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Im still gail welcome to the program United Nations is warning of a Global Mental Health crisis brought on by the coronavirus pandemic u. N. Secretary general antonio the terrorist says the governments unhelpful thirtys need to act quickly to manage the psychological suffering of millions and lock down unemployed or working on the front lines of the medical emergency hi name is navy luxury of many. And shes been fighting coronavirus on the front lines in albania for more than 2 months. But enormous passion or sacrifice. Colonel embarrassed for this midwest have a 15 month old daughter. Sandy i also have a 10 year old son and i have parents who could be at risk because they also have other Health Issues and that scared me. To the printed. At this washington d. C. Food bank the hardship is economic with millions laid off and school meals gone with the lessons families are also struggling to cope with the mental stress brought on by hunger absolutely because right now im struggling with. Many steps there in city and that much every little bit helps keep the house on it. Now the United Nations is arguing governments to be proactive. The covered 1000. 00 pandemic is not we think families and communities with additional mental stress those most at risk are frontline ells workers older people a dollar sense and young people those with preexisting mental conditions and those caught up in conflict and crisis we must help them and stand by them. Psychologists in the u. K. Who are trying to help dont always creating a number of cartoons to help families manage the additional shri and of lockdown has to do with their us all the early. Strug. Thats not a surprise really when you think. Members of the support group for people suffering from depression are by paul are normally me tom bone diet beach but social just inching rules have forced them online. Sharing their our stories might not feel alive you know that it actually puts a perspective on your own life and i think perspective is really important. Certainly of these times now and its a fresh outlook that International Body see is now vital to ensure coverage 19 doesnt leave millions more struggling with Mental Health problems. Dr Deborah Castro is director of the World Health Organizations Mental Health and Substance Abuse Division Welcome to day w. Dr before this pandemic hit Mental Health services were often underfunded compared to physical Health Services so what more does the w. H. O. Want countries to do on talk of spending billions on bailing out their economies well some of those billions should be used to. Develop Mental Health services where they were not when when you were making your comment i would think it would actually you know really 2 percent of the health but it goes to Mental Health which is very low percentage if we consider that 30 percent of the disability in a straight it went ahead on the show and so what we need is to use this as an opportunity in this crazy same in any opportunity to build. A system where Mental Health issues are going to be considered. The physical conditions so without action on the Mental Health front what sort of long term effects do you anticipate. Well there they didnt numbered of 4 cincinnati is but 1st of all i would say is this effort in cell phone of people affected by these conditions we have a mortar dramatic examples coming from for example the economy grace is in 2008 where in some countries they were talking about death of despair when there are people where there is a dying by suicide or order of drug abuse due to their economic. Situation and the impact that that was having in their midst and help she needed to get there we want to do what needs to be done enough that to provide this support that is needed like in some of the examples that you and mentioned in the service you see it. Rationally watch you say make sense but with with this with these a strange times when were dealing with governments often. A principal concern with what is in front of them what can be seen in this v. Emergency that you are talking about is often unseen quite often until its too late so do you anticipate having much success with your call. Well we hope that this is going to make our countries realize how serious the situation is if we do not take action then we will have a huge percentage of people that will be and seriously affected that we dont have any impact in the economy of the country if were to move the country is. Their well being and in front of these praises they want to find a way to overcome it and to to go. Move forward with a with their economy and their situation then taking care of the of their Mental Health of the book religion is also a key component because you were talking you know merges the situations one in 5 persons not having it meant to have completion in in studies done in humanitarian crisis countries in conflict one in in 5 if we do some estimation of that number 2 compared to the number of current prices the number of this is really big you cant afford any and no country can that kind of forward to help all those people out of the workforce receiving. Adventure care its way more expensive reminding can of that by not talking about phenomenal numbers that w. H. R. Is emergency director emergency started to mike ryan says a covered 19 may never go away what does he mean by that well and you should ask that rather than beds out meaning that it could take a long time you know the 2 if. The divide is over and so what im concerned about is what are the implications then for this is a its if we need to change the way we do things if we need to change the way we interact with each other if we need to. Changed the way we used to war 2 we used to go to school we used to have fun all that would have implications for mania fast for most of that hopefully we were not out and we will overcome and we will be receiving end but many others will not and we have impact in the us in thank you for your time thank you for joining us dr Deborah Castille from the world health organization. I listen to the latest developments in the pandemic as the global death toll approaches 300000 European Union Medicines Agency says a vaccine could be ready inside a good year in an optimistic scenario russia now has more than 250000 confirmed cases and has seen a dramatic spike in infections over the last month russia now has a 2nd highest number of cases behind the u. S. Japans lifting its state of emergency ahead of sched jewel in most of the country a decision about the other areas is to you next week countries around the world are entering a new phase of responses to the pandemic loosening lockdowns and reopening their economies but achieving the balance between returning to normality in containing the virus could prove difficult or thors in lebanon have reimposed a lockdown after a spike in infections so is this the new reality facing us all. After weeks of closures people in lebanon had finally begun to savor a gradual return to normal restaurants and cafes has started operating at reduced capacity shops and hairdressers had to reopen their doors to customers but a jump in new cases 100 over 4 days brought the reopening to a sudden halt. The government announced a 4 day long total lockdown exempt only 2 essential sectors like health and agriculture once again people are being told to stay at home the hope is that a short lockdown will be enough to stop the virus from spreading further but not everyone agrees. With. What a 4 days of lock down going to do against the coronavirus virus is here the real aim should be to guarantee peoples basic needs this is a reasonable country but. Weeks of coronavirus restrictions have taken a toll on lebanons already fragile economy food prices have soared triggering protests calling for the government to intervene but the need to contain the virus has trumped the looming financial crisis at least for the duration of the lockdown lebanons backward slide could be in store for other countries as they navigate their way through the pandemic. Temporary lock downs followed by reopening to avoid a 2nd wave of coronavirus cases. And take a brief look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world well start in israel where the swearing in of the new unity government has been delayed until sunday Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu yahoo asked his former rival and new Coalition Partner benny gantz for the 3 day delay mr netanyahu said he needs more time to finalize current appointments in his likud party. At least 5 people have died in a truck bomb attack in afghanistan the vehicle blew up near a military court in the eastern city of god dess wounding at least 20 others including civilians and military personnel taliban insurgents have claimed responsibility. For a powerful storm has hit the east in the philippines typhoon. Made landfall just past noon local time well sources have evacuated 200000 people from coastal on mountainous areas fearing flooding and landslides they say social distancing will be nearly impossible to achieve. A Close Nuclear power plant in southwest germany has been demolished its part of the countrys plan to move away from Atomic Energy the phillips book plant was taken off last year by germany also to replace fossil fuels with Renewable Energy sources over the coming decade the governments have started losing pandemic lockdowns of film and t. V. Industries arent having much luck in germany most film has been put on hold during actors writers directors and technicians out of work some however im managing to soldier on. In the german t. V. Series red roses life goes on as if the coronavirus pandemic had never existed but only when the cameras were rolling. Getting it behind the scenes new rules apply actors have to keep a distance of at least one and a half meters from one another put on their own makeup and wear face masks when the cameras are turned off. This is the its a real problem during rehearsals you cant really see the facial expressions of the other person properly it feels like youre driving with the handbrake on and. Its as if somebody slammed on the brakes the coronavirus has taken a heavy toll on the german film industry. Cinemas are closed and from years of blockbusters are cancelled. More than 400 film project have been put on hold. Lots of actors and producers have seen the production and shooting of the films postponed no one knows if theyll ever resume huge sums of upfront costs have already been paid and theres no way to get the money back. Given the pandemic the con Film Festival was at 1st postponed and later canceled industry representatives estimate a total sales loss of 2000000000. 00 euros Large Production companies such as in germany are hoping to be up and running again soon. The filmmakers finished shooting this series just in time when actors could still be close to each other. The companys head says thats essential for their productions. 11 hot. Young actress told me in the studio that for actors the lack of physical contact is like being a footballer without touching the ball that just doesnt work i cant film a t. V. Series about a 60 stance School Without any physical contact. Scenes like this are clearly not corona compliant thats why the shooting of the latest season of has been interrupted. Wants to resume production under similar conditions to the German Football League the bundesliga. Quite and shows for actors theres no way to get around a virus test were still discussing the quarantine issue which is very problematic for actors it costs a lot of money and is extremely time consuming. Its a chill updates more at the top of the hour under around the clock on the web site. Of the day. After. Combating the corona pandemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning. Background information and news. Hour carona update. Code 19 special next on d w. Beethoven is for me. Its for. Beethoven is for. Me to

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