Transcripts For DW DW News 20240713

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Greeces overcrowded migrant camps tens of thousands of people already living in squalor with little medical care now theyre at risk of a potentially devastating outbreak our correspondent reports from the new torrijos morea on the island of less horse. Town to politics in the time of conde demi despite the health risk freeman large u. S. States hold president ial primaries democratic frontrunner joe biden strengthens his lead over Bernie Sanders. Hello im monica jones and bill and good to have you with us travel into the European Union is being sued via the restricted to contain the spread of the quran a coronavirus European Union leaders have agreed on a. 30 day ban on travel is entering the block the decision will affect most noncitizens and nonresidents off the European Union with some exceptions it will be up to each member state to implement the new regulations german chancellor Angela Merkel said the e. U. Would do whats necessary to protect the Publics Health and the economy. All across Europe Movement is grinding to a halt in berlin chancellor merkel announced that even travel into the e. U. Will now cease in the eyes enough. Traveling to europe from countries that are not part of the European Union under not Great Britain is prohibited with very few exceptions in. This ban has to be implemented by the Member States of and will apply for 30 days. Is that fair and also if it fights a target and travel within the union has also become increasingly difficult germany in the center of europe has been hemmed in by border closures. And even within countries quarantines are keeping people at home on wednesday belgium will be the latest country to implement a complete lockdown lissie torrijos alternative millions are obliged to say is home in order to avoid as much contact as possible outside their close family except to go to work except for essential journeys to go to the doctor to the Grocery Store to the post office to the bank to the pharmacy to get petrol. Or to help people in need dollars one in ireland streets were empty as st patricks Day Celebrations were called off and the Prime Minister delivered a somber address to the nation tonight on a National Holiday i want to send a message around the world we are in this together. To the people of china spain and italy who suffered to untold heartbreak and loss we are with you to everyone who has lost a loved one to this virus we are with you to all those living in the shadow of what is to come we are with you are pubs and schools are closed and large gatherings for britain in ireland and the rest of Europe Social distancing is the price to pay to slow the spread of the coronavirus and for more on europes response to this crisis lets bring in our Political Correspondent hans beyond tell us who precisely you will be affected by the 30 day travel ban well the European Union prefers not to call it a battle a temporary restriction but an effect it is it applies to all citizens of known e. U. Countries and of a number of countries that are very very closely associated with the e. U. That is switzerland norway and iceland and to the east and shine so. Citizens from these countries are allowed into the e. U. Citizens from other countries from also if you are not allowed in unless they have permanent residence here in the European Union or in one of those other countries and there is also some level of access for members of families of people who live in that you are citizens of the e. U. And certain exceptions such as for medical personnel now so its not a travel ban but travel restrictions you say and germany seems to be leading the case off those 30 days travel restrictions is that so and if so why. Yes i think you can say that the point is that the European Union cannot in fact impose such a that it can propose it to its Member States and the Member States themselves have to implement it so germany implemented this last night as soon as it have been decided simply by a declaration by closing its borders as it were there are other countries within the European Union such as the Czech Republic for instance who are already have in place to have a travel bans that are similar to the Czech Republic in fact will not allow anybody who is not a citizen of the Czech Republic into that country at the moment including other e. U. Citizens so the implementation is still to be implemented by various countries but its going to be very quickly i imagine all right not only people are traveling goods also across the border and im going to machall had something to say about that lets listen and. We pledged to coordinate the palm tree ation of European Union citizens stranded in quotation marks in other parts of the world. And we also discussed the supply of medical products on dick whitman but for the organ at the request of many Member States the commission has decided to undertake collective tenders to obtain certain medical goods organum from a very welcome ooh for old because for. Once im. Just mentioned issuing tenders for certain medical goods is europe actually working together to ensure that the most vulnerable Member States like italy do have enough supplies. I think we have to say that kind of cooperation has been really lacking in recent weeks initially france imposed a ban on exporting certain goods from france germany also its imposed a ban on import exporting things like surgical masks from germany both of those restrictions are now slightly being lifted and exports under control of the European Union are to be allowed into other European Union countries so one is trying to really start the internal exchange within the European Union as i said earlier there are several countries that have closed their borders within the European Union germany as well has instituted controls at certain borders and theres this restricting the exchange of goods not only of goods such as medical supplies but of of goods of every day life they are. There are back ups at all billboard oppose it within the European Union some of them for 20 or 40 hours trying to get that internal trade going again as part of the reason why the external borders are being closed at them and so i mean germany is right at the center at the heart of the European Union how worried is jim in need that goods medical and all the goods could dry up in this period. Well at the moment the germans are saying that you know their supplies of daily life food and medical supplies are not restricted a number and theres no problem with getting them shops in fact are being opened on sundays which is unusual in germany so that people can get their daily goods but the fact of the matter is that there are large large backups on certain borders and that is that if theres this is likely to affect the supply of goods the flow of goods at the same time medical supplies obviously operative clearly important and i enjoy exceptions are being made for the European Union thats trying to get that particular flow of goods to become a lot more easy in the next few days right tons on to their Political Correspondent thank you so much for this. China has reported just one new case of the corona virus that was transmitted to domestically this is the 2nd consecutive day where there was only one new infection in will han the original epicenter of the global outbreak but the virus 1st emerged late last year china has imposed string engine destructions on travel and movement in a bid to prevent the virus from spreading more new infections are now being imported from overseas with 12 such new cases reported in the latest data the total number of confirmed corona virus infections in Mainland China is almost 81000. 00. And one wanted to bring in this mystery on though a journalist in beijing good to have you with us so this is the 2nd day in a row that china reports just one new domestically transmitted case of corona virus do all therapies there think that they have turned to the corner in fighting the virus. Yes china is pretty confident at this point that it has passed the peak of the corona Virus Outbreak in fact the government said just that less there is they. Said the National Health Commission Said that the number of new infections this continuing to decline and at this point like you mentioned earlier we had one locally transmitted infection reported in china today and one yesterday and we have were having more imported cases and also less be present he can think visited for the 1st time since the start of the crisis which. Is like a very clear sign that that china considers itself on the road to victory. In battling the virus and china seems to even now have the means to help others china says its ready to help space fight the virus spain of course being the 2nd most affected country here in europe tell us what china is offering. 10 has so far offered to send spain protective equipment its offer to open new commercial channel to to send such equipment quickly to spain its also offered to send medical supplies. And it said its encouraging medical experts in china and professionals having exchanges. With professionals with medics and spin and its also considering sending doctors from china to spain which. Would be like a new development ok but at the same time relations between china and the us seem to or could possibly be cooling again the Chinese Government certainly reacted strongly to us President Donald Trump calling corona virus a quote chinese virus tell us more about that. So china has been vocal about not wanting the coronavirus labeled as a chinese virus or a 100. 00 buyers which has also been a term. Used by us all titians. On the one hand there official this course coming from the Foreign Ministry. Is pretty balanced theyre saying like were supposed to help each other. As countries fighting together against this outbreak on the other hand they do have. Certain more rogue voices such as a Foreign Ministry spokesman who are treated last week that it is actually possible that the virus was brought to han by the u. S. Army which is kind of a Conspiracy Theory that hasnt been proved and then we also have the Chinese State media who are kind of peddling this this conspiracy conspiracy theories so like like it often happens in china you have 2 trains of this course that come from the government that are like kind of a bad cop good cop situation where its a bit of a blame game going on there on both sides so even a. Journalist in beijing thank you so much for your time thank you. Tony back to europe where spain as we just mentioned is one of the countries currently hardest hit by the virus with nearly 12000 confirmed cases and over 500 today asked to slow the spread of the infection the country has been in a nationwide lockdown since last week but the tide restrictions on travel and commerce have hit the countrys vital Tourism Industry hard. Young Philip Schultz reports from seville. The Historic Center of seville is like a ghost town the lockdown and the government ordered closure of all restaurants and bars is having the desired effect hardly anybody is out of the streets and tourists are nowhere to be found close to due to reasons of Public Health those signs are visible everywhere at the moment to the 3rd most important economic sector in one of the most popular destinations nobody even dares to think about the long term consequences for the economy at the moment but the 1st devastating effect. For Small Enterprises this is despite promises from madrid to provide emergency credit for the Tourism Industry and giving Small Businesses a break from paying taxes for the coming months the measures are part of a massive relief package announced by the Spanish Government but the measures are inadequate says mine well. For more than 10 years shes run a small agency renting holiday apartments in the last few days all her clients have cancelled. Im going to tell you about the consequences for the business. Well we are in shock right now we have facing serious reviewers income everything got canceled. 8 people. And were just getting out of those seasons and normally what would be now the high season is completely down and there are income. Which youre right. Actually only money quick. Cryptically to help that companies can survive and once this crisis is over we can quickly get into the race to employment and i think it would be less damage for everybody we could help from the government now than facing the whole population being unemployed. Is not just thinking about her own situation her employees and their families will suffer financially with the lockdown expected to last longer than the original 15 day period. And as the virus continues to spread across europe there are growing fears of an outbreak at greeces overcrowded migrant camps last week authorities confirmed the 1st case of coronavirus on the island of less boss prompting fears it could spread to the islands tutorial morea camp refugees there are already living in squalid conditions with little medical care now theyre more at risk than ever before. The maria camp was originally planned for 3000 people but now its housing some 20000 asylum seekers. They live in homemade tents outside the official camp in whats been nicknamed the jungle. More than a 1000 people share a single water outlet which frequently malfunctions when we are a few of us he hears about water how we must. Agree to hold. This our daily life. Sadar an afghan doctor lives with his wife and 4 children in a small tent they fled the war in their country and now rely on a. This means waiting in long crowded lines for hours to get food avoiding close contact is almost impossible in morea Aid Organizations say the camp is an ideal breeding ground for the coronavirus. We are extremely concerned about these very cramped conditions theres no soap its impossible for people to take even the most basic hygiene precautions and thats whats worrying because it means they cannot do anything to stop the spread of the virus if it were to write an account the Aid Organization Doctors Without Borders runs a hospital here on the outskirts of the camp there are hardly any coronavirus testing kits and theres a shortage of doctors many patients already have respiratory illnesses and weakened immune. Which makes it much easier to contract the virus. We have a lot of people who are very vulnerable anyway we have a lot of very Sick Children also suffering from chronic diseases diabetes is very c. V. And Mental Health issues and obviously we have other goals to have been traumatised so its difficult to predict but in principle all these people are extremely vulnerable to yet another Health Threat the greek government says its prepared for this scenario that there ease a chronic crisis plan but the camps Aid Organization says they get to see it. Thats why theyre taking matters into their own hands. And Team Humanity is small n. G. O. S refugees so surgical masks they can make up to 300. 00 a day. Their volunteers are amazing. Sitting there from 7 oclock in the morning on till 9 in the evening and just want to do it would tell them take a break they dont want to take a break they just want to work they want to help they know how dangerous this is Everybody Knows how dangerous this is because of this threat theres really only one solution which is that the European Union must now do Everything Possible to evacuate these people as quickly as possible lets pause morea camp is not a place where you can handle a potential corona threat and the action needs to come now. But is European Countries continue to seal off their borders many refugees are afraid theyll be forgotten in the coronavirus crisis. The coronavirus pandemic has not stopped the democrats in the United States from pressing ahead with their president ial primaries in illinois florida and arizona former u. S. Vice President Joe Biden comfortably topped the poll in all 3 states giving him a commanding lead over his rival vermont senator bernie son. This ohio postponed its primary due to cope at 1000 feet yes and in person turnout was no in the states that voted there are over 6000. 00 confirmed coronavirus cases in the u. S. But researchers believe thats only a small fraction of the real number. Of despite bidens clear wins there was no sign of jubilation in his victory speech broadcast from his home the corona Virus Outbreak dominated his address i want to thank all the Public Officials and the poll workers who work closely with the Public Health authorities to assure safe opportunities for voted to clean and disinfect voting booths and to make sure the voters could cast their ballots while maintaining a distance from one of the was safe you know its important for us to get through this crisis protecting both the Public Health and our democracy. Overtalk response to fancy months in washington d. C. Now stephanie it seems incredible that these votes went ahead despite the coronavirus what kind of impact did that have lowered voter turnout that was the impact which actually was. Good for joe biden why because he could trust again on the black vote like democratic voters went in divided to the combined incomes older and moderate voters Bernie Sanders who built his whole campaign on mobilizing the young vote. That didnt work out and he was the feeder in all 3 states not just by a margin or small margin but by a large margin that was a clean sweep by joe biden Bernie Sanders has almost no chance anymore not so youre saying that joe biden is now unstoppable is that right. I have my money on joe biden right now because theres a few more primaries which are due to coronavirus probably not going to happen or will be postponed and joe biden is really. Drumming the unification theme to the democrats and Bernie Sanders doesnt have really anything to set against this in terms of programatic policies or whatever. I think democrats are democratic voters are at least theyre convinced that joe biden is the better choice to have a shot at getting donald trump out of the white house coming november and the delegate count well biden has a commanding lead now its would be almost impossible for Bernie Sanders to make this more i thank you Stefan Simons there in washington d. C. For us thank you so much. I was staying in the u. S. The Trump Administration is proposing an 850000000000. 00 stimulus package that would among other measures send a 1000. 00 check to every american the package would also include a 50 1000000000. 00 for the American Airline industry a cotton payroll taxes and further loans on guarantees for Small Businesses the plaids come as governments around the world scramble to send direct aid to 16 affected by the pandemic it would still need to be passed by congress this week. Asian markets are mixed today taiwan is in the red while japanese and chinese stocks are trading in positive territory investors are still reeling from the fallout of the corona Virus Outbreak news that the u. S. Government is radiating a huge stimulus package of one trillion dollars to help individuals of business get some relief from effects of the 1000. 00 pandemic hasnt come to market experts are warning that the virus fallout could trigger a global recession. Over to our financial correspondent in taipei its own hands so the economic fallout from the coronavirus can be failed best in china right now and thats going to linger for a while wont it yeah we can look at china as i employment rate the employment rate has jumped to 6. 00 per stand for jerry january and february is the highest on record to come by january and february to smooth out the impact of Chinese New Year holiday but this official number does not tell the full story because it does not include most of the 291. 00 Migrant Workers in china so the actual number is much higher and for chinese top officials stable employer men has always been the top priority to ensure social stability so china has rolled out tax cuts and emergency funds to help hard hit Small Businesses which employs the majority of chinas workforce the rise of china has really brought out the position but the economic fallout can be felt nevertheless somehow and so in taipei thank you so much. This is d. W. News sent to our top stories. Healy does have voted to seal off the block from nearly all International Travel for at least 30 days in a bid to slow the spread of coronavirus german chancellor Angela Merkel an ounce of the restrictions after a series of video conferences with other european leaders. The Trump Administration is proposing an 850000000000. 00 stimulus package to soften the economic damage from the coronavirus among other things the bill would send a 1000. 00 check to every american and provide further assistance for small business. Former vice President Joe Biden has swept tuesdays democratic president ial primaries in the u. S. The voting went ahead in our research on our florida and illinois despite fears about the spreading coronavirus the state of ohio postponed its scheduled primary due to the pandemic. European footballs governing body u. A. E. Far has confirmed the postponement of the euro 2020 tournament until next year it hopes the move will allow domestic leagues to complete their seasons and minimize the pandemics Financial Impact on football clubs. This is d. W. News live from berlin for more follow us on twitter of is it our website thats the you dot com. It wasnt e. W. News more coming out the top of the hour dont forget in the meantime you can get all the latest news and information around the clock at our website that is w dot com in the meantime for me in the team in berlin thanks for joining. Us its hard work done by. Saving the call me around the Dominican Republic. The sensitive ecosystem is under threat from the tourism hiraman completion. Conservation project aims to save the delicate coral because the reefs are an important to our advantage. 3000 years. Next d. W. China quarantine diary. Journalist Sebastian Labelle zeke documents daily life in beijing where protective measures grow tunder every day. The state controls and monitors with a heavy. But there is resistance. Which underpin close up. 60 minutes. Each side tells my story. On the people who plan to me build dedicated lives to me. I am not too dumb to come in. On the secrets of my name. In the centuries they build me they created something back. In the too much as i must destroy it. I have mocked my cities days for centuries and accompanied my country through my hours until the day i mean if. Not ive done differently. Dance and a. Welcome to global 3 thousands. Thats tourism and Climate Change have caused coral reefs in the Dominican Republic to die off could liberate trade bread corals help restore them

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