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Capital 25 years ago this. Installation was all the rage a gift was dry start quite an include berlin allows a retrospective of their work to all. Of us welcome to the Program Germany is taking steps to reopen the economy and further ease restrictions on public life those measures are expected to be announced today after chancellor Angela Merkel holds a teleconference with the heads of the state governments a draft decision still warns that possible new spike in infections could lead to more lockdowns its been 100 days since germanys 1st confirmed case heres a closer look at how the outbreak has unfolded as the country carefully moves to reopen. Another day with fewer than 700 new infections the president of the German Public Health agency seemed pleased ahead of the next round of easing restrictions. To protect the population from covert 19 and the best ways and that has worked very well in germany so far as you can tell from the latest figures. Its 100. 00 days since the coronavirus hit germany here in the varia on the 27th of january a man fell ill after contracting the virus from his chinese coworker. In early march during carnival celebrations the region of hinds back became a virus hotspot but the Business Leaders soccer game in nearby mention went ahead with some 50000 spectators this is when the severity of the crisis really hit germany in early march t. V. Images from crisis written in italy reached german households. German authorities from top testing and added i. C. U. Beds in hospitals bigger events got cancelled shops and schools closed border checks were imposed. In mid march americal addressed the german nation on t. V. A 1st and have 15 years as head of government. And these are the most severe restrictions postwar germany has ever seen let me assure you 1st somebody like me for whom freedom of travel in movement was a hard fought right such restrictions are only justified when absolutely necessary. And the measures seem to have worked these calculations show when and how many people became infected and when key steps were taken to slow the spread now shops museums and churches can open again if they meet hygiene and social distancing requirements. Facemasks are now mandatory for Shopping Trips and on public transport on wednesday angloamerican the countrys 16 state premiers will discuss the next round of easing restrictions varian officials have already announced that beer gardens will be able to open again on the 18th of may. Political correspondent kate brady is covering the story for us many in germany are hoping the government today will announce a further easing of the lockdown what are we expect. Certainly is the hope of many people and those hopes might be fulfilled especially if this draft document thats been doing the rounds here in germany today approved to be true as the many relaxed restrictions listed in this draft document including the opening of all shops across germany of course so far theyve been limited to smaller shops up to the size of 800. 00 metres square so we could see all shops are reopening of course as long as people are still a daring to social distancing measures in place in germany and its also expected that well see measures to ensure that all School Children actually return to school by the sum of break but it seems that theres a there are some National Efforts that are going to be made but also at state level it seems that individual states will be responsible for ensuring or deciding rather whether the restaurants universities and bases will be indeed be reopened to what extent but it seems that any of these relaxation of measures will be dependent on whether or not the case number of coronavirus cases here in germany continues to decrease and its expected that if that does actually rise again she gave a lift lockdowns decisions before there are nouns on a National Level is this a case of german states asserting that penned in snubbing actually. I dont even go so far as to say that bests nothing of the German Government or the market but there certainly has been growing frustration among the different states around germany of course not all states have been as badly hit by the coronavirus as of the states and so theyve been keen to relax and measures in place quicker than other states but at the end of the day this is germanys federal system in action and on the one hand there is the advantage that each german state can react accordingly depending on how badly or how lightly they have been affected by the pandemic but of course people are also across the country looking for some consistency and unity from germanys leaders. Brady thank you another much dissipates decision here in germany is whether the bundesliga soccer season can resume play thats also up for discussion today will bring you live coverage of the German Governments press conference in round about an hours time. Time for round up of some of the latest found make news from across the world for the 4th straight day russia has reported the daily rise of more than 10000. 00 cases bringing the National Total to more than 165000 the virus has forced indonesia to postpone Regional Elections slated for september theyll now be held in december at the earliest south korea reported only 2 new cases officials said both were detected during screening at airports no new local transmissions and the white house is said to disband the task force responsible for the pandemic by early june president on the trump said coordination of the us response was moving into a new phase focusing on the aftermath of the outbreak for. It was ground 0 of the Global Pandemic now chinas who by province taking another step towards normal life schools have reopened for the 1st time since they were shot in january senior students with exams in the summer the 1st to return to classrooms amid enhanced Safety Measures its unclear when junior and middle School Pupils will follow. As for in your correspondent. Covering the story for us in beijing fabien schools are reopening in big cities across china today or can you tell us. Already predict that there will be 3 big milestones for china to get back to normal and the 1st milestone of those we see right now thats the opening of the school actually the 1st milestone was to. Visit of president xi jinping the epicenter of the virus and the 2nd was announcing off the National Congress the biggest political event this year and now the schools open it means that actually the government is confident that the reopening of the schools will not bring a 2nd wave of infection and yet now when you go to beijing you can see every often the one in front of the school gates mothers grandparents. Waiting for their children to return and yet its basically one more step off getting back to normal but it wont be a back to school normal so to speak for pupils with what sort of measures are being kept in place. Actually quite strict measures for example social distancing strictly required i mean literally physical distance when the children are sitting in the classroom also they have to get their temperature checked and also they have to scan a q. R. Code and in china when you have a smartphone you are assigned a q. R. Code and then there are 3 colors. Green means youre healthy and normal but then theres also yellow and red and only those students who have a green q. R. Code are actually allowed in the classroom and to the school but china also says it has largely curb the spread of the disease hoping is the fear there of a possible 2nd wave of infections. When you talk to people there is some fear to. Greece but actually if you look at the number yes then since friday there were only 26 texas or so thats really really low especially if you consider that the country has 1400000000 people and yet their recent weeks there were some local infection classes for example in the north close to the border to russia there was a look at a very some but actually at least it seems that the authorities staff have brought the infections under control and. Actually the virus was defeated but of course only so long until it gets for example the. Waters off the country i listed it cetera so of course it can be the 2nd wave from fiction any time of entrenching their reporting live from beijing thank you very much. And i have a brief look at how the corona Virus Outbreak is affecting Global Business germanys Industrial Orders for montra for them dramatically more than 15 percent thats the lowest level in decades demand has slowed both domestically and internationally due to the Global Pandemic the chemical and engineering sector has felt the biggest in its. Abyan bain is to cut 1900 jobs are on 25 percent of its workforce as the impact of global covert 1000. 00 restrictions is felt across the travel industry revenues for costs were less than half of last years earnings the Home Rental Company had planned an initial Public Offering this year the United States and britain have begun negotiations on a Free Trade Agreement they plan to work quickly to counter the hits the pandemic is having on their economies supporters of the u. K. His departure from the e. U. Argued that striking a deal will boost the post breaks its economy. Of the pandemic has also forced us artist christo to postpone a project to wrap the octopus in paris in fabric until next year in the meantime people here in berlin can enjoy a retrospective of the installations he completed with his late wife sun glowed in the german capital exhibition is time to coincide with the 25th anniversary of the dos wrapped i stuck. 1905 it looked like a u. F. O. Had landed in the middle of berlin christo and his partner john claude had finally made their vision to rap the reality the summer began with these idyllic surreal scenes the true a 1000000 visitors to the once and future site of the German Parliament and the electrons had an elegance and an opulence it radiated with magnetic power that simply drew you in. From. The 95 was the 1st time we met with crystal. It was astonishing to see that every fold and wrinkle he had painted was exactly what you could see in real life later. It was as though he could envision the whole thing. Ingrid and thomas your home saw the rapt. They also followed christos other installations for decades forging a friendship with him in the process a new exhibit at the billionaire palate populaire shows their collection in honor of the 25th anniversary of christos project. It did so much good for germany and germany granted them permission with such tolerance and generosity a parliamentary building isnt just any structure. It also shows the beginning of crystals career when all that was available for him to wrap up was old newspapers or performers of the 1960 s. It also shows his mammoth projects that the couple struggled for decades to realize such as the glitz in new yorks central park or the famous poet bridge in paris their undertakings were always wildly eccentric. Christers last spectacular project was floating peers at lake italy in 2016. This was an installation that allowed people to literally walk on water. The artist sent this video message for the exhibitions opening. Im very happy that all that is now and for the 25 in the rest of that i thank you very much and i hope you enjoy the ignition. Krista turns 85 in june but despite the death of his partner john claude in 2009 he hasnt lost any of his creative spirit this fall he had planned to wrap the uk to paris a long held wish but the pandemic has forced him to put that project on hold for a year. And thats it for me and the news team for now ill have an update for you at the top of the hour when we will go live to the German Governments 1st conference on the interest lifting off with the restrictions on public life character. For me on 1st watching this. Combating the corona pandemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning. Background information and. Our corona up to. 19 special next on d w

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