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To a kenyan teacher whos dreams of a Better Future bank shattered. Im rebecca rate is welcome to the program although coronavirus cases around the world are now close to the 3000000. 00 mark more and more nations are beginning to lock down restrictions including here in germany but the gradual moves to reopen the economy are not enough for around a 1000 people who took part in a demonstration in berlin on saturday the protesters have been had protests have been gathering in the city center every week i believe the restrictions limit their freedom and infringe on Constitutional Rights and police say they arrested more than 100. 00 people at the un authorised protest. Germany has allowed smaller nonessential shops to reopen we take a look at how people are reacting. Here in berlin more people are Wearing Masks but there are also a lot more people on the streets and not everyone is abiding by the social distancing requirements. It was right what the politicians did and what is being done now is enough and that everyones rushing outside because theyre allowed out again. People are very insecure and afraid and they dont know how to deal with the situation. Streets across germany are no longer deserted now the some restrictions have been east that means there is not as much space Retail Businesses hope that with more shops allowed open sales would return to normal but revenues are only 40 percent of what they were before the pandemic struck. The urge to consume and the feelgood factor are plummeting the consumer mood has never been this bad in germany thats why people are slow to purchase goods people are only buying the necessities. The green party wants to boost consumption by providing vouchers they want to give every adult in germany 250 euros that could be spent on businesses that were forced to shut down and more businesses hope theyll be allowed to reopen soon Germanys Health minister has given them a boost yet sponsors if people keep to social distancing then more Retail Businesses can open and people can work out again in gyms. But urging caution they say that Society Needs to take a longer view. Of the amount of people who become seriously ill from the virus and end up in intensive care can only really be evaluated a month later on. At the moment there is a discussion in society in politics about just 2 weeks and that timeframe may simply be too short. The World Health Organization is also warning that there is no proof the contract in covert 19 guarantees immunity they say its too early to say if people can catch the virus a 2nd time but also speaks against further easing of restrictions but with new cases on the decline many dont want to heed that advice while hospitals and clinics here in germany do appear to have the situation under control for now there are currently around 13000 i. C. U. Beds Still Available across the country but although the number of people in hospital with covered 19 is going down doctors a warning that people shouldnt become complacent. Protective gowns 2 pairs of gloves and a special mask it takes had physicians garin know marks a long time to get ready before he can enter the intensive care unit at a Concert University hospital. You know in spain and italy as minister 15 percent of medical personnel got infected and many died. Patients with kobe 1000 are currently being treated here that means theyre on artificial respiration sometimes for weeks and as doctors here stress theyre not exclusively people from high risk groups. We have patients here who are not 18 years old some are only in their sixtys. And they didnt all have preexisting Health Conditions some were pair fairly healthy before. Is one such patient the 52 year old things he was infected in austria hes been treated for kobe 1000 at a hospital in bavaria for nearly 3 weeks he was on a respirator fighting for his life. This was it was like a bad dream at one point i remember hearing someone say to me you have to fight you have to survive. This hospital has become a center for coverage 19 patients until recently the situation here was extreme with more than half of the 280 beds taken by corona patients now the numbers have started to go down. We lost 2 houses in compared to the peak period we now have her own tough the number of cases so thats giving us some time to catch our breath. Catching their breath and hoping the number of infections doesnt start to go up again at the University Clinic in iraq and the doctors say the situation is still far from normal their head physician says nows not the time to relax. Behind the noise hoping we wont see many new cases and that things can maybe go back to normal with a smaller number of patients the worst Case Scenario for us would be a 2nd wave for infections moving to get started it if a 2nd wave does come the team here is prepared even though treating couvade 1000. 00 patients takes everything they have mostly it takes time because after weeks of artificial respiration those who recover have to learn to breathe again on their own. And its take a look now at the latest developments in the pandemic the global death toll now stands at more than 200000 according to figures from Johns Hopkins university the United States has the highest number of cases than any other country and over 50000 people have died from the disease the governor of the state of new york americas at the center of the outbreak says pharmacies will be allowed to carry out tests for the virus a 3rd of the total u. S. Coronavirus deaths have happened in new york city alone and officials in the chinese city of the corona virus originated say all patients who were hospitalized for covert 9 tain have now been released. And a quick look at some of the other stories making headlines speculation continues over the health of north Korean Leader kim young un reports say doctors have been sent from china to advise on kims health and is recovering from a heart operation satellite images now appear to show his special train at the coastal resort town of ones. Hundreds of venezuelan migrants including elderly people and pregnant women have been stuck at the colombian but its wine and the water there are not able to return home as the venezuelan government closed the busy Border Crossing in the colombian town of cookie cutter. African migrants in china have become the target of discrimination and harassment as the country strives to contain the coronavirus videos posted on social media showed just how vicious some of the attacks have been many now find themselves stuck in a nightmare and unable to return home spoke with a kenyan take living in beijing. Evicted beaten and forgotten these are social media videos of scenes in china sent to us a high for many africans a. Bit just a kenyan teacher moved to china 4 years ago seeking a Better Future instead she broke a mocked up in an apartment in provence pariss the court in march we have not been working so majority of workers who are teachers here really facing each other because right in all these no money to pay for rain there is no money for food and a recent rise in corporate mental factions have led to the fore because attacks against foreigners its where african seem to have been the hardest of the Chinese Government is about a 2nd wave of the deadly virus. There are many undocumented african immigrants living in china who are blamed for the rise of infections mostly with very little evidence these violent incidents of now sparked a diplomatic row between africa and china. I completely drained my mind my poor case to a mexican that what i was doing calling my mom back home to see. Some may be able to buy in myself food and right now it has gone to an extent that i cannot be able to ask her anymore back in kenya beatrice formally war is about. All i ask myself on these people human enough we have the Chinese People here and theyre treated well why are they doing this to our children and when she told me when she slept out on the floor. I just asked the government to help them. Honestly i just heard theyre going to send a plane but how are they going to pay for it doesnt lead us what the g. D. P. And i mean. But its a cry for help that may go unnoticed the Chinese Ambassador to kenya dismisses cases like beatrizs with exaggeration but 200 african migrants in china the tensions between them and the locals is still a reality theyre facing my mom is very worried about me and all why she wants me back safe in our kenyan soil we always got nothing so long as i land there safe. I could buy many africans in china lives have been turned upside down and are desperate to be reunited with their families. Well for more lets bring in journalist fabien pressure mine beijing has been following this story for us i mean you spoken to many africans were they in the community there how common is this kind of treatment. Quite common actually the 1st accusation cured in one show that in the south of china thats the place where the biggest africans lefse but i usually use the book to people here in beijing and they all told me basically similar stories at least 2 of them they basically got it they are homeless now they got kicked out of their legs and they feel that the racial attacks really really went high and they dont feel treated. Treated as animals and i mean i cannot independently verify every of their accusations but they did us to back up their claims and in one video for example i could see. A case of Police Violence so i think the situation for many africans is quite precarious and sylvia and what about those africans that have overstayed their veins is that theyre in a particularly precarious position now. Yes thats right i mean many of them who overstate that these us were basically legal in the country theyve been kind of tolerated by the authorities but right now the africans are becoming a victim of what is called racial profiling and i mean theyre singled out at least in one go in the Southern City they have to undergo carotene just because the african basically and. Now of course many people fear that because they are undocumented they might be difficult to track and actually the chinese side doesnt see anything wrong with it because theyve also singled out before like citizens from and from risk groups and thats what theyre doing now to the African Community as a whole thats their reasoning right now. Reporting from for us from beijing thanks very much. Until recently singapore was being praised as a coronavirus Success Story having acted quickly and effectively in containing the pandemic but infections have been spiking in recent weeks with hundreds of new cases diagnosed the majority are among the city states low paid migrant population who can afford to take the same precautions as others in society. This is a dorm and singapore crime time to ideal place for the coronavirus to spread physical distancing here is practically impossible. To learn about i have the virus please pray for me im trying to stay away from the op as as best i can provide to god for. Foreign workers many from India Bangladesh and indonesia work on construction sites in singapore many are in less than 300. 00 euros per day and those low wages mean more than 200000. 00 Foreign Workers can only afford to live in dormitories in the city state. You know there is no easy solution but all or all i would say that i go to speak. Warning well its taken too seriously because this is the i think ration will see. Been testing Migrant Workers without any symptoms and moving some to converted car parks and sports stadiums to prevent the spread of infections we will care for you just like we care for singaporeans we thank you for your cooperation during this difficult period. A show of unity but the coronavirus pandemic has revealed deep inequalities in singapore. Youre watching dont have any news as will be with you next hour until then stay up to date on our web site at state update dont top comp thanks for watching. Its a deadly sin. And the whim of nature. Motivates us. From stimulus

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