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A return to traditional gender roles with women taking on the lions share of house work and home schooling we take a look at the situation here in germany. And rolling up for the only gig in town rock fans in prague enjoying live music at a drive in arts fest. Im brian thomas great to have you with us today across Europe Countries are started easing their drona virus restrictions even as fears remain of a possible 2nd wave factions well bring you updates from germany the u. K. And france where millions are heading back to work at this hour after 2 months under one of europes toughest lock downs mo shops have reopened and people can now leave their homes without carrying assigned decks. Aeration as to why they are out on the streets. France has been hard hit by the corona virus and has killed more than 26000 people thats the worlds 5th highest death rate. For weeks now paris is main landmarks have been quiet. Silenced by a virus that wreaked havoc across france. Since march the 17th people ordered to stay home lockdown rules further tightened at the beginning of april when all Outdoor Activities in paris were banned. But still the number of deaths from corona virus continued to rise. Health care workers on the front line among the dead. So tonight our country has reached a symbolic and particularly painful myal start with more than 20000. 00 deaths. As the growing need for food banks is shown the lockdown has also highlighted frances inequalities. In mid april civil unrest broke out in paris is northern suburbs over claims that police were using heavy handed tactics against minorities. The economy has also been hit hard by the knock down. France is officially in recession with its biggest contraction since the end of the 2nd world war. With pressure mounting its no wonder politicians have been so desperate to begin opening up the country once again. Never in the history of our country have we seen of a situation now the even during the war not during the occupation not during previous epidemic never never has the country been confined as it is today. With frances president emanuel mark home is the latest world leader hoping to save his country without costing more lives. For more lets bring indeed abuse lisa lurd standing by for us in paris good morning to you lisa a breath of fresh air this morning in paris but not all the countries opening the same way some areas are being classified as red zones whats happening in those areas. Yes absolutely the overseas territory yet for example there the restrictions are not being lifted yet in other areas in eastern france and here in the paris region that means that public parks and schools will not open for now and here in paris during rush hour public transport is more restricted you will still need a document saying that you need to take public transport 3 hours in the morning 3 hours in the afternoon early evening to show that you need to take it and actually for example you go to work because the Public Transport Companies here want to limit the amount of the passenger to 15 percent of its normal volume really whats the people whats the government going to do rather to get people back to work projections right now are are indicating that this lack of activity public activity will lead to a contraction of at least 8 percent of the French Economy whats the government going to do to get the people back into their jobs well the government is spending 110000000000 euros to get the economy back on track it will provide subsidies for companies its financing Unemployment Benefits for up to 8000000 additional people at the moment its trying to alleviate employers charges so that companies can stay afloat and to saying obviously at the moment you know people should go back to work but those who can work from home should stay at home so that the transport and other parts of the cities dont get overcrowded and the spread of the it paid to epidemic will not increase again. Whats the mood against this kind of background a lot of uncertainty out there this morning as paris as the country reopens how are people feeling about all this. Well 2 thirds of the french are worried about the lifting of restrictions to sections and you can see that actually some people were fearing that public transport trains etc and the roads would be overcrowded but thats not the case many people are saying you know were going to stay at home watch the situation theyre reading very of of this virus and of the fact that it could spread even faster than before and so many people fear a 2nd wave of this and i asked saying at home also schools are now bit by bit opening again across the country 2 thirds of the parents are actually saying no were going to keep our children at home thats an option for at least a few weeks now. Thanks so much live from paris this morning. Or across the channel british Prime Minister Boris Johnson is set to provide more details on his plan to reopen society on sunday dress the nation to announce a roadmap for phasing out and democrats directions but opposition politicians Union Leaders and business groups are calling for more clarity they say johnson speech only succeeded in sowing confusion. To lock down must continue that was the key message behind Prime Minister Boris Johnsons address on sunday as he warned the British Public to stay alert. And thanks to you we protected our n. H. S. And saved many thousands of lives and so i know you know that it would be madness not to throw away that achievement by allowing a 2nd spike with the government criticized for its slow reaction to the outbreak opposition members despite this update as a mixed message scotland wales and Northern Ireland have set their lockdown rules will remain johnson stressed the importance of maintaining lock down possible taney asli introducing cautious many steps towards normality and from this wednesday we want to encourage people to take moon even unlimited amounts of director sites you can sit in the sun in your local park you can drive to other destinations at the earliest by june 1st shops would reopen and the younger pupils could head back to schools all this only if infection rates and the number of deaths whats a further decrease we must reverse rapidly the. In care homes and in the n. H. S. And if were to control this virus then we must have a world beating system for testing potential victims and for tracing their contacts with the u. K. Continuing to suffer the highest official death toll in europe it faces a long road ahead a return to business as usual maybe many months from now. Here in germany the coronavirus and. Faction rate has risen above the critical value of one that means that every patient is infecting at least one other person on average the countrys Public Health agency says its too early to draw any conclusions of that the infection rate requires continued close monitoring this comes after many lockdown restrictions have been lifted cafes and restaurants have reopened in northern germany warm spring weather has brought many people out onto the streets and into the parks. Well Coronavirus Crisis is causing heavy job losses across many sectors of the German Economy we have some new numbers out from the countrys evo institute about half of all German Hotels and restaurants cut staff and in the auto sector nearly 40 percent of businesses laid off workers were seeing a similar picture for travel agencies as well. Playgrounds across germany have reopened giving children and parents a very welcome relief after weeks stuck indoors many families have been struggling to balance the new demands of childcare and home schooling on top of their jobs and some new surveys show it is the women who are bearing the brunt of the work during the pandemic those findings are raising a question are the gains of equality eroding as a result of the crisis. Sometimes happiness is simply a trip to a reopened local playground a rare moment of respite from constant crisis mode after 8 weeks of parenting through a pandemic. Mama kunsan mom im a mom can you do this mom its not working mommy i want this i want that all i want. Im fair. With daycares and Elementary Schools closed across germany the pandemic has made motherhood and around the clock job again for many moms it means the challenge of managing both the kids and the office at home. During meetings and video conferences shes right there the whole time its very distracting and hard to concentrate when he does have to whenever i was busy with him i was worrying about work and the things that i couldnt get done and you have to mans from work its really difficult 6. Months with this and you just feel torn between child and job. For many women its often the career that suffers between working from home housework helping the kids with their homework and acting as their School Teacher or task that primarily fall on women. Sociologists say that while many men do offer support its women who bear the brunt of unpaid care work. Right now were seeing a real regression in terms of gender equality because we didnt finish the job before corona hit it by making sure that both highs hold and paid work a distributed between men and women. Working mom or housewife or both at the same time some worry the pandemic could be reinforcing traditional gender stereotypes were already seeing that women struggle more neck careers as a result of interruptions and part time work this has negative repercussions both in the short and long term. Right now the playground gives these moms a well deserved break but sharing the burden of this crisis requires a more concerted effort from everyone. Gets raised from the other stories making news. Today Vice President mike pence will be returning to work after self isolating over the weekend his spokeswoman tested positive for covert 1000 on friday 3 members of the White House Task force on the virus are in quarantine after coming into contact with tense has so far tested negative. There have been renewed antigovernment protests in iraq just days after the appointment of new Prime Minister mr of all condemning demonstrations against government corruption 1st erupted in the country last year one of the 1st acts in office was the release of antigovernment protesters from prison. Well restrictions on European Public gatherings are being enforced that most locations and thats put an end to most of europes cultural events the spring no theaters no movies no music that is unless someone gets creative like some festival organizers in the czech capital prague. A quick sound check as the last few people roll up for the only gig in town. With concert halls closed and festivals written off across europe this pop up event is drawing the crowds of assault the producer says its fun but hell be happy when its over. For the 1st time in my life im looking forward to the and of a project im working on. Its going to be all over too but its great at least were not stuck at home for a change and we get to listen to some live music so all is good. And for the musicians its a change from the locked down routine of practice back at home in front of a mirror. Need stock picks up the skills and weve never done anything so out there playing for cars especially in this kind of weather where we might get wet and the others stay dry thats something new. For these music fans a look down this parking lot is as close to paradise as possible. This is did of you news live from berlin dont forget you can always get the latest our website or follow us on twitter instagram im ryan thomas for the entire news team thanks for. Oh beyond. That. Were all about the stories that matter to. Us. Whatever it takes. A running now for if. Nothing else. Made for minds

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