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Enough to fight against the pandemic surprises the doctors and nurses on the front lines and urges her country to tackle the crisis with results. And German Developers work on a new app that i use to warn people if theyve had contact with someone whos just a positive for the virus is privacy at stake. Also on the show i will take you to nicaragua and Central America where football is still being played just fight the coronavirus bringing the sport to watch pulse around the World Football is awarded about flying during a pandemic but a fierce house full and on deaf ears. Im tired very glad you could join me british Prime Minister Barak Johnson has been admitted to hospital 10 days after testing. Possibly for the corona virus johnson has been in self isolation but continues to have symptoms including a High Temperature he was taken to hospital for tests on the advice of his doctor downing street says the admission is a precautionary measure and not an emergency. Of course there are lots of questions about Boris Johnsons health right now with me here is d w reporter whos been following the story told do we know how serious condition actually is well its serious enough that downing street says johnson has to stay in hospital overnight hes still there as far as we know they insist it is only for tests because of those persistent symptoms now johnson 1st tested positive for the corona virus about 10 days ago and on friday he released a video in which he sounded ross be any ill and he said that he still had a fever well johnson at 1st had quite a cavalier attitude towards coronavirus and social distancing lets have a listen to what he had to say just a month ago we do i can tell you that i hope ive im shaking hands can do drugs or i was a whole school the other night i think there are a few there are actually if you credit cards of patients and i sure cant deliver a body youll be pleased to know that i continue to shape turns and i think its very important that we get people who can make up their own mother. Well johnsons governments been criticized for its response to the coronavirus at 1st they said they wanted to let its bread and they refused to bring any kind of restrictions on trade or travel then they instituted lockdowns but with very mixed messaging the left people confused and even today front line workers say they dont have enough protective equipment and not enough tests are being done the latest bungle is that a set of home test kits millions of test kits which was supposed to help turn the situation around appear to be ineffective and the u. K. Is among the top 10 worst affected countries in the world for coronaviruses rights bara sponsons in hospital whos in charge of the British Government while hes there downing street says johnson remains in charge the u. K. Doesnt actually have an official deputy Prime Minister however the foreign secretary dominic robb will be taking over from johnson he will be chairing some meetings on monday as far as we know now johnson is only one of several senior members of the u. K. Government whove been affected by coronavirus symptoms others include the Health Secretary not hancock who has since recovered but as well some of johnsons senior advisers and even the chief medical officer of the u. K. Says some of the people who are supposed to be leading the country at this critical time have been or are incapacitated just before we found out that Boris Johnson was going to hospital we heard from the queen she gave a a read televised address to the nation what did she have to say well she started off by thanking the workers who have been out there doing their jobs as she said that theyre bringing the u. K. Every hour closely to normal times then she thanked everyone for staying home and then she reminded people that their actions would be remembered together we are tackling this disease and i want to reassure you that if we remain united and resolute then we would overcome it. I hope in the ass to come everyone will be able to take pride in how they responded to this challenge and to finish off her address the queen quoted from a famous old wartime song which goes well meet again dont know where dont know when and thats something i think a lot of people around the world can relate to definitely. Yes thank you. Ok heres some of the other coronavirus headlines making news this hour scotlands chief medical officer has resigned after she was caught visiting her holaday harm against her own advice and the u. K. s coronavirus lockdown laws Catherine Calderwood was cautioned by taking weekend trips u. K. Citizens have been warned not to travel to your holiday destinations to avoid spreading the virus. In new york the coronavirus death toll has topped 4000 opp nearly 600 from the day before that rises slightly smaller than the previous 24 hours and there was also a decrease in new hospitalisations bob Governor Andrew Cuomo says its too early to say whether the pandemic has reached its eye. Millions of indians have switched off their lights and lit candles in a show of solidarity in the fight against the coronavirus families confined today harms by a nationwide lockdown gathered at their doors and windows india has seen a rise in 19 cases in recent days to more than 3 and a half 1000. German chancellor merkel has said its still too early to say when coronavirus lockdown measures across the country can be relaxed but policy makers here already exploring new ways to prevent infections wants restrictions lifted one option is a smart foreign app that tracks peoples movements and warns them if theyve had contact with someone whos tested positive but in germany a dot of protection is a big concern. Our mobile phones could become an important weapon in the fight against the corona virus and germany could see the benefits very soon so for developers are working on tracking apps which would enable a loosening of restrictions on Movement Without compromising data privacy the op registers other smart phones with the op installed on contract people who are in the vicinity of the user for a particular amount of time if the op user test positive for corona all the people they had contact with can be notified and warned the hope is that possible cases of infection can be isolated more quickly according to calculations however it only works if 60 percent of the population uses the up. Back of us as long as its free and it doesnt come from above i think its completely ok middle way everyone has a smartphone by now which they use to look at everything with an app that ben registers your location around the clock thats why it makes sense its what they did in china the Data Protection laws are far stricter in europe than they are in china however which is why using the app has to be voluntary and anonymous its not programmed to log the users location only the distance between them journalist is monitoring the Ops Development im not. In china and whats all its all crew sure this that the information is only saved on my telephone at 1st its not uploaded anywhere not stored at a Central Location somewhere this way if i were to test positive i could then decide to share the information voluntarily and the corona could be launched in germany this month just under half of all germans have signaled a willingness to install it one of them being im going to merkel herself. Welly we talked to dennis kenji kid from the European Academy full freedom of information and Data Protection and we asked him how effective these could be given that its used is voluntary. You know well definitely some dolls risk regards as us because if not people enough if not enough people story install such an app the resulting chrome map will be incomplete and can only provide a foul sounds of security in my opinion and i believe that we must remain realistic on this issue that means as the scenario of that use assumes we currently can only have for a successful app if its a density like facebook or google and we need to create a very high distribution in a very short time of this app and i find this very difficult but i also believe that a mandatory was off the app is also not reasonable or controllable at all and as candy can get there well for millions of christians around the world this week is one of the most important on the religious calendar beginning on palm sunday the holy week leads up to easter when christians believe jesus was resurrected but with churches and other places of worship worship off limits because of the corona virus this year is shaping up to be very different from from usual heres a look now at how many are keeping the faith. Cant be seen but the message remains the same. Today in the tragedy of a pandemic in the face of the many full securities that have now crumbled in the face of so many hopes betrayed in the sense of abandonment that weighs upon our hearts jesus says to each one courage open your heart to my love you will feel the consolation of god who sustains you. In india churches were closed leaving a few to offer quiet prayers outside. Today i prayed that this coronavirus should end in india and people can return to their normal lives. As priests and to die palms in jerusalems old city people prayed for the same thing. We learned. In the return of reprieve for oil. Kerry moves this photo now the right people to seek to create sort of good in the philippine capital manila priest gave drive by blessings to people crowded into the streets. Even with a mosque it was an article of faith to be there others took no chances. I made this improvised face shield. So im protected from the virus even if people sneeze on me from any direction for many prayer in a pandemic brings new hope. Lets update you now of some of the other coronavirus developments around the world well in 1200000 people have been infected with the virus worldwide thats almost twice as many as just one week ago 69000 have died here in germany the number of cases house apos 100000 munich and humber currently have the highest number of infections meantime singapore has seen a shot rise in new infections in just 24 hours 120. 00 new cases were concerned that is the city states biggest daily surge. Well as far as wear away there are only 4 National Football league still in action since the current coronavirus has largely shut down the sport nicaraguas primera leka is among them and its enjoying a surge in popularity as a result but the football isnt even some fans are against holding matches during a pandemic. Playing a game while the coronavirus runs rampant in the world affects the level of intensity normally seen players in nicaragua had already expressed fears about hitting the pitch during the pandemic but that fell on deaf ears club owners and the league made the decision to continue without consulting the players. During the interview the goalkeeper from nicaraguan side de pere tivo said the players try to avoid touching each other. And mentally one isnt focused on the game instead you think opponents could have the coronavirus. On but you know. Football fans in the country arent allowed to attend the matches and some dont fully support the idea of holding games. If theres a going on my i think its a bad decision on behalf of the directors and the league because they are risking the health of the players and their families because we have seen in other countries in italy spain Famous Players who have tested positive for corona virus ordinary nicaraguas Football Federation has not decided to complete the season yet if things get worse they plan to suspend action however right now football fans worldwide are tuning into nicaragua believe he has even received interest to broadcast games from as far a swede. Youre watching to tell the unions remember you can get the latest headlines on the t w app or on our website to delphine dot com and you can follow us on twitter and instagram tonight when you say im sorry thanks for joining me take care and. What secrets lie behind these walls. Discover new adventures in 360 degrees. And explore fascinating World Heritage sites. D w World Heritage 360 get the nap now

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