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Time for the summer tourism season and a return to a rocking in raisky of it should what can i slings experience tell us about the future of going out in a post corona clubbing world. Im off its good to have you with us know eons of children around the world are facing a surge in violence forced labor and early marriage due to the Coronavirus Crisis thats the warning of the leading childrens Aid Organization world vision in a new reports it estimates that lockdown measures put in place to protect people are actually putting Vulnerable Children at greater risk. Schools out in ivory coast this was march since then hundreds of millions of boys and girls along the world have been lost. No classrooms no playgrounds and nowhere to run. Charities are warning that the very measures meant to protect them could see them fall victim to violence. Like 12 year old kid beater and bangladesh whose father is out of work. And hits us if we ask for more food is frustrated and angry. Its hard to concentrate because im hungry. I have headaches and sometimes feel dizzy. Everything around me seems clary. Across bangladesh world vision has been helping children whose family lives have been turned upside down by this virus but these are unprecedented times. This crisis. Is like nothing. Or. Were all that. All. Of us who are now. Out world vision estimates that 85000000. 00 more children may be exposed to violence during quarantine in bangladesh beatings by parents increased by 40 percent an additional 4000000. 00 girls a risk of being forced into marriages in the next 2 years. The u. N. Says that spike is the result of families looking to recover financial losses. Frontline workers are concerned that few year to act snow will lead to more trauma in the future. Where the southern. Us is offering our. Age. For months the karuna virus crisis has been one of his and intensive care ward now experts say without extra funding and protection it may give way to a crisis that is longer lasting and harder to heal. Or earlier we spoke to james elder of the u. N. Childrens fund unicef in eastern and Southern Africa and we asked him what is being done to protect children in the pandemic. One of the big things that you need as a response you know you of course you have the help lines and you have people that can indicate it but as weve seen in rich countries getting money to the poorest people getting money in there and has proven over the last decade or more to be hugely successful people will take that money and will amplify that they will you know they will ensure that theres more food on the table theyll find more resources to employ someone else to keep that business elegant so youre getting money to the poorest people that countries like south africa and kenya have been at it do it there a little bit wealthier relative to outputs other countries cant and thats why when youve got things like the g 20 summit up 5 trillion dollars package out for its countries as little as 5 percent of that would be probably one of the most impactful positive things that could be done in the african continent well certainly in my life talk. That theyre speaking with unicef here in germany it will be another month of keeping your distance the German Government and germany states have agreed to extend social distancing restrictions until june 29th it comes amid debate over how quickly to ease the measures that have helped germany maintain a relatively low death rate in the coronavirus pandemic germany has already started easing some Walking Around restrictions in time for the summer tourism season but with fears of a 2nd wave of infections many politicians including chance are under medical or urging caution. Are for more now lets pull in our Political Correspondent simon young good evening to you simon so weve got germany debating how fast these lockdown measures should be reduced some of the state leaders they want to move faster than what were hearing from the National Government so whos in charge here. Yes right you know germanys states are insisting that they should control the details of what easing is done and how quickly its done and because of that possibility that they have on the germanys federal system you know you we are seeing different states moving at different speeds so weve got the state premier in the ranges saying that he wants to return his state to what he called normal mode which effectively means no longer telling people what they cant do just requiring them to sort of that here to the guidelines and on the other hand youve got a state like bavaria where the where the leader there is very aware of that kind of course and he wants to proceed much more cautiously so the states are required as they have done to sort of agree a general line with the Central Government in berlin as you say the social distancing and requirement to wear a mask thats in many settings thats going to be extended until towards the end of june but different states slightly different idea of what the risk is to the people there and how quickly they can move forward to relax the restrictions in simon june and the summer tourism season just around the corner we know that germany and its neighbors they are considering lifting border checks or across much of the European Union does that mean that people will be able to go on vacation the some. Well i think that certainly the gemini and its name is a talking about reopening board is within europe by the middle of june and its hoped that people will be able to go on holiday of course it will be a very different kind of experience with the social distancing and local district since in force and master ism will look very different but i think also for the e. U. It symbolically important borders of been you know restricted again and that seen as a real defeat for the e. U. Are at a Political Correspondent so im young on the story for us tonight here in berlin and simon thank you are heres a look now at some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world russian president Vladimir Putin has announced that the annual military parade to Mark Woodward to victory day will take place on the 24th of june youve been postponed in may because of coronavirus restrictions president putin nel says the country has passed the peak of the outbreak. The World Health Organization says its suspending its trial of hydroxy chlorine to treat coronavirus patients citing safety concerns as President Donald Trump claims to have taken a 2 week course of the antimalaria drug which hes promoted as a treatment to prevent covert 19 to the Afghan Government has freed 900 of its telling by prisoners on the the last day of a 3 day ceasefire with the Insurgent Group the release is part of a pledge by the Afghan Government to free up to 2000 insurgent prisoners in response to the ceasefire taliban Officials Say they are open now to extending the troops. Iceland has reopened its bars in nightclubs after a 9 week corona virus hiatus the country has led the world in testing its population for covert 19 and the government says the outbreak is now under control so when official permission was granted people headed carefully back to the club. Monday nights embrace of ache for the 1st time in more than 2 months people could meet their friends out for a drink and some were even ready to show off their moves on the dance floor again. Right. Down here at the. Link i think it. Made me feel like. They were going to. Mass testing and early tracing of being cited as the main reasons for icelands relatively low rates of infection and only 10 people have died from covert 19 in the country. But as icelands boss are allowed to reopen authorities will be keeping an eye on the situation earlier this month south korea had a spike in infections after night clubs were reopened their full bar owners of restrictions is a blessing. Its just like being born again its been a hard period but i think well come out of this strong at least i hope so. While the bar is finally open those who were hoping to avoid icelands bright nights and dance until the early hours and disco lights might be disappointed 11 pm is closing time for now. Already fresh from the club as my colleague. Has been reporting on this story so joe how safe is it safe to go out to the clubs in iceland now well Health Experts are saying that we shouldnt be Opening Night clubs until theres a vaccine or until is a sufficient level of immunity in any given population and nightclubs are of course ideal places for transmission for an airborne virus theyre close quarters people speaking in very close proximity so its a bit of a risk but every day were hearing of more countries easing their lock down measures and allowing people to return to drinking establishments the Czech Republic has reopened its famous breweries says its not clubs and its karaoke lounges will reopen within a few days theyre taking a risk we know that in south korea there was an outbreak in a nightclub district just a few weeks ago more than 200 people were infected that led to more than 60000 people having to be traced and tested so countries that are doing this are taking a gamble that they now have the resources and knowledge to be able to deal with the consequences that they didnt have before i can imagine that a lot of people here in berlin or watching what happens in iceland berlin is known for being a city of clubbing are the clubs here in berlin are they likely to reopen anytime soon well the short answer is no bill in City Government is being very cautious morris. So even then other german states it has allowed restaurants and cafes to reopen but there is no theres nothing on the horizon for clubs and not clubs and barely has good reason to be cautious one of the 1st clusters of coronavirus outbreaks in this city was in a nightclub of course that has left the operators or night clubs in a very difficult position many of them a worried about how theyre going to survive right now they are earning donations from live streamed d. J. Sets but that isnt enough to cover the rent in the long term and theyre coming currently proposing Creative Solutions to allow them to open for Example Holding Outdoor Events in public parks having all their guests wearing mosques and using apps to trace people now one by one industries are pleading their case for their right to be able to reopen and proposing solutions for example today the german sex workers industry proposed that legal brothels be allowed to reopen as long as the clients a wary other sorry the sex workers are wearing mosques now just as with nightclubs theres no indication that these proposals are being taken seriously yet we have to remind our viewers do that prostitution is legal in germany we understand that there is an American Company that has come up with a vision of safe clothing what is that im not sure if you going to like this very much or i dont know of any ones going to like it to be honest but the company has come up with an idea called a micro show and they say it is a socially responsible solution to allow people to interact in close proximity lets have a look at what theyre talking about it is basically a body suit looking like some kind of space suit it comes with a nozzles inside the mosque there that you can drink out of and a vapor out over the same time they say its only covering the top off of your body so the bottom half is for you for other bodily functions basically the only practically interesting thing about this that i think i would actually want is that theres a volume control inside the helmet so that you can turn down the music of it gets through out and you know to me that sounds like a pretty good idea ive been in some noisy not club before this like techno from the ninetys doesnt it. A little bit a little bit out of stock and you know thats another one of the problems so far the Company Seems to have only proposed one color and the last thing you want is to show up at a nightclub and realize that someone else is wearing the exact same antiviral protective suit as you that would be very uncool that is for sure joe as always we appreciate your reporting thank you. Youre watching the news at the top of the hour ill be back with more world news followed by the day see this. Combating the corona pandemic. Where does research stand. And what are scientists learning. Background information and news. Hour corona. That 19 special the next on d w. How does a virus spread. Why do we panic and when well. Just through the

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