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Based in the worlds coldest regions. Right to the very south of our planet lies antarctica the continent of snow and ice. In 1911 the norwegian Roald Amundsen became the 1st person ever to reach the south pole the last region of earth that was still unexplored and uninhabited by humans. In 195912 nations signed the antarctic treaty pledging to use the beach and only for peaceful purposes and particularly for scientific research. Today there are around 80 research stations in the antarctic used by 4000 scientists from all over the world so we wanted to know what its like to spend months in the cold and ice and so we headed there starting at the airports close to the russian post. Research station. Red sky at. Antarctica from the air. On board this aircraft are scientists from 10 different countries. Theyll be spending the polar summer doing their research here. This year the team from bella bruce is especially large. Billow says would be a program for science and city girl a just cause more earned. A few zips and now we build and go a station. India has also sent a large team. Members will be making their way to the countries to Antarctic Research stations. To study is there. Together what we. Are studying so it does not amount to so on a commission of all the dirt but we will be having that plan what are the conditions of the. Example and it is a big. Nearly all of antarctica if covered in ice. Need to lend coke comes from russia he works at the noble lands i read stay in station close to the airport. Hes a veteran researcher like most of the russians here he started working in the polar regions during the soviet era. To prevent illegal. My. Look my daughter. Was 8 months if you staying. Having been observing the environment for many years the researchers have been able to monitor the changes taking place. No. Change. One subject of interest involves lunar observations its well known that the moons gravity effects ocean tides but its effect on weather has not yet been well explained. The russian team cooperate with the says small adjusts of the german on my research station. 700 kilometers away. A few visitors come here the noir maya station is after all in a very remote location. Youll safina struck a man and his quad a study the earths Magnetic Field and measure the strength of our earth quakes theyre not the only ones researchers from several other nations conduct similar work still the Scientists Say theres nowhere near enough exploration under way on antarctica. Antarctica is still a fundamentally unexplored continent thats why there are actually too few stations to collect data on the. Market agrees he heads the noisy maya stations air chemistry observatory hes worried about the rise in the percentage of c o 2 in the antarctic atmosphere. Hes also concerned that the untouched southern continents could fall victim to economic exploitation. Bus pass yes its hard to say what will happen and how things will develop especially if some areas become ice free and amazing Raw Materials are nursed. By hudson 4 years ago the antarctic treaty was agreed and extended but. I see that as a good sign that it will continue to go in this direction just as it does that we still why dont you be a good step back leads the research team. The work done here is purely scientific anything else would be forbidden in accordance with the antarctic treaty that the International Community create 2 in 1959. Inspect their regular unannounced inspections to take place at the stations. So to this point there havent been any conflicts. But considering World History one can only hope that the intentions remain purely scientific the. One big draw for researchers that is the emperor penguins. The scientists want to examine the animals breeding behavior in order to predict possible threats caused by climate change. International researchers share their results with each other. People always talk about the antarctic family all the conflicts that exist elsewhere in the world for by the wayside everyone helps each other and people try to get along at times under truly inhospitable conditions its nice to see that in spite of all the bad news in the world it can really work. Successful collaboration on the most sparsely populated continent on earth. While some research is a busy in the antarctic others focus their energy on happiness asking what people really need to live contented lives money lots of money but there are other important factors stable relationships good Health Educational qualifications and a job that matches ones skills gap in a sexperts have long been interested in where the happiest people live the uns World Happiness report norway and denmark rating high and finland topping the list for the 2nd year running. Meanwhile features for the town but the small nation in the eastern himalayas has its own very special relationship with happiness. Pretty good. This is a master class a. Navigation there is no autopilot no radar just pure flying skill if youve been spotted its an ability to very narrow when. You do not have much spoke with make up and then the very least bending and it is turning in when doing its will see you have like you flat a little bit in the william. The foot actually did hear over the opening in. The pilot tells us that it takes time to learn to navigate the terrain the pilots orientate themselves using buildings monasteries and the landscape in general a little luck never hurts when flying into baton every landing is different but these professionals know what they are doing. All of this entire thing and it will be. Every bit of list that if you. Return is different its the only country in the world where welfare is measured not in terms of Gross Domestic Product but by Gross National happiness. Anyone who wants to find out more about this should be ready to wear traditional dress and thats how we got into the government quarter in the capital the former monastery and fortress is now government headquarters we were advised to bring a gift for our host a bottle of whiskey properly wrapped. Perhaps thats another path to happiness sound economics is also important for. All countries. In the uk is what we also see is we have to ensure that. When. It does that the course of play environment culture and tradition if the policy because this. Is back to the immediacy the Happiness Commission the think tank can be nerve center of the government whatever takes place in these halls of bureaucracy is aimed at achieving one thing collective happiness according to the constitution at least 60 percent of putins land must be forested return absorbs more Carbon Dioxide than it produces the only country in the world to do so. Compared to other countries the turn is poor but well educated a pillar of happiness education is free and standards are high. To outsiders the nation might look like an Outdoor Museum but on the inside its a society that protects and treasures its culture but is everyone in bhutan really happy for you as you go are all different people are you happy. You shouldnt be. Mixing but if you do you need to look at. That as. We have. To sort of do you consider that. Were much. Of it. Every few years the Happiness Commission asks the public how happy they are the last poll indicated around 75 percent of. Our indeed happy. Today is one of them. We could have 2 rights harvests a year but theres no need once enough we just dont need more were happy with that they allow the most. Capitalists would despair here maximizing profit is a foreign concept so is stress. Indeed the country has its own rhythm when protege announces that dinner is ready. Many common running 3 generations live under one roof of course people in many parts of the world see togetherness as being important but here it actually happens. Why should we leave this place the house the fields our parents gave all of this to us will pass it on to our own children we have work we have food were all happy since. Her husband likes to chew on a rican not wrapped in a bacon leaf in his garden its a mild stimulant which could also be a factor in happiness. Is about the size of switzerland with around 800000 inhabitants tourism is spots that could be in an attempt to control influences from abroad but is that control a good thing in the long run smartphones are everywhere what previously was far away is now locals fingertips and the outside world can be tempting with all it has to offer. Where the young people are happy and whether they will stay will decide the countrys future. Put as a mystical powerful but ists believe in the close relationship we have with the universe and astrology. To the modern that its like math we calculate subtract multiply the stars tell us if it will be a good day whether we should do things or leave well enough alone thats how we determine happiness on a scale of one to 10 i write myself an 8 and thats only because there are some things that we all have to endure like illness and. Given that you do. So happiness does have its limits theres also no guidebook to follow on becoming happy not even here in the land of happiness in bhutan. Helping others is another way to boost your happiness levels in this weeks global ideas we meet a young entrepreneur from south africa doing exactly that his aim is to revolutionize the countrys overstretched housing situation in the townships of johannesburg where he grew up poverty is a big problem coupled with an acute shortage of places for people to live. I the township of soweto lies just south of johannesburg formerly a home to miners the region now has around 4000000 residents no one knows the exact number. Most live in corrugated sheet metal shocks and thats just what young entrepreneur london wants to change he wants to have lots of brick houses built 50000 homes in needed in the johannesburg metropolitan area. So most of them prefer to live in its origins because its cheaper to live there when youre ready. To move forward. So this creates an opportunity for us to actually create a world where the event. Starts. In a manner orderly. Many South Africans could never afford to buy a home of their own so they rent shacks in other peoples backyards all crammed together side by side. Is a selftaught brick layer while building it out building in the backyard of his parents home he got an idea to replace corrugated metal shacks with brick houses his customers other people who own the land they pay for the building in monthly installments using the rent they receive from the tenants while the. Tenants themselves get to live in a better home plus the whole thing is more environmentally friendly as the houses are made of special bricks so theyre more like almost like theyre walking so because. Youre sure you have a different. Sort of cut your burden caused by up to 30 percent. Unsecured still live what youre trying to prove with this. Youre going to youre the. Have to put a roof. Plan lets you know who makes his bricks out of construction waste so he doesnt need to use sound that also means the bricks dont have to be fired in a kiln which saves on energy because the Building Blocks are interlocking the pressure of their own weight is sufficient to make the wall strong unstable its an unusual way to build but its less of a burden on the environment than traditional masonry. Building metal. When it comes to bricks as busy when you tell them that you only use them and. So having to have a pilot this is kind of like. People because they can touch and feel and its now more convincing than even interested in it in which. This man was also interested and happy to learn more so than the c. B. S. Is among the 1st tenants to move into one of the brick houses the 35 year old comic onic has been living in a backyard for 6 years until recently in a metal shock but not anymore now he has a proper home he used to pay about 35. 00 euros a month now he pays 40 he thinks its worth it. Actually very very very p. P. Course if youre staying in the casting in that role say being. A human being actually staying in their home you feel more confident when. Building rubble is a major environmental problem in the impoverished districts of johannesburg Many Companies just dump their waste in the townships to avoid paying disposal fees. C. B. S. Knows this all too well every day dozens of trucks come to her neighborhood to illegally dump building waste for more prosperous areas this bothered her a lot until it inspired her to become an entrepreneur now shes founded a startup that process is waste. So because a lot of people do it ways to move a raise in their college but then we take responsibility with the least and the they have visited roads with their waste we compost it we also send it distribute it to organization that make you Service Organizations flight landed to House Building company. Or to startups plan to work together. To know who could use the plentiful building rubble for his environmentally friendly bricks. Now the 2 are working on ways to crush the waste and transported to the construction sites they hope to get started soon. Though we are working out how we can make unique. And use their raw material for making bricks with. And then it can be actually more profitable on the side and they actually help hire more people because then you will need people who are going to make bricks and people are going to separate their waste encrusted with. More than 3000000 public least. Subsidized homes have been built in south africa in the past 25 years even so the government has failed to meet the need for a new housing plan little over says that many who came to johannesburg hoping for a better life are now living in worse housing them before theyre exactly the people he wants to help and not just by building new homes for them he has many more ideas for the future. With one of them over plans to actually. Live here youre going to actually brood all sorts of so we can replace all the. Skills and also training them to prove their own houses. Which one are moving to another one being the root of all that is the stuff of the future right now each building is a major financial risk for london and his start up hes only been able to complete 3 homes with environmentally friendly products so far 3 more are under construction but hes been inundated with requests for more. Youll find more Inspiring Stories on d. W. Women our Facebook Page there you can learn about women determined to make a real difference and change the status quo d. W. Women gives a voice to the women of our world. This weekend global living rooms we visit a family in columbia. Roy and have him by name hello welcome my name is loose mary and this is my home please come in that. Its a me this is our living room and this is our motorbike. Think with that standing here because we dont have a garage. I will fill them in barrels in the motorbike is really important for our family because its our main mode of transport. That we also use it to transport things to other villages. And we didnt look here are a few photos of momentos and the painting and our beloved virgin of guadalupe where her figure stands in the living room because our lady is part of our belief. And thats very important to us you also we believe that she protects our home and helps to ensure that everything remains with her money and. That the rule up at the thought that not only. They dont follow me. Here is the area where we watch t. V. And relax yawn. And. Eat anymore and here is the hub of our home the kitchen. I am yummy valerian we drink it and tea form its about to boil the herb spawns have a very calming effect we. Got the name on that and this is our bedroom. We sleep here. But lets go outside now. This is the most important and also the nicest part of our home because its refreshing out here. We sit down here and chat. And eat here and we enjoy the fresh air and being surrounded by trees. Plants full. Of born as. We hang out the washing here because this storm. That that the thanks for the visit by i hope you liked our home come again at any time youre always welcome what about how the air. But i was a bit old but i thought the. Next week were in rwanda where heavy rains destroying harvests more and more often resulting in frequent Food Shortages in villages now farmers are learning new methods of growing crops to make their fields less vulnerable to the elements. Thats all from us this week do send us your comments right to global 3000 i d w dot com check us out on facebook. By finale. Whats the secret behind this classic. Music for sound. Or the story behind the music his for the ages richest. Cause. Champions knights symphony for the world. He says teen minutes on d w. Italy during the corona crisis. Reporters braved the lockdown. Churning through abandon cities. Where public life has come to a halt. And they meet people who are free and full of worries. Hope things will be after the crisis. In 90 minutes on d w. Has a virus spread. Why do we panic and when will all this. Just 3 of the topics covered and the weekly radio show is called spectrum if you would like any information on the clone a liar or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast so you can get it wherever you can get your podcast you can also find us at dot com one slash science. Are we alone its a fundamental question of humanity trying to figure out whether or not. Life existed on mars pretty clear water was there quite abundance well that would be and so on mars the atmosphere is 100. 00 of what we have here on earth its very very cold at the fast its like at dark you could imagine bringing some supplies and you know you do them to build a little selfcontained press. Vehicle or vessel which is being on the surface there are things like oxygen that you can harvest from the atmosphere to help make living possible. If you want to think of humanity if we really want to survive or ever were going to have to move off the earth eventual am i know that seems a little crazy but youve got to start somewhere. This is g. W. News live from berlin tonight the question before much of the world is now the time to start listing the coronavirus bloc down here in germany with the Easter Holiday weekend now over the countrys most Prestigious Science academy is recommending a start to lifting of those restrictions also coming up tonight navigating the corona crisis we take a look at the app developed in kenya its now being used around the world to help cope with the pandemic and a landmark anniversary spits in

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