Transcripts For DW DW News Corona Special 20240713

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Prime minister get well soon Boris Johnson is in intensive care after his coronavirus symptoms worsened over the weekend. Had of his welcome to the program when can the world start to unlock its coronavirus lockdowns with the virus still spreading it might not seem to be the right moment to ask that question but denmark is starting to do just that its government has announced that it will begin lifting restrictions after easter albeit very slowly for about 4 weeks its been quiet on the streets of denmark now the restrictions on public life are to be dialed down people in copenhagen have mixed feelings. I think its too early. This is their personal my opinion its the right thing to do im not worried that its too soon for what it means of course there is discussion of whether infections will rise but i think its a good move. The biggest step is the reopening of kindergartens in schools after easter but only certain classes an age groups will be allowed back Strict Home Office rules for private Sector Workers are also being relaxed the governments reasoning for the move the number of covert 19 patients in hospitals is beginning to fall or so newsman to them is the message from our Health Ministry is that it is reasonable and appropriate to begin a controlled reopening of the country. But it comes with conditions that we all continue to keep our distance while i was there wash our hands him and avoid groups of people performing means denmarks borders will remain closed until at least the 10th of may and the ban on lodge of vents and festivals will stay in place until the end of august. Reporter peter joins us now for more peter how is denmark able to get the this outbreak under control so quickly. Well a number of factors definitely played into this i mean one is was demarcus was very quick to react it had its 1st case reported on february 27th and it already started shutting down basically the country around 11th of march a Daycare Center schools restaurants cafes everybody was ordered to stay home and work from home gatherings over 10 people were not allowed heavy fines were passed on to everyone who broke the rules. Heavy travel restrictions were also put in place and its close its borders as well it also has a very high level of testing last week that was about 2000 has heard day its really expanded to ramp that up so its now also including testing for people with mild symptoms and Health Authorities have said that they expect to be able to test around 15000. 00 people around easter the result of that that weve seen under 5000 infections in the entire country so far only 203. 00 dead which compared to most other countries is there a very low and a mortality rate of under 4 percent now compare that to italy which has over 12 percent the u. K. That has over 10 or france that has over 8 so those are some of the reasons that denmark was able to get this under control in a way that a lot of other countries have not been so convincing figures that are coming from. A lot of other governments will now be looking to them to try and copy this and says how likely is that it is going to work elsewhere. Its a great question i have to say demarc is in a very privileged position i mean its a very affluent country has one of the worlds best best functioning Health Care Systems universal health care which means that everyone has coverage and theres also a high level of trust in government which means that when the government asked their citizens to do something most people stick to listen and stick to the rules peter thank you very much for that analysis thank you so do you finance ministers have been holding Coronavirus Crisis talks by Video Conference as the bloc tries to stave off a looming recession theyve agreed to work to finalize a rescue plan for Member States worst hits by the virus on the table is a safety net worth half a trillion euros according to markets and the head of the socalled euro group of eurozone finance ministers are deep divisions about the best way to cushion the inevitable economic blow caused by the pandemic i think outside of the box that is what Council President michel told eurozone finance ministers this appears to be the result 3 potential measures to breathe life into europes a virus hit economy. First the e. U. Adapts its bailout fund with a firepower of 410000000000. 00 europes debt pot saved greece during the financial crisis secondly an extra 200000000000. 00 euros in loans for small and Medium Sized Companies from the European Investment bank. And finally a short time work scheme suggested by the e. U. Commission worth 100000000000. 00 euros it would encourage companies to cut workers hours not their jobs. Hearted nations such as spain and italy welcome the idea but they say they need more socalled corona bonds a new type of public debt instrument backed by the euro zone so far germany austria finland and the netherlands strongly oppose the idea but Financial Experts going to come both tells me the positions on mutual is debt have been softening so this should not be seen as a backdoor entrance for a fiscal union because if it is that i think it would be not acceptable to the north of europe i mean the north of europe does not want a Permanent Transfer union to be created so it needs to be in a sense temporary and targeted to the coronavirus cost but if that is achieved i think joint debt issuance should be feasible french finance minister lemaire already floated the idea for a common you found and dutch Prime Minister hood also has a plan 1. 00 offering grants to those in need rather than a known plenty of material for an outside the box solution whatever is agreed by the finance ministers goes to e. U. Leaders for another Video Conference later in the month. Well leaders have been sending messages of support to britains Prime Minister Boris Johnson who is in intensive care suffering from the coronavirus germanys chancellor Angela Merkel wish johnson much strength and a speedy recovery while u. S. President donald trump said all americans were praying for johnsons recovery the Prime Minister has been hospitalized in london since the weekend after testing positive for corona virus nearly 2 weeks ago his office says johnson is not on a ventilator and does not have pneumonia foreign minister dominic robb is deputising for him where necessary. Now the overall death toll in the u. K. Is now more than 6000. 00 according to the department of health that puts the force in the world after italy spain and france lets cross over to the one in charge of parts in london joel what is the latest on the condition of the Prime Minister. Well Boris Johnson has been brought to san Thomas Hospital just across the river from downing street on sunday night its one of the best hospitals in the United Kingdom and he went in for routine testing because yet those persistent symptoms of the virus a high fever and a cough youve been self isolating in downing street for 10 days and we last saw him last thursday when he was clapping for the National House service and he did not look good then so when he went to the hospital there were some tests done and his condition even worse and he received some oxygen support and was then moved to the intensive care unit just in case he needs ventilation downing street says so at the moment hes not on a ventilator he does not have pneumonia this is what downing street tells us but hes being closely monitored and hes 55 we know that he said other than that and in a Good Health Condition he didnt have this thing conditions but of course this disease can reputably worsen and we thought were leaders today wishing him well wishing him a speedy recovery including also the queen and the royal family not only to him but also to his fiance who has had symptoms off the virus and who is pregnant with his child which she is expecting in the early summer so the Prime Ministers admissions in terms of secretary Robert Jobson have more about him and the role he will now have to play. So this was decided in the beginning of the crisis rather jokingly from downing street that should the Prime Minister become incapacitated dominic robb the foreign minister would take over now this has happened dominic robb is fairly new to government he is a. Supporter and that is why Boris Johnson brought him on to his government he has not been very popular in this crisis lets say because he was very slow in bringing british british people home from abroad and the response was very slow there from his side and he will now have a very tough job at hand hes only deputizing we hear he has a cabinet which is divided weve heard very mixed messages coming out of government over the past 10 days while Boris Johnson was isolating so that clearly has been a lack of leadership already and dominic rob will have to work with that right now today weve been also hearing should dominic rob become incapacitated there is a plan c. Lets say and that would be. The finance minister who would then take over. Briefly because theres been some criticism on the role of testing performed by medical whats the state of the conscience responds to the one of our results right well its been slow and the peak is about to come in about a week or so doctors and nurses are already at their breaking point and the hospitals are filling up quickly there are several makeshift hospitals thats been built but the question really is will there be enough to treat all those patients and you mentioned the death toll is rapidly rising so really an ongoing crisis here in the United Kingdom. In london thank you. In australia Cardinal George pell has walked free from prison after the high court overturned his convictions for child sex abuse pal who was once a senior figure in the vast and was serving a 6 year jail term but have maintained his innocence lost and Rome Pope Francis didnt mention by name although he made a remark about the process persecution of innocent people images that spark a vindication or hopelessness after 405 days in custody Cardinal George pell walks free from ministry in prison into a monastery a decision felt acutely by sexual abuse survivors. Im just now not. In any earth are you now. And. Its its he. Really. It was a year ago that the cardinal was convicted of sexually assaulting 2 choir boys in the 1990 s. Making it the most high profile case of alleged historical sex abuse to rock the Roman Catholic church the cardinal has always maintained his innocence. The whole idea of sexual abuse is abhorrent to me in a statement he says he holds no ill will to his accuser stressing that he does not want his acquittal to add to the hurt and business so many feel his supporters in the church say theyve always believed in his innocence. My own sense. And understanding of the man. Was when he said he was innocent i accepted that but also accepted the processes of the courts has come to its conclusion. The decision came from a strongly as highest court marking the end of a complex 3 year legal battle there were no celebrations from the vatican but at mass on tuesday the popery called the persecution that jesus suffered. I would like to pray for all those who suffer unjust sentences resulting from persecution and he. Further work a white spells lawyers as a number of civil suits are seeking compensation for his alleged failure to protect children from pedophiles. And thats it from me the news to stay tuned now for covert 19 special coverage with monica jones thats optics remember you can always get the latest headlines on the d. W. I. Our website thats t w dot com and do follow us on twitter on instagram infuse old over the 2 so im going to have it all 1st in of carolyn golf well have a news update for you at the top of the. Combating the corona pandemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning. Background information and news. Our corona. With 19 special next on d w. How does a virus spread. Why do we parent and when will all this is. Just 3 of the topics covered and weekly radio show is called spectrum if you would like any information on the crown of irish or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast you can get it wherever you go your podcast you can also find us at dot com. Science. Health care systems around the wells are under stress what more patients are seeking treatment pushing hospitals to the brink of collapse but if you look closely there are differences in the u. S. Health care is largely privatized in an effort to cut costs many hospitals have reduced staff and stretched resources that are now urgently need it many clinics are overwhelmed the same goes for countries. Like italy and spain which were burdened with severe austerity measures after the last financial crisis state run Health Care Systems on the other hand are proving to be more robust to deal with the crisis some experts say in many countries this has sparked a discussion about whether health care should be a public good run by the state or a business model. This is your covert 900 special in d w news i want to get jones and bill im good to have you with us now lets agree money cant buy you everything but it can give you a better chance of survival if you can afford a private Health Insurance chances are you get to see your doctor sooner than someone on National Health its not fair but it is what it is but how does it work in a crisis like the coronavirus pandemic and a moment well talk to the c. E. O. Of germanys biggest private hospital operator but 1st this report. The patients just keep on coming the coronavirus outbreak is testing the limits of hospitals all over the world demand for beds for spiritual equipment protective gear and workers continues to search many for the medical professionals have been called back on duty like qualified doctor the irish Prime Minister as you know rejoined medical register there last month and. Setting aside really the one session a week about half a day a week so far its just been a telephone click the virus which is infected politicians celebrities and Business Leaders is often described as indiscriminate but as hospital staff get to work in a quality rains. Poorer people are more likely to catch the disease and theyre more likely to die from it thats led to cause for a lifting of the barriers for example between public and private hospitals in spain one of the countrys worst hit by the crisis become and has ordered private clinics to share resources with the public system australia has pushed through similar measures. In germany meanwhile some private clinics have reportedly applied for Government Support to compensate for the cancellation of lucrative procedures. But they simply arent a priority right now. For more im joined now by the c. E. O. Frizzy a Global Health care group with more than 200 set 90000 employees in more than 100 countries and here in germany is also the largest hospital operator welcome stephanie good to have you with us tell me how are your Hospital Holding up in this health crisis. Were going to differentiate between the situation in germany and japan we have 86 hospitals in germany where were still waiting for a large wave of corona patients to arrive on the other hand we have 44 hospitals across spain werent particularly in the hot spots in madrid and barcelona we have had more than our fair share of patients to deal with right how how big a role of it it feels awful to talk about money in such a situation but how big a role does money play when it comes to providing good health care. Well we have to see that the fatality rate in germany is substantially lower than the one that we are seeing elsewhere but i do believe that 1st and foremost that has to do with quite a few issues that happen outside the hospital. So when it comes to the amount of testing that were doing that denominator in that fatality ratio germany has done substantially more as far as i can see than most of the countries but also when we look at the numerator i believe that in germany the potion population on average is substantially younger than elsewhere a key reason for this may actually be a cultural difference where i think it is more. Towards the german culture to keep the natural social distance relative to what we can observe in italy and its banks. And it comes to the money the Capital Allocation to a Hospital System than i do believe. That germany is a bit better equipped than what we are seeing elsewhere and as far as our own hospitals are concerned we have invested quite heavily in the past and we can now also afford to shift resources within this Large Network where they are needed right as as you just mentioned about shifting resources you are you do run private hospitals and private hospitals thats in the nature of the need to be profitable is that a problem now given thats treating covered 9000 patients is very time and very cost consuming. No and this is not the time to think about market share gains or profitability this is the time to think about how we can best help the society and it was mentioned a bit earlier on yes the Spanish Government has drawn on resources to help out and we saw more than happy to do that. I believe that yes whilst were still waiting in germany for. Actually were not waiting but no we havent seen a large wave of corona patients yet and therefore in many of our hospitals where we have followed the ministers appeal to delay in the elective surgery yes we are seeing in on the utilization of capacity but that is obviously absolutely fine we got to see through this crisis now and Everything Else is going to be taken care of afterwards that is definitely a an almost luxury position to be in the one that you describe here in terminal spittles as you mentioned that so far Germanys Health system managed to keep the number of covert 9000 related deaths fairly low 7 in comparison to other countries but the number of cases keeps rising now as the c. E. O. Of germanys biggest hospital operates how worried are you that maybe e. U. Will not be able to cope with the influx of patients and and have to make hard decisions. This has been a very very Dynamic Development that frankly has beat not so my expectation so i will be cautious with making definitive statements but at the same time. Germany has had the luxury of being somewhat late to this and therefore we have had the opportunity to learn quite a bit from what worked in other countries as an aside we have also had quite a number of volunteers in our german Hospital System to go down to spain and help out our colleagues over there and those who are returning now have a real Life Experience as to how we can better deal combat this crisis nobody derives truly arrives here in germany right stefan storm c. E. O. Frizzy news thank you so much for your time and all the best to you and certainly for your medical staff in the coming days and weeks thank you stay healthy. And now lets get some more answers to your questions remember that you can keep them coming in on you tube on facebook and twitter or via email the science journalist Deron Williams stands ready to provide some answers. Was germany better prepared for the pandemic than other countries. Throughout this pandemic the number of fatalities in germany has remained remarkably lower than that and other countries only between one and 2 percent of the people who tested positive for covert 19 here have so far died from the disease thats a lower case fatality rate than almost any other country tenser the question germany appears to have been better prepared than many other countries in one key way the number of acute care beds here is very high there are more than twice as many of them per capita as there are and european neighbors like france or italy i dont think any country was really well prepared for a covert 19 but germanys reaction to it looks to have made a significant difference and in how many people it will probably kill here. The u. S. And the u. K. Were supposedly well prepared for this kind of emergency but theyre seeing a lot of infections and fatalities why. Thats a tough question because so many factors appear to be contributing to how effective countries are and grappling with this disease dont forget the situation is unprecedented and were still in the middle of the pandemic its way too close to fast changing events to be able to really say country a this writing country b. Got that wrong that said one thing in particular has seemed to play a pivotal role in slowing the spread of the disease in some countries and thats early widespread testing as weve heard over and over again you cant fight what you can see right so both the u. S. And u. K. Got off to quite slow starts when it came to testing because Health Care Systems they are reliant on. Tests from a single government source and those government sources didnt respond very rapidly and so despite getting top marks for their Health Care Systems and reports like the Global Health security and its a structural aspect of how the u. S. And u. K. Were set up to deal with a possible pandemic might now be making a big difference in the overall numbers. Did a Derek Williams and hell be back of course tomorrow to answer more of your questions for now that was our 900 special im going to jones in berlin for more on the pandemic to check out our social Media Channels and a website that is g w dot com where we have information on covert 19 and more than 30 languages. Now we would like to leave you with a story that shows we really are all in this together. At a hospital in taiwan people wait in line to make donations to help italy and its fight against the coronavirus a so far donated more than 3000000. 00 u. S. Dollars to the relief effort its a way of showing their gratitude to italian priests who helped build hospitals in taiwan after the 2nd world war the funds were used to purchase much needed medical supplies to cope with 1000 stricken areas and its only. Take on. Me in the us on the grass. News its a kind of culture walk to me a sign me a phenomena. I know family among all evil. On. And. They become the tone of us. They can adapt. And manipulate. In some cases humans and technology are being urged. Forms of Artificial Intelligence and how theyre changing our society the big reset the people we go. In 45 minutes believe. But. All of a mug or just love our food for the russian soldiers. So many different walks of life some are. Oddly tried but all of them come straight from the heart looking for a c. E. O. Who can afford. To lose the marshall. Arm. Of the world to their final resting place the russians on w documentary. On you must. Give you pork in a muslim

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