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Lift travel restrictions after a 2 month lockdown. Keeping a healthy distance from the part of a funeral in germany credit crisis means restrictions on funerals but somehow the dead must still be dealt with. Hello im terry martin good to have you with us britains Prime Minister has announced a nationwide lockdown to fight the coronavirus Boris Johnson told the british people that the government was shutting nonessential shops and services and banning gatherings of more than 2 people johnsons government has faced criticism porus perceived failure to act quickly in halting the spread of the virus. Its images like these which make it clear how quickly action is needed in the u. K. Mobile phone footage of people crammed into the London Underground on monday after Train Services were cut to deter people from using them and experts warn policy must change. And we cant control how. Viruses we can control the rate in the population and thats what we should be doing whether thats by legislation or enforcement or otherwise because at the moment its not working. When its the speaker of the british Prime Minister has faced criticism that is wait and see policies were dangerous now hes decided to follow the lead set by European Countries and order a lockdown. We will immediately close all shops selling nonessential goods including clothing and Electronics Stores and other premises including libraries playgrounds and outdoor gyms and places of worship will stop all gatherings of more than 2 people in public a major focus of the response to the outbreak britains overstretched National Health service the n. H. S. Here volunteers bring free food for nurses at the frontline of the pandemic johnson says the whole country should act in solidarity with the medical professionals. Each and every one of us is now obliged to join together to hope the spread of this disease to protect our n. H. S. And to save many many thousands of lives the government is also moving to get supplies of protective gear to staff treating coronavirus patients the army will be brought in to take gloves masks and overalls to where theyre needed. Its happening later in britain and elsewhere where the threat of the virus is emptying streets in the capital london the u. K. Like its neighbors is digging in for the fight or for more on the measures being taken in the u. K. Lets bring indeed obvious bigot murshid standing by for us in london because its day one of the u. K. Lockdown what does that look like in london. Well here i am in Central London normally at this time of day terry there would be a lot of commute is really the streets would be filled with people that are going to walk however theres hardly anyone there is still construction work so i do hear a lot of noise from around me and also from what weve seen again this morning is that people have filled in the underground say services for the underground on the trains as much reduced transport for london whos running its a saying that a lot of their staff and south isolation so they cannot provide for more trains however those people that do come in still today the day one off the low down are really close together weve seen that on social media a lot of people and a chest off who have to go into work into Central London they have no other choice and taking public transport and they tweeted pictures of really people being very crammed so no chance for them to add to the social distancing measures of keeping 2 meters away from each other so it sounds like some work still needs to be done there the u. K. Was deliberately slow in implementing any restrictions to public life what prompted the government to act now. Well yes there was a lot of criticism the u. K. Is behind probably around 2 weeks behind its silly and the 1st of all the thinking was in the u. K. That there was some sort of had immunity was. That people would catch the virus it was about spreading out to measure us but then the government has changed tack since about a week ago and since then weve seen a lot of much more stringent measures and the reason is that they thought that the press thinking wasnt really wasnt really plausible that if they continued on the trajectory that the Health System would soon be really overwhelmed couldnt be coping not enough intensive cabots not enough ventilators in the u. K. Not enough stuff so they had to change tack and now they are really trying everything they can to reduce the spread of the virus because thank you very much that was must in london. The province at the center of chinas corona Virus Outbreak is to lift travel restrictions on wednesday the 50000000 people of hoop a province have been under for 2 months those in the capital will have to wait another 2 weeks before theyre allowed to travel but the easing of restrictions seems to be a sign of progress. To defeat the caret of. Preparing to get people on the move again. Starting at midnight on wednesday the largest lockdown in Human History will end. To travel in and out of who bay youll need an electronic tracking code linked to your Health Status green means good to go. But people in the city of han or the outbreak began will have to wait 2 weeks longer to leave the province still for some restrictions are already lifting. My company got back to work a few days ago everybody has been issued a health code after having their physical condition checked and their temperature taken i got this passed and im on my way home after a night shift. Once at the center of chinas coded 1000 epidemic who bay has seen a dramatic plunge in new cases officials have reported just one locally transmitted infection in the past 5 days a tremendous u. Turn. This was at the height of the outbreak crowded hospitals exhausted medical workers. Who has since counted over 67000 confirmed infections and 3000 deaths. The w. H. O. Says the 2 month lockdown may have averted hundreds of thousands of cases. But it may also have caused a higher mortality rate in the province. As other critical illnesses went untreated. Theres hope that the worst is over but with the corona virus on the loose in china and around the world risk from imported infection still looms large. And lets catch up on some coronavirus stories that are moving around the world for u. S. President donald trump says he wants to reopen the country for business in weeks rather than months trump was speaking out a daily Coronavirus Briefing at Washington State as Washington State joined others imposing a stay at home orders across the u. S. German chancellor Angela Merkel has tested negative for the coronavirus markel has been working from home in berlin since sunday after learning that she had had contact with a name thanks to a doctor she will be tested for the virus again before ending her quarantine. Telephone use has spiked by a 3rd in germany because of the threat of virus. Writers say people are making more calls and speaking to each other for longer its one sign that people are maintaining their social connections despite restrictions on meeting in person. In the russian capital moscow thousands of residents have been confined to their homes for 14 days after returning from corona virus hit parts of the world the penalty for defying the corone teen can be harsh up to 5 years in jail or deportation for foreigners the city is also building a hospital to deal with the corona Virus Outbreak. What used to be just a field outside the russian capital will soon be the site of a special hospital built to fight the coronavirus construction started just over a week ago. More than 2000 people are working here around the clock. Its hoped the project will be completed in a month these piles of dirt are the beginnings of a medical facility that will host around 500 patients half of the beds for intensive care in the neighboring Village People are too worried about covert 19 being on their doorstep id be afraid its not a war everythings fine they have to build it somewhere so theyre building it here. Yeah im not afraid where old we dont get out too much anyway and disinfect our hands. So far 2 hospitals within moscow have been treating coronavirus patients including this one in the south of the city the capital currently has the highest number of cases in russia the city of moscow has just told seen years and people at high risk to stay home for several weeks the whole country has been placed on high alert over the coronavirus schools are closed and a mass Public Events have been banned. The government line including from the president himself is that the situation is under control and the country is taking the right measures just in time. Luckily the virus has not spread on such a scale as it has in other countries. Other countries there are thousands of cases to avoid having a situation like there which is not very good we need preventive measures. But with the number of cases consistently rising every day russians have been stocking up on food create a national favorite has been widely sold out. That may be due to media reports that or thirtys could soon introduce stricter measures like a lockdown the government has so far denied this. But here in germany the government has ruled that no more than 2 people can be together except for members of the same household in order to contain the credit by iris funerals are exempt all those other Restrictions Mean that burying the dead is not a straight forward as it used to be seeing a last goodbye from a distance 1st the undertaker and the priest next the urn gets trucked in and finally the mourners burials in the age of coronavirus Cemetery Chapels like this one in cologne are closed but funeral home directors otherwise try to stick to the rules no plan c. And we must either bury the deceased within 10 days or the body must be cremated we have fewer problems with cremation because once the urn is there i can wait its more difficult to bury a coffin then wed have to do it right away and it was not. Many cemetaries try to postpone urn burials of possible this can be difficult for mourners when hes done voice of all knowing week after week the pain once last respects that the funeral will be postponed i think it gets to be very difficult for the loved ones of the deceased as it was your the contact band issued on sunday does not apply to funerals but close relatives of the deceased are urged to limit the number of mourners in attendance there may be further restrictions in certain regions and in some cities cemeteries will be closed to the public. Youre watching t. W. News dont forget we have extensive coverage on the coronavirus on our website thats it d w dot com now with so many people being told to stay at home during the coronavirus pandemic keeping active can be a problems but as usual social media have a remedy for that with a stay at home hash tag challenge trending worldwide heres a selection of d. W. Reporters are doing to stay fit. Enjoy. The. Elite. Was. Background information and news. Hour daily corona. Covert 19 special next on g. W. How does a virus spread. Why do we panic and when will all of this and trying to just through the tax cover and a weekly radio show its called spectrum if you would like and information on the front of virus or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast you can get it wherever you get your podcast you can also find us at. Home. Science. This is deja vu news in Berlin Germany in isolation mode what to expect from the partial shutdown just ordered by the government and why critics in some countries are demanding the opposite theyre calling for controlled herd immunity but what does that mean and what are the implications. Plus a race against time how the German Biotech Company again is preparing for a run on coronavirus test kits. Im serious i was going to thank you for joining me on todays covert 19 special the coronavirus is continuing to spread also in germany convincing chancellor Angela Merkel that stricter containment measures are necessary until now it had largely been left to the country states and municipalities to curb the contagion and approach that has created a patchwork of rules and guidelines the new measures are to be rolled out nation wide lets hear what the german chancellor and. We have discussed today how all Counter Measures are working we have no vaccine and we have no drug against the disease all we have firstly the efforts we are making to prepare our Health Care System especially hospitals for the expected continued high rise in infections. And secondly our own behavior. That is currently most effective measure. The new measures medical and state leaders decided to implement ban gatherings of more than 2 individuals with the exception of families and people who live together in one household now restaurants bars and cafes and other Non Essential Service providers must also close businesses offering food delivery and collection will be allowed to remain open commuting to work helping others and exercising alone outside will still be permissible the measures will initially remain in place for 2 weeks the new measures are one step closer to total lockdown but not there yet and germanys a strategy appears to be to ramp up the strictest of measures in a controlled way as it seeks to limit the spread of the virus and keep the numbers of severe cases manageable for the countrys Health System. And when other European Countries there are also ongoing discussions about what measures to introduce and when some countries are focusing on the best ways to reach whats being called herd immunity a critical point in a pandemic when the number of people who have grown immune to the virus automatically limit its spread now for weeks the British Government for example avoided implementing restrictions on Wider Society if the goal appeared to be to allow members of the community who are considered less vulnerable to be infected in orders to reach the Tipping Point of herd immunity sooner but after models showed how badly u. K. Hospitals would be overwhelmed in such a scenario and the potentially hundreds of thousands of deaths it would cause priorities have shifted nonetheless british Prime Minister Boris Johnson remains hesitant about curfews. A point that i think people in judea understand about the timing of these measures youve got to impose these interventions in the spread of the epidemic the moment when they can have the maximum effect an awful lot with the epidemic is is hope is pretty tall that whole movement to to impose. Curfews and provisions on movement and so on so if you go to wait until i last until its the right moment to do it and thats always been how we being gods right lets bring in our science correspondent Derrick Williams for more on this hi derek so is now the right time for britain to be implementing these measures are they coming too late. Well i think that most experts would say for us johnson has gotten something very wrong here starting with the use of the word and to explain the thing as epidemics like the one were seeing dont follow intuition or hunches they follow certain statistical projections which is why were able to model that mathematically the big fallacy with this comment is that from a prevention point of view the time to impose curfews on lockdowns is not when large numbers of people are getting the disease its before a large numbers of people began to get the disease thats the only way to slow it down because theres an incubation period new infections and deaths are going to continue to rise for at least 2 to 3 weeks even after stripped social distancing measures have been imposed so well only see the consequences of what we do today in 2 to 3 weeks thats one of the lessons that weve learned from china and italy if you wait until numbers shoot up to react with measures then ultimately many more people are going to get an infection and its going to kill a lot more of their convention this concept of herd immunity can you tell us more about what exactly it means and what role that plays in slowing the spread of the virus. Well herd immunity is when so many people in a population are immune to an infection that effectively stops the disease from spreading there are 2 different ways that a person acquires immunity that you catch the disease and you build up an immune response that prevent you from being infected by the same bug in the future where youre vaccinated which fools the body into responding like it caught the disease even though it didnt but to return immunity it doesnt matter which of those 2 ways people have developed an immune response whats important is that as the number of people who are immune to the rises in a population it begins to spread more slowly lets say that at the beginning of an outbreak when no one has an immune and infected person gives it to 2 other people but once 50 percent of the population has acquired immunity an infected person can only give it to one other person rather than 2 thats because the other one would have been they would have given it to is already protected because theyre immune so rising immunity and the herd in society as a whole is puts the brakes on the spread of the disease so are there ways to actually control the process of reaching herd immunity. Well most researchers ive been talking with to say its an interesting thought experiment one that you know this idea of controlled herd immunity but its one that has a couple of very serious flaws 1st we still know very little about about immunity to the virus or how long it lasts we assume theres going to be an immune to fact of some kind after someone gets over 1000. 00 but we still dont know enough about that its a its a major risk to just allow the virus to spread when you dont know whether people could quickly get it a 2nd time then there is the question of how controlled it would all remain you know the point behind social distancing measures is to slow the spread of the disease to flatten the curve and tell you medicines and vaccines and place herd immunity can also be reached with vaccines and they dont kill people if you allow people to catch them by receiving in a controlled setting then some of them are going to die and its far too easy to imagine a scenario where intentionally allowing people to catch the disease could spiral out of control and bring down the Health System so the message most researchers are sending as i think of course we want herd immunity but trying to get it by intentionally allowing people to get sick is going to cost lives probably a lot up until we have medications and a vaccine as tough as they are lockdowns and social distancing are better choices than what is the latest that youre seeing from researchers in the fight against the virus. Well theres a story on that seems that caught my eye surely this weekends german biotech youre back which weve been hearing a lot about in the news is so confident that its approach is going to were they did announce a few days ago that its already broken up production of its bits or on a back seem candidates even though the company is still in very very early testing you know if you recall weve been hearing from top built authorities that itll take at least 18 months for a vaccine this really but before widespread use and thats because there are a lot of regulatory hoops to jump through starting with safety issues and you have questions about the fact of this it just takes time but if youre confident a product is a good chance of working you can start making doses while testing is going on they dont work out youve wasted time and effort but if you do then you save a lot of valuable time who knows maybe we will see an effective vaccine by me that youre after all that would be an amazing achievement bankers cross for care of that and all the other companies out there trying to make out all right that some promising news there are Derek Williams did have you sign thank you very much well as we just heard here in Germany Pharmaceuticals Biotech Companies are racing to come up with a vaccine for the virus and to think of solutions to take pressure off of the Health Care System now one German Company called gain is producing diagnostic tests for coverage 19 and its had to overhaul its operation in response to the crisis. Start ferric he again can barely keep up with demand the Biotech Company produces Molecular Diagnostics equipment now including a rapid test for the Novel Coronavirus production has been ramped up parrot h. Q. Now. Yes i mean i could start side weve increased our output by more than 70 percent in a very short space of time. So on were increasing production to such an extent that instead of producing 1500000. 00 tests per month well be making 20000000. 00 per month by the end of the yeah and thats one test is needed per patient weve introduced a 3 shift per day system 7 days a week. The company reacted quickly to the new coronaVirus Outbreak testing equipment thats been on the market since 2018 has been upgraded and can now diagnose a person for corona virus in just one hour. This rapid test is intended for use in hospitals and of our trees and it was approved for use in europe last week. As nibbana have a spot on busy and this is a Global Challenge and the situation varies from country to country especially in how quickly they recognize the virus and whether or not they act as quickly as you know Asian Countries like south korea responded much more quickly than countries like the u. S. Demand is storing all over the world and so its a Global Challenge to make Testing Facilities available everywhere stand. Against track record has also piqued the interest of other companies hoping to cash in. U. S. Law micah is now set to buy key again for around 10000000000 euros right in the thick of the current crisis. Shareholders have to approve the acquisition before it goes ahead. People across europe are being told to stay indoors many countries have severely restricted freedom of movement from parts of the u. S. To argentina the philippines and some countries have even declared a National Lockdown in a bid to slow the spread of the virus its a very different picture in japan Coronavirus Infections there have been increasing at a slow rate but experts fear that could suddenly change as the famous Cherry Blossoms start to appear various festivals are still set to go ahead and authorities fear that japan could witness a surge of new cases of people head outdoors to mark the start of spring. Right thank you for watching a covert 1900 special here on g. W. We have the latest on the pandemic on our website get every dot com well be back with you at the top of the hour. Even if the coronavirus is sending football into a force right. By the way we will still be bringing you the stars great and small canada stories and dentures surrounding our favorite sport. Because we wont let the soccer fun stop just yet. Kickoff. In 60 minutes on d w. Bringing. John landy to atlanta is transforming peoples lives by installing solar panels in london to mountain communities hes bringing electricity to places that have never had it before the last part of Americas Energy revolution all the residents of these villages challenge is that sun can also morocco close up. Next on dollars. Each still tells my story. Of the people who planned me builders who dedicated their lives to me. I am not undone difficulty. On my secrets. I have monta my citys days for centuries and accompanied my country through its finest our lives until the day i mean. Not down to leave stands a good. Recent heavy rainfall is left this Mountain Road blocked with rubble. And a good tool box like you have a little you make a thumb and helps clear the way. You drive bay is anxious to get moving hes already mentioned

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