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A warm welcome to another edition of your own max lets see what else we have lined up for you today. A new book by german photographer must she have auctions people of all ages and. Find out how a personal trainer charges fall into the biggest go deal for tommy. Our 1st report takes us to southern italy that can be eaten simply like nuts but you can also use them and lots of different recipes and also for baking but do you know how that shows grow and where they come from you can find out in the small italian town of blunter in ne in sicily every year on 2 weekends the local states a big festival to celebrate the harvest which made the town so famous. The start shows are cult in bronte every autumn thousands of fans converge on the sill in town for the stuff festival. Here they cost 20. 00 euros a kilo thats cheaper than elsewhere and many consider the few stock if you dont take to be the best in the world. Can you do because one of the regions biggest the stature produces he uses them to make delicious pesto creaminess and candy. The bronze statue is characterized by its particularly intense shade of green. You know. They have a resin theres an oily aroma. There around taste combines well with many other ingredients. Dante lies at an altitude of around 800. 00 metres at the foot of mount etna europes largest active volcano. Carts like these ones carry the whole of us down from the mountain no theyre just for show. Here you can sample the delicacies many are pretty is local. Like this to start show bristol a classic. There are both sweet and savory products for starters conflated bread and cheese all sicilian salami. Born. I know any. More pancakes and ice cream but. I can taste service now so all you know is we me its not really sweet but its between me and its fresh so you really want to enjoy everything with the statue here. To start choose a originated in the middle east iran is still the biggest producer worldwide along with the u. S. But on to contributes less than one percent of the global to start your harvest the volcanic soil here is rich in minerals that give the starches they special taste. And they can only be harvested once every 2 years. Now do you look at grocers the stock has on fields that were once abandoned. What is special here are the differences in temperature its very hot during the day and cold at night and we have a lot of snow in winter. The frost kills pests so we dont need to use pesticides. Back in toronto during the festival the pep it also restaurant serves a special menu it begins with brisket. Then theres pits with the structure is similar enough finishing with the step should duck to full for desserts. But its the past to stand outside that draws the crowds the fresh pasta made from durham wheat and dutch of flour it is produced around the clock. Yes aimed at b. J. Each time there are more and more people always breaking the previous record time we harvested this year in the pistachios a fresh people know this so they come here to shop to stop. This can also be found in brown tape its a sweeper structured oh thats taped in a bronze plan on charcoal. And of course its served with the stature cream and lots of chopped the statues. Best enjoyed with friends all the whole family. British farmer tom cat is used to carrying around heavy things like sex of grain all spare parts for his machinery but that was not enough physical exercise for him camp is a fitness fact who likes to work out even after a long days work it didnt take long and the new business idea was born camp set up a spot studio on his parents farm and it seems a lot of people enjoy working out in the Fresh Country people from nearby along a flock here and relaxing holiday this certainly isnt. On this farm everyone works hard. It might be healthy but they all keep going until they drop. Have a very good diet for a little bit now. But. To keep it warm is the brainchild of 26 year old fitness coach and farmer tom campbell. And its just fun to be out here training with a new team and. Been stuck in and the jane when youre on. His training grounds or the fields of his parents farm north of london. Tom kemp was born and raised here. Hes always trained outdoors with whatever you happen to find on the farm. So you stick on a plan workouts news in. Whatever i can find not whether its a white this. Machinery or as. I used to get a little walk outs and i hate excessive ofi up here every day. For example all the bodies muscles are needed to lift a 300 kilo tractor tire. Carrying a sack of grain with arms outstretched is also a good way to keep it. Up incorporated exercises like these into a full body workout and in 2016 he founded his open air pump in a studio a successful business idea and International Fitness magazine has named one of the worlds best. Most of his clients come from london alia dervish works for a bank she books an individual. Session here at least once a week this is a Welcome Change to her air conditioned office and business look im happy yeah im much pal im not in so this you know i work in or im out on the floor and being comfortable i want to be outside. You know i get bruised oh i get you know i hide from the house. I really dont want to go you can exercise here at any time of the year come rain or shine and really give it your all. So here in the background weve got a great example of a functional training in. All the over all of the sledge work and the grip strength core strength of the new strength as well to get a return on the sled and its a fun way to train as well because youre outside this year. Several times a year tom camp holds competitions this time a total of 75. 00 men and women are facing off in groups the contest combines muscle and insurance training. Its the 1st time on the farm for dan thomas and misty botha from london. I have thought of putting them recently just because its not new but different so its kind of cross fit and strong and fitness but i find so its not just to do Something Different im sending people to knock off school colds and doing things that we dont usually do in across the gyms that are pretty good. For 6 hours straight the teams work out using bales of hay and other heavy objects from the farm. Bill goes keep it going lets go. To the most working out in the open air is less predictable than in the gym. If you want to know what you did things that you saw in the world strongest. On a sense of achievement benefits. Our current heavy way what you know with your team members as well mysterious for a lot of your mental health. And there are plenty of things on a farm to give you that uplifting feeling. We often take a critical look in the mirror in the morning after all vanity doesnt diminish as we grow older but it is something we all have to come to terms with as the years go by but the base photographer Thomas Keeler decided to document people of all ages in his book called 100 years of life it shows how over the years life leafs mocks and all facial expressions. Wide eyed and Vulnerable Children are open to what life will offer them. 30 or 40 years later they become individual characters with distinctive faces. Another 30 or 40 years and life has left its mark. 53 year old photographer thomas cura usually works for ad Agencies Companies and magazines. But his photo album 100 years of life is a project all his own. Is going to do. What id like to show with this book is actually the beauty of every human and at every age. If we look closely we can already see wisdom in young people and the curiosity that lives on in the elderly. But ultimately what i see in their eyes is the magic its like i mean in my view. The photos show men and women from different cultures age between one and 100. The photographer son. At the age of 8. At the book released in berlin he was 3 years older he looks back. I changed a lot on the outside on. I have grown older im taller my hair is cut shorter. And ive changed quite a bit on the inside too. Ive become more grown up and more serious. And. A photo of 24 year old pal Lena Strasburg the snapshot is thought provoking for her. The next week you realize how many differences there and how you change through the years. And thats in your early to mid twentys you still really young and just starting out even if sometimes if youre much older and more grown up in his berlin studio. Sets up his portrait against a black background. This subject is a veterinarian born 86 years ago in india. Except his age with grace and poise. And. Ive lived my life by the eye of benteke approach. My practice of yoga and meditation. And i grew old with it. I think the best way to live is naturally. You shouldnt show off but rather keep your feet on the ground. Thomas has got to know a lot of the people quite well. He found special value in the experiences of the older people. As a god as it is now to you who know 20 leaders i found the years between 80 and 100 especially exciting because i didnt know very many people of that age and ive seen how much is possible in terms of changes and Life Experience or even a new beginning and not an 84 year old started taking tennis lessons and i met a very lively 99 year old. I was surprised and happy to see how much joy and lust for life is still possible at that age. Back to the book release. People of every age of calm. Thomas cure acts study of human change touches upon a theme that affects us all. In this i think its i think its inspiring because you can see yourself in context you see whats yet to come what really moved me about these photos was not so much how faces and appearances are marked by age i think that they gaze is. Even the positive sides tend to come to the fore when youre older. You focus more on the good side of life. And not only what was good but what still good good is the book captures the beauty strength and vulnerability of every stage in life. Itself is change and when we look back we see what weve already experienced and sense what lies ahead alternately we have no choice so acceptance of change is a basic law of living a happy life. From child to teenager from adult to senior sweeping optical changes occurred during a lifetime. But on the inside. Everyone develops in their own way. A city tour on all fours. Gobby hardly even. Knew how to be cuddly. Happy grumbling funny cap job leaseholder together their pasqual burlap this series with berliner bite. On facebook dot com slash d. W. Gen x. Back in the middle ages the huge costs were both without any of the advantages of modern machinery so how did people actually build these Mighty Fortress where did the materials come from what tools they use your macs report ahead like bedding wanted to find out he visits record breaking locations around the continent serious europe to the max and this time he took a trip back in time when he had a very unusual building site in front. Of and up in the current for europe to the max. But here dozens of craftsmen and workers are building a cost to. Get a low is now europes biggest medieval Castle Building project. Its located about 200 kilometers south of paris near the village of tweeny in the burgundy region the idea is to reproduce a slice of life into 13. Century. A casa never actually existed here before this is a modern day medieval started building on a 70000 square meters site. The plan took shape in the mid 1990 s. Historians and medieval enthusiasts came together to find out what building a costal in the middle ages involved. Today some 40 craftsmen are employed here not only motown has directed the project since the start in 1997. Dont think its a bit like an orchestra with many different instruments of every craftsman is important everyone is needed every day to build this cost on to the issue i commemorate tomorrow and anyone can lend a hand every year 600 volunteers come along to help out and today i one of them a console i dressed like this of course. Thats better now im ready for my 1st assignment in the quarry. You can just hammer away at any of the rocks here. You have to split them carefully it is persistent work. Consulates were built near a quarry so the heavy stones could be transported as short a distance as possible. As a stonemason its my job to get the chunks of rock in shape. Gives me instructions. Or. Now we can mark the stone. Its done. Well thats my mccaffrey staying with my own symbols on what my masons monk is proof of my work in the middle ages we pay for every single stone at you. I mark my stone with the d w of course. All the materials and tools are produced on site. There are conferences. Boskone weavers a workshop for making pick ones. And this movie. Some of 300000 people visit the get a law site and you know their entry fees financed the project. And ive got to get back to work the stones have to be hoisted up onto the tower trying to say. Weve got to stay in places that are more fun make it part of the holiday make it more of an experience. The. Belgian art to collect ahead to have a cow has a taste for unusual art concepts the 10 metre long fiberglass polyester cast saneness takes pride of place in his collection its the work of dutch artist filled families heloc. You sleep in a museum normally in each museum or a jet. Engine or. Aside from its 3 sleeping exhibits the fair bank of foundation houses over 5000 other works. The museum near has expanded to 20000. 00 square metres of covered space and a 12 hooked us culture park. Its one of the biggest private collections of contemporary art in europe. Pension head to head baker used to lead a very different life as a company owner. Of a transport company in the past one day i saw a very big installation the owner said to me he could not trust but this. Is scooters and i said i will do it for you. He still acquiring new pieces like the blog the b 3 spain. Sank. Belgian come on karen and how it is well be spending the night in this exciting creation. I think its a very special wolfie. Its an ache so a lot of animals. Stadia 1st moments of their life in a make so maybe it makes you think about. If guests dont mind just the basics they can even spend the night up to 12 meters high inside an installation designed by kevin van park. When night falls in the museum piece descends and all you can hear other frogs in the nearby pond. The next morning. I really enjoyed it it was nice being next to the nature is kind of thinking ok im lying inside a rectum listening to the bugs like the fact that all around us was a war i it was do. You definitely know its a work of art you know it feels like it and how did the neighbors like spending the night inside the annex. It was a bit like in the sleeping in a tent it was totally different from a house really. A night inside an artwork costs up to 120 your is including breakfast at the museum cafe harrys going to remember his 9th birthday for a long time how many people can say theyve slept inside an intestate. And that brings us to the end of another edition of your own max dont forget to follow us on social media and as always you can find all the details on how to end our exciting draw on our website until we meet again from all of us here thanks for watching and bye bye. Because a lot. Of. Fun to. Be. In School Roanoke europes moment of truth telling told with 19 redefine the term meaning it is all about a process that catches on and it dogs remember t. V. Join up for in bed if a team from new york you trust very good for our region be frontin germany is not on the same train they need to be very good in europe covered nineteens i know europes moment of truth. Very interesting metrics g. W. We know this is. Gary time for the coronavirus is changing the world changing ill not use so please take care of yourself keep your distance wash your hands if you can stay at how were d. W. B. For here for you we are working tirelessly to keep you informed on all of our platforms were all in this to get on together and were making sure to. Stay safe everybody stays in stay safe stay safe the phrase stay safe. Rooms. Are always. A symbol of a long conflict in the philippines. Between the muslims. And the christian population. When high as fighters occupy the city center the 17 president to terrorist response was told. By the better it will never again will hold. The reconquest turned into a tragedy. Thats ugly grecian up or is not the kind of freedom that we. How did our become a deep way to islamist terror. On the sea so you got the most innocent or sole. And exclusive reports from a destroyed city. Philippines in the sights of i. A. S. Starts may 20th on d. W. Illiam. This is the news live from berlin the u. S. And just closer to a 1000000 coronavirus cases and yet some states are easing their restrictions pressure has been high to lift lock downs and get the economy moving again thats in the u. S. Now accounts for the cultural to the global top. Also coming up africans in china have been targets of racist attacks hues of spreading the coronavirus we speak to a kenyan teacher whose dreams

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