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Covert deaths outnumber those who died during the vietnam war and the german football fans doing their best to remain part of the scene while they are not allowed in the stadium. To. Im sorry kelly welcome to the Program Countries across europe are beginning to relax lockdown measures amid warnings from experts and Health Authorities that it will be a slow and gradual process in germany schools are preparing to reopen next week under the governments plan to begin lifting restrictions schools closed in mid march leaving many families struggling to adjust to the challenge of home schooling well now teachers are facing a different challenge bringing these lessons back to the classroom all keeping the students safe. This is the asteroid linger in Elementary School not far from mines the stuff here are getting ready for the childrens return to school. New physical distancing rules means a maximum of 12 pupils will be allowed in the classroom 2. Distancing begins before the children even enter the narrow hallways. Im going with me markings out in front of the school where the children will line up each child warmly then be allowed to enter the classroom individually. Then you measures mean tabletops and door handles must be thoroughly disinfected daily something the school also has to organize along with making sure theres always enough soap and disinfection liquid develop. The 1st starts of a ride but the schools principal is hoping for more help from the Government Troops must be under school its an adequate supply of face masks we cant assume each child will always bring his or her own. One major challenge for the school staff is how the children will spend their breaks once theyre back. To i am happy that we can go back to school and i cant wait to see my teacher and my friends again and some parents would prefer to continue home schooling their children. We all know that at least until the Summer Holidays classes will not be the same as before the coronavirus prices. Event i dont know if its worth taking the risk for the small amount of learning that is possible under these circumstances and the principal has already been getting calls from worried parents showing understanding in consideration is crucial and should live music in that moment i wouldnt require these children to return to school the alternative would be home schooling but i would like the Education Ministry to supply clear guidelines on how we as teachers should deal with parents who feel this way 5 minutes president at. The school also have to continue offering childcare services. The principal is concerned but more parents will be needing this service so they can go back to work with newbies worried with an increase in the number of children needing care or physical distancing will become all the more difficult. To lets get more on that now we are joined by the Political Correspondent Thomas Sparrow so tom selleck because closing schools it was a key measure for containing the outbreak here in germany so why are the schools now reopening. This was part of the German Government on regional governments that process that started to slowly and gradually ease some of those restrictions one of the 1st measures sorrow was for example to reopen certain shop shops for example of under 800. 00 square metres the next step was for schools to prepare for the gradual reopening which you mentioned already will Begin Next Week and this is obviously a very big challenge that only for german schools we saw part of that in our report but also for authorities have to understand how to try and decide how to make sure their kids can go back to the classrooms why at the same time maintaining hygiene measures and social distancing measures throughout the country as well very difficult process but also one that all thought is believe will help parents and kids on society in general to have a stoat sense of things getting back to normal slowly but again a very difficult challenge overall but a lot of people they dont have that sense right now thomas in fact many parents are worrying about the risks of sending their children back to school during the pandemic is attendance mandatory. Attendance is mandatory in germany obviously under normal circumstances in this particular case there is a big debate as to whether that compulsory elementary still be in force when on the other hand a thorough tease both at a Regional Office would a federal level have the duty to maintain as i mentioned all these hygiene measures all the social business this is in measures as well to make sure that the rights of these children are protected at all times so it is a big debate and a big challenge and we also saw in our report that schools are actually asking both ortiz to issue clear guidelines or to watch should be the process in this particular case. We know that in the meantime thomas here in germany millions of peoples they have actually been learning from home in the past weeks we actually went out we asked some of the parents in their children how that was working lets have a look now. Its challenging definitely. But. Given the situation i think its the best solution at this moment what we can do to mississippi its easier to work at school because the teacher explains everything and so its and then we have to teach the Actual School curriculums. So i often feel totally overwhelmed through tons and tons of it before were not trained to teach these things through but i will be could be. Enjoying our family time we have lots of time to play. And to cattle and given some trolleys and some course im in charge of models and when i do your homework i often find it boring then i ask if i can take a break and i take a long break and then somehow i dont do any homework. That homework its boring you want to take a break in all seriousness though thomas i mean physical distancing in school is going to be a challenge you know aside from the challenge that has come across in the past months with with doing everything and virtually are schools now prepared for this new phase in education in coronavirus are schools schools already. Even before the corona crisis started had challenges here in germany in particular there were many reports that there was a lack of infrastructure for example the schools were having trouble when it came to digitalize ation so you have to lot these challenges to the ones that are coming now that we also saw in our report that idea that they have to guarantee all those hygiene and social distancing measures and thats why when the measures were announced by the federal on regional governments they also gave schools time to prepare and they are now in stock reopening would be gradual this key would gradual its particularly important in this context because it gives schools a necessary time to restock and reopen accordingly its important to stress that there is already a conceptual framework here on how this should happen how this should take place so for example giving priority to students who face important exams or who are about to leave schools but there are still doubts among many schools as to watch and how this process should go on in the next few weeks and in the next few months is Thomas Farrow in berlin thank you thomas. And here is a roundup of some of the latest developments in the pandemic germany has extended a travel warning for all nonessential trips abroad until at least june 14th beijings municipal government says that it will lower its kovan 1000. 00 and virgin sea response level from thursday allowing some people to enter the capital from the low risk part of the country without quarantine and poland says that its hotels will open for the Summer Holidays even though infections are still on the rise meantime President Trump has signed an executive order to keep Meat Processing plants open amid growing concern over the food supply union say that puts workers lives at risk. Well air bus reported a 1st quarter loss of nearly 500000000 euros on wednesday citing a plunge in orders and deliveries the european plane maker warned on wednesday that the crisis was still in the early stages and refused to issue long term guidance for investors or buses air bus the c. E. O. Has previously warned that the company was bleeding for claims for cash it has furloughed thousands of employees and has taken out billions and its. A bit more with financial correspondent chelsea the lady whos joining us from frankfurt so we just heard their aircraft makers in the airlines which are themselves in deep trouble can airbus and boeing really hold out. Its certainly a grim outlook right now for both of these Aerospace Giants we heard airbus c. E. O. Today describe this as the grave this crisis in the history of the industry and obviously this makes sense if nobody is flying if nobodys using their planes thats going to bleed down into them to them as well they have already seen a lot of a lot of their orders being canceled theyre not seeing any new orders right now so they are just seeing a big big cutback and demand and what were hearing from both air bust and boeing is that they expect this to last for years that they dont think air travel will recover for several years so they are having to take steps to conserve liquidity right now the theyre really focusing now on keeping cash on hand and they also like the airlines are going to have to possibly get support from governments francis so that they could support airbus and boeing had made some overtures to the u. S. To get state funding but ended up going back against that but now theyre going to tap the market and try and get about 10000000000 dollars from from investors by issuing bonds but they they certainly are going to come out of this smaller and in a little bit diminished lets talk about the government present or potential government involvement you know lots of talk about potential state aid partial nationalization what does that mean for the industry if governments were actually to acquire big stakes. A lot of the move weve seen from government so far have been given as loan so weve seen for example air france take about 10000000000 euros worth of loans from the french and the dutch government so that gives them an immediate injection of cash doesnt necessarily make them. By the government but for a look 16 for example we are seeing the German Government try to take some sort of stake and the company and that raises a lot of political questions that the government says if were going to give you money we need to have some sort of influence over for example how you treat workers how hewitt here its a climate goals that the companies obviously want to remain independent for competitive sake Chelsea Delaney in frankfurt thank you. All the coronavirus lockdown maybe a novel experience for many around the world but for those in the indian administered state of kashmir its just the latest in a series of lock downs many imposed by the Delhi Government still the knock on effects are especially crippling for the region spring in kashmir normally the famous judit garden would be bustling with visit is eager to experience the colorful blooms firsthand but this year due to the coronavirus look down asias not just to get garden is empty in fact everywhere is eerily quiet here including the usually bustling waterways tourism is key to catch me is economy now that its ground to a halt many fear for then livelihoods. Im a boatman and i cant do any other work minute completely dependent on tourism normally we would leave our homes Early Morning for work during the day and feed our families in the evening we are really suffering due to the lockdown things are becoming really tough. The Current Crisis is not the 1st to hit the economy nor is it the 1st lockdown the collapse of kashmirs vital Tourism Industry began last august back then citing a potential Terror Threat in the region the Indian Government imposed a Communications Blackout for months there was no Internet Access citizens were forced to stay indoors tourists stayed away the economic effects with devastating and then came the pandemic. Repaired truly. More difficult. There is no exporters. And we are being there and again saying that our situation is completely different from our brothers. With india mired in its own corona crisis its attention may currently be elsewhere which experts say urgent measures and now essential to ensure that kashmir is economy may 1 day blossom again and in the United States the corona virus has now infected more than 1000000 people the latest death toll stands at just over 58000 according to data from John Hopkins University the virus has reached every state in the country in massachusetts nearly 70 war veterans who tested positive for cold but 98 have died in just wonder sing home state Officials Say that they are trying to determine what went wrong at the facility and with just about a 3rd of all global cases the u. S. Is grappling with the worst outbreak in the world heres a look now at how the virus has spread throughout the country. Like many other countries in the early days of the pandemic the United States was in denial about the tree danger of the corona virus its going to disappear one day its like a miracle it will disappear name of jesus and function but the miracle didnt happen and the prayer didnt help certainly not in states like new york 1000 hit the big apple hard hospitals were soon fill to capacity and morgues were overwhelmed state Governor Andrew Cuomo entered crisis mode and issued a warning to the rest of the country. New york is in crisis helping new york. And then pick up the camp and then go to the next place as this roof across the country. A prediction that turned out to be true the virus spread rapidly from coast to coast by early april it was impossible to deny the seriousness of the situation. Were in a very critical phase of our war against the coronavirus the sacrifices we make over the next 4 weeks will have countless. American lives saved were going to save a lot of american lives. Were in control of our own fate very much. Despite the sacrifices within a week the United States let the world include the 1000 deaths it still tops the grim list. Confirmed infections have now topped the 1000000 mark a milestone that nobody wanted to reach at a time when calls to reopen the country are growing louder. Beaches and california already packed at the weekend and several cities and states are preparing to lease and stay a time restrictions. And lets have a quick look now at some other stories making headlines around the world a fire has swept through a makeshift camp for displaced people in malis capital bamako over 1000 people had found refuge there after fleeing violence in central mali no casualties have been reported witnesses said that the fire was probably sparked by people burning garbage and the organizers of the oscars will will for the 1st time allow films that debuted on a streaming service to qualify for nominations for next Years Academy awards oscars eligibility has been a major question in the movie industry with film festivals cancelled and cinemas closed during the pandemic. Bollywood star in front khan has died at the age of 53 the indian born actor became internationally known through his roles in the films Slumdog Millionaire and life of pi in 2018 khan announced that he had been diagnosed with cancer he died in a hospital in mumbai. Where protesters have returned to the streets and cities across lebanon for a 2nd day where one demonstrator was reportedly killed in the latest clashes fueled by the countrys deepening economic crisis lebanon has seen months of antigovernment on ras but now that discontent has been compounded by a growing anger at lockdown measures. Another notch of violence in lebanon and in the Northern City of tripoli demonstrators hold far to work some rocks at Security Forces d responded with tear gas and rubber bullets. The anger over lebanons crumbling economy growing day by day. This is the beginning of the road where u. S. Thing today is just the start. Lebanon is in financial crisis grappling with the collapse in its currency soaring inflation and rampant unemployment problems worsen by coronavirus lockdown for lebanese on the streets the fight is extensional. We are day laborers if we work we eat if we dont work we dont eat i hope to god the situation changes for the better. Banks have borne the brunt of the protesters fearing theyve imposed strict capital controls on accounts freezing access to cash as food prices soar. Money into money that you have to leave to get it even. If. The Lebanese Army has deployed across tripoli to contain me on wrist. As the government still works on a risk you plan to drag the country out of its current turmoil. And russia is extending its ban on foreigners and touring the country amid a steep rise in new corona virus infections the country has confirmed almost 100000 cases and the death toll has jumped to 972 president Vladimir Putin saying that the country will not lift its lockdown until maybe 11 at the earliest meanwhile the Health Care System is reaching its limits. This ambulance is rushing to sing petersburg approach ski hospital Many Health Care workers and russia are doing their utmost to cope with the coronavirus epidemic but they are reaching their limits more and more medical workers are now testing positive themselves. Which we do there are 32 coronavirus patients in our unit with him and 10 of them are better coworkers yes you didnt mishear me all of our employees are now infected. Russian president Vladimir Putin now acknowledged the problem during a televised meeting with his ministers you know when the situation is still difficult and were in Constant Contact with our specialists to coordinate our plans and actions we have yet to pass to speak only. Russia has been on a Strict Lockdown since late march now russians are being asked to stay home until at least may 11th. In his speech the president thanked the people for abiding by the restrictions until now did you know is that the way we manage to slow down the spread of the epidemic this is the result of our joint work with the responsibility of millions of citizens who listen to the recommendations of doctors and specialists to choose between used the kremlin underlined that it will come up with measures to support russias fragile economy and ordinary russians many are struggling to make ends meet. Due to the countrys strict regulations which force residents to stay at home unless absolutely necessary in the capital people are counting down the days until may 11th but even then a quick return to normality is unlikely. When the pandemic is hitting farmers in zimbabwe hard they rely on exporting their produce european markets the lockdown has closed local markets and now farmers are struggling to secure cargo flights out of the country the new hardship comes as farmers were just starting to recover from last years cyclonic di di w. Correspondent privilege listen here e reports. It has been a year since cyclon day strike allan and cleared bailey sort of culture from what. Extensive damage was caused to infrastructure for recovery has slowly started but no the global cooldown of a respond to me has knocked again. We had these 2 weeks when there were no cells a tool not a. Phone and then yes im saying that the prices have been have been depressed depressed. And demand has been and equally as hard as being off for a cut in the country. Theres been a lot of flights that are being canceled and frequencies and to some bad we have been canceled their main diesel flows for export to the european markets in normal times they export up to 2000000 stems of flowers base season but this year they may not even achieve half of that they would wait coronavirus pandemic forced it wide closure flow markets. Go zimbabwes number 41 of virus infections in fatalities us to know its ease the Economic Impact that citizens would have to do if the country is in a lockdown for 5 weeks with need to economy activity said that the government is broken to come up with and stimulus packages. Small scale horticulture in food families who are still recovering from the impact of cyclon each day in 2001000. 960 local markets has become very difficult jus to the coronavirus dont. Open the banana peels and i. Think whole family even in the banana sales are very nice school fees comes from the bananas who is so salt and even sugar it all comes from bananas the old so that if we dont get them i cant will die of hunger is he any kind of. Zimbabwe is facing its west economy crises in recent times. The country is billick least it by International Money lending institutions and may not even benefit from any virus outs famines like baby only hoping for a slow down or sudden and of 19 for people to return to normal life again. Paul fans around the world wait for their favorite teams to return to the t. V. Screen supporters of german side. Are trying to solve what they see as an even bigger problem how does a fan remain part of the action when they are not allowed inside the stadium. All these quiet in german football the sounds of singing birds has replaced the screaming fans the sight of empty stands likely to remain for many months yet the. Spirit and its very difficult to watch a game on t. V. Instead of actually being met life in the stadium on t. V. You just dont get the emotions you can get by being in the stands with friends for the diehards of birth. Football without fans is unthinkable and so they are making cardboard cutouts of themselves to literally remain part of the scene using a mobile app interested parties can take a photo of themselves which is then printed on cardboard and. Bankers taken to the stadium. These are guns that pop come over this whole cardboard makes campaign is more like a vigil because football just doesnt work with that fans. Almost 10000. 00 orders have already been placed and demand continues to grow the club are big fans of the initiative to so much so the glovebox players and coach of got themselves a place on the north terrorists Even Opposing fans are on board a touching show of solidarity for the times. It costs 1000 euros by buying it 3 companies in mention gladbach will be supported to your eyes will be donated to the percy a foundation and 2 euros to help. Mel hasnt missed a home game in almost 14 years from now and the foreseeable future shell have a proxy presence as she and tens of thousands of fans white to join the chorus once more. And youre up to date now on d w news im sarah kelly in berlin dont forget theres more on our website dot com you can also follow us on social media thank you so much for watching stacy. Ico africa i mean my 1st scrapple like coming here cameron has just one collection side materials from recycled her memory so much fair fight but if you are just too good to sicamous is one of all objectives is to stage the situation of more than technology that is to give people hope and the by a new device to force you to take it thats essential to any one hopeful africa. W. Or. Ringback hey listen up. Thats what video game music sounded like 30 years ago. Todays tracks take the experience to another level ok sense to him talk to jose ramos are. Featured in many games his music is bound to. His fans the open stores. Sounds good. No genre thats so much more than just background music. Video game music on g. W. I want welcome to a new edition of. Your environmental magazine wrote to you by d. W. In gemini and t. V. In uganda and sons t. V. Image area i am sunda to

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