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So many different looks of life. Some are company. Comes straight from the heart. Of the russians and turning from birth to death starts june 18th on g. W. The worlds biggest economy is creating jobs again as phenomena shuts down fees years apart and brought on the bomb and surprisingly drops and made raising hopes the economy could recover from the Coronavirus Crisis sooner than expected also coming up the International Monetary fund warns the pandemic could push emerging economies back several years in their development and british luxury carmaker. Denting says it all x. Nearly one quarter of its workforce is facing the double dilemma of the virus been damaged and a potential no deal to breakfast. Im chris cuomo welcome to the program more than 42000000 people in the United States have lost a job in the Coronavirus Crisis so far but recent figures indicate the worst could be over as unemployment in the u. S. Is falling the bureau of labor statistics says the jobless rate fell to 13. 3 percent last month 2500000 people found work after more than 20000000. 00 lost their jobs in april alone the rise in employment could suggest that companies are bringing workers back on board as part of the economy the emerging from locked us. For more lets bring in dollars financial correspondent yes korda in new york yes were we expecting the jobless figure to fall nobody expected it there were no economists that could imagine that that we would see in increase in jobs 2 and a half 1000000 new jobs for the month of weight may that is the best monthly increase have her in u. S. History just recently the Federal Reserve expected that the economy might contract by 50 percent in the 2nd quarter but that seems less likely so now that we see a pretty strong comeback science and at least on the labor market and yes quickly tell us how the markets react to the news. It was in creative bill increase that we saw blue chips up by more than 800. 00 points more than 3 percent done for the week blue chips are up almost 2000 points sold there was a huge reaction here on wall street so markets have recovered strongly after the initial coronavirus shock that they have a viable reason to do so and do we have to expect a 2nd massive drop again once the dust settles well we might see another drop actually on the labor market and also on the stock markets because we shouldnt forget that the u. S. Government at the Federal Reserve trillions of dollars at the problem and what happens when those governmental programs and it is not unlikely that we might then see in other wave of layoffs we also still have quite a few companies on the brink of bankruptcy so its good to see those numbers for now yes the economy the jobs are coming back quicker than expected but that does not mean an end to the crisis and a lot of analysts on wall street are also getting a bit uncomfortable what levels we reach the blue chips now across the 20 is the 7000 point mark and the nasdaq composite actually even the week on a new all time high and yes briefly are there other signs for the u. S. Economy getting back on track. All week long we saw some signs that things are not great but not as bad as some fear it and then we do see business gaining some traction for example when you look at the Construction Industry but also allies are slowly restarting their fleets of Airline Stocks by the way were up by 35 percent on the week that was the best week for Airline Stocks ever the u. S. Is creating jobs again yes yes quarter reporting for us from new york yes thank you. Now despite the rising optimism on the u. S. Labor market the coronavirus pandemic has deeply scarred the worlds biggest economy often hitting those with already low or unstable income still harvest as a result millions have been forced to turn to food banks across the country. Look beyond the economic numbers and you find scenes like this a car park turned into a heaving food bank on the outskirts of new york city and a convoy of sheer desperation. Im going to some. Degree. Mother of 4 must see a doctor he lost her hotel job when this crisis began and when the kids in class i would say you have to go on a solo sugar and a water justice or a bag so. You can sit. In the grates on the rivaling of the u. S. Jobs market this drive through food bank has become a lifeline for those hardest hit the people weve distributed other good though the number 1200000 were new this year same time as last year its a dramatic ending for the myriad believes he knows where her husband was laid all to making ends hard to meet her job is safe for now i think i take care of her out of air station so working means education it at bellevue. I have been very stressed but good to see the least. Shes not alone long lines reflect the depths of despair this pandemic has brought. And hopefully well be able to get over this. Coronavirus together. Here at least community is helping. So far countries in africa have had more than 160000 confirmed infections and nearly 5000 deaths from covert 9000 according to official figures many experts believe the continent is only in the early stages of the pandemic but economically things are already looking to. 0 in northeastern nigeria the pandemic very nearly caused a famine. Now the International Red cross is distributing seeds so that farmers can cultivate their fields again. We couldnt go anywhere because of covert 19 and we werent able to work. So we just stayed at home and suffered. Even before the outbreak most people here lived hand to mouth and now theres even less to go around thanks to Foreign Investors withdrawing capital and because those living abroad are sending less money home in fact the Coronavirus Crisis could push nigeria back several years when it comes to fighting poverty and its not alone says the i. M. F. Between 35 and 40 subsaharan african countries have made a request for Emergency Assistance from the i. M. F. And 27 countries so far have received financing from the fund they have received. For a total of a boat us 10000000000. 00. Nigeria has received 3000000000. 00 partly because the country has another problem on its hands a drop in Global Demand means Oil Prices Remain low that makes production barely profitable nigeria may need further loans from abroad to see itself through the crisis the i. M. F. Says its prepared to make more funds available. Lets take a look now at some of the other business stories making news around the german prosecutors are investigating the board of financial tech for a while caught on suspicion of market manipulation after the Electronic Payments developer repeatedly put all of the publication of its 2019 Financial Results investigators in unity have been searching wire courts headquarters. Canadian aircraft manufacturer bombard you to have 1000 jobs this year thats 10 percent of its Global Workforce citing the impact of the 19 pence. They make on demand for its business just last month bob barr gave reported a 200000000. 00 1st order loss. Luxury british carmaker bentley has also announced it will cut around 1000. 00 jobs or nearly one quarter of its workforce as the coronavirus plagues struggling car sales its the latest on a raft of bad news for the global Auto Industry but for the 800000 workers in britains car sector an economic recession combined with the looming prospect of a new deal brags it has created the ultimate horror sin aria. Production at press markets only slowly starting again normally 90 people wacky in the heart of england supplying steel parts for the car industry. Coronas hit the company hard they have very few new orders the last thing they need is a hard braggs it with no trade deal in the end of the year thats going to be a double whammy its very difficult especially in a market has been depressed as well so its 2nd the triple hit its going to be the most challenging time in my career ever the u. K. Current history is facing its biggest crisis ever due to the virus. Luxury carmaker mclaren had to lay off a quarter of its workforce and nodia brecks it with the e. U. Would mean that cars as well as components would be hit with a 10 percent tariff making u. K. Cost very expensive to sell on the continent its main export market if there was a no trade deal bricks at the end of the year there would be a hit to exports and therefore a hit to production in the u. K. And we would see tens of thousands of job losses theres a very real question mark about whether some plants would actually close and in the longer term Car Companies my dream located to the continent if big Investment Decisions then go against the u. K. Over the next few years a possible loss of output of the order of another half a 1000000 cars and you know that would mean much of the u. K. Mass industry effectively being wiped out at the supplier press mark there they have a hoping that the u. K. And the e. U. Will agree to extend the socalled transition period to give more time to reach a deal. And that wraps up our program as usual you can find more on our web site at d w dot com slash business or on our social media im chris cuomo in the in for me and the entire team thanks for watching can have yourself a great. Because. In good shape takes my way for us in forests of fields and bad dangerous. And down more than 100 different takes some of them. And others a chance meeting after mosquitoes takes other most dangerous victor for diseases everything you ever wanted to know about. Next. Hour. If you when i arrived here i slept with 6 people in a room. It was hard. I even got white hair. Learning the german language helped me a lot this gets me a little but its maybe too in trouble its the same thing you want to know their story in the film islands the fighting and reliable information for margaret. We know this is very time for the coronavirus is changing the world changing our lives so please take care of yourself keep your distance and wash your hands if you can stay at how we do w. For here for you we are working tirelessly to keep you informed on all of our platforms were all in this city getting into good and well make it free. Stay safe everybody Stacey Stacey stay safe increase in stay safe. And welcome to you in good shape coming up on the show Vacation Time how long do all parties need to recuperate. No more nail biting how best to quit the habit. Pumps ticks the dangers that could be lurking in the grass. And heres your host dr custom like a top

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