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A quick end to the restrictions were disappointed. Plus germany discovered may be headed by a woman but when it comes to female Business Leaders while the countrys live in behind others well ask an expert why its proving so hard to close the gender gap. Im ryan thomas great to have you with us today at this hour in france no ins are emerging from their homes as the government eases one of europes toughest lockdowns people can now for example visit shops and get their hair cut without 1st having to fill out a permit france has been hard hit by the krona virus with the worlds 5th highest death toll of more than 26000. For weeks now pariss main landmarks have been quiet. Silenced by a virus that wreaked havoc across france. Since march the 17th people ordered to stay home lockdown rules further tightened at the beginning of april when all Outdoor Activities in paris were banned. But still the number of deaths from corona virus continued to rise. Health care workers on the front line among the dead. So tonight our country has reached a symbolic and particularly painful mile start with more than 20000. 00 deaths. As the growing need for food banks is shown the lockdown has also highlighted frances inequalities. In mid april civil unrest broke out in paris says northern suburbs over claims that police were using heavy handed tactics against minorities. The economy has also been hit hard by the knock down. France is officially in recession with its biggest contraction since the end of the 2nd world war. With pressure mounting its no wonder the politicians have been so desperate to begin opening up the country once again. Never in the history of our country have we seen this situation now the even during the war not during the occupation not during previous epidemic never never has the country been confined as it is today. With frances president emanuel mark home is the latest world leader hoping to save his country without costing more lives. For more lets bring in deede of yours lisa lewis standing by for us in paris good morning to you lisa a breath of fresh air this morning in paris but not all the countries opening the same way some areas are being classified as red zones are whats happening in those areas. Yes absolutely the overseas territory up for example there the restrictions are not being lifted yet in other areas in eastern france and here in the paris region that means that public parks and schools will not open for now and here in paris during rush hour public transport is more restricted you will still need a document saying that you need to take public transport 3 hours in the morning 3 hours in the afternoon early evening to show that you need to take it and actually for example you go to work because the transport companies here want to limit the amount of the passenger amounts to 15 percent of its normal volume really whats the people whats the government going to do rather to get people back to work projections right now are are indicating that this lack of activity public identity will lead to a contraction of at least 8 percent of the French Economy whats the government going to do to get the people back into their jobs. Well the government is spending 110000000000 euros to get the economy back on track it will provide subsidies for companies its financing Unemployment Benefits for up to 8000000 additional people at the moment its trying to alleviate employers charges so that companies can stay afloat and it is saying obviously at the moment you know people should go back to work but those who can work from home should stay at home so that the transport and other parts of the cities dont get overcrowded and the spread of the it paid to epidemic will not increase again. Whats the mood against this kind of background a lot of uncertainty out there this morning as paris as the country reopens how are people feeling about all this. Well 2 thirds of the french are worried about the lifting of restrictions to sections and you can see that actually some people were fearing that public transport trains etc and the roads would be overcrowded but thats not the case many people are saying you know were going to stay at home watch the situation there are really very of of this virus and of the fact that it could spread even faster than before hand so many people fear a 2nd wave of this and i asked saying at home also schools are now bit by bit opening again across the country and 2 thirds of the parents are actually saying no were going to keep our children at home thats an option for at least a few weeks now lisa thanks so much live from paris this morning. Well across the channel the british Prime Minister Boris Johnson has unveiled a road map for phasing out restrictions there it contains a cautious relaxation of containment measures the u. K. Has seen the highest official. Death toll in europe. To look down must continue that was the key message behind Prime Minister Boris Johnsons address on sunday as he warned the British Public to stay alert. And thanks to you we protected our n. H. S. And saved many thousands of lives and so i know you know that it would be madness not to throw away that achievement by allowing a 2nd spike with the government criticized for its slow reaction to the outbreak opposition members describe this update as a mixed message scotland wales and Northern Ireland have set their lot down rules will remain johnson stressed the importance of maintaining lockdown possible taney asli introducing cautious many steps towards normality and from this wednesday we want to encourage people to take more than even unlimited amounts of exercise you can sit in the sun in your local park you can drive to other destinations at the earliest by june 1st shops would reopen and the younger pupils could head back to schools all this only if infection rates and the number of deaths whats a further decrease we must reverse rapidly the. In care homes and in the n. H. S. And if were to control the spars then we must have a world beating system for testing potential victims and for tracing their contacts with the u. K. Continuing to suffer the highest official death toll in europe it faces a long road ahead a return to business as usual maybe many months from now. Lets get your brief now on some of the other stories making the news this hour. About half of all German Hotels and restaurants cut jobs in april that according to the countrys institute in the auto sector nearly 40 percent of businesses laid off workers with a similar figure for travel agencies that despite the Government Spending billions of euros in aid to stem job losses. There have been renewed antigovernment protests in iraq just days after the appointment of new Prime Minister mr off all condemning demonstrations against government corruption 1st erupted in the country last year one of all the emmys 1st acts in office was the word of the release of antigovernment protesters from. U. S. Vice president mike pence will return to work after self isolating over the weekend is spokeswoman tested positive for covert 19 on friday 3 members of the white houses Coronavirus Task force are in quarantine after coming into contact with her so far tested negative. Lets go back to a london now were back with our correspondent there did of use of bear good moscow about Boris Johnsons roadmap for getting the country out of the coronavirus lockdown good day to you and good morning beer good can you tell us more about this road map whats going to change where you are in london in britain and when is this all going to take effect. Well some measures are taking effect immediately so people would be quite happy about the fact that they can meet other people outside if they stay to me to support and also they can go outside for unlimited exercise so that changes into the changes peoples private lives and what they feel that theyre allowed to do in their leisure time then there is the issue of the workplace johnson has encouraged people who cannot work from home to go to work and then be at work if and when its safe to do so however were missing out on some details how is that actually going to be implemented and what are the guidelines at work so this were all missing and people unions are expecting the government to flesh this also a little more all together the government is actually changing its message from stay home really encouraging people to be in lockdown and only go out for bouts of exercise to stay and so a change in tactic but the government also will keep on monitoring and will keep on seeing whether they can actually when they can allow the steps in the next weeks in spite of the lack of details getting together outside certainly is great news for people where you are especially on such a sunny day there in london house Boris Johnsons plan being received. Well i think like you said brian a lot of people review really relief that they dont need to feel guilty if they are secretly maybe meeting a friend in the park this is what people have been doing i think most people have actually really being staying on message and really been taking the distance but people have been meeting in the park and now its official that this is allowed to do so you see big relief i think for a lot of people however when it comes to other measures like the workplace that has been quite a lot of criticism from the unions for example who say this is really unclear you are saying that people should go to work if they work from home however how are they going to get there there is no public transport as yet in place that can carry them safely to their workplaces and also what other measures really that they have been criticizing the mesha message as as very unclear and yes like you said we will know a little bit more in the coming weeks but he has said that people should go to work to Boris Johnson did as from today say you know they dont know how its actually going to work ok the questions about Public Transportation you just mentioned hows that going to affect getting the economy moving again and that as britain struggles with the challenges of bracks and went which has faded into the background of course with the drone of ours. Well this all governments across the world are trying to juggle between saving the economy and also looking off to Peoples Health and for the u. K. Economy has been for cause that this could be the biggest downturn that in its history and like you said brics it is also looming on the horizon its not something that people are very aware at the moment because we are in the socalled transition phase with the European Union where we have officially left but everything stays the same and negotiators from both sides actually right now are trying to work out what the future relationship will be at the end of the year so there is another threat at the end of the year if these negotiations dont bear fruit if there is no trade deal at the end of this that this could be a further setback for the u. K. Calling me so already suffering from coronavirus like so many other economies around the world and then also the prospect of a brags that will have consequences for the supply chains for example this is something that people will be quite worried about when it comes to the end of the deadline to the end of the people no doubt happy just to meet up in london again where you are on a great day there baguette thanks so much for that. Well it is to kenya now where a 2nd wave of Desert Locusts has descended on east africa estimates indicate it will be 20 times worse than the swarms that ate their way through that region just 2 months ago the u. N. Says the locusts present an unprecedented threat to Food Security and livelihoods. This is home for the somebody who tribe they and since recently millions of locusts the terrain is difficult but locust trackers working for the u. N. Food in agriculture than ization only have 2 helicopters locals often go by foot snow my lets talk little custom places that come out to be accessible by my hold my back so the if we select your host and local folks come to us in their valise locust swarms getting golf hectares of land and as they eat their own body weight each day the swarms devour practically everything in their wake the World Bank Warns that the horn of africa could lose more than 7000000000. 00 euros worth of crops crops like roses muchos tomatoes. We dont know whether god will send us any angels the truth is that we promise have been totally written off its obvious well be wiped out. Regular rainfall has been contributing to the locust population explosion and the coven 1000 crisis is slowing down the fight against this infestation. This and it just isnt me using. And like you obviously if our government does lock down in 15 transponders on this and then you have a serious Little Movement of this the un feeds 20000000 people in the region but is now warning that the number of hungry people could double so lets get more now on this story would do you sell a neko joining us from nairobi good day to sell a very disturbing story here a 2nd wave of locusts are you already seeing some affects on the food supply and jobs where you are. Well at the moment everybody is focused on the corona crisis so. Its not the 1st wave of locusts that was there in january didnt have such a huge impact they affected individual farmers villages and families. Where partly all of the crops were destroyed but they havent have had a country wide impact as of yet so because at that time the farmers had harvested part most of the crops already but the 2nd way its more difficult because there are because farmers have just planted in march and april and to the new crops are just coming out so if the locusts go into the market culture regions then they will they they will attack these new crops and they will be no and this planting season will basically. Have been for nothing in officials are expressing the hope that the local swarms will be abating by june or july is is that realistic with rescue some of the supplies some of the farming areas you just mentioned. Well that is that is the hope because especially because june and july are is the main big next harvesting season. But there are a couple of challenges to that 1st of all that its a regional crisis or regional infestation which means that if you even if you fight the locusts in one area for example i can kenya and ethiopia where they have handful of planes aerial spraying and also ground spray as the locusts can migrate from for example from somalia where there is no means of fighting the locals at all because of the conflict there so that is one problem and the the other problem is. Is of course as you saw in the report the rains theres been theres been very heavy rains the locals have been breeding in. Kenya which is not the usual ground and they say that the 2nd wave could be 20 times as high as the 1st wave and again the 3rd wave which is expected in june and july if things dont change could be even bigger so there are several challenges that the governments in this in this region facing in that fight so i thank you very much for that update seoul and they go or correspondent in nairobi thanks very much well as more countries begin lifting stricter coronavirus walk down theres some governments are making facemask mandatory and for many of us this is taking some getting used to but its especially hard for the Deaf Community having everyone smelts covered means of course that they cant understand what others are saying. When the indonesian government made Wearing Masks mandatory phys are but a written new it would make life hard for him completely deaf she relies heavily on lip reading for communication so the professional seamstress took matters into her own hands. I made normal mass that the stars. But then i tried to make the masts with the clear windows. I thought it would be difficult to make the masts with windows. But after a few tries they turned out to be nice and useful. This which proved fruitful better written and her husband who is also death have already sold more than 200 of the windowed masks and of begun supplying buyers all across the country user reviews have so far been positive. That. With ordinary mastery people with hearing loss can guess what one is trying to say. Because they cant hear lips move and we communicate with others. I have many friends with hearing loss and this innovation is very helpful. And. A sentiment being echoed around the world in belgium these deaf students are calling for transparent facemasks to be more readily available they also want them to be used more widely and in the community they say its not enough simply for deaf people to wear them when you go to never have been people. In the Current Situation with the coronavirus there are sales people for example at the post office or at the pharmacy who have mass the problem is excess ability when it comes to deaf people thats why we need more people to wear transparent masks. For the hearing impaired mollusks can add to the anxiety of living through a pandemic and as they look set to become the new normal at least for a while many in the diff Community Hope they will also become more inclusive. In other news today it is 5 years since germany brought a new law is aimed at getting more women into the boardrooms of its Biggest Companies however the latest statistics show that top firms have made little progress in getting their comparison with other countries germany is lagging behind in the u. S. For example women occupy about 20 percent of the top jobs of the biggest 30 companies in sweden they hold 30 percent in germany though we hold just 15 percent of the most powerful positions at the top 30 German Companies lets talk more about this now with and record on plot and shes c. E. O. And founder of the fair pay Innovation Law which advises companies on getting more women into top positions nice to see you again and good morning to you hendrika evidence suggests that when a woman is the only female member of a board that she is likely to be marginalized is that the main dynamic keeping women in germany from making more gains in the boardroom. Absolutely thats the reason why we do have quite a lot to make sure that we have. Not only the one woman because its not only studied its when you see it from here its there instance when i talk to people when i talk to especially women that are a lot of these positions they feel it and its something that we need to change because its so deeply ingrained and youre always likely live in a group when you up the only one thats different thats something that its to women but not only those women in that special case and you can see that was pointed out that we have that actually changes its just that it only changes in that order so a lot of that for all of the top leadership not to know what theyre at the top levels in general but of the dorm rooms you can see that they are actually able to cite i dont want to do those jobs quote exactly what do you want to see change to make that happen more quickly. Well actually great if that were really all about students go a bit further down due to the births it is that most men areas i would actually prefer like i would say everybody would prefer that this what happened was our lot would need a lot of the will of the people under top would give a qualitative thats not the cave so what we see is what we need if we need people on the top level up to really one of that change you need to have the position and you will that once you know how bad it will change the trouble is that actually germany im quite sure is that you need to change it a lot and they are preparing a change in the law so bad you have the quota because we know once you have it and bust people how to find the woman for this position say actually if i go its just like pushing merrill that they start to go. And recruit from clive thanks so much for coming in and giving us your thoughts on this today. Thank you they dont know its so you know. Well the restrictions meant to contain the coronavirus have decimated Global Tourism for countries like relations which are heavily reliant on visitors that proposition specially hard but industry watchers say croatia is well positioned to bounce back quickly remember this busy beaches and bustling tons packed with 3 spending holiday makers on croatias coast. This year businesses are struggling yet many here believe when travel restrictions are lifted the title ton in kuwait favor well definitely one of the biggest advantages today of crazy. Geographic position creation coast and especially northern part of creation few hours by car from major Source Markets every year 20000000 visitors are drawn to the regions historic shorelines and quaint fishing villages. 19 means far fewer will come this year but the countrys largest Tourism Company is getting ready for those that do iran our main message this year is to provide more space for each guest and we can surely do that in our hotels in our campsites there is a lot of outdoor space and i think that will be a benefit to our guests here in the meantime the downturn has left with a little more room to room. Particularly in the Popular History and fortress. Cities and. There is no crowds crowds or. I feel much better i have to say perhaps not everyone then desperate for a return to normal. Lets get your mind of our top story at this hour frances started easing its 8 week run a virus Lockdown People can for example visit shops again get their hair cut but some areas including paris have been deemed red zones and are subject to tight restrictions. The state of your news live from berlin im brian thomas dont forget theres always more of a website or twitter feed an instagram for now from all of us here thanks for. These quite simple as it seeks. To understand the world better we need to take a closer. Experience knowledge to morrow to. The. Nor didnt what do they dream of at night it is. As cleaners they see the face of horror. Their job censoring for the social media industry. In manila there are thousands of socalled content monitors day for day they scream terrifying images from online platforms. Up to 20000. 00 times a day the horrific job for starvation wage the strain is enormous. The cleaners or sworn to secrecy they are not allowed to talk about their work. And no one asks how many arent doing. I think. I need to stop or something walking. To social networks have any social responsibility at all. Of the cleaners social media shadow industry starts june 8th on g. W. Gets into tomorrow today the science show on t w coming up. Ocean 80 what do they mean for our planets climate and ecosystems. Need to reset has to exist these or to seize from an intercept that can hover over

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