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A moment im phil gayle in delhi and this is the day. You know is a great because it should have been told to us it should have been told to us a lot sooner than people knew it was happening and people didnt want to talk about it they had never been a coverup and will never allow a cover up. To some people in the us have accused china of failing to inform the us of the epidemic in a timely manner were going to get to the bottom of it people say im not saying anything im saying people should have told us about this they should have told the rest of the world to. Also on the day German Health minister again seana cautiously announcing some good news amongst all these coronavirus gloom. As of today the outbreak is controllable and. Becoming more controllable germany is doing relatively well managing the epidemic. That makes us humble not overconfident. Relaxes lock down restrictions in who by province and will hand say see we have a coronavirus pandemic is believed to have started germanys Health Minister declared his countrys outbreak is now manageable people are lining up to blame the pandemic come china germanys largest tabloid newspaper built rather helpfully drop an itemized invoice on it youll see a 27000000000. 00 euro charge for last tourism revenue between march and april up to 7200000000. 00 for the german Film Industry a 1000000 euros an hour for German Airline and 50000000000. 00 german Small Businesses makes a grand total of 149000000000. 00 euros give or take build reckons that surround thats about 1000 784. 00 euros per person if germanys g. D. P. Falls by 4. 2 percent the invoice appeared in the paper on wednesday under the title of what china owes us. Chinese embassy he replied the same day saying amongst other things anyone who makes a calculation as you do it build newspapers nationalism prejudice xenophobia and hostility to china for a crisis of this magnitude there is no script no correspondence continued today with every bottle addressed to present pick from the papers editor in chief you didnt write it and im pleased to say that you didnt write it joins us now welcome to the w what were you trying to achieve without 1st article. Well were trying to point out that of course that there is Something Like responsibility for a lot of incidents a Global Health catastrophe like this its a star just like that did and china failed to inform the rest of the world about the magnitude of this break and that is clearly what happened and that has caused severe effects to countries all over the world and thats why we drew up the bill and told. Told basically the Chinese Government that there is a bill to pay and this should be discussed as many people have discussed now a u. S. Secretary of state as going to that the German Foreign minister must has touched on that today so we think we are on to something. And do you mean do you believe that this bill or Something Like if you believe that china will actually pay no of course they will never pay for it as they have never paid for anything for example patents that they have stolen from other countries china or the chinese regime take whatever they wish and not pay the bill for it but that doesnt mean that media what they dont have in their own country and dont allow people to consume of their own country should of write about that and hold them accountable yet youre approach the only way you can the sentiment seem very that would you put it to trump in the way that the President Trump has tended to blame the chinese for this and also when it comes to night so he was also reported to have presented im going to mess with the bill is that its not a comparison you welcome. I dont consider that trump and i just consider it very reasonable and if the president top decides to go into the same direction are still considered reasonable although many people may dislike President Trump you know that china has failed clearly failed to regulate for example when markets in the countries where viruses have some kind of come from for long times if say no to a part of the rest of the world through to the you know in the process as we have the w. H. O. For example about what is coming at us and of course you know that that raises a question of responsibility and accountability and its obvious that a regime like china trust pushed that away but again you know they can do that in their country when they control the people that patrol immediately do not control the wet markets but they control d Everything Else but if they cannot do that in their western countries with free media they should be a lot and i think we will see that debate growth in the next weeks and months and i think it will go well beyond trump and i think countries in europe that are losing a lot of money that are losing hundreds of thousands of millions of jobs right away its a question well response will for this lets start lets talk about a couple of other allegations and you say that this started from the white markets in china wheres your proof. Well as of now as we all know everyone whos in jobs meant reporting knows that china makes it awfully hard to do research on the romans to gather prove all prove ourselves as journalists because journalism is control of this everything is in china but what we see and what china has raised itself is that there is a strong connection between this virus and the wild animal wet markets china closed all of these markets during the outbreak without making any comment on that so i would say you know its awfully hard to prove something in china trying to make sure that that is part of the ox that want to prove it but its way beyond the laws of way beyond reasonable doubt so just to be clear. You say china is responsible for this the Scientific Community says the proof is met is no conclusive proof you have no one but as far as youre concerned the weight of evidence is against china the circumstantial have no that its not no 0 point is that this virus that theres no hope about this comes from want china and you know if it comes from a well market or if it comes from a laboratory of like the Washington Post has indicated it does we know it come from one time and we know that china has not that well community what is coming at us so if it comes from that market or from any other source the point is not that it comes were in china it comes from its that it comes from china and china just saying they not only failed they chose not to ignore the rest of what they chose not to inform the rest of the well ok you said this is something that that that particular allegation is youve made a couple of times you say that china failed to inform the rest of the world im just looking through the embassy the response from the Chinese Embassy they talk about going back as far as december. 31st of last year. They say that the w. H. O. Confirms the timeline that they lay out in their letter to you so where in that is again your proof that they made this information. Well i think you know as journalists you and i shouldnt be trusting what shit the chinese regime says too much or all means that we should never what we have not is not what we are just trust what other people do but what we also should not do with. My snake allegations without proof so again i think 1st of all you know in an interview maybe use that to finish my sentence because i was going that we have talked to for example numerous officials in german of the origins for example is that what caused it to have told us that china chinese officials and the whole separatist they wouldnt answer their phones as i wrote in my letter they were who cited anything else asking about. The action chains whether it was long clear to china that this was that action that goes from one human being to another that for example and that is something that numerous officials have told d us what you consider way more credible than you seem to reserve the origins and letters and your letter saying so if there was this there was this bill in you know in your newspaper the Chinese Embassy responded and then you wrote back to the chinese president xi jinping so in your letter to him you say you want to strengthen china with the plague thats originated in china thats a direct quote its an english translation of the o. Your letter which was in german this is a sentiment that seems to go the conspiracy theories doing the rounds on the internet to be clear are you accusing the chinese of starting but coronavirus pond. Deliberately. Didnt they didnt start deliberately for everything we know right now they just failed to stop and fail to inform the world and i find that to be honest it a little bit a bit disturbing that you call this a Conspiracy Theory when i say it started when china they failed to inform the well another to try to capitalize on it but you know trumping up their propaganda beat of china helping the world well today which is something i think you should be reporting on your program they just had to correct the numbers of deaths in were on and they just made a mistake in their mathematics and calculate it i dont really find that very credible and i dont really see how you make Conspiracy Theory out that its the truth is that china started that deliberately does not say that anywhere on our occasion i would never never make that accusation theres a Conspiracy Theory i made its made there and they have nothing to. Siri those are based on facts and i think those those facts should be mentioned and debated and discussed rather well way more clearly than they are right now good talking to you thank you for joining us union writer and if you dont. Feel germanys Health Minister says the corona Virus Outbreak in his country is now manageable the countrys agency for Disease Control the Robot Institute says the infection rate is forming despite this the country has seen one of europes highest numbers of infections but comparatively low death rates which Officials Say east due to widespread testing in the early stages but its germany moves to ease lockdown measures next week the Health Minister bomb also urged caution. The 1st round of pandemic control measures is coming to an end a gradual relaxation is in the cards but closures social distancing and face masks are set to remain the new normal. Germanys hospitals have i. C. U. Space to spare and they sent 1000 intensive care beds are free possibly more as hospitals nationwide begin complying with a new regulation to inform authorities about their daily capacity Health Minister yet says the Health Care System has at no point been overwhelmed with the host as of today the outbreak is controllable and becoming more controllable germany is doing relatively well managing the epidemic and thats a known fact that makes us humble not overconfident. If there is good reason to be cautious the week has seen a day on day rise in both total cases and deaths thursday recorded the largest single day death toll yet 315 people were reported to have died of the virus nearly 10 percent of germanys total how Many Health Workers may be among the sick and dead no one can say the Health Ministry says those numbers are not tracked but one number that is the reproduction number that shows how quickly cove in 1000 may be spreading in germany the Public Health institute says its now at 0. 7 suggesting the outbreak is slowing down. Thats largely because of the drastic social distancing measures taken to stop it effective treatment let alone a vaccine are still in their early stages something germanys top by rolla just recently called a dream to tell him were not dreaming were working on making it a reality the work is likely to take months of painstaking research and testing in cooperation with the public and private sectors around the world until then germanys government says it will reevaluate the situation every few weeks and adjust precautions accordingly. Political correspondent somebody young can tell us more welcome simon theres been a lot of talk about reproduction numbers this week reports this is not point 7 in germany outline for us why its important. Yeah this reproduction rate is really the number that tells you if the virus is spreading in a controlled way or whether its out of control and anything under one basically a good number so as you mentioned weve heard today germany is now at 0. 7 what that really means is that if you imagine 10 people infected with the virus on average theyre only infecting another 7 people so as those original 10 recover there are only 7 people who are you know coming down with the disease and as time goes by the number is. Less and less you know these this is very positive and if it continues in that way theres reason to believe that you know jim is getting on top of the virus. Despite the infection numbers falling significantly but seeing the mortality rate going up so fewer people becoming infected but more people dying so people must be asking whether the governments assessment of this being under control is perhaps a little too optimistic. Well yes they may be and you know of course all this statistical information you know has to be. Looked at with scientific ois and perhaps not everybody can get their heads round it i would say that the death rate lags behind the infection rate so you know as the infection rate has come down well experts said they expected the death rate to carry on rising you know because people who are dying effectively the people who have been infected some time go you know it could come down even further if the if the infection rate stays low but equally it could go back up so thats why its really important to carry on with the testing and the Contact Tracing that has been credited with you know being really part of germanys very successful response to this crisis so far and to talk about the facemasks neighboring austria has made them compulsory is that likely to happen here. Well theres certainly a lot of talk about that idea because you know it does seem as if these cloth mosques that you can watch and reuse or indeed other kind of reusable mosques that protect all the people if youve got that is easy as you breathe out you you dont spread so much of the virus that really does seem like a good idea the chancellor and the government here in berlin have sort of spoken a. Strong recommendation as the chancellor called it this week for people to do that when theyre out in public on public transport or a in shops but they havent gone as far as you know making it mandatory well one german state saxony has now done that it said you know people outside should wear these mosques and theyre really following on from the experience of a number of german cities where its been in for a few weeks and they have seen a very significant drop in infection rates theres a really does seem if enough people wear these mosques it can be a really effective tool and just talk us quickly through whats going to happen of the next few weeks because we know that social distancing rules will stay but some restrictions are being used from next week. Thats right phil so germanys moved a little bit to ease the restrictions and from monday to smaller businesses up to 800. 00 square metres theres been a bit of argument about why that particular arbitrary size distinction but anyway smaller Retail Businesses can start to open but of course hotels and restaurants have to stay closed people are still advised to observe the social distancing measures and Going Forward from the beginning of may well see a lot of schools beginning to open in a staged way and the government says it will be reviewing the situation every fortnight i think it might be even more often than that to see whether any more easing of the lockdown can happen thank you Political Correspondent simon yeah. Indias population of 1300000000 is halfway through a 6 Week National lockdown the government insists the restrictions a key to breaking the chain of transmission but the battle against coronavirus also seems to have an element of religious prejudice the w correspondent nimish or just well has been to the Northern City of new route to find out why muslims are being accused of staging what some locals say is a corona jihad. 3 more weeks of lock down this is closed district of movement. But these men are fuming about Something Else abdul rashid a shopkeeper in the Northern City of maid at says islamophobia in india is that all time high. Clearly blames the indian media oh yeah corona has a right this is what they say when they see muslims. Theres shouting at us saying here comes corona is this a way to behave so if there is a limit to our patience the discrimination started after an event by the jamaat and islamic sect was recognized as occurred on our wireless hotspot many who attended the gathering in delhi became called 19 carriers across India Several Media Channels were quick to claim that this was a deliberate attempt to undermine india some even alleging corona jihad. These allegations have also had a severe Economic Impact moment if the us would normally travel to different neighborhoods hawking has with some of these were predominantly hindu. Now people refused to let him in so when everyone is turning so away the residents say dont sell food here go back to your own neighborhood. Police are stopping us to beating us down. These muslim vendors can now only sell goods in their own majority muslim neighborhood business has dried up elsewhere in iraq rumors are circulating about malicious intent. Locals who are fighting the ports of multiple incidences of muslims entering neighborhoods and spitting in them to spend the coronal at us residents here are standing guard and barricading gates to prevent this from happening. Even leaders from the ruling b. G. P. Have claimed that members of the beacon jamaat sect have deliberately spread the why if youre. In the year should have been free of coronavirus by now but in denmark but these german members this collective like suicide bombers or these suicide bombers that should place the strictest possible legal action isnt going to god are they should be punished in a way that generations to follow starting up will be too afraid to commit such crimes. The allegations the sect has spread the virus on purpose are still unfounded but fewer and go across communities. But these men their religion has become an added burden during the long lockdown. One of the groups most vulnerable in this pandemic of the homeless south africas presence around the poses problem is that Homeless People will be looked after juror in the lockdown in cape town and that means taking them off the streets and putting them into a camp which Doctors Without Borders says is more likely to spread coronavirus than if theyd stayed where they were the w. s other increase has been to see for themselves. Cape town mayor dennis played to actually wanted to showcase how well the city is dealing with the homeless during the Coronavirus Crisis it has set up shelter for some 1500 people at a sports field on the outskirts of the city the mayor and his staff proudly point ill just go by a body called clinic but the upbeat mood quickly changes when we approach the tenants where the homeless live behind a fence was done a good deal oh god yeah right there was somebody yell out that they are dying there and have to sleep ill join the colts. The police moved in. And weve done up 30 percent of that thats what i think we all know might mean you know and when no one is being hauled against the wall on the wrist. They tell us that you know this i was. Like oh theyre not going to let me go now im going to do that but im not there yet its not enough not enough and the beach was on sorry and you know i think it was you playing the bad thing all to yourself. I dont. 7 really get. That. South africa has introduced one of the toughest lockdowns of the worlds thats why cape town is housing these homeless they live in tents and meals by workers in full protective gear. 2 they would we get a good meal much of only those people who can prove they have a place to stay may leave the heavenly god its cant. Understand these people that will be in the midst of. You. And. That sort of thing. Restoring some of them she says. If you get in. Because they want to come to you they have that spot they call on to unfortunately leave you a lot of these people going want to leave well what do you think what will that mean. At the fence a man asked how many coronavirus cases they are now in the country and how many have died he says that since his arrival he has received any information but we have to leave yes day is over. The mayor said the situation only escalated because of the presence of so many cameras he said normally it would be very calm and journalists would be free to come back to have a look anytime now weve tried for several days to get a permit from the city to get back in but we didnt get any response now we came here again and we were just turned away. Well it was the day the conversation continues online youre honest on twitter as well so so forget users are hostile to the death of a good to. Me. In good shape. Its a delicate subject that makes some people uncomfortable. Hardly bald. And a few ever be embarrassed about it. Diagnoses entrained. The program dedicated to the topic of menstruation. Good shooting. 30 minutes on d w. I was fishing when i arrived here i slept with 6 people in a room. It was hard i was for. I even got white hair. That language. This hits me and they go punch me to instruct say you want to know their story lines are fighting and reliable information for margaret. How does a virus spread. Why do we panic and when will all this. Just through the tactics and the weekly radio show its called spectrum if you would like and the information on the coronavirus or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast so you can get it wherever you go your podcast you can also find us at. Science. Luck to. Discover your concept discover it with both the hopes for. A legend after 100 years its the ideals of the far more relevant today than they were a. 100 years ago visionaries reshaped things to come the fall people understood design is that were shaping society. A powerhouse and thats crossover. With ideas that are part of our future. What makes the us and its. Firing to this very day that somehow hard to. Play. This world our documentary stores made w. This is the dublin years line from germany says its corona virus pandemic is now under control Health Minister says the curve is flattening but warns against overconfidence also on the program. China admits the death toll in blue hand 16 is 50 percent higher than average in the link be pointed the news comes as the countrys economic output drops for the 1st time in nearly 30 years

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