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A 2nd do you want the whole picture out facts instead of make ideas shift deliver us. From a measured reality to cryptocurrency your top picks for live in an ever changing Digital World lets start with digitalisation. Coronavirus cases suddenly ramp up in africa the continent braces to prepare for a looming Health Emergency and more economic fallout. The European Union and the blocs biggest economy germany pledged to do whatever it takes to keep business going and shutdowns affect more and more e. U. Nations. And south africas power struggle trying to keep the flickering lights on for its people and it is a big economy. It was all and thats your business watch out of africa the coronavirus is getting a foothold on the continent and the race to stop it intensifies Rapid Testing and quarantines have been put in place morocco is to spend. Air and sea links with france and spain algeria is reducing or cutting flights to Europe Africa maintains one of the lowest rates of confirmed infections in the world despite strong links to europe and china the epicenter of the outbreak but cases a suddenly on the rise kenya confirming the 1st case and suspending all Public Events today the Health Ministry says a woman who returned from the United States tested positive in nairobi she is recovering at Kenyatta Hospital a lot of multinational corporations have operations in kenya is the 18th country to confirm the arrival of the disease if the o. P. s sadanand guinea all confirmed their 1st cases on friday. Lets take you over to nairobi seller who is standing by for us is the richest country in east africa and as i mentioned a hub for Global Companies what would a shutdown there mean. Well i mean were not seeing a shutdown yet but we are seeing a slowdown already in business i mean there has. Already a week ago Conferences International conferences were halted and so people have not been traveling in and out of the country for International Conferences and and as you said now public sporting events any kind of political rallies everything has come to this world to a standstill event basically so that is something that that is already happening at the moment and also flights for examples to china and also can airways has also halted flights to italy so that is something thats also affecting both trade and tourism in the countries and its and as china has also basically kenyas strongest trading partner that has of obviously affected that has obviously affected the economy here and its also got investors very worried as well as of course in the countries in landlocked countries in uganda and rwanda which which have connections to kenyas ports so that is so it is definitely affecting not only the country but the region so business is slowing down what about problems with shortages with with panic buying as weve seen in other countries around the world. Well actually there has there have been torches of face masks and of disinfectant already in the last 2 weeks where people started buying cars going to the pharmacies and buying those and basically as soon as the announcement was made today of the 1st case here in kenya people have definitely made a run for the supermarkets and are buying stocking up on food and stocking up on this infect and stocking up on anything basically they think that will help them if they have to be quarantined or if there is a full outbreak here and there has also and its definitely also affected the economy because traders at the nairobi stop its Stock Exchange day for example stop trading for a while. Basically analysts say that they will they will basically take the we can to assess the situation what this means for the country and for trading and before they go back to the trade markets on monday. Let me just ask you were half a dozen african countries have announced confirmed to veterans in the past 24 hours. Is africa well they have of course spreading rapidly i mean worldwide but africa has been pretty lucky that at least till now they have only had a few cases in most countries so they have had a bit of a while to prepare and but many. Many countries of course concern that the Health Systems which already stretched my to be affected and might not be able to deal with more than just a few cases so unequal thank you very much for the information. So how have african markets fared this week not especially good for the confidence major exchanges south africas benchmark index the j. I. C. Africa shed down big time since monday as you can see their tech Company Naspers the most dominant share on that indexing weekly losses of more than 6 percent and trading in nairobi was briefly halted as we heard after a sudden drop in tourism losses among the biggest fees for kenya lets move on then to our next story and as the disease spreads across europe shutdowns are coming into force economys slowing governments fighting back with massive aid packages germany with the biggest since the 2nd world war 2 ministers with one clear message germanys government promises it will do everything in its power to soften the economic blow for workers and Small Businesses and unlike during the Global Financial crisis in 2008 banks wont be at the front of the line for relief. He says my mom there were making unlimited commitments from the smallest Midsize Business from taxi drivers to the Creative Economy to Large Enterprises with tens of thousands of employees. This inhouse. The government is offering emergency loans to the state owned a k F W Development bank. Its earmarked 500000000000. 00 euros to help Companies Stay afloat businesses will also be allowed to defer tax payments earlier on friday the German Parliament passed new measures also ensuring Financial Support for workers who are likely to see their hours and wages cut during the coronavirus pandemic. Lufthansa is lining up for that state aid the german flagship carrier says its approaching berlin as well as other governments and also word swiss austrian and Brussel Airlines 2000 as chief executive is attending a meeting on the coronavirus between german chancellor Angela Merkel and industry bosses this friday the outbreak has hit the Airline Sector especially hard with bookings taking a nosedive. The European Union has also put aside a mammoth amount of funds to tackle the disease so its 7000000000 euros in structural funds to help companies its also allowing Member States to run up big deficits European Commission president also to fund a line so shes convinced the e. U. Can withstand this shock and awe stuff financial correspondent chelsea de laney what she thought of the measures. 37000000000 dollars this is certainly welcome excuse me euro zone certainly welcomed by investors but whats really important is the fact that the e. U. Commission is going to allow flexibility and budgets and it within the e. U. E. U. Countries are sort of they have to keep their deficits at a certain level they cant really go above that thats going to be a big problem for a country like italy which already has a huge debt burden about 130 percent of g. D. P. And now they are just a saying normalcy economic challenge that they need to combat with a lot of what a lot of spending they need to keep money flowing to businesses they need to keep money flowing. Also to consumers who are out of work right now and under normal rules they wouldnt be allowed to do that so the fact that they are signaling that italy and other countries are going to have flexibility is seen as a really crucial part of this part of this announcement to maximum flexibility from the e. U. And as far as the German Government goes no limits. No limits at all this is been a pretty big surprise because the German Government as is known and has over the past several years been quite hesitant to spend a lot of money and theyve really stuck to very low debt deficits theyre really throwing that all out the window and now theyre talking about having 500000000000. 00 euros available to to lend to businesses unlimited credit for it all types of businesses theyre talking about tax cuts tax cuts were talking about even nationalizing some businesses if its. Gets to that point they dont believe it fair right now that this is really instilling a lot of confidence in investors who had started to doubt the ability of both governments and Central Banks to offset this crisis and thats one reason why is the markets back around today just thanks for covering the chaos for us in frankfurt. South africa announced new cases on friday but its good otherwise after years of mismanagement and corruption Electricity Supply is on the brink of collapse is our correspondent krishna. Has been repairing Computers Laptops and smartphones at an Office Center for 10 years not an easy job specially under the current circumstances. In. The entire country has been experiencing massive power cuts in recent months they can last for more than 7 hours a day it is getting worse since saw it convincing because we have to stop for the operations. In order. You can live in contacts or clients during the. Early completely cut off Electricity Company as com has been neglecting its infrastructure for a long time the outdated power plants are running at the upper limits of their capacity any problem with any of them causes a blackout we expect to have them now and then. For the next 18 months in which we have set aside time to do the critical maintenance meaning we stop equipment we bring to a halt and do the kind of maintainers that we should have always done mismanagement and corruption have plagued the state owned company for years the new government under president. Has appointed a new management to run it. South africa is a country with rather unfortunate and higher levels of corruption that really should have and is only part of this is a product of this country so they indeed will be cases of my fees and we have laid charges against people accused of corruption inside so yes indeed we have had those problems but many South Africans are skeptical that this will put an end to the companys problems the population is suffering the consequences of these power cuts or load shedding as its called closed shops are not good for the economy which is already in recession congestion is was because the traffic lights dont work. And the crime rates are on the rise because Security Systems shuts down. Load shedding apps are among the most used apps and south africa at the moment. When the next power cuts are going to happen and became an essential tool for South Africans to plan their days around the power supply. Movin and his colleagues our ready shutting up shop for today they were only able to work for 5 hours once again. That it was all a nice visit with. With different languages we fight with Different Things thats fine but me all stick up for Freedom Freedom of speech and freedom of press. Giving freedom of Choice Global news that matters w. Made for minds. Is the human race destroying itself. Ruining the basic elements of our existence or using too much water and. Her lifes. Going to go most employees will last for ever but they wont. When the rain stops starts march 20th on. This is state of being is africa coming up in the next 15 minutes brace for it thats the message from the South African government says the number of coral and the virus cases prizes are those whos going to go where the road will. Be just moved. So that. There was dishing for the birds and zimbabweans hoping for closure when youre off to cycle and you die devastated many parts of the country some people are still missing

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