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Tonight hollywood behind bars the former movie producer Harvey Weinstein sentenced to 23 years in prison this is what justice looks like 23 years. Sentenced. Weinstein has been convicted of rape and Sexual Assault in the case that marked a major turning point in the me too movement plus a tellme coming to terms with a horrific act of violence the residents of germany say fear has followed in the wake of a racially motivated terror attack that left 10 people dead. Its good to have you with us it is now official the World Health Organization today said that the spread of the new coronavirus. Has become a pandemic meaning its an epidemic on a bigger geographic scale and one that affects many many people the w. H. O. Has been reluctant to call the virus a pandemic concern that the label would only increase fear. Deeply concerned those might be a lot of mean levels of spread and see very easy and by the alannah mean a levels will be an option. We have that fota made the us system and that 19 can be. Used as a pundit meek. That was the head of the w. H. O. There while that announcement was being made today in geneva italy and else that the death toll there from the virus has risen by almost 202827 ireland in sweden reported their 1st fatality from the virus iran said that a further 62 people there have died bringing the death toll to 354 infection rates are increasing across the globe the United States is reporting more than a 1000 confirmed cases. Well here in germany chancellor Angela Merkel has warned that up to 70 percent of the german population could contract the corona virus as the country reported its 3rd death from the disease the chancellor said the country must do Everything Possible to slow the viruses spread and to prevent the Health Care System from being overwhelmed she also said that she is open to scrapping her countrys strict spending rules to help the government fight the spread of the virus. Shes called on people to show solidarity with the elderly for example and with people suffering with underlying illnesses who are likely to be most severely affected by this by. Being aware of this fact and aware of the fact that theyre. Vulnerable groups of the population people with existing ellis older people who can have a more serious case of this virus if they catch it means that our approach has to be defined by ensuring that our Health System not be overwhelmed but rather that we have to be able to deal with the options we have in the Health Care System to ensure that we slow down this spread of its disease and this is why all of the measures that were putting into place are crucial because they gain as time. Or there was a german chancellor Angela Merkel there lets pull in our Political Correspondents i mean young he is on the story for us tonight good evening to you so i mean so the chances are you know she gave us a very sobering statistic today 70 percent of germans or most likely contract this virus runs through the other points that she made. Yeah brant i think the chancellor was keen to show that germany as she says can get on top of this problem but the government is taking it very seriously indeed the general tenor of these comments was that you know this crisis is far from over d were really just at the beginning and theres no vaccine theres no immunity in the population as yet theyre expecting it to spread even further but she said there are a lot of practical things people can dish it was even giving some tips saying you know sometimes its better just to smile and look people in the eyes for a moment longer rather than shake their hands and that kind of thing so she was also saying as you mentioned the governments keen to protect a businesses and possibly to provide Financial Support to businesses germany she said is in a good position economically so it can probably afford to do that you know italy just reporting its biggest one day increase in the number of deaths from this virus what did the chancellor have to say today about the case of italy. Yeah and this press Conference Today that came on the back of a Video Conference between leaders to discuss the crisis and no doubt focusing in particular on italy which has been so hard hate. And the chancellor said that her hearts in the hearts of many here in germany is with the italians they really feel for them and that the stress test as she put it that they off by saying at this time she was also aust by an Italian Journalist whether germany might be providing medical personnel to help the medical system in italy which hes been under such a lot of pressure about the challenge of the didnt answer that directly she just said that there would be support within europe. Today calling this outbreak now a Global Pandemic is that going to have any impact on what the German Government is doing to stop the spread. Well i dont think it will it just underlines how severe this is more than 1800 confirmed cases in germany now 3 deaths and the Health Minister said well you know weve got the measures in place and were going to respond as necessary its not necessary to Close International borders its not necessary to test everybody coming in its not necessary to close schools that could even just put more pressure on Emergency Services and police who will then have to look after their children and could produce counter effective results so the government says its got the position in place the policies in place to meet this virus but they expect the challenge to get even tougher in the coming weeks and months ok our Political Correspondent simon young on the story for us tonight here in berlin simon thank you and for all the latest on the coronavirus including information about what to do if you think you might be infected you can visit our web site that is d w dot com. Well he is going to jail the disgraced hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein has been sentenced to 23 years in prison following his recent rape and Sexual Assault convictions todays sentencing delivered in a Manhattan Court room was closed was closed to the maximum jail term of 29 years which had been sought by the prosecutors weinstein was recently convicted of raping an aspiring actress in 2013 and sexually assaulting a t. V. And Film Production assistant in 2006 both women were in the courtroom where they delivered victim impact statements following the sentencing weinsteins lawyer condemned the prison sentence. Learning that sentence that was just handed down by this court was obscene that number was a noxious there are murderers who will get out of court faster than Harvey Weinstein well that number spoke to the pressure of movements and the public that number did not speak to the advents that came out at trial that number did not speak to the testimony that we heard that number did not speak i didnt nor did it speak to justice well that number certainly got some cheering from people in the courtroom new york journalist james rhino he has been following the case earlier he described what happened today in the courtroom its been a dramatic day in the court now in Lower Manhattan we thought the weinstein being wheeled into the court in a wheelchair in handcuffs and not a sign of his significant pull from grace we heard move from a movie mogul actually addressed the cole and make a stand from south and we also from the victims in that case the 2 women the hobby went in with convicted but that they cant address in the court saying how for example many highly one of x. Production who had. Well with that leap over with that one in 2008 she said that the thought had crushed a spirit and that if weinstein was great it would go into a tight women again and again and again they add a victim in that case the command a woman. Convicted of a degree right she just got the experience out of a nightmare and weinstein had used his power over the powerless one thing of course told the court that he didnt feel deep remorse for what happened here was that he was totally can use all of the grace and he also bashed the me to movement if the death of it was no longer a jew process in america anyway when the judge came to delivering the sentence which clearly went on the night of the big tim 23 year only a few years short of the maximum sentence of 29 years weinstein 67 years old very much like a life sentence there was james wright of the reporting from new york well heres a brief look now at the other stories that are making headlines around the world indias government has pledged a strong action against the perpetrators of hindu muslim violence that left 50 people dead last month opposition lawmakers have demanded an inquiry and the resignation of the countrys interior minister over Police Failures in late february rival muslim and hindu mobs clashed in torched homes and businesses japan has been paying tribute to the victims of the 2011 Fukushima Nuclear power plant disaster a powerful earthquake and the ensuing tsunami killed more than 18000 people and calls the nations worst ever Nuclear Accident this years ceremony was kept small because of the corona virus outbreak. But today europe is remembering the victims of terrorism a special event in paris will pay tribute to those killed or impacted by terrorist attacks the european day of remembrance of victims of terrorism was established after a deadly attack in madrid in 2004 on march 11th of that year islam is militants bombed a commuter trains in the spanish capital killing 191 people since then there have been many more deadly attacks here in europe one was in norway in 2011 on july 22nd of that year right wing extremists unders brave ik planted bombs in the capital oslo and then went on a shooting rampage at a youth camp 77 people were killed terrorist struck again here in berlin in 2016 on december 19th a tunisian Asylum Seeker radicalized by Islamic State stole a truck and drove it into a Christmas Market 12 people were killed and last month 10 people died in a racially motivated mass shooting in the west german city of the gunmen a far right extremist then shot himself dead the 43 year old German National targeted shisha bars in the rampage killing and wounding people of foreign descent. Khan and his colleagues from the victims Advisory Board at the marketplace where the attack took place 3 weeks ago since then the city has not been the same. Because. Were getting more and more responses from relatives and eyewitnesses and from the City Community that there is a latent fear. Not because. Theres a cause for concern. Some are afraid to take their children to school that theyre scared to go anywhere. This is actually the case at the moment moment. Here in hanna as town hall the advisers try to give the victims families help and support each family has its own advisor. Relatives need a lot of peace and silence and sympathy now above all they need a lot of stability a feeling of security that we are there that we take care of things that things are on their way common their tasks range from organizing the funerals and paperwork to simply listening and being there. Going home after and the families are in deep pain. They bear wounds which we will never be able to heal. But what i see and really appreciate is that theyre not just in despair and they are not at all angry and resentful towards us or towards society. Today holbert and his colleagues are visiting the kiosk on a kind of wood bill he watched from his shop as the assassin shot through the door of ashish across the street he knew many of the victims and like many other locals has been terrorized by the experience. In any case we cant forget it it will be you know us. We will carry it with us for years. Because we all knew the guys. And i was there that night as i said. And its just hard to forget Something Like that but we have to live on far as we can as best we can. Just get. It. To this day hes afraid if someone comes into the king oscar late at night or person most often listen to his concerns. If we know one or 2 people who are always there for you and back you up and say come on you need to go here or get this done thats very nice sure and all those 14 ish im glad i think the others are also very glad that they take care of us and ask. Relatives and friends of the victims say a thorough investigation is crucial to come to fake news about the perpetrator and help soothe that sense of insecurity they also say the state needs to do more to tackle racism. Or do you talk about the impact on these survivors and their families im joined tonight by mr rowland hes the official victim representatives for mr tabor good to have you on the show and tell me what does a victim representative do yes 1st of all im still a lawyer still working in criminal law and more over im doing this in an honorary capacity for more than 7 years no i was the 1st one in germany at all and therefore looking how to improve the situation for the way teams how to handle with the law if theres something we have to change especially in the last and all the things and make most one of the most important things is to build a very good and working net what do you do what are the victims need most from you or are you the person who goes to them and and gives them a hug or are you the person who tells them how to get through the legal system. First of all try to connect them with professionals who can give through good and wise and where they come from. And Financial Support and other kinds of aids so what im doing im on the net working men and help how big is the need for what you do i think need to still very very big. For example we have about 80000 victims of crime just in berlin here. About 8 to 10000 need so much help they go to the victim support organizations and so if you see this you know when we talk about terror attacks here in europe obviously were talking about the taking place in Different Countries are there International Differences in the status of victims yes there are some differences in the end all the way tombs the same they are injured people so why was they lost somebody they laughed and so they need help they need plus know how up they need to financial compensation all these things and this is what they come by and meet what you do mr vapor is is almost some people would say its almost like the work of an angel or Guardian Angel because these are people that you meet at probably at the worst time in their lives and you offer a helping hand but this is what they need in that situation and for me its still very sad to see and how many contraries this only a little help or even no help and so we still have to welcome this we make it better right now than we did it some years before and this is a very big issue in whole europe how do you i mean youre a human being as well how do you protect yourself because im sure youre affected personally by the scenes in the situations that you experience i mean how do you cope couldnt cope with this very valid. Do this in somalia for more than 20 years and so im used to disc aid and try to separate that from a private life you know. Winds philosophy there mr webers berlins victim commissioner youre doing valuable work mr vail think is so much for having me thank you or Bernie Sanders has dashed speculation that he might end his campaign for the democratic president ial nomination after a series of defeats in the primaries by his moderate rival joe biden speaking to reporters and wednesdays sanders confirmed that he would remain in the race despite pressure to withdraw for the sake of party unity he says that he believes the majority of americans support his Progressive Agenda but he says he will vote for the front runner biden because they are he says that people are voting for biden because they believe that he has the best chance of defeating donald trump take a listen while our campaign has won the ideological debate we are losing the debate overall electability i cannot tell you how many people our campaign has spoken to who have said quote i dont like what your Campaign Stands for i agree with what your campaign stance well but im going to vote for joe biden because i think joe is the best candidate to defeat donald trump by for more now im joined by our correspondents to funds even in washington good evening to you. So we heard Bernie Sanders there talking about i guess the issue of electability what makes his Statement Today so extraordinary. Did you hear that ever from anybody else in a campaign trying to get into an official office using the word losing losing Bernie Sanders to something really really smart and he also proved himself us to be somebody who has a spine he acknowledged actually as a realist what the problem of his campaign is and for him and that is as you pointed out people over the cross the country independents as well as democrats in the majority of those think joe biden is the better pick to get donald trump or to try to get dont trump out of the white house come november however he said he does in his speech overall stick it to joe biden so he is still a little bit defiant and that was the that was the surprise in this statement nobody have this in the books everybody felt like he may drop out now because he has unfavorable numbers he cant win this anymore in terms of delegates and theres hes now winning every state from the one and thats not supposed to thats not going to happen yeah it is interesting i mean he was being very honest today and i guess insist something about health cynical the world is when we are surprised by candidates being honest what about what we saw yesterday in the 2nd super tuesday we saw Bernie Sanders again with the poor performance what kind of impact is that going to have on bidens campaign. Well sanders remains since he said hes staying on at least for a campaign for a debate on the sunday which will be televised across the country of course its for an invited and if you want our side because biden has now the campaign has to focus really again on prepping their candidate too bad old verbal e. And in discourse on sunday against Bernie Sanders this takes effort this takes resources and of course the Biden Campaign would love nothing more than morph with the Sanders Campaign with the infrastructure with their contacts with the data they have collected about supporters is that there is that press so yeah that its not. Well its going to be still work for joe biden to fight off sanders and he would have lost that to be finished well if sanders word to give up his campaign lets say he were to do that in a week or 2 there would still be a lot of work to do among the democrats when you think about it theres so Much Division within the Party Oh Yeah absolutely youre right but again you see this is where joe biden comes in this is actually what joe bidens point is that now is the time to unify a our party and be the country this is this is his schtick and this is walk what people actually expect from as they call him uncle joe to deliver on this one this has to be postponed however well see if sander sticks this out for much longer and at the end it will probably be biden then focusing on getting donald trump of the white house. With the latest on the Biden Sanders competition from washington thank you. Well this is g. W. News and these are our top story is the World Health Organization says that the spread of the corona virus should now be described as a pandemic the w. H. O. Says the new designation is justified since the virus is now present in more than 100. 00 countries. German chancellor Angela Merkel has warned that up to 70 percent of her countrys residents could contract the coronavirus and that everything must be done to slow its spread her remarks came as germany reported its 3rd coronavirus death. Harvey weinstein has been sentenced to 23 years in prison following his conviction on rape and Sexual Assault charges the former hollywood producers case was a major focus of the me to move. Palestinian Officials Say Israeli Forces have shot dead a palestinian teenager during clashes in the occupied west bank the israeli army said it is responding or it was responding to a violent riots in the palestinian town of beit near nablus. And this is g. W. News from berlin for more you can follow us on twitter or you can visit our website w dot com. Foreign minister bartolo has been called to testify in front of a Public Inquiry into the assassination of daphne. The journalist was killed by a car bomb back in 2017 while she was investigating corruption her death through the country into political turmoil the foreign minister was asked to testify after an interview on de w. s show conflict zone and is protecting the terrorists in malta who 1st of all when it comes to the assassination of the new covenant that its him we have. A judicial process going gone now because the alleged killers have been brought to justice but you know more than this dont you you know more than this and we know more than this you know more you talk about murderers being protected i must give you very simply whos protecting them on malta who i keep on saying when i will keep on pushing for all the truth to come out but youre not answering their questions im asking you i cannot give you know not have no course not to be honest if because of their names why dont you know to the police if there are investigations i can assure you that im doing my duty in my own way being to the police. Im doing my duty. In 1st suit of the truce you can see that interview with Tim Sebastian after a short break following this news show forget you can get all the latest information around the clock on our website will see you at the top of the out. Into conflicts or. Off to the must be joe duffy car want to get me to your post itself has become a firewood violence and corruption my guest this week is the countrys foreign minister at every stockholm he says he wants to improve motors image from how many more secrets have to come before the facts will be possible. Conflicts so for. The next couple of. All the more. Closely. Carefully. Will simply be nice to get. Action. Just comfortably. Subscribe to a documentary on. Such. The more you talk about you would do is being protected by most can you very simple whos protecting them im on top who i keep on saying. I will keep on pushing for all the truth to come out after the murder of a prominent multis journalist daphne car on a girlie motel itself has become a byword for violence and corruption

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