Im sorry kelly walk into the program the German Parliament has approved a sweeping rescue package to cushion the economic blow from coronavirus the legislation is designed to support Health Care Infrastructure and rushed billions of euros in aid to businesses that are struggling amid the pandemic and in and historic move lawmakers voted to scrap longstanding roles governing how much money the country can borrow. Our parliament in crisis mode the bundestag has changed its rules to allow decisions to be taken with fewer members present the normal those who were there sat at a safe distance from each other. Parliamentary president volved gang called on deputies to show support for the key workers who are helping to keep the country going to try and get. Food we express thanks in respect to the doctors care workers and those in the health and security or parities who are being tested to their limits every day. If you want and its in those i think we all agree we should include in our banks those who day after day and in spite of the greater risk of infection they face ensure that people have the supplies they need. In just one day to boost because greenlighted government plans to take on more debt this year than ever before the crisis package includes an emergency budget of 156000000000 euros 50000000000 to keep Small Businesses of bloat and money for hospitals expecting a wave of coronavirus patients finance minister all are short standing in for chancellor merkel whos at home insult by selection acknowledge these a gigantic sums but he said the country can afford it germanys strict rules on government borrowing are suspended for now. Believing that were facing a crisis unprecedented in our postwar history is this war greater than all those we have faced recently it leapt up and its a challenge to humankind as a whole. For the gunson mentioned. Skip theres no script for dealing with the pandemic said childes but the government will do everything to reduce its impact on the economy it is so they must in essence and in 1st we have to ensure that theres a Good Health Care provision for people who are sick from the coronavirus and ensure those treating them are protected by 2nd we must protect the livelihoods of people affected by the crisis thirdly we must stabilize our economy and preserve jobs its that. Despite the unparalleled measures when it came to the vote opposition parties rallied behind the governments plan but no one inside the bundestag swear could yet be sure if it will work. And lets get more we are joined by youre going to team member of the German Parliament for the greens thank you so much for joining us this afternoon and welcome to the program and we understand that the opposition including the greens backed the governments aid package today does this mean that your Party Supports the way that markel cabinet is handling the crisis so far. We are not totally satisfied on all decisions want to think these steps are going in the right direction its true there is no blueprint for such a situation what we have to do is to enable that our Health System now the Health System and care system to deal with the crisis and we have to care on those who are very weak and were the 1st victims also of the stop in all activities in many parts of our economy so that is the background for about 200000000000 euros from the critic to fund for very Small Companies and self employed peoples and 156000000000 for new expenditures in the field of Social Security and we at young 800000000000 that the earth for economic rescue fund so then in concrete terms what more needs to be done to tackle the coronavirus here in germany. I think when we have to do is to understand that this is not june crisis this is a Global Crisis if corona crisis is developing and i think like its likely in the us we will have and very much higher impact also on our income and it is a european question and so we do not understand as green party for example that the German Government is still blocking an initiative supported by a lot of economists for creating saw cold corona bonds for European Union we must take care also on our european neighbors to hit very severely like spain and italian its not only a question how to deal with the health care in these countries its also a question that these countries who still suffer from the economic crisis from 2008 will go into a new and much more severe crisis and therefore we need these european karuna bombs so youre calling for these khurana bonds in order to to help support the Economic Community here in europe but but tell us because a new study shows the vast majority of germans would approve of a temporary closing of all borders on that front is a general travel ban an option in germany. De facto we have a situation where we brought back 150000 people from abroad back to germany there are still under 50000 around but i dont think theyre closing the border this is a good recipe at the moment at the polo pony and did this we have the problems that goods and even people polish people working in germany specially in the health care and handcrafts areas is still couldnt get past the border so we reopen the border it is not a problem we can. Do we close our country and then we will solve the problems no we need International Cooperation we need International Supply chains and thats the simple truth its force a lot of people seems this is coming from abroad but its not coming from abroad still in our societies and we will tackle the problem we can tackle successfully does problem if you cooperate globally youre going to team member of the German Parliament for the greens joining us on this historic day as the German Parliament approves this release package related to Coronavirus Thank you so much for joining us with your insight thank you for the meantime elsewhere in the world india has become the latest in the largest country to introduce a nation wide lockdown in the fight against the coronavirus theres only been about 560 confirmed cases and 11 deaths in india but there are fears that the infection could spread quickly in its densely populated city. They look like the streets of a quiet village but these are the roads of indias capital delhi on the 1st day of the coronavirus lockdown one spot celing bollywood film sets were empty. Airlines are grounded travel restricted indians have been warned to take a 3 week stay at home order seriously it is then if these 21 days are not managed properly then the country and your family will be set back by 21 years is a lot of. Crowds formed at pharmacies and shops following the Prime Ministers announcement safeguarding it supplies india has now banned exports as mosques and ventilators as well as an anti malaria drug being tested as a covert 19 Treatment Health experts say the drastic measures are necessary. If india can fight this to get done for 2 weeks we definitely would have prevented the from going up and made it flat all that we need to do is to prevent that from going it leaving because if that happens in india the results will be much worse than what happened in the. Economic relief has been promised to those unable to work but many remain worried. Present that i cannot wait to find out if the government will give me money but how am i supposed to eat until then and what if they dont. With indians housebound about one 3rd of the worlds population is now living under some form of lockdown. And other countries in asia are taking steps to curb the spread of the coronavirus for correspondents report now on what is happening in their parts of the world its. What the last 2 weeks have been focused on the number of pieces have been rising steadily from 32000 on wednesday Prime Minister iran front has been reluctant to improve down but it hasnt prevented from governments to go ahead but there has been deployed and beginning to see the impact of the doctor on in the. Reported figures have reduced the Prime Minister ivanov. Again meeting to the. Stimulus package all this because the coronavirus situation number one a son is getting worse by the day currently there are these 74 people suffering from the illness and as much as the government is trying to address the pandemic they say theyre facing many challenges along the way for one millions of people in the nation rely on daily wage just to get by which makes shutting down major cities nearly impossible secondly the government is saying that people arent doing enough to socially distance themselves from one another and most importantly i want to share is a large land border with iran one of the most heavily affected nations in the world in terms of the coronavirus the philippines has reported a relatively low number of 19 cases so far but this number is expected to increase in the coming days as more testing is scheduled on the signage that you see here out on the street is in direct contrast to the uproar that is now on social media netizens are pounding their keyboards demanding last testing after they found out through the airport that legislators had been lying and had gotten tested ahead of everybody else this right then theyd. The number of testing kits in the country malaysia stepping up coronavirus testing the country can currently do about 7000 tests per day but the ministry of health says by the middle next week that number will climb to more than 16000. 00 but Health Officials warn that if theres a major surge in cases there will not be enough ventilators the army and police have set up checkpoints to force the nationwide restrictions on Movement People are only allowed to go outside for necessities and only one person for how to supposed to go pharmacies are taking customers temperatures before letting them inside and then spraying their hands with sanitizer the majority of corona virus cases in malaysia have been linked to religious gathering that was held last month. So thats the view from around asia now here are some more of the latest developments in the coronavirus pandemic Prince Charles the heir to the british throne has tested positive for corona virus Buckingham Palace says that he has mild symptoms spain has seen another surge and its death toll with more than 3400 deaths spain has now passed china in the number of known coronavirus fatalities and is 2nd only to italy spains deputy Prime Minister has also tested positive for the virus and the palestinian territories have recorded their 1st death from cova 19 the victim was a woman in her sixtys who lived in the Israeli Occupied west bank. Russias president Vladimir Putin has postponed plans nationwide vote on constitutional changes aimed at extending his time in office in his 1st televised speech since the code 19 outbreak britain said that the delay was due to the worsening situation official figures suggest that russia has so far avoided large numbers of infections but those figures have risen sharply in recent days and 2 people have died there of the virus. A quick reminder of some other stories that weve been following for you german lawmakers have voted to approve a sweeping aid package to cushion the blow from the coronavirus outbreak the legislation is designed to support germanys business and Health Care Infrastructure if forced to use the country taking on over 150000000000 euros in view debt. 1. 3000000000 people in india have begun a 3 week nationwide lockdown to combat the growth of virus the countrys Prime Minister Narendra Modis warned that without the measure the country could be set back to. Coming up next on news our special program on the coronavirus thats coming up with my colleague jim along in the meantime you can always check out our website did a few dot com and you can also follow us on social media im sorry kelly in berlin thank you so much for joining us take care. Of combating the corona pandemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning. Background information and. Our daily corona updates. From the. Special on w. How does a virus spread. Why do we parent and when will. We just threw the. And the weekly radio. Show is called the truth if you would like any information on the coronavirus or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast so you can get worried when you get your park out you can also follow us and. Science. This is the w. s covert 19 special from berlin after originating in asia reaching europe and northern america coded 19 is now quickly spreading across the african continent over the weekend the number craddick republic of congo registered its 1st death from the virus now the country has closed its borders and declared a state of emergency president felix. Says the country is at war with invisible adversary public life has been suspended and the country has gone into lockdown and closing bars and restaurants and now most flights to and from kinshasa are bound in this special were looking at how african countries are preparing for the upcoming challenge on their already Vulnerable Health care systems. Im john thanks for joining us corona virus is sweeping across africa but the true number of cases is unknown as mass testing has not yet been rolled out heres some of the latest information we have for you the number of confirmed cases in africa shot past the 2000 mark on wednesday now the majority of the continents 54 countries have registered infections ivory coast and senegal have both declared states of emergency and south africa will begin a long down starting thursday. Joining us from abroad to fill in the republic of congo is michele yelp hes the Program Manager for Emergency Response at the World Health Organization in africa also here is edward hes a professor and immunologists at Reading University welcome to you both michele ill start with you what sort of advisory has the w h o given africa if any of the advisory in fact he went through different steps the 1st step is for iran the containment face is. To prevent local transmission on as much as possible so this has to detect a. Cases now that we have a serious thinker look ill toss miss on it we have it in more than 15 countries in africa now the nest is a how to scale up quickly to be able to continue the. Situation and also to start preparing for that mitigation phase get something is equivalent to a Wide Community spread that khan is best fresh they had this is like what we are seeing now in your European Countries now they are all the jets are also predicting that african countries fell experience their peak number of infections this summer now how prepared would you say the continent is you spoke of upscaling the capacity is michel. I would say thats the 1st step culture respect from quite well by detecting they sporadic cases thats where important in africa but for the nest is where we need to mobilize maw and we need more at fault we need more support in most of the african countries because it is a step that they will have to deal with and out of people needing intensive have in their system in many african and for fossett it is you dont have such capacity so they need to think about how to scale up with for temporary treatment such as how to get assessed or are suggesting provide also rescued out tory mushin how to get access to protective equipment so at this level countries are less prepared because they are locking the ressources most of them have them for up at preparedness and Response Plan but the supplies for example is one of the major challenge to fulfill the spot that is utterly gente because we are moving to are they wide contamination in many countries already now michelle spoke at there of the white contamination do you alice see the crisis in africa reaching a similar level to what were seeing here in europe how would that look like. I think i think you know thats thats what weve you know ive been thinking about exactly that since way back you know when we were hearing about the outbreak 1st of all and we han in china i think one positive is i think the much work has gone on to try and expand for example diagnostic Testing Services across africa and weve learnt a great deal from programs to tackle big infection has such as hiv and malaria so for example simple Rapid Testing technology is now relatively quick and appropriate to draw all out so we have these sorts of tests here which can be done without in the burra 3 theyre not perfect but theyre very easy to scale out what im hoping is that what weve learned from those kinds of activities those kinds of Public Health activities will help to deal with early identification and early containment in these states but it is a huge problem given that we cant contain outbreaks very effectively in europe i think will be the same in any other country across the world now testing of course a important part of the response to the coronavirus michel would you say that people are taking the gravity of the situation there in africa seriously. I think most of the. National party to is taking it seriously if we look at all the states often meant and see declare is on that we will start to recall in many african countries that out taking in serious you nest is really for they hold population on and im not sure that they have. This level of it wellness as well as. Taking it seriously in most of the african communities there is a lot of room us going to run including mens fault for treats men so there is they work to be done and from what we learn from a blown up it is that socalled it does need to be fully on board and for that they need to have the appropriate information to increase awareness but they need to be fully engaged for them to play it all if we have a Community Wide transformation is the Community Behavior that mean in part on they way they desist will spread fast within this community and i think learning from hero is time now to take some of the measures probably cuff measures we for food and gauge went off the community to listen or down the spread and objective is to flatten the. Big thats well. Take control weve as this thing capacities thank you very much michel yeah hes the Program Manager for Emergency Response at the World Health Organization and africa also here is al edwards he is a professor and immunologists at Reading University thank you both. Now around the world celebrities have inundated us with their song and dance numbers often from home and with mixed reception but ugandan musician turned politician bobby wine has seen his own take widely shared its a music video reminding everyone about how to purge the spread of the coronavirus wash your hands and keep your distance have a listen. For. Everybody. 8 right. There but were now joined by our correspondent joy during beer out shes standing by for us in Nairobi Kenya joy we just listened to bobby winds up rap slash Public Service message there for us what sort of a role do pop culture and social media have in getting the word out. A lot actually because when you look at the African Demographics at the moment a big population happen to fall between the ages of 35 going down and this major concern is for most people right now are focusing or making sure that the young people get the message because the older generation at the moment does not have access to technology on a large scale and they are or happen to be the most vulnerable demographic when it comes to the spread of the coronavirus or covered 19 so social media and pop culture is playing a humongous role in spreading the message to last of the young people on the african continent and in kenya and uganda as well particularly so young people acting as multipliers of the message there now that message itself it seems quite simple wash your hands stay home but neither of those things are easy for everyone. Indeed access to water is not readily available to millions of people around the african continent and that in itself is a challenge especially in the informal settlements in a lot of areas the rural parts of africa say in kenya but today what the government is trying to do is ask the water supply has to be a little bit and weave their customers not shop their bills and also in the do not switch off there was a connections in a bid to help people plot and of of the Coronavirus Spread that water will be readily available to the people and that even though they might be having a rear is this still going to be able to wash their hands and maybe take care of that problem at a later date and also the government has tried as much as possible to go to areas where theres not enough access to water to. Them and also provide water when necessary thank you very much our correspondent a joy beer out there for us in nairobi. And that was our d. W. Covert 19 special on africa thank you for watching and will that bobby wine play us out for more check out our social Media Channels and to now the milan stay healthy everyone. All right that. Guy over. The never got. The mayor. Let him on that. Ground. Floor. Ecoli in the. Charge of keeping cool. Conventional air conditioners music. But the signers in delhi have come up with a new spin on the centuries old system to play pong. Really believe this. Next on d w. The guys are coming. Carney 2012. Campaign against more crimes in uganda. A campaign that took the world by storm. A campaign to start a war. What is really behind operation county. In 45 minutes on d w. Sensitive guy you dont need to keep a grave out of the box all for over thats on home the 4th time for the most recent in that its number letter that was the bottom of the ballets at the last dragon those words are called the heart is for you. To agree books on. What secrets lie behind them swallow. 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