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Germany. Where exactly. Was. The last car culture history and theyre. Still travel extremely worth a visit. Japan is a pioneer in Robotic Research there i got to know one of the worlds top roboticists and his mind blowing creations i want to be today on shift. Professor hiroshi guru is a real rock star in the robot exceed his specializes in human robot into action and androids robots that look like humans im adam is in kyoto. Everybody in my name is a hero here but all i think you know preachers you know its pushing your buttons we need to have more all what. We need more robots why exactly in japan people are more comfortable with robots than elsewhere that may have to do with the influence of shintoism which states that all things have a spirit even robots could have a soul that might be why they are more willing to use robots to solve social problems japan has a Super Aging Society the average age is 48. 4 years the result is a lack of manpower for everything from factory workers to caregivers for the elderly so since 2015 the japanese government has turned to robots for help its a new robot Strategy Program actively supports such technologies but no one has gone as far as he wrote she she guru hes even created his own robotics when called germinal. Gemini doesnt act autonomy asleep instead its remote controlled in real time by an operator. And what is it like to sit in that room all day. So how noisy im very im very serious and how does he keep his tween looking like you belong to him we are dating and theyre all bots and this is you know and i also doubt that even though my pace or so the question there which is the cheaper earth you know right right surgeries or you know the new president is there in you know usually in on the right price at 30. 00 the market here but. This tell annoyed is also remote controlled its software transmits facial expressions and speech simultaneously but my question about a boss puts the technician behind tell him not on the spot i have one question what kind of man is that your inventor. About your inventive on what kind of guy was next to me right now. So this was hard for you to talk about and how did. He say to me well yeah. Ok. So thats very kind of she was very diplomatic. Ok i will try to argue. With you i feel hard. And yeah they said youre creepy but holding you in my hands i have to say it feels natural i mean im really here im with you thank you very surprised by by. Talking to you too its only. Very simple. Ok i admit the das look a bit creepy but what made me uncomfortable was holding on to such an expensive device. What really surprised me was how its neutral appearance affected the impression it made the telly annoyed off as a blank surface to project your own imagination onto and since the technician had a pleasant voice the 10 annoyed made an altogether good impression he rushes euros creations sometimes resembled works of art they pose an existential questions like what does it mean to be human thats something as you grow also explores in his work. I am interested in the human side in the mind much visions 10 days on what you might be there for you know i i so theres so many scenes and im something about the humans by using and. Born in she got 963 hiroshi girls off the oil painting in his youth he dreamed of being an artist but wound up studying Computer Science instead he became an engineer and developed the keen interest in ai and robotics. When i have created the parser although i was thinking about the what is i call whats going to off him with if. He rushes you drew has been working on creating robots that resemble humans for decades. Shes also developed female and child and this one was fashioned out of his daughter who was 4 at the time. Jama know it because robotics when he was a prototype for a new generation of humanoid robots the remote controlled android has already stored in 4 as it were during speeches and University Lectures as he grew hopes his robotic clone will help him find out more about whats human presence really means and he wants to get to know himself better to. Do the. Most important things were for me was in the way i have created in my copy then i dont understand. I cannot have the objective view about them i say i dont know that my pace and my behaviors and my voice right through think i can understand myself kind of finding what theyll be important for me robotics when to help you understand yourself better mazing but to many if you girls and was just plain creepy theres even a technical term for the eerie feeling humanoid robots provoke uncanny valley is clearly visible in this graphic the uncanny valley theory states that when a robot looks too human people are repulsed but to ensure a positive interaction we. You must feel comfortable with humanoid robots professor as you grow believes the uncanny valley will soon be a thing of the past thanks to this android. Made erica shes capable of understanding language in this case japanese she can talk and can assume a number of human like facial expressions erica can usually be found sitting in the lobby of the Research Institute and you kioto for visitors shes an attraction for the stuff shes completely normal. On the road is not on kenya moore right so. You know people are getting a very natural you think that this is the road and this is you know quite. A scene where they might come by someone who is in the my student is moving in the on the road and i can pass anything the robot is a moving around the compass but no one knows what they Pay Attention to that all about. But making robots that can communicate like people that understand the topics and context necessary to make a conversation seem natural is still a big challenge for ai in many ways eric guys at the forefront of Robotic Research. Want a conversation partner concious is that shes connected to a Computer System thats constantly scanning him. But when youre in this window you can see where all the people are one person is here. Erica is here so erica can recognize what a text that theres a person on her right side then through this camera here she picks up the direction of the persons face their facial expression and associate who this person is. Going to be just down the shore and then your boy can go out and kill or call it. Cannot be the right. Sort of. Software also analyze a conversation partner voice so erica can engage in dialogue with him. You know. Well in order to design a broker that talks to ordinary people properly human input is necessary. But the android independently determine is the topic selection and strategy. Eric isnt autonomy its the operating robot but part of the process is predetermined by humans. Erica really impressed me for decades japan has been a leader in the development of production of robots over half of the worlds robots made here many for industrial use but robots also play a big role in japanese pop culture in tokyo this full size ganjam robot turns many hats machines have even made their way into the music world how does a symphony sound when is conducted by a robot. He rushes you girls and also 3 has been touring the world as an orchestra conductor since 2018 the music was written by a japanese composer. Equipped with state of the art Artificial Intelligence 3 has Something Like its own new role network that makes the robot move spontaneously as it interprets the score. Of the. Premise is that the android itself is moving according to its own will. You know however as a separate program the structural elements of this core created by mr shibuya are interjected into the independent and autonomy as actions. Because thats. The music is preprogramed but also 3 interprets it differently each time those that make it Creative Things to ai is conducting skills a matter of chance and he is another question can robots convey spirituality in germany we had a blessing robot cause bless you too well. Meanwhile hiroshi world has created his version of a buddhist priest and in terms of technology alone is of an entirely different caliber. An android that ponders what it means to be human desire anger selfishness around the mind it has been explaining the basics of the buddhist faith. As part of a multimedia performance. Such a height the growth of the. Not took the york a lot not all of them get up there dig some people find it odd when they arrive. But 25 minutes later after experiencing the ceremony theyre quite accepting of mind. The hundreds. He rushes she grew developed mind the incorporation with a team from Osaka University they spent some 900000 euros creating it. Face and hands are made from silicone and modeled after Human Anatomy the rest was deliberately left to look like a machine. Or even already be in a buddhism it was just a message from the god then you know that someone made the mistake choose so now we have a robot that you know why we dont use the bible to think you know i did before making that. Kind of botch over it i think. Its chiodos could dodgy temple they hope that mind i will spock fresh interest in buddhism. And the future mind could be more than just a high tech attraction theyre thinking of feeding the robot with buddhist teachings and knowledge and equipping it with ai software then mind i could answer questions on his own like an interactive buddhist we could pedia robots can be priests artists and even can give us in japan the prospect of machines taking over important jobs in society is not a frightening one but whats your view should robots play a bigger role in our lives or does the idea scare you tell us on facebook or the w dot com and to learn more about japanese Robot Developers check out our huge huge oh thats it for me for now see you next time. Do you experience range anxiety these 2 electric cars should ease your concerns. On the road challenge security takes on the audi tron. Compact metro s. U. V. Against a heavy cruiser. Is the comparison unfair or just david versus goliath read. On details. In our laws name. Islamic relief organization. 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