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Skin color. Plus a surprise drop in u. S. Unemployment raises hopes that the worlds biggest economy may be recovering on the throne of i was crisis more quickly than expected. And on World Environment Day we take a look at the future of the planet its the Global Health emergency has led to a cut in pollution and Greenhouse Gas emissions in some regions many doubt whether the improvement is sustained. Im going to have alphas welcome to the program the latest round of brags that talks between the e. U. And the u. K. Have ended with no significant progress according to the hughes top negotiator Michelle Obama it is abused london of failing to honor the brakes a divorce agreement as the 2 sides trying to thrash out trade deal before the end of the year he claims british officials are trying to backtrack on commitments theyve already agreed to other british say the negotiations needs to speed up the a was clearly frustrated. We are engaged in this negotiation and of a fusion of a joint political dicta ration that clearly sets out the terms of our future partnership this document. The document is every ball in all languages. Including english. Version. Was negotiated with Prime Minister johnson. It is for us. And it will remain for us the only valid reference yet round after round our british counterparts seek to distance themselves from this common basis well lets bring in our top experts for this story bob islam brussels and in london you both have followed the latest developments on these breaks that negotiations barbara lets start with you weve heard bunnys saying that u. K. Is backtracking in all areas start on the use chief negotiator how serious is the situation. Quite serious indeed care hard because just look at the ways to mean these people have 300 experts and both sides have had 4 rounds of talks off 4 or 5 days over the last 2 months and they havent achieved anything they havent even defined lending area where you know talks could continue they havent even get gotten to the point where of compromises could even be thought about now one of the problems is of course that we have to negotiate is here were not politicians themselves so they have a mandate david frost the british negotiator has a mandate from Doris Johnson is Prime Minister and Michel Barnier on the e. U. Side has a mandate from the 27 if you leaders so they have to move with in that frame and that obviously has been narrow enough that it made made it impossible for both of them to somehow get together at all so beyond technicalities there was simply nothing a big mass in london whats the u. K. Government saying about the state the state of negotiations and the allegations of backtracking. Well they havent said anything regarding the allegation off backtracking however they do concede that in a statement david frost the negotiations are really not progress in very much and he is urging for the negotiations to intensify but he doesnt specify what hes thinking about we do know though what the British Government want and they dont want what the e. U. Want which is like an overarching structure that binds the e. U. And the u. K. Together they want to be as flexible as possible and this is where the 2 dont come together the e. U. Wants a protected Single Market and they dont want a competitor outside their doorstep that is undercutting them maybe and several ways economic laws for example or even the group or any green issues and the u. K. Want to be free to do their own trade deals theyre hoping to do a trade you very soon with the u. S. And they simply dont want to stick to the e. U. s rules and this is where the 2 sides dont come together at the moment to get politically economically is the u. K. Prepared to leave the year without a deal. This is a nice what does johnson and his government are insinuating theyre saying well we do want a deal however we dont want to deal at any costs but we do know that the u. K. Economy is already deeply hit by the corona crisis is the deepest economic crisis the country has ever been and and if on top of that there is a no deal breaks in which might mean terrorists on on various goods and then really acrimonious split with its closest trading partners that would be a fad ahead for the u. K. Economy we know for example that some call make us are saying well they have to relocate their plans so it would be if every really deep hit for the u. K. Economy on top of all the political damage that that would cause you know barbara in brussels with so much frustration that apparently on both sides is there still a way to come to an agreement. Of course michel bunny the new diplomat stresses that there is still time to oct 31st he even made specific so we could continue talks he said for instance at the beginning of july but there needs to be some basis for it there is no point in just sort of turning the same issues over and over barney accusing the brits of backtracking and saying you dont keep to the promises you made in the past that you made was that his drawl agreement and vice versa so there needs to be political intervention at this point Boris Johnson is going to meet even though only per Video Conference the. Heads of the European Commission or his life on the line and barney the Council President and they will need to sort of threshold whether they can view some movement now if there is no political change within the next 2 weeks then whats the point point of further negotiations so its still up in the air how is this going to continue by the e. U. Stresses of course we will not stop trying because in the end they dont want to carry the guilt when these negotiations really fail at the end barbara has won brussels and big mass in london thank you both. A Memorial Service for george floyd in minneapolis there were impassioned calls for meaningful changes to policing and criminal justice in the us the death of the 46 year old black man in Police Custody has sparked nationwide protests of the times turned violent but the latest marches have been more subdued as americans seem to flicked on whats happened over the past and days. As you go through these long 8 minute think about what george was going to lay in there for those 8 minutes. d silent in grief as family and friends remembered george floyd and his last minutes alive. Outside the Memorial Service in minneapolis hushed crowds also mocks the 8 minutes 46 seconds that floyd was pinned to the ground under the need of a white Police Officer. Civil rights activist the reverend al sharpton used that image in his unit to demand change. The reason we could never be who we wanted and dream debian is you kept your me on of me. Is tad for us to stand up in chargers maine and say kid show me our family. And all topsy on jaunts floyd show teach cant coronavirus in april but the familys attorney told morning is it had nothing to do with his death it was not the cove well no virus pandemic there george. I want to make it clear only the record. Were packing it was the other head to make there were. Far too familiar were from america that pair damage of way serve them and discrimination their kill george floored. George floyd its just the latest African American to lose his life in Police Custody. Family friends and the millions around the world now insist he must be the last. Meanwhile there was another case of Police Brutality that has sparked outrage in the u. S. This time in buffalo new york state an elderly man fell to the ground and was seriously injured after he was pushed by a Police Officer Buffalo Police initially stated that the man tripped and fell to office hes been suspended without pay and governor new york state has called the incident utterly disgraceful. And the turmoil that has gripped america over the death of george floyd also turned the spotlight on racism in other countries to use she pondered belo reports now on his own experience as a black person living here in germany he also said allegations of racism and Police Brutality elsewhere in europe. And on. This memorial to george floyd popped up last weekend. While he died of the hands of a policeman in the u. S. His death is also being used to bring awareness to racism here in germany and across the world. It is hard to find a country without any form of racism and i experienced it here as well in berlin. As the daring and of course comments and statements about my skin color. That you cannot move around the city as a black person without being aware of your skin color on average there are 3. 00 to 4. 00 racist incidents reported per day in the german capital according to the berlin register for discrimination and not everyone is reporting them so there could be far more. Thats why the black likes Matter Movement has also been protesting here in berlin well europe has fewer deadly incidents involving the police some cases have stayed with me again you know its not that long ago only giallo burned to death in the police cell here in germany in 2005 no one was convicted for his death. In the u. K. In 2011 mark duggan was shot by a policeman who was never convicted. In france adama died during Police Custody in 2016 and no one has been found responsible for his death thats why the protests in france have been violent. People are frustrated with structural racism. Hasnt really dealt with its links to slavery and im here in germany several streets i named after individuals from the countrys colonial period like in berlins african quarter where even now some streets bear the names of germanys most infamous and true to cologne new figures whether its history or every day racism black peoples experiences are being ignored and thats why im also frustrated we need to address every day racism and also the past because thats the only way to move forward. To reporting. And also some of the other stories making headlines around the world today an Australian Court has banned a massive protest that was banned in sydney over the weekend authorities of the stage of himself protest organizers to force are doing the event bridge coronavirus social distancing rules with thousands of people expected to attend the. Russia says it has stopped the spread of a Massive Oil Spill in northern siberia a criminal investigation is underway into the cause of the disaster which happened one of these a reservoir collapsed past the cleanup and Environmental Recovery my take is. German police are investigating if the man suspected of murdering Madeleine Mccann might also be linked to the disappearance of another child in germany the forties 3 year old has a history of previous sex offenses including child abuse 3 year old madeleine went missing from a portuguese Holiday Resort in 2007. Mosques in the indonesian capital jakarta have opened for group prayers for the 1st time in one week worshippers are supposed to bring their own prayer rugs mosques and we may want me to a pot temperature chits are also carried out at the entrance to the mosques and theres been a surprise fall in the. Unemployment rate in the us bureau of labor statistics says the jobless rate dropped to 13. 3 percent last month 2500000 people found work after more than 20000000. 00 have lost their jobs in april a rise in employment would suggest that companies are bringing workers back on board as part of the on any emerge from lockdown. Now lets bring in the financial correspondent in new york hence caught against what we expecting the jobless figures to fall. Well that is an absolute stunner that we have seeing it was those the job figures nobody expected it as you mentioned there were expectations that we might have lost another 89000000. 00 jobs in may and now this increase by 2 and a half 1000000 jobs by the way that is the biggest increase on a monthly basis ever since we get those statistics and that was at the end of the thirtys so really huge surprise probably what happened a lot of people in april 2 point 7000000 people back then said that they believe that the job losses are temporary and obviously had lot of those people at least for now right so quite unexpected that fall and unemployment what has the reaction been well its its korea is shocking i would even say even in a in a positive way this time the reaction on wall street is a huge blue chips are up by a good 900. 00 points more than 3 percent we just crossed the 27000. 00 point mark and just as a reminder on march 23rd that was the low point so far at least when it comes to the stock market blue chips stood at about 18500. 00 points now we are on top 27000. 00 points so clearly a huge reaction that were seeing on wall street the correction of also the habit markets in general have recovered strongly after the initial corona shock some analysts theyll fear investors out of touch with the economic reality do you think we have to expect a 2nd massive drop again once that corona dust settles. Well lets put it that way i wouldnt be surprised because what we shouldnt forget is that a lot of those jobs are coming back because of government age if you look at the Airline Industry just one example after receiving billions of dollars from washington they had to say ok at least till september were not laying off people but what happens and september its pretty likely that Airlines Just one example will get smaller and then we will see another wave of layoffs maybe later in summer or in fall the same might be true for retailers if you look at restaurants yes they had quite a comeback but we have to see how their cash flow is and even with the reopening theyre far away from where they were before the crisis broke so i wouldnt be surprised im here in the months ahead we will get some weaker numbers once again we will see what happens when the Financial Aid from washington comes to an end and there was that we might also see wall street coming under some pressure but for now reopening thats the big story and let me just add one more thing that we see automated trading on wall street its basically algorithm striving the markets algorithms have no emotions they have no conscious so i dont want to be a naysayer so lets enjoy the moment but im quite certain that this is clearly not the end of the crisis clearly you know thats a financial correspondence courses in new york thank you. I was saying in the u. S. And in basketball the n. B. A. Has come up with a plan to return to action july 31st with a 22. 00 team for much of the rest of the season will be plated disneys Sports Complex in florida without fans present players will be able to start training again at the end of this months the teams will play 8 regular season games to determine who qualifies for the playoffs the season has been suspended since the middle of march. Well they say follow the money but what happens when it all leads to one man investigation as found widespread corruption in the sport of weight lifting and the federations former president thomas jobs used to quote tar any of cash to keep things under his control the investigation was led by Richard Mclaren the man who helped uncover russias state sponsored doping scandal. And orthographic leader in charge of a dysfunctional organization just some of the ways tamasha i and was described in an investigation that exposed decades of corruption inside the World Weightlifting Federation i. W. After money went missing election votes were bought and 40 positive taping tests were covered up by a man the investigation said who had absolute control over his Organization Investigation team has determined that can point 4000000 cash cannot be accounted for we had you know 5 several occasions when large sums. Of whole actions and electoral offices where it is alleged darker i dont use the i got the less resources by the rules. Mclarens investigation followed allegations made in a documentary by german broke a r t in an exclusive interview with g w n 8 high on called the allegations fake news. I was. Just. Responding to the investigation in the i. W. As acting president said the activities that have been revealed in the behavior that has occurred in the years past is absolutely unacceptable and possibly criminal i am resigned as president in a throw he may be gone but the sport he ran has suffered long term reputational damage. In football germany strike a team of vanna this set to leave the bonus they got to join chelsea in Englands Premier League in the upcoming transfer window the 24 year old expressed his desire to play abroad in multiple interviews be allowed to play as a 55000000 euro released loss in his own country. Triggered by mid june then and chelsea have to be agreed on a weekly wage he was the 2nd top scorer in the with this season with 25 goals. The un has designated today World Environment Day the Global Health emergency comp pollution and Greenhouse Gas emissions in some regions because Economic Activity has been widely suspended not all environmentalists optimistic about what this could mean for the future. Type in nature the tagline for this years World Environment Day the theme biodiversity more than 500 species have gone extinct in the last 100 years another 500 are on the brink human driven Climate Change is one of the factors pushing what Scientists Say is a sick mass extinction. Industrial production and air travel are some of the main causes of the c o 2 emissions causing global heating but the Coronavirus Crisis has largely brought them to a halt the biggest drops in global emissions so far came as a result of conflicts and 3 global recessions but some projections say the Current Crisis could lead to the biggest ever drop in emissions more than all these previous reductions combined still some experts say its not enough i think there is a short term gain you know like were seeing c o 2 reductions right while but we need really a massive global effort to solve the Climate Crisis and right now we are going to spend the next 5 years you know focused on this pandemic and responding to it which are 5 years that we dont really have. Societies move out of lockdown the question is how will they do that for nature environmentalists will be hoping for a more sustainable step into the future. This World Environment Day beethovens 670 is being used to make a plea to protect our planet musicians from all corners of the world have created their own compositions inspired by the symphony supports the project called sound of nature. In symphony number 6 in f. Major beethovens hinton nature. I do believe music has an enormous power and i think nature has an even greater Power Projects that bring those 2 together are a great great opportunity for mankind to rethink where we are what we are mormons are all the documentary sound of nature spans 5 continents and showcases musicians with wide ranging musical styles the works created especially for the project all inspired by beethovens Pastoral Symphony in iceland and india. As well as if the n. P. R. In their. Columbia. Was. And history of the project is not to stick love letter to our planet as a composer i do feel strongly linked to composers of the past. Im incredibly inspired by what somebody like beethoven achieved it sort of drives me for sure. The love of music can nature unite us all but today also been beethovens time theres the will to save nature climate protection is of primary importance. Nature is a reflection of ourselves what were doing to the to the planet is what were doing to ourselves we dont want to further thought. The sound of nature and i would to the beauty in this world to me sick and to the proof that the spirit of beethoven lives on. Us and you dont. News from remember you can keep up to date all the latest news on our web site thats. Also follow us on twitter and on instagram if you dont write the best news im doubtless from in the new scene there berlin thats a top. Model. To. Go. Before. They benefit not only from a corner by islam but also. How can that be. Going to fall in just the. Next. 7 ford into a symphony. Begun betokens Pastoral Symphony is the inspiration for a series of Digital Events to mark the 250th anniversary of. The beethoven pastoral project join our live stream for a unique documentary and more today 16 u. T. C. On v. W. Dot com. Innocent. But can it conquer the major issues of our society. Seasonal founder sally. Bianculli knows its modern day heroes in. Inspirational people who take on the challenges of the world with their unique idea. Is the person with this entrepreneurial mindset to look at those 2 problems and make them one solution the new season of sounders valley. Starts june 13th on g. W. The world has been locked up for the last many weeks because of course 90 in india even though the national dami have been eased over 900 numbers are still scheduled. For the last 10 weeks joining the block down mitchell has stepped in to what was only a few months back on crete jungle like in many

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