Whos fighting to make sure that reporters can operate free meat in subsaharan africa. Hello im christine want to welcome to the program the 7 german state of bavaria has canceled the october faced if ist of all because of the corona virus the event attracts more than 6000000 visitors every year and a horse hes feared allowing it to go ahead would lead to a spike in new infections. But no crowded party tents giant mugs of beer or packed out parades. Germanys biggest festival has been cancelled for the 1st time since world war 2. Large events are currently banned in germany until the end of august october 1st was supposed to start on the. Termer 19th but Officials Say the risk of infection during the coronavirus pandemic is just too high 2 2. Which is painful for us its a great pity because with many things this is not a normal year and this is going to be a year without the 1st. About 6000000. 00 visitors flock to the october 1st every year crowding the Festival Grounds but also the host city munich the cancellation of the event is not only certain news for the city it also means big financial losses. As to the value of 1500000000 euros for munich and many people profit from it its not just those that have told professed like to be hosts fairground workers or souvenir shops its also Hotels Restaurants retail trade and taxi drivers 200. 00. People in munich now face a year without their beloved festival but this isnt hasnt come as a shock. When vantine. Im really sad but it was expected. If people come from all over the world we cant host a party like this one. If its apologize maybe its a great decision i have such respect for our state leadership the way theyre handling things. October fest will be back again next year and then well enjoy it all the more. Annoying our cd say. And so begins the countdown until 2021 when the next october 1st will hopefully take place. Harvey has been following the story for us in munich we asked him why this is a difficult time for the city. Well absolutely it is because you have to understand that for the city of munich and for the people who live here you know if this is much more than just another huge party its got a really long tradition its been around for more than 200 years and its something thats deeply ingrained into the d. N. A. Of this city and on top of that its also safe the image of not only munich and the very a but also to a certain degree all of germany really all around the world if you ask anyone anywhere what theres no see it with germany one of the 1st answers that you always get is going to be the a total says so its usually popular around the world in the city and the people here in the city of munich theyre proud of that theyre proud of the fact that their city is home to such a famous and popular festival and force now theyre sad that this year almost visitors from around the world cant cant come here cant take it and cant take part due to professing that this huge festival is not going to happen. And its have a look now at the coronavirus news the u. K. Government says chemical trials of a possible vaccine developed by scientists will start on thursday using human volunteers singapore has extended its a lockdown until june 1st this off to the city state so a sharp rise again in the number of cases austria says it will allow restaurants bars and cafes as well as schools some schools that is and churches to reopen starting may 15th or will be subject to safety restrictions and before the end of this week its me will announce plans for the gradual missing off its lockdown mischas starting may 4th. The collapse in american crude prices has same shock waves around the world pushing stock markets into losses and driving down of a Commodity Prices oil markets are now in uncharted territory and demand has fallen faster than when she says can shut off their wells what Storage Space running out oil is becoming more of a burden around the world than s. S. When its planes arent flying and its roads are all but empty the u. S. Can at least lay claim to one thing we certainly are plenty of oil in fact far too much of it the president tried to calm nerves after the value of u. S. Crude went negative for the 1st time ever on monday at one point reaching minus 40. 00 a barrel in a month or so go a little bit its at 25 and 20 8. 00 or so its largely a financial squeeze and they did get squeezed the day traders who found themselves on monday under heavy pressure to sell off their crude futures the rising cost of holding the oil in the u. S. Is dwindling Storage Facilities means keeping it is becoming too expensive. Theres so little space for it left the u. S. Government is planning to fill up its own reserves i think we have 75000000000 gallons right now capacity thats a lot its weve been building it up over a period but thats 75000000000 barrels. So were going to get either ask for permission to buy it or well store it one way or the other it will be for the what is most needed is a return in demand brought by restart to the u. S. Economy then the oil that continues to be pumped unbroken pace can actually have enough places to go. Now heres a look at other stories making headlines around the world u. S. President donald trump says hell temporarily suspend all immigration by signing an executive order he said the action was in response to the coronavirus operate and to protect jobs more than 22000000 americans have applied for Unemployment Benefits in the past month because of pandemic lock dolls. Greece has quarantined a Hotel Housing Asylum Seekers off to 150 people tested positive for the new coronavirus almost 500 live in the building nearby town off on the greek mainland is also being pushed and to be blocked off. The u. K. Parliament went back at work today after some 3 weeks under lockdown restrictions very few parliamentarians were physically present in the chamber and they did sit far those who were present instead many lawmakers joined for the 1st time ever via video conferencing. Doesnt have died in floods in eastern congo Authorities Say some 75000 people are also homeless off the heavy rainstorms triggered flash floods and landslides roads and bridges across if it to grade also suffered severe damage. Now the pandemic may have been slow to reach africa but the number of cases is increasing fast jumping by over 50 percent last week there are now almost 24000 confirmed cases across the continent north africa has seen a significant outbreak with hot spots forming in morocco and egypt south africa is worst affected with some 3000 official infections thats all that high number is partly and due to the countrys aggressive testing regime thats critical to retain south africans as health but is stretching labs to the limits. Joining me from cape town is Anna Stockwell hes an Africa Health expert and on trump and yeah he helped pioneer africas 1st hiv treatment rollout inputs lana and hes also advised new mice governments on matches of Health Parity earnest how do you think the continent is teeming with the current if i spend any at this particular moment id have to say the continent is dealing remarkably well we know that treating our way through the current epidemic is not an option for africa weve got too little infrastructure in place too few facilities too few Health Workers too few supplies this country that have you know 3 ventilators for 5000000 people so trying to treat our way through this is not the option we must prevent it ergo the very aggressive lot down measures which are necessary to protect and save lives it does cause complications there because you know we have lots of vulnerable populations in terms of poverty and food and water and things like that but its a very very tricky balancing act that leaders will have to walk it out to to maximally preserve lives while at the same time making sure that their populations are well catered for. If youre going to a mobile app to stop the spread of covert 19 tell us more about that. Yes so basically what the app does is it matches supply and demand we know or dealing in a situation where we have a very scarce resources and you cannot afford to waste these resources in places where theyre not needed so on the demand side this is the population in need we in the app you can screen people on the app and in real time capture their status whether they are keys for covert or whether they are someone who has come into contact with someone who has coopted you can identify them also identify people who are at risk for is out because of diabetes or hypertension or hiv and you know that you can then isolate them to that they dont get infected and then you need to match them up with the facilities that are nearest to them the Health Facilities and to see those facilities are ready do they have enough beds and do they have enough protective equipment do they have enough medications and supplies and so we have the app also then allows us to quickly in real time see what kind of stock the facility as of medications see how many beds they have and also the app allows you to assess the wellness of your workforce since in africa going to be critical to protect our workforce because if they go down the other 1st and really only line of defense so the app allows each worker before they start each day to capture whether theyre feeling well or not theyre not feeling well you cant afford to have them out this critical of it so this way you can test them quickly and make sure that they get support and we maximally preserve this critical workforce that we need urgently in this time of crisis all right thats in a style called health expats talking to us from cape town thank you thank you very much. Now the media watchdog Reporters Without Borders fears the coronavirus pandemic could pose a threat to press freedom around the globe the warning comes as the group publishes its annual press Freedom Index its a list of countries ranked according to how freely their media are allowed to operate throughout the day were speaking to International Activists and journalists to find out about the situation in their countries but 1st a look at how different nations off area. At the bottom of the table are eritrea turkmenistan and north korea Reporters Without Borders classified the lack of press freedom in those countries as very serious sudan is also in that category but last years mass protests that led to the ousting of president Omar Al Bashir have resulted in stronger democratic structures and reduced restrictions for journalists as a result the country ranks 16 points higher on the index than last year countries that made similar improvements include malaysia any theo pia. While poor ratings and given to the west african state of binny and which fell 17 places and haiti down 21. The caribbean nation is struggling with an ongoing political crisis and violent protests in the past year journalist there were repeatedly attacked one was killed. The United States ranks at 45th place this year after 2 years of decline the situation has slightly improved over the last year but Reporters Without Borders cite the u. S. As a warrior example of hatred incited against journalists by elected politicians with verbal and physical attacks against reporters alarmingly frequent terms of actually germany ranks 11th place also up 2 places from last year the main reason for this is a decline in the numbers of attacks against journalists barbara. Borders without borders so theres still concern for the protection of journalistic sources. The countrys ranking highest for press freedom remain in scandinavia denmark finland and norway. Little for sport now in football spanish side barcelona will sell the naming rights to its stadium for the 1st time in its history to raise money for the fight against corona virus also known as camp is one of the most iconic stadiums of all football and has held its name since opening in 1957. Charitable foundation will be tossed out finding a sponsor for the stadium spain has been one of the worst affected countries by the pandemic. This is. When youre up to date a quick reminder that you can get news and features of around the clock thats on our website www dot com and on our app were on twitter at the news from myself and the scene of the topics. Combating the corona pandemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning. Background information and. Our corona. Special and next on do you w

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