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Captain tom celebrates his 100th birthday just days after completing a record breaking charts you want to raise money for Health Care Workers battling the coronavirus. Im told me a lot but its good to have you with us we begin with a stark warning from Germanys Health minister who says there will be no swift and to the coronavirus pandemic as a result germany is introducing new measures for dealing with the virus long term including more testing and stocking up on additional flu vaccines to prevent a wave of double infections in the fall. Phil latest figures from the whole bad Call Institute provided the clearest picture yet as to how the epidemic has developed in germany the calculations show when and how many people became infected and when key steps were taken to slow the virus spread the ban on public gatherings took a while to make a noticeable difference the closing of schools brought infections down considerably. German Health Minister a young sponsor as the number of registered acute infections in germany has been falling for over 2 weeks and is currently at 37000 but regional differences remain so the government announced that testing will be stepped up even further from nearly half a 1000000 tests last week. If you look in this league will introduce more regular testing in care homes including for asymptomatic patients were also changing some of the rules for tests to get a better overview of the epidemic and were introducing compulsory reporting of negative test results trying to get to return to. Work on an anti covert 900 vaccine in germany has meanwhile taken a step forward minds based Company Biotech says the 1st group of 12 participants had received a trial vaccine on wednesday. But with the progress of infection still unpredictable across europe Germanys Foreign Ministry has decided to extend its Global Travel ban until mid june foreign minister said that europe needed to find a coordinated approach. Over the last 4 weeks we brought 240000 tourists from all over the world back to germany we will not carry out such an operation again this summer which is why a lot will depend on how we get on with fighting the pandemic here and in other countries pardon me because. Protesters and pressure groups meanwhile urging the German Government to ease even more of the current restrictions on thursday the state premiers of germanys 16 states will reassess the situation with chancellor angela merkel. Now reopening economies and schools is of course uncharted territory for policymakers in this pandemic but lets take another look at the graph we saw in that report of bring it up and we see new infections in germany initially rising and only seeming to start falling once the countrys schools were shut and its been mostly downhill since then. So doesnt reopening schools pose a big risk thats what we asked the ws chief Political Correspondent melinda crane. Indeed it does the reason that they are taking this step as part of the overall relaxation of restrictions is that schooling is considered high priority going to school is mandatory here in germany its an absolute exception that prepares have been homeschooling their kids for the last 6 weeks and theres also concern about the welfare of children especially children from vulnerable families troubled families who might be subject to Domestic Violence also concerned for privileged less privileged children who perhaps dont have access to the Digital Tools that many teachers have now been using so for all those reasons there is a strong push to get schools back up and running and at the same time all authorities at both state level thats where School Policy is handled and also at federal level are saying we will be carefully watching the results of what is essentially an experiment this is a tradeoff and if they see the reproduction rate of the infection increasing once again and frankly it has already been increasing some its now close to one again meaning that for every person who gets khurana they infect another person if that rate continues to go up when the schools are reopened then you can be certain that measures will be taken probably to at least decrease the number of peoples who are once again attending school. Or lets take a brief look at some of the stories making headlines around the world. Despite a coronavirus law protesters took to the streets of tripoli in lebanon a night in a roll and clashed with soldiers the countrys in a deep economic crisis and this latest wave of unrest comes after a plunge off the national currency. A fire at a warehouse in south korea has killed at least 38. 00 people and left another 10 injured the blaze broke out in the city of engine some 50 kilometers south of the capital seoul an explosion in the basement is believed to have triggered the fire. Britains coronavirus death toll has risen by almost 4500 in one day because Health Officials are now including deaths outside of hospitals in the count the total number of deaths in the u. K. Attribute of the covert 19 now stands at just over 26000. 00 and includes people who have died in all settings including nursing and care homes the revision means the u. K. Now has the worlds 3rd highest death toll after the u. S. And italy earlier we spoke to d. W. Correspondent shiloh poets in london and asked her why the u. K. Has changed the way its reporting coronavirus deaths. Well the government came under intense pressure in the last weeks just hearing what was going on in care homes and across the communities that people were dying there but that those deaths recorded deaths so finally the government today gave in to that pressure and decided to publish these new numbers and they really paint a more true picture of what is going on in this country inside the United Kingdom how far this virus has really spread and how deadly it has been these numbers suggesting that not only vulnerable and older people are affected here and dying but also for example today this death toll included a 14 year old otherwise healthy boy the government has just not done testing outside of the hospitals up to this week which means that those deaths that were not tested positive for covert 9000 in the community or in care homes not recorded and officially named as so experts. At the care home. Saying that people are dying in the hundreds and thousands and that the numbers are much much higher and the office for National Statistics another government body it takes care of the death count here in the United Kingdom suggesting even that the u. K. Death toll is now at 40000. 00 which would make it the most effective country in europe turning to some breaking news now and germany has bond on its soil and designated a terrorist organization all the groups activities in the country have been outlawed this morning German Police conducted raids to detain suspected members all the Group Security officials believe up to 1000 people in germany are part of extremist wing germany had previously distinguished between the iran backs groups political and its military units. Its a side effect of the corona virus pandemic and one that has risks of people in need of medical treatment hospitals here in germany with ample capacity but very few patients to treat all the fear of getting infected with corona virus is causing many people to avoid going to hospital it was a critically ill we have this report now from munich. The root is that if you use it for more. Near climate as an oncologist in chief of the pulmonary wing at a private hospital near munich right now he says the stuff outnumbers the patients usually the wing holds 34 people with lung diseases during this corona pandemic its only 5. We definitely see a 30 to 40 percent decrease in some departments maybe even 50 percent and we know that patients are uncertain and trying to wait until they really cant hold out any longer but that can cause some really bad situations this patient came to the palm in their a clinic 6 days ago his diagnosis lung cancer were going to start chemotherapy today. The decision to visit the clinic was not easy for the 77 year old yes there is the cancer but he was also afraid of catching the coronavirus in the end he could no longer bear the pain. Of that i had to go there was no question corona is not the problem for me my main problem is cancer and this caught me off guard corona is completely off my mind right now. It is not just the patients fear leading to low occupancy rates at the clinic here like everywhere else beds are being kept empty in case call that 1000 patients need them business as usual has come to a stop and that brings risks. We are focused on the most severe cases that have to be treated as regulations demand but if patients come to us at a later stage they will have Bigger Health problems and theyll be a higher mortality rate. Cancer patient was wary of having surgery in times of corona to the point of having panic attacks before making his way to the hospital. All of a sudden it was a choice between the lesser of 2 evils i wont necessarily die if i get corona but if my renal carcinoma grows beyond a certain size it will be irrepairable it will be over. Hes had his life saving surgery in a few days hell be allowed to go home. To the u. K. Now and some heartwarming news as well war 2 veteran captain tom moore celebrates his 100th birthday captain tom has been has become a big fan of hope after completing a record breaking charter to walk around his own garden to raise money for Britains National Health Service needless to say is many fans around the world didnt miss out on the chance to wish him well this very special birthday take a look. A flood of birthday wishes. This most amazing outpouring of love for a great man captain tom i think its called the hearts of everybody in this country and this is what it looks like really weve weve had 125000 cards in the last week and a bit. The centenarian being celebrated as captain tom moore hes famously completed 100 laps of his garden with the help of his walking frame and in doing so raised more than 27000000 pounds to support Britains National Health Service during the coronavirus outbreak crutchfield its. Right here in america and they were kept in toms aim was to raise just a 1000 pounds with this charity walk but his Humble Mission became an unexpected hit as people tuned in from across the globe to watch his progress on line. We gave them believe that they would listen and to give a source of money to the nothing. Having raised more donations than any charity walk in history hes even earned himself a spot in the guinness book of World Records if we as a country can show the same spirit of optimism and energy shown by captain told moore who turns 100 this week and i have absolutely no doubt that we will beat it together we will come through this all the faster. While politicians athletes and stars are jumping at the opportunity to plot the captains initiative his donations have already enabled the opening of a brand new 500. 00 bed hospital facility in yorkshire leaving little doubt that there is nothing a 100 year old with a strong sense of solidarity and a sturdy walking frame can do still in matters of and durrance the coronavirus lockdown in france has made it difficult for many to exercise even extreme athletes having to learn to adjust small nogueira is a free run on who usually scales the most famous buildings in paris but now hes limited to taking 2 groups that are within 2 kilometers off his apartment the 25 year old says hes noticed that the air is a lot fresher now that theres less traffic. There watching the news theres more news on our website t w dot com a loss on twitter on instagram as well at the end of the news im told me a lot of fun its been a pleasure thats it for me but the news continues at the top of the hour. For. This state of emergency is that normal people around the world are documenting these dramatic times. Theyre keeping the coronas diary and welcoming us into their lives a little skittish as im close and personal as the pandemic will allow. The diaries start menu change on t w

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