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Those lives. To be the. Chemo but the you know i feel. I need to see this really open. I thought i knew all. I did. I lose 3 local t. V. Stations are producing similar programs. Teachers are paid by the countrys Education Ministry undue station every teacher gets 20 minutes of literate time zambo has been in this instructor for 6 years teaching on camera is new for him. All children have a right to education and eve this makes it kind of them acquiring knowledge or how that right or entering that right i fully support eat and also for the reason that. Even dogs can learn through this meeting so i found a percent for pete due to frequent power blackouts among others forced to miss some classes other students income or and have no access to t. V. Sets not all. Amano wants to study medicine but hes concerned his dreams will be delete is schools remain closed due to the pandemic they were going to screw up. My intake issue its really pretty. Soon we. Find out im afraid to go so. Im not going to write money general for the c. S. Reader well you know no one here yet you know cameron has the 2nd highest number of confirmed 1000 cases in Subsaharan Africa this means among all have to study from home for the foreseeable future. And this slide here is a special advisor on education policy at the organization for Economic Cooperation and development how a kids dealing with this leap in technology we i mean we are talking about Digital Natives here but at the end of the day its their education at stake. Yeah you have plenty of children who are well equipped you know assets to Technology Access to Higher Quality learning resources and its not just a matter of the digital resources learning is always a relational process you learn really isnt from the old so you have to study on your own you need to harden relation to see the value of education you do have effective learning strategies the resilience the struggle to know months later we say that its all those qualities that were just you know helping in a way in the past week that. People in school are against and little chance to learn to repeat now suddenly they have to study on their own and thats a very very its an experience so apart from the technology its a novel experience there are some students succeed very well you know great support from the parents they have great motivation but in many many Young Children are left behind so with or without the technology then what about children from disadvantaged backgrounds of developing countries. Well you know this crisis is amplified in the inequality already inherent in our Education Systems before the always struggle to attract the most talented teachers to the most challenging classrooms to make sure that every student has access to to excellent teaching so i think at this moment its very very important that Education Systems we double their efforts to reach up to their families and the students who struggle most that means freeing up some time from teachers. To actually dedicate to close those kids they do not succeed just left rather on their asses when you mention families there what about parents. Absolutely and i think its a matter of connecting the parents its being you know parents to this Mission Education is becoming a lot of Society Project not just you know as schooling you need to support from parents you need to get the understanding from parents and parents to give their children roxas to a quiet place to study and thats not the case a lot for all children i need to give the marxist you know maybe that they may also need it for their work so i think its a sacrifice on everybodys part do you feel that screwed end up being the last year for students around the world well i dont not i dont think we can afford it i think that would be a terrible price for humanity to pay and i also think we should be cognizant of many many good examples i mean this crisis is liberated a lot of energy Education Systems theres a lot of front front line capacity and the schools you know operate was a significant you know barmy digitas are designers of innovative learning environments also actually striving at this moment and i think what we should do is not you know stop she had is into classrooms spend more time on you know finding books good it years sharing never getting them spreading and i think thats exactly what is needed at this moment of there are enormous and there are teachers who invest in their lives to make this work and i dont need to give them space. To do their work lets have a quick listen to what some students and teachers think about online schooling. Finding it is easier to work at school because the teacher explains everything and subtly gates and in teaching the egg curriculum i often feel totally overwhelmed when were not trained to teach these things if money isnt mr throughput i will be could visit to this farm in this industry would i find learning much easier at school because i take an active role in class when i sit in classes and i take a lot in and therefore i have to do less that hold off middle income. Most so in dress how can governments make this work. Well i think 1st of all it is to look at examples you know and yet there are many teachers who are struggling but there are also lots of teachers full of motivation and i teach or make this work you know teachers who are becoming good you know coaches good mentors good facilitators and i think what governments need to do at this moment is to direct resources where they can make most of a difference to people if you do the opposite you know if you come from a website that brought you the better teacher the Better School as you can this moment government need to look harder there are the resources really needed it out of direct government soldiers should all think hard of what students should learn or to small and really youre not learning time refused bush remarked we cannot put that on the shoulders of schools governments need to define what is essential part it really students need to learn prioritizing you know learning is a very important task for governments and then you know providing teachers or yes its a big challenge for teachers teachers and all that for you know what i think again you know teachers can learn and if we give them the right you know access to professional development i think you will see a quantum change press i thank you very much for joining us. Thank you. To have your questions now on the coronavirus hysteric well. Could the virus mutates further if that happens how dangerous would it be to answer this question we have to 1st look at what mutation means exactly now in biology mutation describes alterations to the genetic code in an organism or a virus in a virus like sars cove to these changes happened during replication when and invaded cell is churning out new copies of the virus now all viruses mutate its its how the corona virus jumped to humans in the 1st place if it mutated to do so moving forward there what will be key is exactly how the virus mutates can it change in ways that make it more infectious or that make it more deadly thats what matters to us those kinds of mutations are generally ones that have an effect on the viruses physical structures for example the spikes that dot the outer surface of sars supposed to that that allow it to latch on to human cells so far although we know the new corona virus will mutate and and we can even track those mutations as the virus spreads theres no evidence that its mutating into even more dangerous strains but theres no way to rule out that it might happen in the future. Page i me still causes aids today with no real vaccine or cure what are the odds coburn 1000 could be the same the big reason why weve struggled to come up with a vaccine for hiv is that the process it uses to produce copies of itself is very prone to making mistakes so the virus mutates rapidly most of those mistakes wont work out but a few will prove beneficial to the virus in the sense that the changes will allow it to continue to. Vade of patients immune system hiv is really a moving target so its hard to come up with an effective vaccine but sars cove 2 is very different from a shot of it in a very key way it proofreads its genetic code during replication and proofreading slows the mutation rate that means the sars couth to genome so far appears to remain stable or more stable than h i feed over time thats giving researchers hope that theyll be able to develop effective long lasting vaccines against the corona virus but because were still at such an early stage of observing its evolution its still just a hope there ive been fizzling so youll get sick. In. 1. 3000000000 people. All need electricity. Where does it come from how conscious is the Energy Supply in the country. India and its bright prospects for a newbie. To. W. Pioneers of the world at their feet but success can be a rollercoaster ride. On the go. What kind of person do you have to be to bet everything comes along the dock to go your own way even if that path is fraught with risk Pioneering Spirit the phenomenon and its Economic Impact made in germany. 60 spawned t. W. Like vogue. Mughal or just was sued for the russians sold. Down to their own steam. In so many different walks of life. Some are bumping. Oddly trying out all of them come straight from the heart to its former c. E. O. You but it was no more your delusion the marsh the internet come. From the 1st months of the last to their final resting place the russians are g. W. Documentary. This is all wood beautiful landscapes forests and animals to think that all this is threatened by Climate Change is distressing we have to change our ways if we want to see about that it

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