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Also coming up for after a 2nd super tuesday of wins joe biden seems almost unstoppable in his bid to challenge president truong but he still has one rival standing in his way. And i want to thank Bernie Sanders who supported shrewder Tireless Energy and their passion we share common goal and together. We will defeat them. But to our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and all around the world welcome we begin the day with giving the coronavirus a label that could do more harm than good today after months of watching the virus spread from china to europe to the americas the World Health Organization declared the corona Virus Outbreak a pandemic and simply stated a pandemic is declared when a new disease for which humans have no immunity spreads around the globe pandemic does not refer to how severe or dangerous that disease is but the label can scare people which explains why the w. H. O. And waited until today italy has become the new focal points as the number of new cases in china decreases the death toll in italy is now at 827 the entire country remains under lockdown with hospitals reporting a surge in patients and a shortage of equipment and supplies and what is happening in italy is being called a preview of events to come here in germany today german chancellor Angela Merkel told the country to brace itself saying 70 percent of the population will most likely become infected with the coronavirus. Just being aware of this fact and aware of the fact that there. Are vulnerable groups of the populations people with existing ellis older people who can have a more serious case of this virus if they catch it means that our approach has to be defined by ensuring that our Health System not be overwhelmed but rather that we have to be able to deal with the options we have in the Health Care System to ensure that we slow down this spread of this disease and this is why all of the measures that we could sing into place are crucial because they gain as time well the german chancellor says staying ahead of the virus is crucial to slowing it and to stop it from spreading further but there is also criticism of the chancellors approach heres the w. s chief political adviser macculloch of. Well it was a rather sober assessment of the situation as she basically told the public that this virus was now here and that it would be here to stay for some time that there would indeed be more deaths and that this was a situation where the government doesnt really have all the answers yet so thats pretty strong stuff for a country that likes to see the political brand of stability that suzy provided by anger machall in place she pretty much echoed the scientists whos pretty much in charge of this the head of the whole box called institute here in germany those recommendations to take care not to have gatherings of more than 1000 people and at the same time to surmising ourselves that she came out of a Conference Call with e. U. Leaders calling for an approach of course also knowing that joint approach will be cut short the tent city just by the very fact that every country is pretty much fending for itself right now in trying to track this disease and trying to stop it from spreading the good from the reporting there still ahead on the day europe remembers the victims of terror attacks the lives lost and the lives changed forever if a 1000000 home of the and the families are in deep pain. Which we will never be able to heal. Or he will most likely spend the rest of his life behind bars the disgraced hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein was sentenced today in a new york court to 23 years in prison the punishment follows his conviction on rape and Sexual Assault charges. They. Learning that sentence that was just handed down by this court was obscene that number was a noxious here is just the last part of what we need said she said ive never felt vengeful and going into this initially i didnt even feel anger. I just felt sad sad for myself sad for everyone he hurt and i even felt sad for him for having done this to himself. Art im joined now by journalist james rhino he is in new york he has been following this case closely force good evening to you james we know we understand that there was a lot of drama outside the courtroom today walk us through what happened. Ok well as you say a dramatic day in the courthouse in Lower Manhattan where weinstein the former hollywood movie producer now disgraced was received his jail sentence of 23 years not the maximum he could receive which was 29 but still i think what everyone agrees very substantial tents and we saw him in the morning at the from. Jail the prison cell notoriously violent place that hes been caged in sunlight since he was convicted last month arrived at the courthouse and cuffed and in a wheelchair a sign of how seriously the. Trial is impacted and of course that he came face to face in the courthouse once again with the 2 women who leveled allegations in which we convicted im paul roberts who gave evidence against him and yet quite a dramatic day before and after the. Sentence was delivered. This trial has been seen as a landmark trial in the me too error what message was the judge sending today with this prison sentence. Yeah i think if you could consider this to have been some kind of turning point its been a turning point i think its important way which is in the polls when it comes to the rape and Sexual Assault case its often been very difficult to prosecute its been one persons word against another one content to happen and somebody else who says that but it wasnt consensual in this case what happened is the jury quite simply believed the women they believed what they said they believe their claims that they were making and they didnt believe Harvey Weinstein who didnt even go before the jury and deny the allegations and i think what the judge did is he took the verdict that the jurors gave and that well what im going to do is im going to Harvey Weinstein a serious sentence. But the case that been made against him and didnt just remind us the Justice System in the United States its not finished with Harvey Weinstein is it. No you heard the defense attorney weinstein talking out who about how shes most likely going to be going to appeal she said that the challenge was that not just the long that amount for a would have. Spent less time in jail and of course the Harvey Weinstein its not over there add the charges and i have a place this pending against quality weinstein of course the 2 through which hes been convicted of this small compared to the what is it now 18 women whove described arrow in experience its often in the eye tell ruth with Harvey Weinstein to particular charges in los angeles that he yet to face those charges could see him convicted for another 28 years behind. Our rights reporter james rhino with the latest on Harvey Weinstein tonight in new york james thank you. But i cannot tell you how many people our campaign has spoken to who have said and i quote i dont like what your Campaign Stands for i agree with what your Campaign Stands for but im going to vote for joe biden because i think joe is the best candidate to defeat donald trump and of course we have heard that statement all over this country needless to say i strongly disagree without assertion. Well that was a defiant Bernie Sanders vowing to continue his campaign to become the democratic president ial candidate despite another dismal performance on yet another super tuesday well joining me tonight here at the big table is julie is with the lhari Political Campaign consultant and a veteran of the obama 20082012 campaigns julius its good to see you again we keep meeting this way tell you with its either joe biden or its Bernie Sanders how much like would you say there is left in the campaign for Bernie Sanders i think its about to be over look this race is about delegates you need 991. 00 delegates to clinch the nomination and joe biden has the late hes up 150 delegates so i think everything speaks in his favor especially the schedule moving forward or states like florida coming up more joe biden is expected to perform very well not just the states but also the demographics in those states are absolutely in his favor i mean i guess that Bernie Sanders would have to win every primary now in order to mathematically beat biden in terms of delegates that is absolutely ok today sanders said that he is looking forward to a one on one debate with joe biden this coming sunday sanders does much better in debates then. Its absolutely true and i think Bernie Sanders has shown that he is absolutely in command when hes on the stage that he can hone his argument actually delivers a message and joe biden with the exception of may 1 of 2 debates has actually struggled on that debate stage but again its not about the debates anymore its not about momentum right now its about raking up those delegates and its almost impossible to get its almost impossible for Bernie Sanders to come back from that dominating lead that joe biden has accumulate in the delegate race is the no then why why go through this look campaigns and this i think is true for every Election Campaign in the history in the states candidates never jop out. Because they dont see a path forward they drop out either because of a lack of money or because they feel like they dont have anything else to offer in that sandor still has the money so he can continue to keep going he still can tap his donor base where people can donate 5 or 10 or 15 bucks and ive received plenty of emails from the senders campaign now look i think he wants to go up there one more time on that debate stage and tell people what he actually stands for framed that debate for Election Night maybe a lucky punch in his mind but hes come too far to just throw it all away senators today mentioned the generational divide presented by these 2 campaigns the seed of those under 50 support sanders those over 50 support by what he said would you take a listen to what biden said about that a couple of days ago and then listen to sanders answer to it today. Look i myself read not as you know theres an entire generation. Behind they are your peers in order to win in the future you need to win the voters who represent the future of our country and you must speak to the issues of concern to them the future but bidens come in it struck me somewhat as bizarre saying hes a bridge to the future meaning that hes not the future but when voters elect a president theyre voting for the future voters usually vote for a vision right yeah but in this election at this time i think people are looking to get rid of donald trump and this is the argument thats been made over and over throughout this primary people are saying who is best equipped to get down out of office of course they need a positive message of course they want to look at joe biden and say what does he offer for the future but keep in mind what this election is about right now you mentioned the opening segment the coronavirus you mention the stock market that has plunged 20 points since you know the recovery of the of bear market its actually today absolutely a bear market so were in a crisis and were about to move on to potentially a full crisis and i think theres one poll one exit poll that was taken on tuesday night people were asked who do you think is actually best equipped to handle a crisis and people favor joe biden by 16 percent percent over donald trump so i think thats the argument that hes making im best equipped to navigate us through that agree with you there im wondering though is he also telegraphing to was that he plans on being a one term president i think and theres been some talk within this campaign to actually message that look im just going to run once i think thats a terrible idea nobody wants to see a president who doesnt actually want it i think joe by. Needs to be up there he needs to be healthy and needs to be full of energy which he can be and actually make that case look im here to change things better it makes though his Vice President ial running mate announcement that decision incredibly important right yeah absolutely right not to you want to venture any guesses on who do you think hell choose well so i think Bernie Sanders hit it on the nail when he just said it you know you need to excite young people and so. Joe biden needs to figure out how do i keep my base you know moderate people suburban moms who live in the suburb and go out there vote but still excite young people so thats the big question i think stacy abrams looks good and i dont know whether shed be up for an interesting speedboat just as up there i dont know if you can go without a female can do to actually get all those female votes but i think right now if you look at all the candidates standing beyond job and hes got a pretty big field to choose from next tuesday will be what theyre calling super tuesday 3 thats right if sanders suffers more losses which you expect him to do you see him then calling it quits in the Democratic Party i think everyone inside the party would agree needs time to heal these divisions before the summer and the last phase of the campaign i mean i remember 2008 when barack obama in our campaign went head to head with bill clinton in that campaign got pretty nasty but in the end you know barack obama was able to bring people in and expand i think this is how movements get built you need to at not just to divide and i think this is what you know joe biden has to do and if Bernie Sanders is actually real about what he has been saying that his number one priority is to actually defeat donald trump i think he needs to message that to his supporters as well that they need to bring it in and actually support the nominee whoever that might be even if its not Bernie Sanders who they have all been rooting for yeah yeah and as it looks right now it probably will not be Bernie Sanders i think thats true joe is one of ours always julius we appreciate your insights valuable stuff thank you thanks for having. I dont see that the mess this us a nations suicide attacks terrorists kill blindly. They seek to obliterate without a trace steel existences to all efforts to forget it and to remove the names from memory nation will resist we will speak their names we will remember their faces. That was french president emmanuel there speaking at a ceremony in paris today to honor the victims of terrorism here in europe france has been home to several major terror attacks including the mass murders inside the nightclub and the killing of cartoonists at the charlie of dough newspaper of france unfortunately its not alone germany also has its list of terror attacks there was the Christmas Market truck attack here in berlin back in 2016 last month 10 people died in a racially motivated mass shooting in the west german city of how now in our next report we look at how people cope when the attack has become a memory. Khan and his colleagues from the victims Advisory Board at the marketplace where the attack took place 3 weeks ago since then the city has not been the same. Because. Were getting more and more responses from relatives and eyewitnesses and from the City Community that there is a latent fear. That there is a cause for concern. So are afraid to take their children just school that theyre scared to go anywhere. This is actually the case at the moment moment. Here in town hall the advisers try to give the victims families help and support each family has its own advisor. Relatives need a lot of peace and silence and sympathy now above all they need a lot of stability a feeling of security that we are there that we take care of things that things are on their way common their tasks range from organizing the funerals and paperwork to simply listening and being there. After and the families are in deep pain. They bear wounds which we will never be able to heal. But what i see and really appreciate is that theyre not just in despair and they are not a tool angry and resentful towards us or toward society. Today holbert and his colleagues are visiting the kiosk on a candidate bill he watched from his shop as the assassin shot through the door of across the street he knew many of the victims and like many other locals has been terrorized by the experience. In any case we cant forget it it will be in us. And we will carry it with us for years. Because we all knew the guys. And i was there that night as i said. And its just hard to forget Something Like that but we have to live on far as we can as best we can. So why does it get. To this day hes afraid if someone comes into the kill ask later tonight or better and more stuff or listen to his concerns even. If we know one or 2 people who are always there for you and back you up and say come on you need to go here or get this done thats very nice this year and i was 14 ish. I think 3 others are also very glad. That they take care of us and ask. Relatives and friends of the victims say a thorough investigation is crucial to come to fake news about the perpetrator and help soothe their sense of insecurity they also say the state needs to do more to tackle racism. Or do you talk about the impact on these survivors and their families im joined tonight by mr roland veber hes the official victim representatives for berlin mr beveridge good to have you on the show. What does a victim representative do. First of all im still a lawyer still working in criminal law and more over im doing this in an honorary capacity for more than 7 years no i was the 1st one in germany at all and therefore looking how to improve the situation for the way teams how to handle with the law if theres something we have to change especially in the laws and all the things and make most one of the most important things is to build a very good and working net what do you do what are the victims need most from you or are you the person who goes to them in and gives them a hug or are you the person who tells them how to get through the legal system. First of all i tried to connect them with professionals who can give good and wise where they can find Financial Support and other kinds of aid so what im doing im under networking man and how big is the need for what you do i think need to still very very big if for example we have about 80000 victims of crime just in berlin here. About 8 to 10000 need so much help they go to. Victim support organizations and so when you see this you know when we talk about terror attacks here in europe obviously were talking about taking place in Different Countries are there International Differences in the status of victims yes there are some differences in the end all do with tims the same they are injured people so why was they lost somebody they loved and so they need help they need plus know how up they need to financial compensation all these things and this is the combined meet what you do mr vapor is is almost some people would say its almost like the work of an angel or Guardian Angel because these are people that you meet at probably at the worst time in their lives and you offer a helping hand but this is what they need in that situation and for me its still very sad to see and how many contraries this only a little help or even no help and so we still have to welcome this we make it better make it right now than we did it some years before and this is a very big issue in whole europe how do you i mean youre a human being as well how do you protect yourself because im sure youre affected personally by the scenes in the situations that you experience i mean how do you cope i couldnt cope with this very bell or do this as a lawyer for more than 20 years and so im used to skate this and try to separate that from my private life you know. Winds philosophy there mr baber berlins victim commissioner youre doing valuable work mr very very think is so much for having me thank you. Well the day is almost done the conversation continues online youll find us on twitter either at d w news or you can follow me at brant goth t. V. And dont forget when you write to us to use the hash tag the day i remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow gives another day well see you than ever by. A Daring Mission on the high seas. Were on board the ocean viking you know the ships crew say no more than 270 people in the mediterranean. But when they reach the safety of italy shores the next challenge awaits quarantine amid colonna virus fears some of the next d. W. For. Each step tells my story. On the people around me bill to me taking some steam. No i am not too dumb to. Listen closely and i will tell you the players who built me. Under. Me and. In the days. Until the company my country through in this town. Until the day i knew me 9 years. Im still not too dumb to. Dance and. Hello and a warm welcome to focus on europe im a lot about lola its great to have you with us a fresh crisis has reached europes eastern borders as people displaced by the syrian war seek refuge those who have made it out now find themselves stuck at the greek Turkish Border held back by water cannon and tear gas. Because turkish president

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