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Reimagine some classics on canvas. I make spicer welcome to the program u. S. President donald trump says healthy americans will be able to get back to work as soon as local conditions of allow trump has set up plans for a phased return to normal daily life in the United States he says the reopening would be done one careful step at a time but he also said that american states free of the virus can open in his words literally tomorrow but my administration is issuing new federal guidelines that will allow governors to take a phased and deliberate approach to reopening their individual states ive dealt with them now a long time and weve had a great relationship democrat and republican the relationship is be. Do strategy is based on hard verify d. And correspondent like some of the nomine joins us from washington for more on this so the american president presented a framework for reopening the American Economy how does it justify that while President Trump argues that its important to reopen the American Economy and that people want to get back to work and that the cure itself cannot be worse than the pandemic so he has argued today that its also important to view hes planned for reopening as a safe way to do so what was very important i think today was that he acknowledged that its not the federal government who has it who decides when to open by then thats up for the governors to decide when there can reopen their states this is a very important step this reopening will be based on certain criteria and there are based on Scientific Data for example at the crease in new cases in that 14 day period of time to also very important and finally what was also important is that this is a racist approach so not everything is opening and once but as president said one careful step at a time youve been following these daily news conferences for a while did you not find he took a bit of a different tone today perhaps more measured or conciliatory. Well he did indeed and that plan that he presented today was quite a reversal from what he was talking about just a few days ago when he said that he as president has total all 30 to order the states to we opened when he declines to talk about criteria for reopening the country and when he also downplayed the role of testing today he was talking about expanding the testing and about the governors who are calling the shots. Ok so trump wants to reopen the economy as soon as possible but how viable is that really while trump said today that the curve has been flattened that peak is behind us but the problem is that experts agree that the u. S. Is still not testing enough there are no its enough testing kits we learned today that 3500000. 00 tests were completed but its just about one percent all for the population and to understand whole scope of their pandemic in the us its really important to have this white threat testing this is crucial for reopening the reopening of the economy and thats still not the case in the us according to experts ok alex hunter phenomena in washington thanks for that. And heres a quick roundup of developments around the world the global number of confirmed corona virus infections has topped 2100000 most who are in europe nearly 150000 people are known to have died new york has extended stay at home restrictions for another month the city is preparing to use empty hotel rooms for quarantine brazils president gyre bolsa now has fired his Popular Health minister after clashes over containing the virus Luis Enrique Mendez favored social isolation both so narrow has played down the threat and the german state of the various says munichs annual october fest beer festival is unlikely to go ahead this year. And staying in germany talk here is also turning to how the lockdown can be gradually eased the crisis has turned the spotlight on societys Unsung Heroes Health Workers supermarket cashier delivery drivers among others as germany starts to move back to normality leaders are highlighting one message that solidarity is more important than ever. An unusual gesture of appreciation. Greetings mr president. This video shows german president to steinmeyer making phone calls to citizens who are working tirelessly during the Coronavirus Crisis the heroes of everyday life these are the people who keep germany going despite the lockdown the calls by the president s office i meant to show solidarity with those on the front line trash collectors nurses caretakers doctors emergency workers. Can do a little bit to ensure that recognition is given to you and your colleagues once normality has returned. Calling. Such a different bush a trash collector from berlin says hes enjoying a level of appreciation hes never experienced before. I think this. Is the most important thing there is the importance of solidarity expression during the quran a pandemic is also underlined by the German Foreign minister and a Video Conference with dozens of his colleagues michael moss had a clear message of cohesion. We know this kind of thing the virus as an International Task and that no country alone will be able to defeat this virus. Ma said germany is backing the World Health Organization and the fight against coronavirus and criticize Donald Trumps decision to stop u. S. Payments to the w. H. O. Which. Remains the dark of our fight against the pandemic so it makes no sense at this time to call into question the competence or the importance of the w. H. O. This is the worst possible moment to do that to undermine that it would be similar to throwing the pilot out of a plane while its in the year would be completely irresponsible. Even as germany is slowly preparing to ease corona restrictions the Global Pandemic is far from over. Lets have a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world. China has recorded its sharpest economic slump in decades as factories shops and transport closed down because of the virus production fell by nearly 7 percent in the 1st 3 months of this year biggest contraction since the 19 170. 00 s. Chinas exports are also likely to drop. Bangladesh says it has rescued nearly 700 starving injure refugees who have been drifting for weeks at sea in an overcrowded fishing Officials Say they were trying to reach malaysia at least 2 dozen people died during the voyage. 3 astronauts who spent months aboard the International Space station have begun their journey back to earth the 2 nasa astronauts and one russian left the i assessed on friday and are expected to touchdown in kazakstan. Indias 1300000000 people are halfway through a 6 Week National lockdown the government insists the restrictions are the key to breaking the chain of transmission but the battle against the virus has also a religious dimension. Correspondent Michelle Jaiswal has traveled to the Northern City of beirut to find out why muslims are being blamed for what some locals are calling corona jihad. 3 more weeks of lockdown businesses closed of restrictive movement. But these men are fuming about Something Else abdul rashid a shop people in the Northern City of me that says islamophobia in india is at an all time high. He squarely blames the indian media. Corona has arrived this is what they say when they see muslims. Theyre beating us here shouting at us saying here comes corona is this a way to behave so if there is a limit to our patience the discrimination started off to an event by the tbilisi jamaat and islam except it was recognised as occurred on our wireless hotspot many who attended the gathering in delhi became called 19 carriers across India Several Media Channels were quick to claim that this was a deliberate attempt to undermine india some even alleging corona jihad. These allegations have also had a severe Economic Impact moment if the us would normally travel to different neighborhoods hawking has with some of these were predominantly hindu 6. Now people refused to let him in so when everyone is turning so away the residents say dont sell food here go back to your own neighborhood. Police are stopping us to beating us down. These muslim vendors can now only sell goods in their own majority muslim neighborhood business has dried up elsewhere and mirror rumors are circulating about malicious intent. Locals here are citing the ports of multiple incidences of muslims entering neighborhoods and spitting in them to spend the code on our wireless residence here a standing guard and barricading gates to prevent this from happening. Even leaders from the ruling b. G. P. Have claimed that members of the beekeeper mott sect have deliberately spread the wireless. Should have been free of coronavirus by now but these members this collective like suicide bombers form these suicide bombers that should face the strictest possible legal action and they should be punished in a way that generations to follow starting up will be too afraid to commit such crimes here. The allegations the sect has spread the virus on purpose are still unfounded but fewer and go across communities. For these men their religion has become an added burden during the long lockdown. And all the stay at home orders and force around the world many in isolation have been given creative some of been using the time to reproduce works of art heres a look at what one russian Facebook Group is doing. Fly into a painting from the old bad. Sink into the tragedy of malays ophelia the thing greedy and its from your kitchen. From ed 5 monk to michelangelo social media uses a giving classics a quarantine make over. The russian Facebook Group is. Isolation started as a challenge between friends and moscow just a few weeks later it has nearly half a 1000000 members from all over the wells. No one expected such a huge reaction thats for sure the group grew so quickly right away people are really taking time for this going through our books looking at the websites of International Museums to find the right picture for themselves and their families through. The roof of the group a simple easy. Classic like this Leonardo Da Vinci painting take the photo at home and use props that you happen to have lying around in quarantine photoshop is not allowed. Just really i decided to take paul to meow tyson nation project because im sick of my cat and shes sick of me. We have a prayer why do i take part in this project because it is uniquely wildly joyful and it gives everyone positive emotions it gives you a break from the difficult situation we are all in. Various religious and churches. Used to say many of the recreate ins are a spontaneous thing but some people have been so in customs and getting the whole family involved including that. Now there are around 2000 new posts every day according to the page administrators each one is a glimpse into how self isolation can sometimes open up new doors or draws to creativity. Fun during a crisis people around the world are supporting Health Workers applauding them from balconies offering free food or literally going the extra mile like this. World war 2 veteran captain tom moore has raised 17000000. 00 euros for the British National Health Service the 99 year old completed 100. 00 laps of his garden attracting hundreds of thousands of donations. And this is to give you news in berlin you can get all the latest news on our website dot com its priced. Stand for. The language courses. Anytime anywhere. W. Visitors

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