changes this nation forever. And for more on this story we have your reporter stacy vins with us here in our studio hi stacey thanks for joining us weve seen 2 weeks after George Floyds death these protests in the u. S. Not letting up growing bigger in some cities what are we seeing happening in the u. S. Right the host of momentum continuing to keep up i think people are really coming together they see this as a chance to really make systematic change in the United States so that there is equality and humanity for all american citizens theres been some pushback from people who like to scream all lives matter but these activists are quick to point out that until black people are treated with the same respect and humanity as whites in the United States you cant say that all of them matter because theyre not treated equally and yes theyve been arrested in the killing of george floyd but they feel like now they can push for more and like i said systematic change what kind of change are we talking about because as you mentioned in the Police Officer who had his knee on George Floyds neck he has been charged the other officers who were on the scene have also been charged so what is it concretely the protesters are demanding well they want to have a different presence in their community when it comes to policing youve seen the protests and not just this Michael Brown and ferguson where police were on tanks and it was like the American Public who has the right to voice their opinion the right to protest were treated like the enemy like they were in some kind of a combatant situation and so what blacklegs matter is pushing for is the defunding of Police Departments and that simply means that their budgets are are shrunk and that that money is used in other areas homelessness food banks social other social services so that people in the community are actually getting the help they need and less policing and then police are actually able to do the jobs that they were trained to do and its also theyre also trying to reduce the contact that. People have with the police oftentimes you hear well the police need more training when when a black person is killed and an as an armed but they dont need training when theyre taking in a wild gunman who is white then it dylan wrote who killed all those people in charleston in the Charleston Church he was taken into custody without a scratch and then i took him up for a hamburger black people are not treated with the things and kind of dignity ok so these are some of the steps that have been called for by protesters what about on a larger scale are we seeing these ongoing protests lead to real political reform well the mayor of new york and the mayor of los angeles have pledged to defund there the Police Departments so youre seeing something there House Democrats and a Senate Democrats are introducing a bill and later today that will make it easier to prosecute police and will make it easier to sue them for damages if theyre convicted so a lot of times when police are sued and if there is a payout its the community thats paying activists believe if you hit police where it hurts which is their own pocketbooks that this will correct the behavior already to the reporter stacey difference with us here in studio thank you very much for now to a special d. W. Report on the situation in china is rest of the region where researchers estimate up to a 1000000 people have been detained in socalled reeducation camps the remote province in chinas far northwest is off limits to International Media the muslim week or so make up most of the population there have long face repression by the chinese authorities including a recent years lengthy imprisonment now did abuse Investigative Team has found that many imprisoned weekers inside the camps have been forced to choose from a list of crimes and events sentenced in sham trials without access to due process the team spoke to those who escaped chinas vast. Network of repression and. You dont have any freedom or your money 247 they can interrogate you as any time even at night when youre asleep the women i was waved and used up there because they had want to head scarf or plate travelled abroad there wasnt a single criminal among. Thats the voice of a woman who spent almost a year inside a reeducation camp in china with keeping her identity a secret in order to protect her family and singe on a remote region in northwest china. She ingenues home to the weakest a predominantly muslim ethnic group. Decades of state sponsored discrimination against them has spread into discontent and at times of violence including riots and terror attacks. In response china has cracked down and we go and built up a close knit Surveillance System feel 47 prison more than a 1000000 people in internment camps across 10 jang the Chinese Government claims the camps were set up to fight extremism and provide readers with the creation or skills but detainees and documents contradict that narrative rather detainees are targeted based on little more than their culture and religion and are forced to undergo a draconian and often brutal brainwashing program. And now we have on earth even more chilling evidence of chinas oppression of leaders we talked to former detainees who managed to escape chinas last network of reeducation camps. One day they were handed a list of alleged crimes. It was one page of paper we had to choose one item i started reading it and it said wearing a headset. Playing owning a quran or phoning all contact him people abroad they threatened us you will stay here until you pick a crime so i signed the paper and put my finger print. A few days after the woman was forced to sign the list that they sold stocks of calling up people one by one for what amounts to a sham trial oh yes you are. There were no lawyers. There were to read out the judgement and that cheney would have to say i confessed my crimes i promise i wont repeat my wrongdoings im not trying to do just the cost. We analyze satellite imagery in publicly available material such as construction bids and tender notices and managed to locate 3 camps where these trials happened in 2018 in 3 different locations across 2. After the trials detainees started disappearing some were picked up at night others led away from their classrooms never to return. But it seems that only those who had confessed to religious acts in the childs were picked up this is yet another indication that china is targeting weaker culture and religion. The woman and the other detainees we talked to managed to skate to neighboring cuz i stand as those with cars that president seal family members were eventually allowed to leave china. My husband says ive changed sometimes i get very angry so no reason to start screaming jar in the night im so exhausted all the times asked us. Will have more analysis on the story throughout the day you can also watch the full report on the d w news you tube channel lets. Now in some other stories from around the world areas outside new orleans are underwater after Tropical Storm crystal crashed ashore in the u. S. The storm made landfall over the weekend causing flooding and Property Damage in other states it was downgraded to a troubled tropical depression on monday and starting today most people arriving in britain will have to self isolate for 2 weeks under new coronavirus restrictions airlines Like British Airways and easy jet have launched Legal Proceedings against the u. K. Government over what they call a disproportionate step. Police in germany have arrested 11 people in connection with a nationwide child sex abuse ring the arrests were carried out in 3 separate states after investigators seized encrypted data from a server room in the city of munster at least 3 potential victims have been identified between the ages of 5 and 12 the children are said to be related to some of the suspects according to most of police recovered footage showed severe abuse in the images were sold over the internet. Did abuse Political Correspondent in one was shot as following the story for us what more can you tell us about this case. Well so many indeed 11 persons have been arrested in a coordinated Police Action that took place last week in several german states and the alleged instigator of these pedophile ring is a 27 year old man from munster in north rhinewestphalia he was already arrested a few weeks ago and suspects suspicion of having abused 3 children aged 5 and 10 and 12 and a 10 year old boy appears to have been the victim who was abused demotes he was the child of the suspects partner and the other children are all related to the other suspects us so the mother of the main suspects a 45 year old woman they say to have known about the abuse and to have activities supported. And put a 27 year old man had already been condemned twice in 2016 in 2017 for sharing child pornography content and he was on probation what about the timing of this why are we seeing these arrests now well those arrests are part of an Ongoing Investigation that was rendered quite difficult because of the new encryption devices used by the perpetrators some of them being i. T. Specialist and the police are covered they thought that shows multiple c. V. Abuse cases that were found by the penetrators and that they thought was recovered thanks to another invade in state investigation into another case of child pornography. Whats been the reaction to these arrests one of the governments representative for questions of sexual abuse a cold for more 11 s film everyone because those children had neighbors they had attended schools sports car but cetera and the criminal police you know so i asked for a better equipment saying that investigators must be able to know how to get around in christian technologies and i reminded that they could be around 100 cases of child sexual abuse taking place daily on the docket and a defense minister im going to conk. Say that germany a mass to remain very strong and clear is sending a message of enforcing a 0 tolerance policy and more measures to tackle abuse so when its going online. Correspondent in money wish us for us thank you so much youre watching the news head to our website www dot com for all the latest news and information around the clock its good to have you with us. Our current. Strong really walk on the moon. Is in the earth really. Does the government. Seriously serious spread like wildfire on the internet

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