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Last major cities where it was still allowed its hopes that the bad will also help fight the spread of corona virus. Im sorry kelly welcome to the program italy remains europes epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic earlier today cities and towns across the nation held a minute of silence to honor its victims. Car our. Primary. Flags nationwide were lowered to half mast like here in rome as overburdened hospitals and Health Workers struggle to cope covert 19 has infected nearly 102000 people in italy and more than 11 and a half 1000 have died a nationwide lockdown has been in place for weeks and the government has warned it could go on for much longer and joining me now from rome is correspondent seem a group to seem its striking to see the shift in italy since the outbreak began a few weeks ago residents on their balcony singing and now silence. Youre absolutely right sarah i mean from singing to silence singing in support of silence to remember those who have lost their lives to this farce and to order as well the Health Care Workers their deaths fighting to see fives as much as they can as you mentioned more than 11500 people have died since this outbreak began here in italy and its interesting to note that of that figure there are some 161 doctors at least 61 may have lost their lives to cope with 90 other flags went half mast throughout the city but also at the vatican to express solidarity and the rest of the world of this sumburgh reality all of these because suiting home to everyone here its leaks but the authorities though keen to stress that theyve seen in the last 24 hours a Record Number of recoveries from the section and also they believe that the rate of new infections is somewhat stabilizing and long body itself the heart this region theyve also seen fewer numbers of people that need to get emergency room care well meantime we have residents you know theyve been on under the Strict Lockdown for weeks now it was supposed to end on friday but now it will go on until at least april 12th Easter Sunday how are people coping with such a long lockdown like this well youre right were at day 22 now whole thing its lockdown measure and the psychological stress is definitely there are those who can work from home working from home and leave their children and take everything and not be able to go out because we want to and that was the site launched this mess but. They seem to be on to small perhaps Something Like. Rates of unemployment the rest is normal and also because people do want to. So to overlook in the black legal plant and even that is someone else you want will. Probably just to be mean just to buy food and thats why the government has put in place 400000000 euros to be sent out to all the Town Councils they will be able to give food vouchers with these with this money so that people can see themselves and their families its it said di the situation economically for a loss of families here in that city seem a good time and rome thank you so much. And now we had to spain which has europes 2nd highest death toll behind italy with nearly 8200 deaths spain has also surpassed china in the number of victims with the elderly at high risk of Nursing Homes and spain have been overwhelmed by the number of infections there are reports of dire conditions with dead bodies left in beds for hours banned from visiting relatives are fearful for their loved ones our correspondent john Philip Schultz has this report from seville. What is happening behind these windows concerns many spaniards almost 2000 nursing home residents have died after contracting the corona virus every day more homes are effected nothing more dangerous uncle has parkinsons and lives in a nursing home in Southern Spain a while ago he learned that the 1st cases of corona virus had been diagnosed there too since then he tells me the residents of the nursing home and their relatives have become increasingly worried. So what are they doing to do with it just because that way she. I cant work has complained about terrible conditions in many homes they say theres not enough protective clothing and that hundreds of their colleagues are infected authorities are investigating reports that some workers went home after the 1st cases were identified leaving residents forgotten that bats the dramatic situation in many Nursing Homes has shocked people here in spain the spender society takes pride in its Strong Family ties and in taking well kael of people possible criminal neglect and the feeling of helplessness among family members have started just like the south. And a lot of spaniards hear that the situation in Nursing Homes might get worse in the coming days. In the nursing home where often more dangerous uncollapsed the management has set up a whats at group now without fail and the other relatives feel a little bit closer to their loved ones. Well lets take a look now at some other coronavirus. Developments germanys foreign minister has confirmed that e. U. Countries have sent medical equipment to iran its the 1st time that a transaction has been conducted under a trade mechanism created to circumvent u. S. Sanctions russia has reported its biggest one day rise in new cases some 500. 00 bringing that countrys total to more than 2300. 00 and authorities in belgium have confirmed that the death of a 12 Year Old Girl infected with coke at 19 although serious infections among the young remain rare several countries have reported exceptions and the World Health Organization is warning that even though the focus is now on europe in the United States the coronavirus pandemic is still quote far from over in asia and the pacific region. Well despite this warning the chinese city of new han ground 0 for the coronavirus pandemic is slowly returning to business as usual after a 2 month quarantine medical workers from other parts of china were given a farewell sendoff with thanks from residents and the police before leaving the city the crisis is easing across china with only a few dozen cases reported all brought in from overseas but despite that return to normal the world bank is forecasting a challenging economic recovery. And correspondent for the encroachment is joining us now from beijing so we heard several warnings they are from the w. H. O. The world bank the outlook from both seems rather bleak is the country heating this advice. Well i mean here of course the government is aware that the fight is far from over and yet it does the government is sending out conflicting signals on the one hand the prime minister. He told his boss the officials to be not too soft not to be lenient when it comes to fighting the fires and you know keep the Counter Measures very strict on the one i think hand president xi jinping he also said the country has to go back to you know the economy starting and go back to normal and possibly thats also what were seeing in beijing for example where i stand right now people are filling the streets again shops opening up and on the same time you have tight control and restrictions everywhere you go your body temperature for example is a measure of its cetera and today actually there were really positive data coming out of china the socalled purchasing Managers Index that is the criteria for the met Manufacturing Sector now stands at 52 thats a number that is far higher than exports expected seoul actually what we see here is a positive trend and it also had a positive effect on the stock markets from in shanghai but also tokyo. We also have what were looking at the assessment of the situation in china there are doubts that have been cast on the official figures of the coronavirus related deaths is there any evidence perhaps emerging that those figures are indeed not correct. I mean theres no proof but there are indicators yes that actually those figures are not accurate for example the investigative. Journalism magazine thats a chinese legacy thats a relatively independent they documented and was very recently the funeral parlors opened the number of urns that were delivered to those funeral parlors and now theyre speculating that actually the death toll must have been quite higher but even leading speculations aside we know that the chinese do not count them to metric cases in their official data that means asylum carious people who tested positive but we dont show any symptoms have not been included in the data and today just several hours ago the Chinese Health authorities and also they will change their accounting methods they will include those asylum carious that also means that possibly several tens of thousands of new cases will be included in the official data starting from tomorrow having correspondent joining us from beijing thank you. And lets have a look at some other ways that coke in 1000 is impacting the Business World workers at an Amazon Warehouse in new york city have staged a walkout over Workplace Safety thats after one employee at the facility tested positive for the coronavirus one warehouse worker was fired after publicizing the protests on social media. And french president emanuel my problem has issued a call to manufacturers and his country and elsewhere to ramp up the production of protective gear for key workers on the coronavirus front line including facemasks mccrone was visiting a plant run by frances leading mask producer. Ford and General Electric say that they will produce 50000 emergency ventilators in the next 100 days they will join carmaker g. M. In the race to repurpose factory lines to produce ventilators hospitals across the u. S. Are urgently seeking the devices as they deal with an onslaught of coronavirus patients. And again a is to become the 1st german city to make facemasks obligatory as of next week the new rule will apply to shops public transport and buildings with foot traffic the move was initiated by local Business Owners in a Authorities Say the key workers will be a quipped locals can use scarves or homemade masks. The tokyo summer olympics has been postponed for a year but not now a new law banning shes made but not a new law banning smoking in the japanese capitol is one of the worlds last major cities where people can still Smoke Cigarettes at restaurants peoples not much longer as it turns out because on wednesday april 1st a ban on indoor smoking takes effect it was originally meant to make the limbic dining smoke free officials now hope that the measure will have the added benefit of slowing the spread of coronavirus. The tokyo streets are more quiet these days its restaurants and bars still beckon after hours most welcome smokers but thats about to change a bad schedule to make the city tobacco free in time for the now postponed olympics comes into effect on wednesday Health Experts warn that smokers are likely to be more vulnerable to the coronavirus but that hasnt persuaded these patrons to quit. Of course they know that smoking increases my chances of getting the virus but i cant just stop its an indulgence. If i get the virus i get the virus theres nothing i can do about it then. Sorry. The impact on customers i guess fewer people will come initially theyll come as usual but if they cant smoke the gradualist coming. Thats exactly what city authorities are hoping for with the number of corona virus infections on the rise they say people have to stop going out and socializing at bars and nightclubs. Concent these locations fall under all 3 locations for close contact that can result in a high risk of infection. Closed spaces with bad ventilation densely packed crowds of people and close distance between people. And the governor has already asked tokyos residents to stay indoors but her requests arent binding and as much of life continues as usual medical experts in japan are calling on the government to declare a state of emergency before its too late. Youre watching news from berlin well have more for you at the top of the hour and in the meantime all the latest news and information around the clock on our web site thats at d. W. Dot com you can also follow us on social media im sorry kelly in berlin thanks for. Coming by adding the corona pandemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning. Background information and news and. Our corona up to. 19 special next on d w. How does a virus spread. Why do we panic and when well. Just through the topics covered and weekly radio show is called spectrum if you would like any information on the coronavirus or any other science topic you should really check out our talk cast you can get it wherever you get your podcast you can also find us at d w dot com slash science. In times of corona might be one of the key weapons to curtail the pandemic the data on all smartphones for example it can show in the every step we take every step people around us take scientists estimate that one infected person process the virus on to iran 2 to 3 people on average so what if we used all the data that we already have on all smartphones to track people infected with the coronavirus a move on those who had contact with a carrier prevent more infections build Something Like a digital. And south korea that seems to have been one of the keys to keep their infection survives candidates are trying to help us find the Current Crisis. This is the news welcome to our special coverage of the global cope with 95. Today want to take a closer look at south korea country was hit hard by the coronavirus but now it has seen a steep decline in new code 19 cases compare that with that number in germany currently nearly 10 times. The number for germany in recent weeks it appears south korea has largely reined in the disease and without closing down public life to a degree we are seeing in europe and elsewhere now how. Nobody knows exactly but making use of the Internet Technology to share confirmed patients occasions and travel information directly with the public seems to have helped quite a lot actually. So the koreans seems to be battling the coronavirus kovac 19 effectively without implementing a complete lockdown in addition to rigorous and innovative testing for the virus online applications and social networking have been crucial to encourage ongoing Public Participation in the battle against the corona virus every day south korean Health Authorities send Text Messages to everyones smartphones the advisories remind people to avoid large groups practice to meter safe distancing and regularly disinfect their homes leaving the windows open. So 3 and Health Authorities emergency alerts share the locations of new coronavirus patients people can then follow the links to detailed patient tracking data Web Developers like ryan hone have collected and aggregated that information to more user friendly websites. Provided to the travel history of each patient. Thats in the text so even if you. Read that placing you dont really know where exactly to locate it so i try to put that out on the map so that people can. Officially see where its exactly look at it so that they know if theyve been to that place the south korean public has become a bit complacent as the pen demick drags on so websites like this may help remind people that the risk of infection is still out there and possibly nearby. Lot of people like the thiele in korea. Because they think they didnt have any contact with the patient with this website they have a better idea of that they can really you know deal with situations since their creation in late january in early february independent coronavirus patient tracking web sites have received millions of page views offering users reassuring information on. When the corona virus became a threat i downloaded the app since started using them to understand the situation you can see where infected people have been and avoid going there it helps to stop the virus from spreading. So korea has managed to flatten the curve in reduced new pieces of the corona virus in recent weeks although Health Officials here still worry about potential new clusters. Well from Seoul South Korea im now joined by Professor John one son associate professor at the bar school of fleming University College london professor after a peek at the beginning of march south korea has kept new infections very low you say besides a Testing Program thats due to surveillance how yes tracing through through Surveillance Technology played a pretty part in this fight against a corner. If the country has pretty be complicity with testing if you dont know who to test the Testing Capacity has only limited use so to find out who to test disobedience technology was really cool so theyre cool east to find though that it would be one in every single one patient to come from the Patient Contact in the past so ted way you can find out who this patient could fighters from and who this patient could have been by just to what kind of data exactly has the government there gathered. Because the initial data is the interview of People Experts interview interview patients who too is king rarity in but then this entity just quote your work at all says to police state. Resources or what they tell you through police and thats a credit card transaction move like point look asians and this is cities so this movie form every every move by point so obvious networks have information about their mobile phone has been through g. P. S. And intensive sieber connection and its taken the critic cars. Again the banks can tell you. When detestation happened so combination of these 2 well it gives you a lot of cars so for example if a keshia was patient for example everest every single customers or potential patients they had to be tested and using credit card or course you can find out all day with a critical scholars and then says the t. B. s can give you even more finite movement today. To the patient to talk to in the past who the patient to pointing to poor example in answer one can i just interrupt you did only thing profess a this it is dangerous when a government contract every step of its citizens it is certainly is so this is this is an emergency manager who will only when the only when the president of troops it does tend to put it is a control access to these authorities or with data through police so when this situation is over they dont have the data dont get us to stay longer professor dont want to join us live from seoul in south korea thank you very much for this and what. If you think you. Know that answer few questions about how south korea handled the fight against the virus but fresh questions around the global outbreak arise every day. Your questions most important and you have sent us plenty Facebook Twitter and email and to answer them at least the part of them. Every day here is our science correspondent williams. If we start Data Tracking are there any assurances in place the Technology Wont be used against us in the future that depends a lot on the country i think where you reside any assurances put in place will have to come from governments now theres no question that digital surveillance measures like cell phone tracking that are used to trace the contacts of someone who has been infected are one of the most effective ways that we have now to find out who else might have been exposed but the big fear of course is that once given the right to track their citizens in this way some governments might continue to do it once the Current Crisis is over and it needs to be addressed and the legislation expanding the rights of governments to track their own citizens striking the right balance between outbreak oversight and data privacy is not going to be easy and i think. What data can be used to track the spread of the coronavirus. Well nowadays practically all of us leave a kind of trail of digital bread crumbs behind us as we move through our lives if you had g. P. S. Or bluetooth turned on on your phone for instance the night can provide pretty specific information as to your whereabouts or who you might have come close to other information that can be used as for example when or where you might have made purchases with a bank card or a credit card and then of course in places that are directly monitored by a c. C. T. V. You can employ facial Recognition Technology to pretty precisely determine exactly when someone was where in south korea which has so far had some of the greatest success at containing the virus without resorting to drug kone and measures like lockdowns tracking the Previous Movement of people who tested positive has relied on the companys. Of all those measures. Can big data help us avoid a 2nd corona Virus Outbreak and the short answer to that is no the only thing that will stop coated 1000 for good is herd immunity which hopefully we will acquire through a vaccine in the not all too distant future however there are many ways that big data techniques can help us better control any future outbreaks they can help us recognize when ones beginning at an earlier stage to start with and dell also tell us a lot more about what measure is being instigated all over the world at the moment actually work best so even if it doesnt solve the coronavirus problem for us big data it is providing valuable information all the time on how we can hopefully solve the problem ourselves. And. 19 special coverage for today from all on the pandemic to check out all social Media Channels and our website thats the w dot com which has dedicated covert 19 pages in 30 languages. At the end of the show we leave you with pictures from a back tomorrow in long body into lees region that hit hardest by the Novel Coronavirus strengths that. Comes with sacrificing almost all folds of Business Activity to fight them and death and that crowd and again they said tracking will be an issue to avoid the 2nd wave of the pandemic and to stop governments and companies from tracking every move. A dirty business with billions of euros katanas much of the rubble used to make incomes come thailands feel good because 20 under huge plantations the starvation wages in extremely unhealthy conditions get the german manufacturers lobby claims because if youre exert pressure all the more drawn to foreigners. Comes in because. Its to do w. Im going crazy thing in all the time. How to handle our new allies in times of the koran a pandemic d. W. Reporter do your job just like everyone else and shes looking for answers and thankfully with the help of ginning expect a few other well. Thank you bruce is not life as we know it. In this together our new web series. Each just tells my story. Of the people who planned to me build some dedicated their lives to me. I am not a dumb did come in. On my secrets. I have mounted my cities days for centuries and accompanied my country through its finest hour days until the day i mean. Not a damn devoutly. Dance a fool a. Summertime is Vacation Time here in germany most car owners still prefer to drive even to distant holiday destinations when it comes to road safety tires are of course of paramount importance more than 50000000. 00 are sold each year in germany alone its a multibillion

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