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Can help others beat the disease and. Sitting down blues people around the world stuck at home turning to music or anything else i can think of trying to fill the endless hours. Im filled girl welcome to the program more than a 1000000 people around the world now have confirmed corona virus infections and the death toll has reached 50000 here are some of the latest developments in the pandemic United States registered the worlds highest daily covered 19 death toll on thursday 1169. 00 confirmed deaths from virus related causes singapore will close schools and most workplaces for a month from the 7th of april. This follows a surge of new virus cases and germany now has more than 80000 confirmed infections a more than a 1000 covered 19 deaths as the head of the countrys Disease Control agency says deaths are probably being undercounted. One country of currently has a relatively low infection of eightys india which has 2500 confirmed cases out of a population of 1300000000 last week the country introduced a nation wide lockdown to stem the spread of the virus and the video Message Broadcast on friday Prime Minister modi tried to boles to morale by urging people to like candles for 9 minutes on sunday night. Joins us from the indian capital welcome michel did mr modi speech include any concrete Public Health Protection Measures when the shot on friday is the Prime Minister. About the need not to get despondent and i actually action and you to continue to think this my discussion we occupy in this fight when i was the tsunami speech already to this is not institutional in india and often questions about why have there been no policy measures announced and even if you know what measure was wise then what more information about in yes do you just guess right what is happening about just doing what is happening. Protective equipment what is happening on one goes gentilhomme down because of this knock down so why are the Prime Minister and garnished unions to stay strong and that is a lot to isolate theres also heavy criticism about its message while the countrys 3 week lockdown has been hard for millions of Migrant Workers whats their situation more than a week here. Michael initially thousands fled like you know to get. To eat in the city anymore because their god how they want to do when they depend on duty religious but most of the week in acton was dead last there was no we hind me people have stocked up on meat that andy is on 10 days but now big lizzie march on to the streets now that im out of so despite the fact that these measures to ensure these people stay in and sometimes bizarre hashmi measure there is this musical violence theres this attack. So we went talk to find out what exactly people are doing how exactly migrants how have been in the city now that the exodus i still dont know how exactly are these people managing to stay away waiting. Sometimes for hours at end. This is what every day looks like now for these daily wage workers. Social distancing boxes seem meaningless in the face of hunger. At the end of this particular way it to oranges none of these men are origin of a from delhi they migrated to the capital from villages in neighboring states looking to own a livelihood. Some work in small restaurants are those at construction sites everyone even depends on the days awnings but with businesses closed for indias 3 week lockdown these awnings and the meals have dried up now didnt try to go home but all the bus stations were closed the police told us to stay here. But there are no medical Services Available here and were not allowed to leave we will have to call an ambulance who are supposed to let us go. Yet with food at hand these men are the lucky ones. The government is so why having forwarded hundreds of shelters like this one yet the demand far outstrips the supply in addition many are physically unable to be sent those because of the lockdown. This is where Civil Society is stepping in. An ngo that has worked on Disaster Relief during floods and earthquakes. Is now adapting to a different challenge to a disaster that cannot be seen but that is everywhere. This time fall fewer aid workers are being called in to maintain social distancing and theyre taking up tasks they have never had before relief work especially in the midst of a law down is the governments responsibility but workers here believe there is no time to assign blame lives are at stake and not just because of the good or no iris because good men Big Government was not for the player making an effort but theres a gap we need to Work Together this is not an issue of survival of this that i will go to her. But even as these groups walk to our list leave to provide protection and food to the citys poorest. The fight for survival promises to be a long one crowding together shelter social distancing is a luxury these men cannot afford but for now at least there is food to eat. What are indias next steps then in finding the coronavirus. Well not all. 50 government even. The Prime Minister just yesterday. Off the factory. Floor of the emotions of the population. Also need to know more about wrapping up testing isolation and treatment and of course the fact that e. T. S. Is not just dealing with a Health Crisis but a crisis of hunger its. Good talking to you thank you for that. Take a look at some more ways that covered 19 is impacting the world police in france have been stopping cars leaving paris to check the passengers are not going on holiday authorities of want residents to cancel any travel plans for the School Holidays which begin this weekend but one man has been jailed for repeatedly violating lockdown. Thats pretty fast for those brace for expected increase in coronavirus patients the military has stepped in to support and deliver protection gear ventilators to hospitals so medical staff avoids criticism saying the response comes too late. In your Foreign Ministers are currently discussing the huge efforts of repatch waiting european tourists stranded around the world because of the kind of travel restrictions include many thousands of germans still waiting to fly home the Largest Group of stranded germans is a new zealand with 10. 00 212000 people followed by south africa with 7000. 00 thailand with 4000. 00 india with 2700. 00 and peru with around to 2000 in total bergen says it has repatriated nearly 200000 people in an operation thats cost an estimated 50000000 euros is one example from argentina. One of hundreds of cities under lockdown. Many germans are stranded unable to return home. Frankly a lot of which found refuge with an argentinean who let him sleep on her couch in her apartment but its not get enough id like to return to germany i want to be with my family and get back to a country that is economically and politically stable in a crisis like this its. He cant afford the remaining flights so franco hopes to return home on germanys Emergency Repatriation Program but thats not an option for the many germans in their campers at the foot of the n. D. S. They arent allowed to travel yet some are glad to stay here anyway at least for now. When things that are getting serious our 1st thought was lets stay here because we felt there was more risk of being infected on the plane or at the airport in germany than here in argentina. Im sure our interests. Another german couple was able to shelter in a police hut so they wouldnt have to stay in their jeep in the blazing heat theyre also stranded. We conscious stay in the car and we can just leave it here if we dont get it out in time well probably be fined or it will be confiscated. In the meantime they help with cooking. Infection. Of correspondents to give us an insight into how the pandemic is changing daily life with alexander in washington d. C. Deserted streets empty restaurants closed shops in the u. S. Capitol to stop the spread of the virus more and more states are ordering their residents to stay at home but not everyone complies if you days ago police in neighboring maryland interrupted a Church Service where 50 people gather it and none of them were social distancing the old thirtys can only help that such attitudes will change soon as people understand whats at stake staying at home is challenging for everybody these days but now imagine staying at home if you live in a shack no one room shack with a lot of people at a very crowded space this is the reality for millions of South Africans and although the lockdown rules off the 3 week locked on the extremely strict many people are simply not able to comply when you talk to current dont get the sense that people really kind of a certainly hasnt been the kind of runs on toward paper pasta weve seen in many countries you can even still find mosques like these inside pharmacies even though they are now selling for about 3 times the price of 1. 00 place that is on this empty square is the top right now home to about 100. 00 ukrainians in fact which police assured about 50 of them are now reported to have left illegally and now face fines of up to 500. 00 euros to the emergency law has been extended here in the parliament behind me for an indefinite time so Prime Minister viktor orban can no rule by decree some hunger ins are concerned that these Emergency Powers could be abused but high gear is im more concerned about whether the Health Care System will be able to cope and maybe also about the quality of the advice given by authorities these approaching then old told. To clean this with bleach before cooking and eating extraordinary times indeed. For the fish and think about ronda well with most of us forced to stay indoors and stay away from our friends and family social media is helping to fill the void so videos and names have become sources of smiles during the crisis so lets take a look at how some people have been sharing their creative sides. Which music is the medicine in the minds crane a virus has its own general. For some home office means blowing off some steam. For their use getting a bit more restless. How about some sports. Give us no equipment and just improvise. Even if the goods are in short supply. Weve seen disappearing cars. Not to mention disappearing parents. Some just want to ride off into the distance. Others have been sharing their time for state attempts at home a facemasks start forgets our canine companions im to fail just party. Its. Just a reminder of our top stories at this hour indias Prime Minister Narendra Modi has called people to light candles for 90 minutes on sunday as a show of unity last week he introduced a 3 week lockdown to stem the spread of the fires giving billions of day what has employed. And germanys covers 19 death toll has climbed about a 1000 is more than 80000. 00 infections the Top Health Experts as well that covered 19 deaths have probably been undercounted the didnt specify whether he meant in germany or around the. World News Headlines at the top of the hour. That the website is always there as well the w. Combating the corona pandemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning. Background information and. Our corona. Special next on d w. How does a virus spread. Through the top. Of your show is called spectrum if you would like any information on the ground or any science topic you should really check out our podcast. Your podcast you can also find us at. Science. Orders now. Really silver is the weapon against coronavirus. Coronavirus and has been able to eliminate it with our. Jim bakker this televangelist has now been sued for selling these fake coronavirus. Wasting no time to make money from your fish hoax lucky originates from a widespread spread belief in silver. Some 2. 102 in order to boost sales with scientists agree no effect against the corona virus in fact exposure to. Be toxic. Well other fake remedies against 19 and fake news about the outbreak are flooding the internet right now so lets have a look at whats right and whats wrong about. This is your covert 19 special news. Times of crisis always great times for fake news and propaganda and the more ridiculous the claims it seems the more traction social media feeds tips like Drinking Alcohol to kill the virus and fight. The disease as tempting as it may sound for some if is it or religious claims that corona was a punishment dished out by god or Mother Nature team from did obvious science has put together a selection of some of the most outrageous fake news about covert 90. Whatever you do dont try this at home this cape widely shared on whatsapp is just one example of the many coronavirus related stories circulating online the problem as the disease continues to spread fake news is going viral. In india a picture purporting to show an italian boy taking his life after all his family members died from corona virus went viral theres a fact check revealed that the footage actually shows the suicide of a woman before the outbreak. This photo doesnt show dead bodies on the streets of italy its actually an art installation in germany. Also doing the rounds conspiracy theories among them the just south korean series forecast the corona Virus Outbreak back into an 18 just one of many stories describing the pandemic as a premeditated invented. Platforms like facebook are rife breeding grounds for the spread of fake news the social networking giant is among several companies pledging to take stronger action to prevent the spread of misinformation others to a doing their bit to make sure people are getting the right information about corona a Service Called africa check recently to rebuff a South African claim thats a vaccine against corona virus that being developed. Much of asia seems just over the hill and most of europe is in the battle against 19 africa is bracing for impact fake news is not helping society is there to prepare for the onslaught lets bring in Vincent Bugliosi hes deputy. Africa check and joins us from nairobi vincent how much of a problem is corona fake news in african countries right now. Thanks for having me coronavirus misinformation is a big big problem and the reason is that the more people believe misinformation then they will not follow their instructions are going to wash their hands only practice social distancing and they will not stay at home so the strings mean that if they dont Pay Attention wires threats more and on top of that you have people trying certification or is or many things that have been proven not to where weve seen in nigeria for example that people have been poisoned by chloroquine because they heard it could work for them and whats the weirdest piece of fake news youve come across so far. Or the weirdest i have come across is that if you take some orange peels and you boil and you inhale the steam youre going to cure coronavirus and we know thats not sure because your body temperature internal body temperature never really d changes or you end up doing is burning. Why on earth are people actually believing this kind of stuff well people believe misinformation particularly of out health because its tied into the spirit people are of breed of diseases that are difficult to cure and so this gives them hope when you give them a little hope they will try and figure is that will i make decisions fake medicines if they have to. You should notice that really we dont see a lot of fake news about the disease lank malaria because we all know its curable and medicine is clearly accessible. To people across africa generally trust the governments to take the right measures of false starts misinformation are on fertile ground. People are are burra less trustful of their governments and there is only our it is because they know who the government really can do the most to protect what we have seen is a bit of dissatisfaction with the measures the time being taken so for example in kenya we knew that for example the number of tests have been rising but these are concerned that they are not enough and also the fact that a lot of people live in an informal economy in kenya so they have to go out every day and earn money and its very difficult to tell people like that to stay at home and so by so late unless youre providing them with money so that they can stay inside. Who benefits from these fake news and not people benefit there are people who wants to grew their influence online and theyll spread anything that his fate relates about coronavirus or politics it doesnt matter then there are people who want to actually make a business selling fake cures so that you can actually spend your money to to buy a fake urine or to do things that are not true for example or in shapiro water and then finally youve got people who want. To drive a political agenda so theyre going to capitalize on peoples fears to spread stories and that way spread the agenda thats probably the system its wrong and therefore you should form because i have a solution so there are people during its digitally online and they have. To come logical results others have commercial reasons and some have political reasons for instance and they see the deputy kenya as a tad african 2nd thank you very much for joining us from iraq. For now its time again for your questions keep them coming on you tube facebook and twitter all send us an email today science correspondent Gary Williams will do with some of the most viral and fake news stories unfold claims about the coronavirus. This virus genetically modified to be used as a biological weapon this was one of those conspiracy theories that was bound to pop up in the midst of a Global Pandemic right i mean theres been too many books and movies with that as a plot line but the team of researchers that studied the genetic makeup of the virus recently published some compelling arguments for why it wasnt engineered but must have naturally evolved 1st they said source code to most closely resembles coronaviruses found in bats that dont cause disease in humans and of course and evil scientists trying to build a superbug would have started with one thats already been proven to make a sick 2nd in our computer models the changes to the stars code to genetic sequence that allowed it to start infecting us just dont look like they should work very well they arent mutations that any bio engineer would have chosen if they were trying to build a superbug because the models would have said they dont really work so no the coronavirus was not designed by humans. Can supplements like fish oil zinc over to mens health. Supplements or an area of nutrition where theres very little consensus in the Scientific Community under ordinary circumstances much less in the midst of a pandemic the idea that you can somehow boost your immune system i mean what does that mean anyway the answer to this question is a resounding no the only thing that we currently think will prevent you from catching the virus is if youve had it already and developed antibodies that will prevent you from getting it again im not saying. You should stop taking your fish oil or your vitamins just dont expect them to keep you from catching covert 19. There is agreement that loss of smell is a sign of us the v. A. Case if they did 19 can we hear more about that. Recent large scale study in britain that collected data from hundreds of thousands of people reporting on and up sure that from those who eventually tested positive for the disease around 60 percent had that symptom to a greater or lesser extent that certainly sounds pretty convincing the only problem is that losing the sense of smell or taste is also closely associated with other respiratory infections its a lot more common than you might think thats why as of this morning at least the w. H. O. Was still reviewing the issue and havent yet decided to add the loss of smell or taste to the official list of symptoms of corona virus infection but that could very well happen in the coming days if theres enough evidence to support it. From a Science Department answering your most pressing questions and that concludes covies 19 special forces day for more on the pandemic to check out our social Media Channels and our website thats w dot com which has dedicated covert 900 pages in 30 languages now before i let you go lets go back to africa where musicians are fighting against a coronavirus together with local Health Authorities before most across the continent i guess in vital messages across to the public in songs they sing about washing hands wearing face masks and void in the fake news trucks. But. There. Are definitely. Going to be so you know nobody knows i mean i did a little of that if i could in a minute like the make up above the lead at the tail end but do it in a good the. Small acts can inspire. The people making a small town and go out for a cup fantastic right. Join them as they set out to save the environment learn from one another and Work Together for a better future. Many thanks to you all for tuning in the cold comfort of. Next on d. W. What keeps us in shape what makes us see and how do we stay healthy. My name is dr carlson the i talk to medical experts. Watch them at work. And then discuss what you can do to improve your health. Stay tuned and lets all try to stay a good show. In 60 minutes dr w. Whats the secret behind this classic. Is it the sound. As soon as you hear beethoven lose your mind or the story behind the music. Was it for natures registrant. Up. Beethovens 9th some of them will start to believe on t w. How do on a warm welcome to this new edition of eco africa the environment magazine that brings you topic some all over africa and europe i am now excitement coming to you from Lagos Nigeria and joining me from uganda is my colleague sandra. Yes todays show takes us on another course i think. Who

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