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Worlds worst affected country. And british Prime Minister Boris Johnson tells bars and restaurants to close his government promises to guarantee most of the wages of the guards who was sent hard. Im tired right its good to have you with us the u. S. State of new york has joined california and illinois in confining nearly all residents today harms thats over 70000000 people its a drastic step designed to prevent a run on the hospitals like an easily the right of increase in the number of cases risks overwhelming new Yorks Hospital system cases in the state climbed to more than 7058 people have died certified. Well heres what new York Governor Andrew Cuomo had to say about the measures. Today were bring you to 100 percent of the workforce must stay home. These are Non Essential Services essential services have to continue to function Grocery Stores need food pharmacies need drugs your internet has to continue to work the water has to turn on when you turn a faucet so here are essential services that will continue to function but 100 percent of the workforce and when i talk about the most drastic action we can take this is the most risk that we can all ride for more lets bring in you correspondent all of a sound ice in washington good to see the old nearly 20000000 people leaving the state of new york how exactly are these drastic measures going to billy be implemented all right its very populous state and this is an executive order jared so new York Governor Andrew Cuomo as you just mentioned said that the state of new york is facing a situation where its hospitals are increasingly overwhelmed due to the spread of the coronavirus and in order to avoid the spread of virus from further spreading people will have to stay at home starting sunday 8 pm which of course is an interesting time because its after the weekend and gives people and citizens of new york the time to go about their everyday lives and potentially also spread the virus until then after that nonessential businesses will have to close there are of course the typical exceptions that weve been seeing across other countries and cities that are in a lockdown like supermarkets and pharmacies will remain open but public life as we know it will come to a near complete standstill and everyone whos been there knows what that means a century for a city like new york a few days to go as you say a lot of what new york is doing is being done elsewhere already what do people there think about these restrictions that are coming. Well a lot of people are scared of course because that means essentially that the situation is not under control and mayor de blasio of new york city called his city the epicenter in the United States all the corona crisis with 5000 cases in the city alone so that lockdown is a very harsh restriction that makes people concerned its a buzzing city usually nobody who lives there has ever experiences has ever experienced anything like that in their lifetimes but new yorkers will also have to understand the necessity of that step because there are simply too many people on the street and the numbers are still continuing to go up dramatically. So alone weve got new york weve got california and you illinois individual states and making news here is there any talk of a federal law down. Certainly a question to be raised after the numbers continue reese guy rocketing they doubled in the last 2 days but less so forget just its a large country with different situations with regards to the corona virus in different states of course the situation in california and in new york is very different from a state like in the brosco so president truong said he doesnt see the necessity of a nationwide lockdown as of now and he leaves those decisions up to the state governors and mayors to find individual answers to their local situation and thats exactly whats happening right now so the state of illinois has followed suit with the city of chicago california yesterday new jersey 6 is expected to announce a lockdown within the next 24 hours our correspondent there in washington all of a salad thank you all of us. Will easily registered the deaths of 627. 00 people from the corona virus on friday its the highest daily death toll in the countrys 4 week epidemic sleeze now the worlds worst affected country with more than 4000 people losing their lives. Took this stretch to the limit. Patients gasping for air and keep arriving but there arent enough beds. Most of the really sick here in very. Early medics warn young people they 2 of them are noble. 50 percent of our agency in the i. C. U. We should be more severe. If the percent of our patients that are we are 65 years old but it means the idea if you go to say is young get an. Idea of the. Well if you. Italy is racing to get temporary hospitals up and running this one has been opened by a u. S. Charity in the Northern City of cremona. We came here because our fellow brothers and sisters our italian brothers and sisters are hurting. The horrifying situation in the north is now being replicated in the south here in the street through empty but the hospitals are starting to fill up in another figures basically reflected that of lombardy 2 weeks ago the money for. Residents scrub all surfaces they think might be susceptible to contamination. But no matter how much they clean nothing can remove the fear of infection. Lets take a look at some of the other headlines from around the world this hour germanys largest day the feria has imposed restrictions on movement to curb the spread of the coronavirus public life in the very will shut down and people there will have to stay harm for an initial period of 2 weeks there are almost 20000 people with confirmed infections in germany 67 people have died. South koreas military says north korea has fired 2 missiles into the sea of japan its the 3rd report of rockets fired by pyongyang this month Nuclear Negotiations between the u. S. And north korea stoled last year. Or british Prime Minister bars johnson has announced the closure of all u. K. Pubs restaurants cinemas and jeems in an effort to slow the spread of the corona virus britain has almost 4000. 00 confirmed cases of the infection the real number could be much higher as testing there has been limited government Scientists Say the virus is spreading quickly across london and many people have ignored advice to stay hard. Last orders called in an attempt to hamper the spread of the corona virus despite government warnings to stay home and south isolate pubs in the british capital remained full on friday the Prime Minister address the country i do accept that what were doing music streaming were taking your way the ancient in a newbie right to free born people of United Kingdom to go to the pub to help cover the wages of workers hit by the outbreak the government is stepping in for the 1st time in history government grants will cover 80 percent of the salary of retained workers up to a total of 2500. 00 pounds a month thats just above the median income. That you can duchess of cambridge made a morale boosting visit to london call center paying tribute to the Health Care Workers battling the crisis meanwhile the queen in the duke of edinburgh herself isolating at windsor castle. Despite the new restrictions and rising death toll people are maintaining a pragmatic perspective. It should be scary because what dr buss is. Going to affect me thats enough to surprise surprise. Me. For now the country is grinding to a halt likely for many months to come. Lets have a look at some of the other corona related developments around the world the World Health Organization has warned young people that they too are risk from the virus the doubly great shows direct a general reminded them that court you are not invincible the virus could put you in hospital for weeks or even kill you colombia will go into total lockdown from next tuesday the mandatory nationwide quarantine will last until at least the 13th singapore has recorded its 1st deaths from the 19 the country has been very successful in containing the disease and finally a strain will close sydneys iconic bone dry beaches thousands of people have been massing there in recent days despite requests to respect social distancing. With so many people being told to stay home and all of these restrictions something thats changed for people of various religions is how they worship reporter. So lets start with major events have been canceled like the pilgrim pilgrimages to the holy cities in saudi arabia exactly a really big one was canceled earlier this month that draws millions of people to saudi arabia every year but what im talking about is a smaller religious gatherings regular religious observances is the simple act of praying with other people in a mosque a temple or a church and thats being affected too with small gatherings of people being banned it means that these rituals can go ahead take friday prayers for instance. Normal weekly religious observances across the middle east many mosques shot their doors this friday and these spaces usually theyre filled with people praying. Yesterday on friday they were empty in turkey we know for instance that at least 9 people have died of the credit virus in the country the turkish live religious affairs ministry. Earlier this week they made the decision to shut mosques temporarily at least the Turkish Police were stationed outside this mosque to stop worshipers gathering info for friday prayers its some its changing and may in taking what used to be a regular communal act to making it more private maybe even. Ok and christian religions are having to change as well particularly during lent yeah thats right some churches have resorted to televising Church Services doing that delivering the services via you tube or skype many of canceled regular sunday services because Church Leaders were worried that the vibe. Might spread through that believe its gathered there in the church but in one church in the usa to maryland a Catholic Priest wanted to fill his pastoral duties to the Church Members and he got from Virus Testing of all things listen to this paul yes so i saw on the news that they have this theyre doing drive through testing in south korea for people. And that was a better way to keep infection for her so why not do the same thing with confessions. So you can confess and you dont even have to leave you cut off at this particular church yes you can so you wind down the window and you talk to the priests the Church Member tells the priest about the sins they committed and the priest forgives them from a seat a safe distance away normally the Church Member talks the priest from behind a screen and theres little bits of anonymity involved so the father scott whole month he offers to wear a blindfold if the parishioner wants that but you know once the lockdowns are lifted who knows what our religious practices are going to look like a wonderful have to wear a face mask along with the blindfold. Thank you very much for the youre watching news from berlin im jared very before we go i will leave you with music with concerts around the world scraps for many months to come many artists are taking to the internet to harvest free performances for their fans enjoy. Its cool out west bank. You dont. Worry. Wart. Mario. Is ok. Dog. Wants to see

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