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Biggest dream is to find safety in europe. Back in february tens of thousands of migrants try to cross the border into greece lord by false promises from turkey they thought the e. U. Borders had been opened but the greek authorities pushed the people back violently and the doors for europe remain firmly sheps among those who would try to cross the border is the as the me family but just like many other refugees they had to give up they were taken away by the police and watched followed was an odyssey through turkey they travelled from the greek border in the northwest to the turkish inland and then in several exhausting trips they made it to istanbul the torturous journey took them 22. 00 days our reporter met up with a family to see how they getting by. Refugee web cam mohammed has cut some pitta bread a few tomatoes and soda for the children. He knows its barely enough for one meal for the 7 member family hes about to visit for another. 3 years to get the as he means fled to turkey from afghanistan. Theyd planned to have arrived in europe a long time ago but instead theyre stuck here from the outskirts of a stumble. For weeks now theyve been afraid to leave the house out of fear of the coronavirus role of getting deported. They only let the ashar into their flat he takes the temperature go and give them food ration cards theyre worried about getting sick without Health Insurance and they feel unwanted in turkey or rather they could all of the refugees are being evicted even if theyve paid the rent from the recruiters and theyve seen it happen a lot of the. Incident today to raise the familys eldest son is appearing on the social media channel of mohammeds Relief Organization hes recounting their experiences in recent weeks. That polluted water really know what happened to us at the greek border how hard it was for us there must. Be as emus arrived at the greek border at the end of february along with tens of thousands of other refugees. The turkish government had Just Announced that the doors were open for them to go to europe but on the other side of the fence greece had slammed the door to the new shot several attempts to cross the border by force what the tyndale. It just did it perfectly sensible towns. Every day they told us it would be off today or tomorrow. Nothing ever happens to our church highlighter us. Our show. The few who made it to the greek side were violently driven back into turkey. Like these iranians who were even stripped of their clients. On. The run for a month raised as the me and others waited at the border in the freezing cold and fell for then one night the Turkish Police showed up. To let you go to dinner they dragged those out of our tents with force then they set their belongings on fire. Pushed us on to buses and drove us off we were on the road for 20 hours. We only hunted dried bread to eat and we werent allowed to disembark. The family was brought to malathion 1400 kilometers away they were put in a quarantine facility like this. Yes. There would be. A few days later they were taken to a place near uncorrupt. Ultimately all the refugees of the greek border ended up on the streets somewhere in turkey said at the azimi family. The people around the world they say have lost any interest in their fate c. R. C. Will be taken advantage of as a political football everyone knows that by now not just the refugees but the whole international community. At the end of their odyssey the volunteer refugee work and mohammed got them off the street and into a 2 very flat because he means share it with another refugee family. But its unclear if theyll be able to stay. On or go and i know theres a coronavirus to on their way to europe is blocked and we cant work here is there are life is hopeless here when i ask for work they say we dont take foreigners here for what he is a nice dream of a life in europe has become a nightmare. Reasons father says turkey doesnt want them but they cant go back to afghanistan and normalisation gives a good. We left our food for the sake of our children. Now they arent even able to go to school. Unsuited to what they can to get by with just some bread tomatoes and a few are lifes the only option is to wait until. The turkey accepts them for europe opens her own. Langan is not just the capital of the u. K. Its also the countrys capital all the traffic jams last year drivers in london spends nearly 150 hours sack in traffic thats 150 hours of people being idle and that wasted time has cost the city billions of course as the streets of london are now empty because many people are working from home and that has given way to bikers are taking back the streets. Why didnt i came to london can seem like taking your own life and its your own hands. No may traffic here is a street really having. To leave. But times are changing most likely to taking to the streets. Or. Philip jones and writes his bike everywhere he cycle some 20000 kilometers e. M. The cyclists in one good house to be quite confident. When youre the one with the road what they see if youre a competent cyclist is not really much of a problem but you have to be going at more or less the speed of the traffic a new presence on the road has to be quite strong. Octet finished films and his family are pleased that more and more london as a discovering the joys of cycling. Theyre all cycling enthusiast from the time they were young the children broke that bikes to school. Thats still something of an oddity in london but how could soon change. In schools by playing then things get people cycling. The next generation i think the definitely be more confident that on the buy a person would think they should just go ahead and close 50 percent. Sidestreets just close the lid cause dont need to go on 50 percent so give us access to everybody on clothes as much as possible and those kinds of demands get londons taxi drivers will riled up the citys cabbies are among cyclists the racist critics. Who dont are cyclists get rid of old and get over psychos over buses. They would and then uses the traffic at the moment is terrible subvocal using. Drugs or whatever making more cycle lanes is just going to make the traffic. Even worse steigers because half the people who saw the marmot dont know the highlight colors and the small percentage of do not highlight charge. So the should be some sort of a test for cyclists and yes londons in a city is currently swarming with bicycles as the quran the crisis in a new age of mentality. Cyclists now have some powerful supporters behind them there will be a huge amount of planning going into helping people to get to work other than by mass transit and i this will be i hope and of my writing for a while as a former secretary of transport i would agree this is should be a new golden age for psychic but they must act fast when commute his return on mass and wont be enough buses or trains to accommodate them and take it to social distancing missions if even a small percentage of these commute to start using cars instead london will be fixed with 10 children. The temptation to get into medical will be very very strong and understandable so i think weve got a short window of time to reach out to both the politicians and to the public to say there is a better writer of to dish. Than is the city none dence financial district is leading the way. America during the debt access is restricted to process and bikes only. And sidewalks are being widened to give kids estrin small room. And in some residential districts streets are being close to 3 traffic drivers are having to find other bricks 1. Oh all. This just in these few weeks theres an amazing opportunity to connect a lot of the connection parts to get the. Local councils on board to get the local roads. Or cycle again to stop this trick university. During the corona crisis london fields have become more like bike friendly amsterdam. Philip the internet is finally hope it will stay that way they this new golden age for cycling seemed almost too good to be trained. A few weeks ago france will slowly started loosening its lockdown restrictions but restaurants remain shut probably for a couple of more weeks that means assess like i wonder currently dont have a lot to do but thats not stopping her from doing what she loves and thats selling food she is giving her fellow perez but sands to rediscover home made delicacy. Evident that you know. This is a comes from the pap in your region these are fridays you rarely find its really a delicacy and it tastes great. And that theres the asparagus its magnificent supply and it comes from to read some 200 kilometers away from paris like im just like its a lemon that chill bestival. Just like this. Ordinarily police is a restaurant in central paris. Millets been transformed into a little markets stocked with regional products. Local people line up to buy them from. Who normally earns her living as one of the top chefs and parse. The supply and heres the demand not just bring the 2 together for the margin of my restaurant was famous denny way. I started with the cookies then i found the guy with the lead preserves and little by little. At 1st i only opened the real name so now im open all day now for customers that they can buy locally sourced french foods here. In the chain is just crazy to buy products that come from far away and dont even necessarily that good stead of supporting local producers who make great products right here. In new delivery has just arrived didnt help spring in the projects. Long barrow he comes to paris twice a week with his freshly picked vegetables normally he only supplies restaurants like um indians but the crisis has changed everything. Its brilliant it is the only ship i work that has come up with this idea its a search if its. Here llorar isnt as element surrounded by vegetables lettuce and herbes. The role grown adults are going to phone 50 kilometers from paris. Its asparagus seeds of neurons discerning customers appreciate his produce under willing to pay a pretty penny for it. Still its not an easy time for growers publish with us not to hide any of readers if thats a clue of what i buy because they cant live from her work and the costs are sky high. I hope we can change that evidently to the major crisis like i run a virus that to make us realize that. With the corona crisis force the french to change their ways president emanuel micron thinks so and its banking on domestic goods just days ago he visited farmers in brittany micro is demanding that not just fronts but all of europe Real National is important branches of production to reduce reliance on overseas imports he wants lessons to be learned from the shortages of face masks and medicines during the pandemic. This crisis has taught us that the poultry with some damage your products and material will stop the strategically important for europe to be independent. But is that even possible these days its quiet on the famous seans uneasy in paris and sophia seif works as an economist here she skeptical about microns i do this enough that my new fronts in germany come produce everything themselves and its not in their interests to didnt say. We need to ask ourselves in what areas it makes sense to remain independent during a crisis but we shouldnt become opponents of globalization i thought because globalization and gives us Affordable Access to a vast array of programs i do quickly do it how should the economy look post corona green says pascal come from. A member of the European Parliament hes launched a Promising Initiative a European Alliance for a Green Recovery that demands reforms to create a climate neutral economy and transform agra food systems while generating jobs and growth almost 200 politicians union reps and even large corporations like cocacola and ikea have to clear their support carvajal home we need to Work Together because this time we must do better than during the financial crisis a decade ago its good and i view by using a sustainable efficient strategy we can kill 2 birds with one stone you know so be successful with it economically and ecologically a sort of got a goodish thats precisely what dean aims to do everything she sells here was produced organically and locally but her wares dont come cheap food prices have risen by as much as 12 percent during the crisis im indians customers do ask about the items price but the french are generally more willing to shell out for good food than germans are for example. In her kitchen and indian only every uses are gunning regional products. Does she think the corona crisis will change peoples even habits. And that told me i was it when up until our week makes everything up we are i guess from through an awful awful mens from china huge battles i. Think that if the u. P. A. Collishaw to change their behavior. You could win the majority milk arent quite as nice and measure id just about some indian knows one thing for certain she cant wait to reopen her restaurant. And where staying with food the moving from french cuisine the belgian kids and i live in belgium and i can tell you if there is one. One dish that the belgians are proud of its their fries but now thats 2 is at risk due to the corona outbreak farmers have harvested times of potatoes but its the demand for fries has dropped sharply and thats why all belgians are now being called upon to take part in a campaign to save this delicious food. Crispy cold salty. Toasty warm not 1000 calories a serving anything but healthy no matter this is patriotic eating they are group and always have long were asking. To eat fried rice rather than just once a week. Protect those storage is or fill to the brim. Still has more than 5000 tons from last years harvest the worthless now. As long as cafeterias restaurants and fast food chains are closed all over europe theres no demand for spuds nominally we get about 150 young 280 euros a tonne now its around 10 to 15 euros at the storage is expensive to which we dont know if the market will recover so we have to choose between hoping for better prices and using more of the thought or. The good mines have been raising potatoes for 3 generations. Theyve modernized operations over the years nobody in the firm can remember a time when potatoes werent in demand. It could be the worst year for potatoes in history these are the fronting for writing the ground specially for frying so they cant really be sold for anything else but some great common says hes not ready to give up we have another its the point where we need to throw them out give them away we can still keep them fresh for 2 more months before they begin to rock that the idea of eating rice twice a week is nice but with the amounts we have thats just a drop in the bucket and yeah but here in. The mounds of potatoes is a disaster for the family farm in all of belgium more than 750000. 00 tons of potatoes are at risk of either being fed to bio gas Energy Plants or animals but the farmer says that even his cows are getting sick of sports. You know with the country in the world produces more potatoes than belgium. Around 5300000. 00 tons each year but the fry factories are only really get half capacity right now. This is where tater gets trimmed down to fry size for his or belgians National Dish never the less around 90 percent of belgian fries are export it mostly to other European Countries since everyones in the same boat. They should all weathered the storm together since this community was founded in the ancient 57 the 52 sector has never yet been answered. But this is an exceptional situation. Of the euro and the belgian government and help our farmers oxen now the Potato Processing industry has had a new endings of around 2000000000 euros now and the deep freeze facilities are almost full. Yet try stands are gradually being allowed to reopen. So get them while theyre hot. This is one of the everyone thinks fries come from france because theyre called french fries but thats nonsense we belgians and tens of them thats why its a good idea to eat more fries to keep the tradition alive and well. The secret of belgian fries is that theyre cooked twice in beef drippings at 2 different temperatures. Theyre not vegan but few belgians are. There isnt for their country now if they dont work if im trying to eat lots of fries to helping farmers. Really im doing my part by following the recommendation im happy to help with the work of the mashed salted oras frogs potatoes every day. Belgians are doing their bit because if its a choice between improving the National Body mass index or rescuing the National Dish its a no brainer tasty fries tipped the scales every time. Many big events have been canceled in light of the corona pandemic so right now big theater is in concert halls remain empty and dark which means that there is little to do for people who are normally responsible a lighting up big stage. Like the german light artists georg fights but now he is using his skills to show solidarity with the italian victims of cope with 19 we visit had the light designer in a backyard in munich to see the show he has dreamed up to bring back a glimmer of hope. For fun i think its fantastic were doing this 2 metre tall thing its like a dream i go and very impressed its very difficult. You know corners are creatures that inspire the imagination the symbolize miracles and healing and all good things and good the. Thought of course that i would want to do is the idea 1st started on people in italy were singing fire balconies for i dont think any of the quarantine be there when we saw what was happening on easleys balconies we thought of them and our great recording was well weve got this toy. On something because indeed in showing off the European Solidarity with its i mean there are political shortcomings to them especially at the beginning of the pandemic so this is the 2nd time europe has let down and during a really big crisis is good lawson but if you think because it was off the on those used a moment in time i didnt understand the atmosphere in italy very well but you know i get over that people there who are really angry but i think especially by german politics titans its in because we wanted to send a signal that not all of them had lost their phone this creates a link or so and thats how it turned out. About movie stars i think are ready. To. Be hugely. Gentle to fine. Young lives are. Not please see. My mom. Our. Did she quite quite nice states yes someone easy i think it was. Before that defrauded my question for the support of the. State she might sort of show you make your thinking that. You can always do something. This the mere mention of. Because it might sound. I dont want when you are. And sad to see creation but you see steve do something. And leave. The. Oh. And the bad dazzling lied to brings us to the and todays feel well be back next week with more interesting stories from across europe from you and the rest of the team thanks for watching and goodbye. Wellington biden is a savior of the forest. Because 210 acres of land in central ghana his own is recall debating and conserving wood and teaching how to practice Sustainable Forestry is all about training or give them our and people also go on back to. Salt gotta have a nice gum fall im going out for. 30 minutes on d w. For many theyre considered a day of washingtons poor neighborhoods. Crimes shootings abyss is James Houston has a mass behind him and today in his messages sports not murder. He is spreading help and it is infectious. 3 times a. Month even a small d w. Im going crazy thing in all the time. How to handle a new allies in times of the corona and then next w. Reporter judges are just like everyone else and shes looking for answers thankfully with the help of to expect. Thank you this is not life as we know it. All. Our new web series. Im neal im good goalkeeper the 2nd season of. Its the back environment so about society its still about us but all the planets on the brain responsible leaders thats close im afraid. To look up just only good sense. This is news coming to you live from minneapolis birds the u. S. National guard was sent into the city anger spills over into violence following the death of a black man in Police Custody earlier this week. On the program u. S. President takes aim at social media with an executive order challenging their Legal Protections currently so

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