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Housework and home schooling will take a look at the situation here in germany. Plus along with a pandemic east africa battles a plague of locusts the insects are devastating crops across the region experts warn this 2nd 12 of the year poses an unprecedented threat to Food Security. Im serious i was gonna thank you for joining us across Europe Countries have begun easing their coronavirus restrictions even amid fears of a possible 2nd wave often sections now were bringing you updates from germany the u. K. And france where people are now allowed to leave their homes without a permit and many shops and businesses have reopened france currently has the worlds 5th highest death toll from cope at 19 with more than 26. 1000 fatalities. The streets of paris looking more like their bustling selves on monday morning after 8 weeks under a Strict Lockdown french citizens are finally back on the streets a tentative reopening with most shops allowed to welcome customers and many people returning to work. I think its still very risky for the population but costs are rising for companies so we need to go back to work. Or you. Know im not afraid everything should be fine if people respect the distancing growth i took the metro this morning and people were really cautious. The young. Traffic on the paris metro is lighter than normal masts are now mandatory on all public transport and signs advise commuters on how to maintain social distancing citizens are now allowed to travel up to 100 kilometers without filling out a form to explain why primary schools will also begin to reopen this week the loosening of restrictions is based on encouraging numbers like the decline in daily coronavirus deaths but authorities warn that restrictions could be imposed again. To the use of these virus would it get out of control again as opposed to risk for the health of french citizens would be implemented lockdown measures. And differentiated way as we did initially. Some regions remain red zones such as the northeast of the country including paris the area is subject to additional restrictions for example parks and gardens remain closed 37. 00 also urged those who can to continue working from home. The hope is that caution will be enough to further reduce the spread of the virus allowing friends to continue on the path to a full reopening. And for more on the story we can speak to our correspondent lisa lewis who is standing by in a paris hi lisa good to see you can you explain whats been happening there this morning because not all of the country is opening up in the same way. Well absolutely so france is divided into green zones and red and one red zone is the overseas territory my yacht where actually no restrictions have been lifted today then theres also the east of france and paris and its region and here in these regions in the red zones public parks and schools remain closed for now whats more in paris actually you need to specify specifics of certificate to take public transport you rush hours so that is 3 hours in the morning 3 hours in the afternoon at specific times you need to show that you know half have a reason to take public transport because of the good the authorities want to prevent the public transport system from getting overcrowded. Its been 2 long months of lockdown there you know what is the atmosphere of fear like there today what are people telling you well according to a recent poll 2 thirds of the french are quite worried about the lifting of restriction restrictions when you look at what happened in public transport today lots of people stayed at home really you know there were lots of a lot less passenger volume than usually with some exceptions like the last line 13 which subset that metro stop just behind me which takes you know people from sons and the need which is francis Perth Department to the center of paris most of these people have to go back to work just to have to make a living but ive been talking to some of those who have gone to work this morning. I think its time to go back to work and so i think its. All of them wearing mask and things like that but i think it would be fine because it could i suppose you transport this morning for the 1st time since the beginning of the epidemic it was packed was that frightening a little bit but i think its still very risky for the population but costs are rising for companies so we need to go back to work. But no im not afraid everything should be fine if people respect the distancing growth i took the metro this morning and people were really cautious. To the young. Or at least so we heard you know mixed voices there but the reality is that the economy is expected to contract by at least 8 percent this year and a lot of people want to get back to work so what is the government doing to help them. The government has already put on the table a package of 110000000000 euro as its helping Different Companies that are struggling injecting capital its financing a temporary unemployment and today the minister of economy also said that the government is working on 3 stimulus packages for 3 sectors at the arid arctics the car industry and the Tourism Sector and the government is also working on a specific stimulus package to get the economy back on track in september theyre hoping that by then the economy will have reopened completely again. Lisa lewis reporting there in paris thank you so many parents around the world have been struggling to balance the new demands of child care and home schooling on top of their jobs and surveys show it is mainly women who are bearing the brunt of that work at home during the pandemic those findings are raising a question is a crisis and roading important gains in gender equality. Sometimes happiness is simply a trip to a reopened local playground a rare moment of respite from constant crisis mode after 8 weeks of parenting through a pandemic. And so mom im a mom can you do this mom its not working mommy i want this i want that all i want. Im fair. With daycares and Elementary Schools closed across germany the pandemic has made motherhood and around the clock job again for many moms it means the challenge of managing both the kids and the office at home. During meetings and video conferences shes right there the whole time its very distracting and hard to concentrate any of us have to whenever i was busy with him i was worrying about work and the things that i couldnt get done and you have to manage from work its really difficult 6. A month you just feel torn between child and job. For many women its often the career that suffers between working from home housework helping the kids with their homework and acting as their School Teacher or task that primarily fall on women. Sociologists say that while many men do offer support its women who bear the brunt of unpaid care work. Right now were seeing a real regression in terms of gender equality because we didnt finish the job before corona hit by making sure that both ties hold and paid work and distributed between men and women. Working mom or housewife or both at the same time some worry the pandemic could be reinforcing traditional gender stereotypes were already seeing that women struggle more neck careers as a result of interruptions and part time work this has negative repercussions both in the short and long term. Right now the playground gives these moms a well deserved break but sharing the burden of this crisis requires a more concerted effort from everyone. Lets check in now on some other. Stories making headlines around the world russian president Vladimir Putin says the nationwide economic shutdown will end tomorrow but some restrictions will remain in place couldnt says it will be up to regional authorities to see which companies are allowed to open and who can return to work there have been renewed antigovernment protests in iraq just days after the appointment of a new Prime Minister was that. Demonstrations against rampant government corruption 1st erupted in the country last year one of his 1st acts in office was to order the release of antigovernment protesters from prison irans state broadcaster says that a missile launched during a Naval Training exercise killed 19 sailors aboard an iranian warship and the accident wounded more than a dozen others a friendly fire incident was reported near the port of just in the gulf of oman. Chiang hai disneyland is the 1st disney park to reopen worldwide albeit under strict conditions visitors have to show an up to date Health Certificate to get in the corner buyers crisis at the disney group hard with theme park closures slashing income by the equivalent of 1300000000 euros in the 1st quarter of this year. Police in hong kong say they arrested more than 200 people in antigovernment protests that pandemic has turned attention away from the citys prodemocracy movement but as the threats from the virus appears to be receding demonstrations are once again moving forward. Theyre back riot police and protesters confront each other inside the hong kong shopping mile. Behind. Standoffs like these all but paralyzed the chinese territory last year destructions imposed over the virus put an end to the protests earlier this year but these curbs are now slowly easing the government is allowing public gatherings of up to 8 people many more than that were involved here hong kongs prodemocracy protesters have not forgotten that unfinished revolution. Or in the midst of the coronavirus the government has imposed restrictions on gatherings and turned it into a crackdown on freedom of assembly. Which is a gross violation of human rights. To your house and you might. Call. That a police should be protecting us and society and instead they are doing the opposite of this affects peoples everyday basic rights. Activist sang their protest anthem glory to hong kong a reminder to the authorities that the prodemocracy protesters have not gone away the gradual easing of corona restrictions means more demonstrations unlikely in the coming weeks government opponents are more determined than ever to press their demands. Now to kenya where a 2nd wave of Desert Locusts has descended on east africa estimates indicate it will be 20 times worse than the swarms that made their way through the region 2 months ago the u. N. Says the locusts pose an unprecedented threat to Food Security and livelihoods. This is home for the somebody who tribe they and since recently millions of locusts the terrain is difficult but locust trackers working for the u. N. Food in agriculture are going ization only have 2 helicopters locals often go by foot no my lets talk a lot cost places that come out of excess well i hold my back so that if we can talk with will come to us in the valley. Locust swarms coming golf hectares of land and as they eat their own body weight each day the swarms devour practically everything in their wake the World Bank Warns that the horn of africa could lose more than 7000000000 euros worth of crops crops like moses moot as tomatoes. I dont know whether god will send us any angels the truth is that we promise have been totally written off its obvious well be wiped out. Regular rainfall has been contributing to the locust population explosion and the cold in 1000 crisis is slowing down the fight against this infestation. This and it just says that you think. You are good. And what you have is when the fundamentals locked down in 15 transponder and then you have a very slow movement of this. The u. N. Feeds 20000000 people in the region but is now warning that the number of hungry people could double so and a for more analysis plus key data on east africa locust invasion head to our website thats. Right coming up on our covert 1900 special where did the Novel Coronavirus start rob rots well look at some of the theories about the origin of the pentatonic thank you for watching today. Rob roths well look at some of the theories about the origin of the pentameter thank you for watching to. Come begging the corona pandemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning. Background information and news. Our corona update. From the covert 19 special next on d w

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